sexjorts · 3 months
sorry for being a lovestruck faggot I promise it will happen again
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sexjorts · 3 months
Y'all, I'm begging you not to be weird if someone turns you down or says no to pics/sexting/literally anything, even nonsexual things.
It's so uncomfortable when I'm like "no thanks :)" and then I have to spend 15 mins soothing you. Like it's okay if you didn't realize that was a boundry—now you know. It's okay if you misread signals—it happens. Just say "no problem, thanks for letting me know," and move tf on. Deal with that embarrassment in private. It's happened to everyone, and it sucks, I get it. Also, you need to deal with it without making it my continued concern.
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sexjorts · 3 months
I'm going to take away your ability to cum. You are going to put your ability to be sexually satisfied into my hands. I'm holding that responsibility for you now. You're just a dumb mutt anyway, you can't be trusted with it. I know what's best for you. You just drip and drip all day long. I'll plug up that leaky little thing between your legs. Put your hands in locked mitts so you can't touch it either. At best you can rub those thighs together in your cage and go insane thinking about the hot ache of denial in your cunt. Wondering if youre ever going to cum again. Wondering how you arrived to this state. A needy little animal. A reactive object. In heat constantly. Locked and denied. Forced to bark for a cruel strangers amusement as you beg for relief from your chastity.
And you just love to beg. Dont you, pet?
Of course you do, dumb cunt. You begged for your own denial. I'm just giving you exactly what you asked for. You don't actually want to cum. No, what you really want is to be a good girl.
And good girls don't cum.
They simply obey.
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sexjorts · 10 months
normies will call it a "scalp massage" instead of admitting that they like being pet like a puppydog or perhaps a kitty
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sexjorts · 10 months
Desperate subs make me feral "you want me to touch you so bad you're shaking with it such a good boy of course I'll give you what you want as long as you're a good toy and make me cum first"
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sexjorts · 10 months
Ok y’all, I need you to drop links for free binder services. It’s November which means that parents won’t think it’s odd for their children to request that they not inspect packages. They’ll simply assume it’s a present for whatever holiday they observe. So please do your part by dropping links in the reblogs and trying to get this seen by those who need it
edit: k, so I mean this in nicest way possible. Liking isn’t going to help anyone. This isn’t just for me, other people need these links. If you if you can’t/don’t have the energy to find and post links to ACTIVE donations. Please at least reblog so someone who follows you can. Please and thank you <3
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sexjorts · 11 months
it is kinda just alienating though for lesbians to just be told from all sides that 'men are always an option' for us though. I disagree that just because of the ability to recognize people as having attractive features that anything has to be conceded about the agency to dictate to others what one's own boundaries wrt desire & such are. We aren't exactly a day away from a post-gender society, so I don't think it's the right move really to start getting there by pulling away from lgbt people's self-affirmations about the way we relate to others through gender & attraction, especially when it comes to lesbianism and the constant, exhausting ways others try to jam men and us together.
Anyone trying to convince you to have sex with anyone you don't want to have sex with is a shithead. That's your business. If men are not "an option" for you that's fine. That's your business. But there are a million reasons why a lesbian would want to have sex with a man that doesn't make them not a lesbian, up to and including "I found him attractive," because attraction is complicated and not clear cut.
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sexjorts · 11 months
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Totally not inspired by anyone
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sexjorts · 1 year
I think lesbian chasers are kinda hot, I've had some mindblowing sex with girls who were absolutely fetishizing me, dunno if I should feel good about that or not
Been right there with you. And honestly? I salute them
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sexjorts · 1 year
straight women need to start fetishising sapphic women so there can be more femslash fan fiction. we gotta outsource and get more writers on board. I want it to get to the point where two women cant be on screen together without having a 80k space opera fic written about them. I want show runners to be scared of cancelling sapphic shows because legions and legions of fans will come after them. dont tell me my priorities are wrong.
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sexjorts · 1 year
There is literally nothing I love more than the sound of a cute boy whimpering for me 🥰
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sexjorts · 1 year
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sexjorts · 1 year
Me: yeah we're tying the knot next week
Werewolf fiance who's never heard that phrase: we're going to what
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sexjorts · 1 year
bi man: I am gay
some of y’all: okay
bi woman: I am a lesbian
some of y’all: I am going to kill you
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sexjorts · 1 year
If you get hard or wet at the thought of a big cock wolfgirl breeding you, the. You are legally required to reblog this.
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sexjorts · 1 year
Sometimes wild attraction shit happens when you learn to separate masc/fem from man/woman. I’ve known queer women find the femininity in a man attractive. I’ve known gay men get so hot and bothered by the masculinity of a woman.
There was once a guy who was not really my type but then he did drag and was suddenly wildly attractive to me. And since I’m bisexual it doesn’t give me a crisis when someone is suddenly hot to me in an unconventional way. I used to think this was particularly a bi experience.
Then I’ve met plenty of gay men and lesbians who are also chill about that sort of thing. Sometimes life is like that “oops made out with a twink in Brighton who turned out to be a lesbian who thought I was a lesbian” and sometimes it’s like “hey, I’m not normally into men but this guy has got something hot going on.”
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sexjorts · 1 year
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