sesamechickenfriday · 4 years
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Covid, Schmovid! Sesame Chicken Friday marches on!
We all took some time to honor Ross' loss, but we also took time to remember the time a cop thought he was homeless because he was sleeping on a park bench wrapped in a DJM plastic bag.  True story. Elece is beautiful, had a birthday and will be topless while dispensing beads from her balcony bringing some New Orleans flavor to New Jersey. Mike and Anne ran into the legendary Frank at the Georgia Aquarium. Tiff had a jalapeno flavored milkshake. Soon you'll be able to pay a nominal fee to keep Peter quiet. Stephen has still not watched Dune. Mee-Lise crushed the "Guess the CPM Alumni" Game. Tim is haunted by Luben, but is willing to heckle Peter on his walking tours. Michael and Gamal are gargling balls.
Happy Sesame Chicken Friday to all!!!!
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sesamechickenfriday · 4 years
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The final Sesame Chicken Friday of my 40's! Aliens and lobster murder were discussed.There was a slightly higher than average amount of Sasquatch discussion. Michael and Gamal were sucking balls, but Ross' cats, Tiff's new cat, Stephens' old cats the memories of Eric's feline fecal eye infection was magnifique!
Thanks to everyone!
Stay safe out there and happy Seasme Chicken Friday!!
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sesamechickenfriday · 4 years
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SCF rides on!  Tiff actually got sesame chicken.  The rest of us just made due with what we could. Pasta or toast with the STAR WARS logo burned in.  The hair is getting amazing.  Not quite Mee-Lise level amazing, but literally NOTHING ever will achieve that - NOT EVEN TOM! 
Gamal and Elece were sucking balls but we hope to see them next week.
We love you all! Happy Sesame Chicken Friday!
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sesamechickenfriday · 5 years
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Tomorrow is the first Sesame Chicken Friday of 2020.  So this decade in review is a week late, but it's worth looking at. This collage is IN NO WAY COMPREHENSIVE, but it's a good sampling.
I love all of these people and memories. Thank you for joining me every Friday for a freaking decade.
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sesamechickenfriday · 5 years
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The final SCF of the decade with these amazing people!
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sesamechickenfriday · 5 years
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Today at the 287628764526548276th annual Sesame Chicken Friday Denominational Holiday Gift Exchange-a-stravaganza, OHHHHHHHHH WHAT A SPECIAL GUEST WE HAD! The ridiculously wonderful, quiet and sleeping Olive joined us for her first SCF. So many questions were answered! YES, she brought her mom and dad.(Although, she was very troubled by the ball-sucking displayed by Amber and Elece.) BUT...... Gifts were exchanged and re-gifted.
Yes, Gamal, dingleberries happen. Yes, Tim's favorite color is green. Yes, Ross is embodying Martin Riggs' hair. Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Clause. Yes, Tiff, you can drink your gift at work. Yes, Mee-Lise doubles down EVERY Christmas / birthday. Yes, Tom's hair IS that luxurious. Yes, Stephen is pursuing a career as a lumberjack.
Happy Sesame Chicken Friday to all and to all a good night!!
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sesamechickenfriday · 5 years
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Michael is back and gushing about the baby.   Elece is home sick and sucking balls. Stephen is in love with Weird Al / Ketchup / Banana / Pineapple flavored ice-cream Mee-Lise steered clear of the thorny soft-serve vs. traditional ice cream war that raged. Tim, a lover of soft serve, waded into it DEEP.   Gamal was only intrigued when bourbon entered the ice-cream discussion - and who could blame him?!?! Happy Sesame Chicken Friday to all - except the slow service  price raising motherf&^$ers at Tang Pavilion where they don't even serve TANG!
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sesamechickenfriday · 5 years
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Mike is still making the world more beautiful.
Stephen is doing it doggy style this weekend.
Mee-Lise highly recommends the literary classic, Bill & Teds Bogus Journey.
Tiff’s mom is more into S&M than you might think.
Tim’s camera work is back in full swing.
Ball sucking took place also.
Happy Sesame Chicken Friday!
