sevenrings1x1-blog · 6 years
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then why did you ask for it, dumbass? hyunjin thought as she took a small bite of the chocolate cake, way too sweet for her taste but just enough to stop her tears from pouring out over the loss of her money. still, it was nice of him to share. “i just ordered what you wanted. it’s my way of showing gratitude, k a n g j o o n.” she scrunched her nose lightly before she propped her head on her palm, watching him and his handsome features move as he spoke.
“i’m about to graduate, actually. i really want to do an internship over the next few months at some company, but i’ll probably just rely on the...knowledge i have right now to find some work if that doesn’t happen.” she added after a pretty damning sigh. 
“what about you? what do you do?” hyunjin asked nonchalantly as she popped another piece of too-sweet chocolate cake in her mouth. 
ツ universe 101: what if it’s us?
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“wait you actually even got me the cake?” kangjoon would have never believed that the cocky girl that first called him out for his ass and now months later bothered him to help her with his code actually was nice enough to buy him coffee and a cake. wasn’t she aware that he actually was an heir to one of the bigger companies in korea and didn’t need to be bought a piece of cake or coffee? or was she just playing dumb? 
“kangjoon. seo kangjoon.” he replied before taking a sip of his coffee, he pushed the cake in the middle of them. “we should share at least. now that you actually followed the dumbest thing i could think of. i’m not even a big fan of cake.” he hummed and non the less picked up the fork to get a small bite of it. 
“so you’re about to be done with university or is this just one of your classes last project?” he didn’t exactly want to talk but he did feel bad slightly for making her get him cake and coffee. 
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sevenrings1x1-blog · 6 years
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kangjoon rolled his eyes at the female’s comment about the yelp reply and for the nth time since he sat down at the female’s table he regretted that he had done so. he always thought chaewon could be annoying when she wanted something from him but he definitely would have to go back telling her he was wrong and that he had found someone who was more annoying. 
“pay for my coffee?” kangjoon had money and didn’t need anyone to pay for hm but maybe he should let her. to satisfy his boiling desire to get anything out of this interaction than the feeling of frustration.
“sure then, a caramel macchiato pretty please.” kangjoon looked at the female with one eyebrow raised. usually he drank black coffee, no sugar no milk but he knew that a caramel macchiato was just a little more expensive at that. “wait, get me a cake too. something with chocolate.” he didn’t think the female would do so but he could try to get her blood boiling after she had done the same thing for him.
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hyunjin’s first instinct was to reach for her wallet, which wasn’t necessarily on the generous side, but she abstained, choosing a polite nod and smile instead. “anything you want.” her words came out like venomous honey and she pushed her chair back, walking to the counter.
after placing the order and sliding her few remaining bills to the cashier, the female picked up the coffee and slice of chocolate cake and dragged her feet back to the table, setting them in front of the good looking strangers. yes, his good looks were all he had going on for him. his personality was trash. not even his intellect could make up for it. “here you go.”
“i’m hyunjin, by the way.” she mumbled, sipping from her already cold coffee. she would have to drink it to its last sip, since there were no money for another.
ツ universe 101: what if it’s us?
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sevenrings1x1-blog · 6 years
jinhyuk was surprised at the sudden poke to his chin. had she been awake this whole time? he blinked a few times as his eyes opened slowly. “it is? already?” he asked, pretending to sound sleepy still. a yawn slipped past his lips as he looked to her, eyes scanning her pretty face. “did you sleep alright?” he asked, the question instinctively coming out of his mouth. if it really was afternoon, then he presumed that she must have slept well then. he didn’t add that he thought she might have left already. instead, he kept those dark secrets to himself. he didn’t want her to think that she should have ran while she had the chance because he didn’t want that at all.
“i slept f-” she halted, swallowing the lump in her throat. her urge to run and leave him behind was slowly dissolving. “...fine.” gyuri articulated, forcing her gaze away from his. “did you sleep alright? you moved a lot and you gritted your teeth a few times like you used...to.” she mentally slapped herself. as much as she wanted to be careful about this and treat it casually, the nostalgia poured into her soul like no other time. she remembered placing a soft hand on his chest, right above his heart, attempting to calm him down, and she did once again, the previous night. a shiver ran down her spine and she automatically pulled the blanket higher up her body.
