sexy-senator-renard · 2 years
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365 days of Killian Jones ☸ Day 152 + without coat / jacket
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sexy-senator-renard · 2 years
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💕 for a moodboard of our muse’s romantic relationship
“You weren’t down for forever and it’s fine. I know, you know, we know. We weren’t meant for each other and it’s fine. But if the world was ending you’d come over, right?” -JP Saxe, Julia Michaels
@wintersaurora & @sexy-senator-renard​
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sexy-senator-renard · 2 years
“No it can’t.” Her voice is quiet and it’s foolish to be upset about something that happened centuries ago, something she’d never been a part of. It’d be rude to admit that in a terrible way, Elmira thought the trip had been worth it just to see the palace. It’d been something to behold, a place she’d been told about when she’d first turned, when she’d first learned of the Venus bloodline and their history with the fey. Maybe it was something she’d never quite understand, a queen hiding away an entire group of people. There’d been many a time she’d wanted to hide her progeny, her found family away, but the world was meant to be experienced. It was a choice she would never have to make, Eve was the one who would understand Titania best. Shifting and sitting forward, her eyes fall on Cal, on the man tasked with bringing about some type of justice. “Are you getting on with the others? Are you worried?” They wouldn’t give him trouble, not directly, she couldn’t imagine that. But he was new, tensions were high, seated by the queen herself or not, she couldn’t imagine it was an easy situation to face. And even while Cal held himself to a certain standard, operated with some kind of aloof grace, it still had to be tense. “I’m worried for you.” She admits, because she doesn’t think he’ll admit to it himself. “There’s whispers the Juno line is being threatened, I know Eve thought it was in everyone’s best interest to put you here, but I’d almost you were rather anywhere else.” 
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At least they were in agreement there, though Cal doubted there were many people who thought Titania shouldn’t face some kind of consequences for what she’d done, or at the very least allowed to happen. Her questions shifted to some more personal ones and as she leaned forward, he leaned back casually, though he put of less of a front with her than he would with most people. It was hard to drop being politic, however, when he had to do it so much of the time. “I’m not particularly worried, no. The other vampire senators have generally been welcoming or at least willing to talk and everyone else is maintaining a polite front for the most part.” He hadn’t gotten around to talking with all of the members of the Senate yet but that would happen in time. His expression softened at her clear concern for him. “Darling ‘Mira, you worry too much.” It was less a scold and more a gentle admonishment. “You should know I’m quite capable of handling myself even if my bloodline is being targeted which has not been confirmed. The two deaths were wildly different in terms of circumstance.” He leaned forward and put his hand over hers, squeezing slightly. “I’ve survived this long, haven’t I? And I’m hardly without resources, you should know that.” His network was vast and varied and he could call on some of the rougher types for protection if he felt he needed it. He didn’t, yet, but perhaps it would reassure her to remember that he could if he wanted to. 
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sexy-senator-renard · 2 years
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365 days of Killian Jones ☸ Day 18
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sexy-senator-renard · 2 years
who: @sexy-senator-renard​ where: Juno Palace
The world turned quickly and each day brought its own sweep of troubles, when one had lived for almost a century – she had adopted a polished disposition from dealing with the troubles but the incidents that had occurred from the fey court by their summoning was not to be taken lightly. The leech had latched onto her vein, feeding from her neck and the former Pluto senator did not make it out alive. The vampire queen’s wedding was approaching and there were still affairs to settle in Rome, Ayla had planned a visit to the palace of Juno to see the newly elected senator. An old companion of hers, he was the right hand of the queen and she served as Elmira’s maid of honor. The roots of vampiric society ran deep between them and they had brought satisfaction to each other on more than one night. She decided to not bring her usual gift of bottled blood, knowing Cal’s preference for soul feeding. Still she could not show up empty handed so she brought a bottle of a different type of vintage red. A smile crossing her red lips when she sees the senator, her fangs revealed in her smile. “Cal, how are you my love?”
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Cal had been expecting a visit from Ayla relatively soon so he wasn’t at all surprised when she turned up. He’d been quite busy since he arrived in Rome, not only settling into his new position but just generally dealing with everything that was going on, from the leech, to Titania’s imprisonment and so on. He’d also been making his quarters in the Juno palace up to his standards which was to say he’d decorated in his usual lavish and extravagant style but who could blame him for wanting to be surrounded by beautiful things? There’d been a distinct lack of mirrors as well so he’d remedied that. He finally had it the way he wanted it and was pleased to receive Ayla as one of his first visitors to his private quarters, though he’d been sprucing up the place in general and adjusting things as he figured was his right. No one seemed to be complaining nor should they since he had excellent taste. 
