Favourite colour: either dark greek, purple or black 😅
Last song: Cult of Diyonisus by The Orion Experience
Last film: oh sweet hell I have no idea! I think Birds of Prey?
Last TV show: Umbrella Academy 😂 (my mum started watching it recently okay!?!)
Sweet, Savoury or Spicy: in general, Savoury, specially salty.
Bubbly water, Coffee or Tea: I drink soda/pop more than I drink literally anything else 😅
tag five mutuals u want to get to know better!
i was tagged by @ellegreenawayapologist 🧸 ily
favorite colors: pink green and blue!
last song: whole lotta choppas - sada baby
last movie: i watched tfa with my roommate we have a new stan
last tv show: criminal minds 8.24 i haven’t finished it yet
sweet, savory, or spicy?: sweet and savory omg
bubbly water, coffee, or tea: tea omg i love fruit teas sooo much
tank tank tank ! im gonna tag @gothwyfe @gayreidgirl @gentlewhumping @rxseinbloom @m0rcia
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*leaves a violet and some violin resin on the table, kisses a girl* for vanya!
*does a double take as she walks past the table and gently picks up the violet.*
Well this is...odd.
*picks up the violin resin and takes both to her room with a small smile.*
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Sure thing :)
Hey, Team Zero.
[ @three-allisonhargreeves @fourklaushargreeves @five-the-boy @six-benhargreeves @seven-vanyahargreeves ]
Do you guys want to go get food? I have this kinda weird conspiracy theory I want to bother you all with and also Hungry.
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I can't guarantee I'll be able to follow the theory but...food is good
Hey, Team Zero.
[ @three-allisonhargreeves @fourklaushargreeves @five-the-boy @six-benhargreeves @seven-vanyahargreeves ]
Do you guys want to go get food? I have this kinda weird conspiracy theory I want to bother you all with and also Hungry.
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....its April 2nd...
The world is having a pandemic and everything but uh....it's still here....still intact...still has people on it and uh....the moon is still a thing....
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Hey V, this is a weird request, but- if you could let me know the next time you practice, I would really love to listen to it. I just need to relax...
Sure thing D! And trust me, between @five-the-boy asking to play piano accompaniments for me and trying to teach @fourklaushargreeves guitar, this is not that odd of a request 😅
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*She's curled up on her bed, coughing every so often. A few pieces of sheet music are scattered on the floor and her violin is abandoned on her desk.*
Being sick it the literal worst
*She mutters it to herself as she buries deeper into the blankets, trying to hide so her siblings don't worry about her.*
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She smiles
You'll probably be fine. I'll be messing with my violin if you need me.
So uh… 
About that coffee maker… 
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Gives him an "are you serious?" look
Ben...this is Five we're talking about. He could maybe kill me, but we both know he won't.
If you want to come clean, go for it, just pray Klaus doesn't make you corporeal enough for Five to punch you when you do.
So uh… 
About that coffee maker… 
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Maybe take Five with you to choose a new one, since he uses that thing the most? You could say I broke it by accident and I'm too scared to tell him. Then he won't get mad at you?
So uh… 
About that coffee maker… 
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...I'd say Five is gonna kill you but that feels redundant...
So uh… 
About that coffee maker… 
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Happy birthday guys! (What? No, I didn't forget my own birthday)
Happy birthday @five-the-boy, @seven-vanyahargreeves, @two-diegohargreeves @three-allisonhargreeves @fourklaushargreeves
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She pokes her head in with a small smile
You're getting better at that
if anyone needs him, he's in his room practicing on his guitar
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*As soon as Five grabs her, she knows what he's planning and pulls her hand out of his grip right before he jumps. She raises the violin to her shoulder and begins to play. Just like last time, the two remaining guys are encircled by the white whatever that restrained her brothers. She holds them there until they fall unconscious, then stops playing. She gives a cold smile to @two-diegohargreeves and @fourklaushargreeves before her eyes go back to normal and she passes out.*
*Vanya follows @three-allisonhargreeves to the theatre, having ignored @five-the-boy when he told her to go the other way. She's not as fast as her sister, but she manages to keep up enough to see Allison get to the door. Before she can go inside, she takes out one of the earplugs, she uses her powers to pull the knife out of Allison's hand and catch it in her own, then puts the earplug back in, just in case. She stays a little way back from the building as she catches her breath*
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*She leaves @two-diegohargreeves @fourklaushargreeves and @five-the-boy the run their distractions and heads to the wings. One guy spots her as she rounds the corner and grins as he points his gun at her. She stops in front of him, eyes almost fully white.
"Going somewhere Number 7?"
She glares at him, cool air starting to swirl around her.
"Don't. Fucking. Call me that."
He barely has time to pull the trigger before she does exactly what she did to Allison in the cabin. The bullet just grazes her side, but she doesn't react as he collapses to the floor. Satisfied, she keeps going to the wings, where she waits for the boys' distraction.*
*Vanya follows @three-allisonhargreeves to the theatre, having ignored @five-the-boy when he told her to go the other way. She's not as fast as her sister, but she manages to keep up enough to see Allison get to the door. Before she can go inside, she takes out one of the earplugs, she uses her powers to pull the knife out of Allison's hand and catch it in her own, then puts the earplug back in, just in case. She stays a little way back from the building as she catches her breath*
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She takes the earplugs out of her ears and hears it too. She starts focusing on the sound and her eyes start to shift as she looks at her brothers.
You guys go distract them. I'll get behind them and use my powers.
*Vanya follows @three-allisonhargreeves to the theatre, having ignored @five-the-boy when he told her to go the other way. She's not as fast as her sister, but she manages to keep up enough to see Allison get to the door. Before she can go inside, she takes out one of the earplugs, she uses her powers to pull the knife out of Allison's hand and catch it in her own, then puts the earplug back in, just in case. She stays a little way back from the building as she catches her breath*
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She jumps when he appears then glares at him
Fair enough, but after this we need to have a serious talk about jumping me out of remotely dangerous situations when I can help.
*Vanya follows @three-allisonhargreeves to the theatre, having ignored @five-the-boy when he told her to go the other way. She's not as fast as her sister, but she manages to keep up enough to see Allison get to the door. Before she can go inside, she takes out one of the earplugs, she uses her powers to pull the knife out of Allison's hand and catch it in her own, then puts the earplug back in, just in case. She stays a little way back from the building as she catches her breath*
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