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sevenrings1x1-blog · 6 years
hearing the words from his mouth, belle slapped his arm playfully. “you know that’s not what i mean,” she exclaimed, pout forming on her face. why was he making jokes like this? they weren’t funny, even if she did laugh at it. it was crazy how quickly she had grown close to dylan, though part of her was unsure whether it was because their relationship had really built on the sex and then all the feelings came with it ( as would be expected … even if she did lie to herself and tell her that there was none for a while ). “i just …” she didn’t know how to say it. “i don’t know. i think it would be nice. besides, we’re practically like a couple, right?” maybe if she played it off as something that wouldn’t change what they already were, it would seem more appealing to him.
dylan’s eyes fluttered close once again. he tried to keep calm. he wasn’t growing angry or bothered by belle insistence. it was insecurity, flooding his brain with all sorts of red flags. “belle.” he spoke, voice bouncing against walls and seeming way harsh than it was meant. “things will change.” he bit his lower lip in thought, the arms that was once around her, falling flat onto the mattress. “being a couple means having expectations. you’re also involved into the entertainment industry. you know hectic our lives are. how do you know you won’t grow impatient with me? what if you expect fancy dinner dates? or me meeting your parents next month? i...” a sight left his parted lips. “i really don’t want to disappoint you. i’m really not...boyfriend material.” the last words came out strangled as if he was forcing himself to get them out. “this isn’t about unreciprocated feelings. you’re not dumb, you know how i feel about you.”
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sevenrings1x1-blog · 6 years
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hyunjin scanned over the page quickly, an approving nod signaling she got exactly what she wanted out of the entire exchange. okay...maybe not everything, but life didn’t always go the way she wanted it to. most of the time she fell victim to her anger when everything seemed to turned against her, but after multiple migraines, she chose to let go. “thank you. you’ve been very helpful. five stars on yelp.”
“okay. then at least let me pay for your coffee.” she proposed, a pout forming on her full lips. her gaze fell on his face, intensely staring at it as if her sole purpose was to create a hole in there. 
hyunjin wasn’t one of those girls that wondered how could a man reject her, but the lump in her throat did form and she felt her entire body zap. the man was no more than a stranger, she didn’t quite know his name either, but her pride felt hurt and when a bigger vulcano becomes hot and bothered, its lava will swallow the smaller one.
ツ universe 101: what if it’s us?
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sevenrings1x1-blog · 6 years
hello, i’m super sick rn so my replies might be a bit slow today. if i don’t get to them today, i’ll definitely have them up tomorrow morning! 
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sevenrings1x1-blog · 6 years
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“this is my final project, dude.” she huffs and points out to her notebook that shortly describes her assignment. “my teacher’s ancient, so pacman will be fun for him. wh- why are you giving me that look?” 
a quiet sigh left her parted lips. maybe asking for his help was a ridiculous idea and here she was, fully paying its ridiculous price. did she really look like a predator? well, maybe the comment from years prior didn’t do her justice, but hyunjin was a respectable young lady. a respectable and rather lonely one, if she were to be completely honest. 
“no, i don’t. unless you want to change that and go on a date with me.” she blurted out, the sentence spoken with “as a matter of fact tone” but after mentally slapping herself for blurting out such nonsense, the female did actually mean it. 
ツ universe 101: what if it’s us?
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sevenrings1x1-blog · 6 years
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this guy is so serious. she thought, leaning closer to the screen as to better understand what he was doing. better interested in anything but the eye hurting blocks of codes, hyunjin’s gaze fell on his fast moving fingers, then up to his shoulder and ended on his sour expression. she couldn’t remember his name and nothing about his demeanor screamed “daejoon” or “jose”. 