Cal returned her smile when he saw her and approached for the traditional Italian cheek kiss greeting which he was rather fond of. He lingered longer than necessary, of course, but he doubted she would mind. “Quite well all things considered, Ayla darling. And you? Please come in and make yourself comfortable. I’ll get glasses for the wine.” He appreciated that she’d brought wine instead of blood but then they had known each other a rather long time. Fetching two cut crystal glasses with vampiric speed he was back a moment later, setting them on the coffee table. “That looks like an excellent vintage, thank you.” 
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sexy-senator-renard · 2 years
Juno vampires are so strange to her. It’s an interesting divide, they don’t need blood, and yet she’d always seen blood and vampirism go hand in hand. It’s something she thinks they all want, ultimately. If not for sustenance, for vengeance, power, or status. At one point she’d wondered if it was a weakness, and when the Juno seat had fallen empty, Amala revisited those thoughts. Only to tuck them away again. Mars, Juno, Pluto, Venus, none of it mattered, they were all vampire, they had to be united against whoever was picking them off. Shifting in her seat, Amala rests her elbows on the table and laces her fingers together. “I’ve already heard whispers that the Juno vampires in the city are worried. No one is for certain whether you’re all being targeted specifically or if it’s just been a string of coincidences. Normally I’d suggest some kind of gathering to keep up morale, but if what we know is indeed true, I don’t think anyone wants to be responsible for letting the problem in.” It’s why she’d avoided Just a Bite, it’s why the Palace of Pluto looked more empty as of late, once the news broke that it was a leech, paranoia had set in. “We were already dealing with unrest and now I imagine it’s a matter of time before we’re all gathered to see what will be done about that damn masquerade of Titania’s.”
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Cal knew he was a bit of an oddity as a vampire. If his sire hadn’t been Juno he supposed he would’ve adjusted to the need for blood but he was just as glad he didn’t really have to worry about it. It was fantastically convenient to be able to consume a soul every one in a while and be sated for quite a well. Not having to think about blood or food gave him so much more time for other pursuits, business and pleasure related alike. Cal nodded when she mentioned the Juno vampires being worried. It made sense and while he didn’t feel particularly unsafe he could understand it, especially for those who’d been in Rome longer than him. “I don’t believe in coincidence so it wouldn’t surprise me if we were being targeted, though the circumstances do seem wildly different. By ‘what we know’, you’re referring to...?” He assumed it was the leech but again, better she reveal what she knew than Cal having to do so. “That will indeed have to be dealt with. I, for one, would be very on board with seeing Titania punished.” He avoided thinking about the masquerade as much as possible. He didn’t at all appreciate what he’d been through there and he was terribly vengeful. 
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sexy-senator-renard · 2 years
It was incredibly hard to maintain the high ground over someone you had been on your knees for. She sneered at him. The aggressive action somewhat nullified by the obvious blush that had begun to spread across her face, travelling down and disappearing below the neckline of her dress. It was a pretty thing, the dress. A robin’s egg blue that made her hair look as if it’d caught fire. Kit had always been peripherally aware that she was alright looking. Though her delicate, fairy like features were often mitigated by evident lack of sleep and the occasional blood stain. She hadn’t meant to dress up for this particular outing, the sundress had just been the cleanest thing in her closet. Laundry day was tomorrow. Oh God, she thought, does it look like I dolled myself up and came here hoping I’d run into him? Kit internally slapped herself. Dude, chill out, you forgot he existed until like, thirty seconds ago.
“I don’t think you would know reason if it beat you over the head with a crowbar.” She snarked, sliding into the empty seat across from him. Even if Renard hadn’t been aware of his impending inauguration and wished her no ill will, she still didn’t like the idea of a governmental official having one up on her. “I’m in a rather precarious position Senator, the clown car you’ve found yourself riding shotgun in is not the biggest fan of my whole shtick. Nor are they fond of many people I care very much about.” Kit put her elbows up on the table, propping her face up in her palms. She made piercing, heated eye contact with the vampire. The blush returned to her cheeks, she hoped she wouldn’t regret her next words. “I’d be very, very careful about the moves you make within the Senate, love. I have more skills in my arsenal than just being a satisfactory lay.” 
