serpentism · 10 years
Hi my name is Bullet and I'm cold as fuck----
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serpentism · 10 years
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serpentism · 10 years
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          “I’m an undercover cop. The rules are different.”        Independent Wei Shen RP Account of Sleeping Dogs
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serpentism · 10 years
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serpentism · 10 years
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          "What a fucking night."
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serpentism · 10 years
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serpentism · 10 years
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          "More like it doesn't matter, so drop it."
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"Can I ask why? ‘Er is tha’ a personal kinda thin’?"
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serpentism · 10 years
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          Query is followed then by a nod, light in its dip. One's mind returns to the days in which he and his comrade spoke on terms of his resignation from the triad. How Jackie he had built up a desire to start over, to live a normal life like the folks of norm that wandered 'bout the streets of Hong Kong--from North Point to Kennedy Town. Dreams always change one way or another, whether it's on purpose or not.
          "Sometimes." The tone has changed, and he sensed it long before words had even left her. So let it be that he redirects the pace once more.                            "So.. you've got a name, right?"
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"Dreams….huh." {/What did people with hearts dream about? Did they dream about the future? About other people? Or were they like hers, where the dreams were always of same people. The dreams that always resulted in unrelenting migraines. Still, she manages to smile. He must have been a good guy, if he had big dreams, bigger than those around him.} "…Do dreams ever change?"
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serpentism · 10 years
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          "As much as I appreciate you trying, it's not gonna happen."
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"Ya sure? I was jus’ gonna take ya ta tha air por’. Tha food ain’ tha’ bad there, an’ I’m friends wi’ everyone. An’ is like….i’s such an obscure place, no one would look fer ya. —Unless ya travel a lo’."
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serpentism · 10 years
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          "I'm gonna have to turn that down, as tempting as it is."
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"Well, I can make i’ easier. Are ya hungry?"
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serpentism · 10 years
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          "Yeah? Well trust me, if it was that easy I wouldn't exactly still be standin' here."
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"I dunno, man. Like I’m sure if ya go ou’ ta ea’, many peeps will leave ya alone by social conveniency."
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serpentism · 10 years
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"Just a figure of speech." And for that moment, he can feel the tracing of a blade across his flesh once more. A scalpel driving across pectoral muscles and within an abdomen--twisted torture. And it only occurred after the locating of one Jackie Ma, gutted in a back alley and dangling by his wrists of a fire escape. But no one could replace him regardless. "His name's Jackie. Good guy, big dreams."
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“Ride or dies…? We don’t ride anywhere. We fight. And for a while, I couldn’t. So he protected me and covered for me until I could.” {/A short, fierce nod. She owed him, and Axel, everything. They both made it possible for her.}
"—Do you have a best friend, Mister?"
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serpentism · 10 years
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          So fucking alike----it makes a stomach twist just like stubble framed tiers. "Yeah.. yeah those are the best kinds. Ride or dies."
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"Not just any friend, he’s my very best friend! He’s helped me all the time during work, and he’s always sticking up for me. He’s the one who made it possible for me to complete my tasks!"
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serpentism · 10 years
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          The manner in which one acted----how familiar it was to him.                                      Jackie Ma.        "I mean, it's really just respect. Roxas?                        That your friend or somethin'?"
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"Aha—! You keep callin’ me kiddo. You’re treating me like Roxas! Is this my reward?"
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serpentism · 10 years
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          "That's usually how it works, kiddo. Work enough, hard enough, and you're bound to get some kinda reprieve."
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"I need breaks, me and my friends. We’ve only gotten one vacation day so far! And Superior says hard work reaps rewards. So shouldn’t our reward be a day off?"
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serpentism · 10 years
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serpentism · 10 years
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          "You're a kid. It's not like you need that many breaks, right?"
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"So, does this mean we can all take one then? If there’s not a difference?"
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