“i’m trying to make the whole site look like pacman.” she blurted out, pointing to the page she built so far and how some links represented the ghosts, the prominent color scheme was deep purple and neon purple, but the main attraction, a.k.a the pacman looked quite distorted and not like a pacman. “can you figure out the issue?” 
hyunjin really did need help in sorting out the problem, but she never actually thought about asking for anyone’s help. she never figured out her intentions, not even when he was sitting so close to her. maybe she did want to get to know ass guy all of a sudden or maybe she just needed a distraction on a dull day. but if hyunjin really wanted to keep the cute guy interested, she had to come up with something...especially with how loud and clear he expressed his dislike for her.
ツ universe 101: what if it’s us?
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sevenrings1x1-blog · 6 years
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hyunjin clicked her tongue. could she promise him to never open her big mouth and annoy him further in the future? probably not. should she admit that? definitely not. “promise.” if her teeth were made of gold, she’s blind him with her grin. 
dragging a chair closer to her own, she patted the spot, urging him to come closer. “i am supposed to do it on my own, but i’m doing the second best thing and asking help from someone wiser. your brain is cool and full of info, sir. sharing is caring.” she wasn’t sure sweet talk would get him to like her more...maybe even deepen the already obvious dislike, but did it hurt to try? maybe it did hurt her pride a little bit.
upon opening her laptop, notes flooded the screen and so did multiple tabs full of colored codes. “so, my problem lies in details. i just cannot make this entire sausage of code work.” she gestured at a few blotches of colorful code on her screen.
ツ universe 101: what if it’s us?
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sevenrings1x1-blog · 6 years
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hyunjin’s eyeroll could probably move mountains, but she maintained her composure, the slap of her laptop closing coming off as the only sign of irritation. “yikes, you sound like every guy in every freaking korean drama. don’t scratch kitty, we’re here to be zen and enjoy our coffees.” 
she didn’t expect the volcano to erupt, but she wasn’t going to back off. she won’t get buried like pompeii. “i’m probably the only chick who ever complimented that ass of yours, so, mr.we only had one class together, can you help a fellow student and explain some of this functions to me?” she gestured at her laptop, a polite smile adorning her lips.
“there’s an exam i need to pass and if i don’t, i know where to find you every day.” hyunjin pointed at the man with her pink, glittery pen, trying to deliver a playful threat. her brain didn’t register the playfulness, however. she knew where he’d be. she will look for him, she will find him and she will kill bother him.
ツ universe 101: what if it’s us?
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sevenrings1x1-blog · 6 years
Okay but can I get a plot where MUSE A always sits on their lil balcony, just chillin’, drinking a cup of tea and watching the people outside pass by the street, whether it is early morning or later on the summer evenings. While MUSE B is often times in a hurry and this time had forgotten to shut the blinds – conveniently allowing MUSE A to look into their room while they are getting (un)dressed. Cue eye contact, a rather flustered MUSE A and a very smug MUSE B. 
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sevenrings1x1-blog · 6 years
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gyuri’s mind raced with thoughts up until they woke her up. among those who know her, her bad luck and uninspired decisions are infamous. that night was no different, was it? she always avoided colliding with the past in any shape or form, but this was most likely the worst case scenario: the ex-boyfriend...who was once her earth and turned to a forgotten pluto. shifting ever-so-slightly in his arms, the female bit her lower lip in concentration. if she managed a silent slip’n’slide move out of his hold, she could flip a bare leg out and catch a taxi in no time. unless that totally backfired, which was already the norm for this thunderstruck chick. in an attempt to pry his arms off, gyuri almost elbowed the man in the mouth...so the next smart move would be to wake him up. “jinhyuk...” she carefully poked his chin. “rise and shine, it’s almost afternoon.” 
open to : female ( as muse b ) plot : o n e  l a s t  t i m e —- muse a and muse b were in a relationship that didn’t work out (muse a’s fault). muse b broke it off and eventually found a new partner, leaving muse a alone and miserable. muse a is doing everything to try and get muse b back but it seems like the other person gives them everything s/he couldn’t. weeks later they bump into each other, they talk and feelings are brought back. they sleep together and muse a hopes muse b will stay with them. but will they?