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Kit meant it to be a threat, but much to her dissatisfaction, it came out sounding like a come on. She refused to let it show, instead giving Cal a sweet, innocent smile. The blush across her nose turned into a full on flush, covering her whole body. Curse her ginger genetics. She sighed. “Do they serve drinks that don’t have human juice in them?” The blood witch’s eyes widened with excitement, previous words already forgotten. “Wait, would they give me some anyway? Even though they know I’m not a vamp?”
“Oh, I think I might know it then.” Cal mused, hardly offended by the snark. She looked lovely, a fact he’d noticed immediately, and he would have to tell her he’d noticed if things ever got slightly friendlier this evening. The blush intrigued and amused him. Flush from anger or his nearness? He’d like to flatter himself and think it was the latter but he was fairly certain it was the former. She told him the Senate wasn’t really a fan of hers and he was even more intrigued. “Is that so? Why is that, I wonder?” He quirked an eyebrow, though he doubted she would explain. Thinking of the senate and all of its members packed into a clown car was incredibly amusing and he’d have to thank her for that particular imagery. Then came her threat...or was it a flirtation? The blush certainly seemed to be confusing things, as did the eye contact. 
“I do generally try to be careful when it comes to political maneuvering but I’ll take that under advisement. I’m much more interested by these other skills of yours, however.” If she was going to flirt, Cal was going to do it right back. It was only fair and came naturally to him anyway. He returned her sweet smile with one of his own and shrugged at the question. “I’m not sure. We could always ask. They likely would think it odd if you wanted a drink with blood in it. I, for one, am merely intrigued. If they won’t give you a drink with blood...” He slid his current drink across to her. “...see what you make of that.” It had blood in it, it was the thing to do and when mixed with alcohol and other things, Cal didn’t mind it at all. 
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sexy-senator-renard · 2 years
There was a moment of silence, one unfamiliarly uncomfortable between the two. Over a century ago, they might’ve enjoyed themselves in silence for hours, working separately but wanting one another’s presence. It would have felt like home rather than torment. Now she found herself shifting on her feet, a painfully human tick that she had somehow adopted over the years. This is ridiculous, she thought to herself. Aurora wasn’t much of a liar, or a pretender. The truth was powerful. Fey were known to play tricks with their words and body language, and she was an expert at it when the moment called, but she also liked the power of truth. She liked being blunt and forward. It was only over the course of a century that she’d to learned how to hide most of her feelings nearly every minute of every day, if only for her survival. But it was exhausting. 
“The business of being free to do so,” she replied with a false smile, the edges of her tone marred with annoyance in the way he’d know there was much bothering her. But as her gaze faltered, it was clear the bothered wasn’t meant for him. She clenched her jaw, looking back to Cal. “… It’s been a long day.“ But the exhaustion in her eyes spoke more of an exhausting few decades. “I’m afraid you caught me at a moment.” 
Releasing the tension in her shoulders, Aurora paused. She looked at Cal Renard as though finally taking in all the changes. The clothes, the hair, the way of his stance… Not much else had changed but the impact of evolving society. But she wondered. She wondered what else lay beneath the surface which had evolved in him too. Had he new lovers (…certainly), had he new ambitions, motivations, desires? “The 21st century suits you, Cal,” she mused, gesturing to him with a hand. Then she smiled and, this time, it wasn’t false; perhaps just tainted with something wistful and sad. “I’m glad.” He’d know it was the unequivocal truth, not only because she could not lie. Aurora had never soured to their relationship; it had been left as an open wound for them both, a journey with lack of closure. She wasn’t sure how she felt about that now. She never allowed herself to think too hard on it. “I know it’s been…” The words trailed off as the math was done in her head, and she had to resist the urge to wince. Over a lifetime.
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It didn’t escape Cal how alien this was, how differently they acted around one another, it would’ve been impossible to ignore. The silence between them used to be companionable but it was anything but now. It made sense, of course, their relationship was....well, they didn’t have one anymore, did they? It had been a century and a half, after all. They might as well have been strangers for all that could change in that yawning chasm of time. She didn’t feel like a stranger, though, as much as she should. She fidgeted a little, in a very human manner, and there were some other minor differences but she still felt and seemed so much the same in spite of no doubt changes that had occurred. He cursed himself inwardly for wanting to know what those changes were, to learn them as intimately as he’d known who she used to be. He would clearly have to resist that urge. 