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sesamechickenfriday · 5 years
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I’ve been slacking.
Michael had a baby.
I was in France.
In a robbery, Mee-Lise is the muscle
Tiff can’t drive
Gamal is an excellent lawyer unless you’re trying to improve the world.
Stephen is done hiring people.
We miss Elece.
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sesamechickenfriday · 5 years
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So sad to have missed this incredible gathering, but I was able to sneak in some Sesame Chicken with this guy who had himself quite a motherf$&@ing day.
Happy Sesame Chicken Friday to all!!!
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sesamechickenfriday · 5 years
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What a delightful day!
Mee-Lise got trading cards for THE DARK CRYSTAL. She’s also seen DIE HARD.
Tim bragged about Annika’s painting.
Michael loves foreign films but they also suck.
Tiff.... WTF Tiff?!?..... whew. Tiff has not seen STAR WARS but likes Dippin Dots.
Great googly moogly. What the fucking heck?!?
Gamal has never seen CITIZEN KANE despite the review from Annika, “It’s actually pretty good.”
Stephen, Elece, and Amber sucked balls, but they better not next week, because the guest star will be.... out of this world!
Happy Sesame Chicken Friday everyone!!!
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sesamechickenfriday · 5 years
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Ohhhh ladies and gentlemen, we may all work with some crazy people, but Mee-Lise had BETTER bring some of these people to SCF! There are some stories to be told over there. Tim and Gamal talked about business. Whatever. Tim would like to books to be less than 400 pages and Tim also refuses to get a Kindle. Tim is a dick. Stephen has a hoo-ha at work. Thanks digital extortionists!
Also....Not at SCF, but on the way to the Tang Pavilion, there are these awesome statues of these awesome ladies.   So.... Thanks NY for continuing to be freaking awesome!!!
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sesamechickenfriday · 5 years
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Happy Sesame Chicken Friday everyone! What's new? I'll tell you what's SINEW... Tim is an hilarious genius since the seventh freaking grade. Gamal delivered papers and survived. Mee-Lise has the Saved by the Bell novelization, and Michael loves a good pedicure from time to time! Tiff, Elece, Amber and Stephen were sucking balls.
Happy Sesame Chicken Friday everyone!!!
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sesamechickenfriday · 5 years
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The ceremonial Sesame Chicken before vacation. Tim's kids were there as well as Tim's honorary kid, Ryin. Today we discovered Tim love Lola for gayness. Alex loves an theme song from a show that tiff knows. Annika likes some new fangled kids music about slappin bitches. Ryin is all about K-pop and Tiff and Ryin bonded. Michael likes his music to be a warm blanket and still thinks the Beatles are underrated. Mee-Lise, Ross, and Stephen are prepping for vacation in NH with Tim and the fam. Amber, Elece, and Gamal prefer the taste of balls.While the old place is great, our waitress was not. So don't order dumplings because they weren't cooked all the way through and she basically told us, "you get what you get."
Aside from that....Happy Sesame Chicken Friday everyone!!!!
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sesamechickenfriday · 5 years
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A day late but still going strong.
There was ball sucking.
NH is on the calendar.
Mee-Lise will bring a book to the arcade because she is so badass.
Gamal is hoping to screw up his meeting Monday so his schedule clears up.
Michael will be in NJ that weekend.
Ohhhh the sesame chicken was wonderful!
Happy Sesame Chicken Friday to all!!!!
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sesamechickenfriday · 5 years
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Rest easy tonight my friends, these three people solved racism, tackled the "laser sword" abomination, Vegas, trust falls, alcohol, streaming internet content, and the generally shitty writing of mainstream animated features not made by Pixar. Ohhhhh how we solved life's problem.
But don't thank us.
Also... Stephen submitted a photo of his lunch remotely, while Michael, Elece, Tiff, and Amber opted for sucking balls.
Happy Sesame Chicken Friday to all!!
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sesamechickenfriday · 5 years
Things that can not be stopped:  THE MUSIC!!!!!
Happy Sesame Chicken Friday to all!!!!
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