seuuns · 1 year
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PAIRING(S) :: idolbf!jungwon x gf!reader
WORDCOUNT :: 1,058
WARNING(S) :: fluff, a little angst if you can call that, just jungwon and reader being the cutest little couple in the world
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Tired. That’s all that jungwon was in these last few Weeks days.
Everyone always excepts the poor boy to be the best in everything, they want him to be perfect. Not only had he a packed schedule since their comeback was set to be in a week, but he also has many variety shows to attend. Don’t get him wrong, he loves attending them just as much as he loves working hard to please not only his fans but also the staff and everyone on a daily basis. It’s just the boy is a pure perfectionist.
So by that, it just means he works 24/7. Which also means he also hasn’t been getting any sleep, let alone a break. But on their days off he did try to get sleep. It just hasn’t been working out just the way he wanted it to which frustrated.
He did think about texting or calling you, but he didn’t want to bother since he knows it’s exam season for you. Jungwon thought that it would be very selfish of him to call you so late at night just because he has some Problems sleeping. It just didn’t sound right to him. But it was so tempting since the poor boy hasn’t seen or let alone hear you for like two or three Weeks.
These last few days the group finally managed to get free time since they finished the Comeback a little earlier than expected and were now able to have some time for themselves to freshen up a bit. Yang Jungwon didn’t waste any time to rush to your Apartment. On his way there tho, he felt guilty and his Head were filled with thoughts like ‘ What if she’s still studying?’ ‘ Am I gonna annoy her if I rant to her?’ ‘ What if I talk too much and she sends me to go home?’. But the most important one for him was, will you help him sleep?
He pushed all those thoughts away as he rang your bell which means you’ll probably open the door for him in about 15 seconds. And yes he did memorise how long you take to open the door, it just got tattooed into his brain after ringing that bell oh so often.
And there you were. Looking so flawless and pleasing in his eyes, even if you were just wearing his shirt and your dark blue satin pj pants which dedicated that you probably never left your apartment which isn’t really shocking since it was around Midnight. Your delicate but tired eyes lit up at the appearance of your breathtaking boyfriend in front of your apartment. That was until you realised how late it was, and your Heart stopped beating for a second since it looked like he came all the way to your apartment alone and let’s just say the district you were living in wasn’t the safest in South Korea let alone Seoul.
‘ Have you gone crazy?! Coming here alone this late?!‘ but all of that stopped when you took all of his Features in and saw how tired and worn out he looked. It was the most heartbreaking sight you could ever see. And that also broke your Heart into small pieces. The Yang Jungwon who always shined like the brightest star in the busiest crowds was now dressed in a old hoodie of his, hair all messy and his Nike duffel bag in his right hand. You didn’t even waste a second before ushering him inside your monotone yet comforting apartment.
It kinda shocked you to see him in this state, since Jungwon was the type to take care of himself no matter what happens. The first Thing you did after you both entered your apartment, was to tuck him under a Blanket and put him in your Bed so he feels comfortable. After you did that he just lets his body relax in the comfiness of your Bed. Jungwon always like your Bed more since it was oddly pleasant for him, but he couldn’t figure out why tho? Maybe it was the softness of your Pillows, the smell of your room or perhaps the mattress of the Bed? Whatever it was he was thankful for it.
While your Boyfriend got lost in his Thoughts you made sure to clean your Study Table up since you were already done with your Studies. You also picked out a random novel for you to read since in those 3 Years of dating you noticed that reading calms him down and sometimes even helps him sleeping. Sleep. That’s exactly what Jungwon needs. And he knows exactly that you’re the only one who can help him with this.
As you finished cleaning up you picked out his favourite Book and climbed in the Bed to join the cat looking boy. ‘ jagi, I know you’re feeling tired right know so you don’t have to talk if you don’t have the energy to now. You can talk to me after you wake up.’ That’s one of the Things he loves about you, the Way you never force him to anything and always understand him. The boy rolled over and was now on top of you with his Face in the crook of your Neck. You could hear him Muster out a quiet ‘ Thank you’.
You couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle can’t getting over how cute he is. You flipped to the first page of the novel and started reading. You could feel his stiff tensed body relax after you started reading. About 5 Minutes in, you could hear his snores. Just before he fell asleep he could only think about how grateful he was for you since you helped him end his Sleepless Nights. You closed the Book and put it on your Bedside table, but you didn’t turn the Lamp off. Quite the opposite you didn’t go to sleep. Since you haven’t seen each other for Weeks you wanted to use this Time to take all of his Features in again. You couldn’t ignore the way he got a perm (which looked a bit too good on him if you’d be asked). After a few minutes you could feel the Tiredness take over and finally fell asleep after you turned the lights off and cuddled Jungwon.
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