sevmekmi-sevilmekmi · 10 months
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Imagine being the subject of someone's poetry.
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أنت لا تعلم شيء عن تلك الحروب التي خاضها قلبي ضد عقلي من أجلك.
You know nothing about these wars my heart has fought against my mind for you.
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Picture : Pinterest
The one who loves the moon still loves it even when it isn't there in the sky.
I wish to be that moon for someone.
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„For you, I was a chapter. For me, you were the book.“
— Tom McNeal, A quote by Tom McNeal
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When I told you we had to end it, that we had to go on our own separate paths, I wanted you to say no. I wanted you to tell me you would never let me go. I wanted you to say that you couldn’t imagine living life without me, that you would never love anyone as much as you loved me, even if it sounds a little selfish. I wanted you to fight for me, to stop me from leaving. But all you said was, “I’ve been thinking the same thing for a while now.”
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God has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and faith, but it’s worth the wait.
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“Not everyone deserves to know the real you. Let them criticize who they think you are.”
— Unknown
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“You’re in a relationship to be happy, to smile, to laugh, to make memories, to enjoy one another - and not to be constantly hurt and upset.”
— Unknown
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cuddle her for 5 minutes in the morning when you wake up and it will change her mood for the whole day
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fall in love w someone who is both your safe place and your best friend
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keep your relationship private but don't hide the fact you are in one
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i want someone to look at me & be proud being with me
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sevmekmi-sevilmekmi · 2 years
Zu viel Nachdenken ist das, was letztendlich alles ruiniert.
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sevmekmi-sevilmekmi · 2 years
Das Leben ist nicht lebenswert wenn der Sinn für's Leben fehlt.
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