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jinhyuk stared at the sleeping figure beside him. his heart ached thinking about how they had laid their souls bare last night ( both literally and figuratively ). and yet, he couldn’t help but worry that when she awoke, things would still go back to the way before last night. that she’d once again leave and he’d be alone once more. he tried to close his eyes and push away the thoughts but they still lingered, even as his arm wrapped tighter around her midsection. just maybe if he held on long enough, she’d decide not to leave. that they’d make this work. yes, he was just going to try and fall asleep again so that he wouldn’t have to face the reality that this could all fall apart just as quickly as it came together again.
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sevenrings1x1-blog · 6 years
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dylan’s eyes slowly opened, the dim lighting allowing his vision to adjust rapidly. he first glanced at the ceiling, the high of their previous activities still lingering. upon hearing belle’s question, he shifted his focus on her, the arm wrapped around her body pulling her even closer. a hint of a laugh escaped his parted lips. “do you want to let all your facebook friends know we’re having sex regularly?” his joking tone didn’t reach his eyes. he played dumb. he didn’t know belle for very long, but she was definitely someone he grew close to...so close. she wasn’t only in his bed. she was in his texts, with movie recs and suggestive gifs, and in his snapchat, with dozens of filtered photos sent to one another. she was in his coffee breaks and in morning jogs. she was almost always in his thoughts. but if he were to make a mistake...she wouldn’t be a part of anything anymore.
open to : male ( as muse b ) plot : b e  m y  b a b y —- muse a and muse b are in a friends with benefits relationship. besides sex they also have a lot of fun together. muse a wants to take the relationship further but first she tests muse b, paying attention to little things muse b, making sure he doesn’t look at anyone else besides her/him. muse b only has eyes for muse a, the only problem is their fear of commitment. muse a insists that they make their relationship official, and muse b knows s/he wants to, but they have never been good in relationships, and so s/he doesn’t wanna mess up what they have. ❝ if you know how to be my lover, maybe you could be my baby ❞
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while the sex was amazing, there was something just inherently unsatisfying to belle about having a friends with benefits relationship. and yet, she didn’t know how to bring it up until one day, she just blurted it out. however, it felt like the topic continued to get pushed away, never fully resolving itself. but tonight, belle was determined to get to the bottom of things. she wouldn’t let him leave tonight without giving her an answer. with her head resting against the curve of his body, her fingers drew small circles on his bare chest. “so, what do you think? about you and me? making things more… official?” she held her breath as she waited for him to say something.
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sevenrings1x1-blog · 6 years
ツ universe 101: what if it’s us?
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tap, tap, tap. the tapping rarely ceased. when it did, it was replaced by mechanical functions such as the readjusting of her glasses or a sip of her dark coffee. hyunjin couldn’t afford getting distracted. her final exam was in a couple of days and her attempt at hammering the information into her brain by carrying a book on top of her head failed miserably. she called it “alternative studying”, but in truth, it was nothing more than wishful thinking. 
a soft grunt left the female’s lips as she glanced around, trying to find motivation or a ray of hope. she didn’t expect it to have the shape of a man. is that ass guy? her thoughts flew back to the thirsty comment she made few years back. once she caught glance of his rear, hyunjin nodded to herself. it’s definitely ass guy. 
slipping the glasses off and bending the screen of her laptop inward, almost shutting the thing off, the female leaned forward. her burning stare was obvious and most likely disturbing to anyone glancing her way, but nothing seemed to shake her off. 
“are you stalking me? i’ve seen you around a couple of times and let me tell you, stalking isn’t cute. not in this century.” her voice wasn’t loud enough to wake the dead, but only for him to hear, as if cutting the distance between their tables. 
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sevenrings1x1-blog · 6 years
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sevenrings1x1-blog · 6 years
hello, this bub is back in the rp game. please love my babies, they’re new and quite unpolished, but i look forward to character development and great interactions. with that being said, hit that heart button if you wanna talk/plot or message me anytime. my muses and rules have been added to the blog, so feel free to check that out too! toodles!
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