servellosiblings · 10 years
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"Oops." She said, small laughter escaping past her lips after she bumped into the stranger. Hunter stumbled a bit from the few drinks that she'd consumed not too long ago and looked up and smiled as she steady a bit, "Sorry about that." 
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servellosiblings · 10 years
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Derek stopped in his tracks as he looked at the other, a small smile on his face, though curious. "You know, you look really familiar. Do I know you?" 
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servellosiblings · 10 years
She couldn't help but laugh at his words, "Are you implying that I'm not an adult?" She asked in a fake shocked manner. Hunter nodded her head at his words and replied, "Well, I live with my older brother. Both of us really don't have a steady job but it works for us." She shrugged her shoulders. "We move a lot." She said, explaining her words.
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Grin chuckled softly and looked down, nodding slightly. “Ah, I loved school…” He mused, looking back up at her then. “I’m 24. Five years, not much of a difference. A lot happens in those five years, though. Adult stuff.” He raised an eyebrow with a serious expression and then laughed. “I’ve grown up a lot in the last 5 years.” He was only lying a little bit. “I guess I understand the school thing, though. You live on your own, then? Working?” He wasn’t sure what it was about this girl that interested him so much. A lot of it was probably the booze talking, but he did find her intriguing.
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servellosiblings · 10 years
Anyone want a starter??
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servellosiblings · 10 years
crying because i forgot the email to this account and that's why i havent been on 
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servellosiblings · 10 years
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Sienna had the cloth wrapped around the strangers neck, tight enough for the person not to get out of her grasp. "Tell me why you're here and I might just consider not letting you die." She threatened, her grip tightening briefly as a warning when the other made no attempt to say anything. "I'm waiting."
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servellosiblings · 10 years
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Derek tensed up just as he felt her grab his arm. "I didn't think this whole questioning came with an affectionate gesture." He said, smirking at her. He was about to pull away, he knew he could get her off of him, though he didn't believe he should just yet. "Not all my men." He stated, looking forward. 
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            "Oh, thank god, you just saved us both a lot of time."  She said and walked closer to him and grabbed his arm, making sure he couldn't run, and then began walking when he did. The girl scoffed and then gave a chuckle. "Not my fault, your men can't protect you from you from one girl ."
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servellosiblings · 10 years
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"Oh stop it, I doubt it hurt that much." She said to him. "Besides, how was I suppose to know you've got a hangover? Maybe next time wear a bell around your neck and I won't be surprised." She shrugged her shoulders, though she was only kidding.
Open Starter: Cole
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"But that didn’t mean you have to hit my head!" Cole sighed, rubbing the part that she had hit. "I have a hangover… and it hurts even more now."
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servellosiblings · 10 years
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Derek couldn't help but laugh at her explanation. "So the first thing you do is come to me?" 
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         ”Not… not really,” Eleanor shrugged and crossed her arms over her chest, chewing on her lower lip. “I just… I dunno. I hate people sometimes.” She sighed heavily and shrugged once more.
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servellosiblings · 10 years
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"Your words hurt me, Samantha." He said, an amused smile forcing its way on his face. He looked at her, "If I didn't know any better, I'd think that you're a little jealous." He said, crossing his arms. 
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        “Well if you pulled your head out of your ass every once in a while then you would’ve known I had it in me sooner.” She snarked back, feeling more moody than usual. “I didn’t expect as much of you, though considering the only head you think with is the one between your legs.”
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servellosiblings · 10 years
omg someone do a mr. and mrs. smith au with me.
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servellosiblings · 10 years
please DO NOT assume that just because my character is doing something that i as the writer
approve of it
am romanticizing it
have a kink with regard to it
think it is okay for anyone to ever do ever
because sometimes my character does things that I absolutely cringe at and which are almost painful to write.
but my writing a villain does not make me a villian
understand that it is fiction and I do not condone the wrong actions that sometimes are written out on my blog for in-character purposes.
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servellosiblings · 10 years
Pain changes people.
Unknown  (via epikhi)
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servellosiblings · 10 years
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"Questions." He repeated before saying, "Fine." Even though he agreed to go, it didn't mean he was going to give her all she wanted and he thought that she would know that. "By the way, what you did tonight is going to make this whole mess worse." He stated before he started walking out without waiting behind for an answer. 
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       "Because I don't are about them." Carter said, simply as she shrugged. "Plus, they don't have the information that I want. You do." She stated."So, if you could just come with, I could ask you some questions and then this will be over."
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servellosiblings · 10 years
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"It is though. I mean, it's not like we're together or anything." He said, laughing lightly. "You can do whatever the hell you want." 
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 The girl rolled her eyes, shaking her head yet again as she started to fiddle with her hands      a nervous tick she’s had since she was little. “It doesn’t seem fine.” The words came out in a mumble. 
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servellosiblings · 10 years
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Hunter shook her hand, trying to get rid of the pain in her hand after she hit him. "What? You scared me." She said, "Now you'll learn not to sneak up on someone like that."
Open Starter: Cole
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"Fucking hell," he groaned, glaring at the person. "What the fuck was that for?"
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servellosiblings · 10 years
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She raised her brows as Cortette offered to do something to fix it. Normally, she would've used this opportunity, to get something of what she wanted, but now she couldn't make herself. "There's nothing you can do to fix it, I don't want you to do anything." She said, knowing that if came off rude. "I know you're sorry and it's fine." It was the closest she could do to say that the girl was forgiven. A small smile etched on her face, "I've heard worse anyways." 
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       “I know it doesn’t.” Cortette replied quietly. She didn’t know what could fix it. It wasn’t right of her to say such rude things to Hunter, so she understood why she wasn’t just instantly forgiven. “What can I do to fix it?” She questioned, her voice still low and quiet. Sorry didn’t work, would giving her time to think about it work? Maybe. Maybe not. “I feel extremely bad.”
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