Resisting became all the more difficult when he’d finally come up with something to say and she responded. He blinked and frowned slightly, concerned in spite of himself. The fake smile didn’t fool him, something was clearly wrong, or perhaps multiple things. It was no longer his place to ask and he shouldn’t have cared. “Have you not always been free to do so?” He was apparently ignoring his own advice but he couldn’t seem to help it. The phrase seemed...unusual. Cal was aware that he was breaking the veneer of politeness and inconsequential talk but that had been bound to happen eventually. 
Her comment almost surprised him and he looked down at himself. Of course he knew what he was wearing, how perfectly put together the outfit was, how much leather it contained, but still. The personal comment had caught him slightly off guard. “I believe every century suits me.” He recovered quickly, meeting her eyes again and smirking a little in spite of himself. If she knew him as well as he thought he still knew her the comment would have almost been expected. Part of him railed that she dare compliment him. What right did she have, after what she’d done? Yet he couldn’t stop how it affected him. Aurora’s smile was genuine then, though not exactly happy. Wistful. Cal wished that didn’t tug at his heart as much as it did. Dammit. How, after so long, was he so weak to her? Perhaps it was because it had been so long, he hadn’t had the chance to build up his defenses. She brought up that very thing and his smirk fell away. “150 years.” He supplied, when she trailed off, a slight edge to his voice now. “How have they gone for you, I wonder?” Now that the edge was there it seemed as though it wasn’t going away. 
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sexy-senator-renard · 2 years
“I am nothing but honest,” she tells him, lips twitching at the thrill of the little private joke that only a supernatural being would understand. By definition of the word, it is true. Fen’harel is honest, but she has learned how to avoid being truthful while spouting nothing by honesty. Another fun little game that every Eladrin masters, how to skirt around the truth, dance over the line of falsehood and not. It’s a game they learn to survive, and they learn it well. “Why deny the truth, when it is so blatantly in front of you?”
“Of course, it’s good to know what few weaknesses I have to cover for them,” Fen smirks back, grin sharp and playful and unrestrained. There is little need to hide behind the many masks she has built herself, right now. It’s just the two of them, an Eladrin and a human who knows nothing of her world. She can drop the mask of Chancellor, of loyal servant, and enjoy the mischief that has run through her veins since she was a child. Her smile turns coquettish, just a little tilt of her lips meant to draw others close. “I figured that much, my dear thief. It seems that we agree.”
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The pub is just like a thousand others she has been in, but that does not matter. She is not here for fine dining nor anything of the sort, Fen’harel is here to enjoy the time with her companion and satisfy her need for the completion of the little game she had been playing. At Cal’s question, she tilts her head in acknowledgement and her eyes flit to the bar.
“Any preferences or recommendations?”
The emphasis on the word ‘honest’ made him think it was exactly the opposite but he didn’t particularly mind that. Who didn’t lie every now and then? Cal had certainly done his fair share. Most people who insisted they were incredibly honest generally weren’t. “Oh, I’m sure.” Cal sounded amused even as he seemingly went along with her. “I’ve found a shocking amount of people love to deny the truth that’s in front of them in any way they can.” There were many examples of that, too many to name, really. Suffice it to say it seemed to be a universal truth. 
“I can agree with that. I must cover for my own, even if there are only a couple.” If she was going to be that arrogant about it two could play that game. His eyebrows rose at the next statement. “Your dear thief is it, now? If only I’d known that before and realised that this whole frustrating series of months has been drawn out foreplay.” He grinned. She had driven him half mad for a while but actually interacting with her? That was turning out to be much better. 
It seemed that she was going to honour her deal after all for which he was grateful. Given that she’d been cheating him of his jobs recently money was tight. “The spiced wine is fairly good.” Cal suggested. “So tell me. This whole frustrating game of yours - what was the purpose? Did you want to drive me half mad only to introduce yourself and intrigue me further? Because you could’ve skipped right to the introduction and I would’ve been intrigued.” 
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sexy-senator-renard · 2 years
go to karaoke song?
“Dancing in the Dark” by Bruce Springsteen. It’s fun and flirty and isn’t overly complicated or with too much range so Cal, who is really just a decent singer at best, can handle it. Plus, he can dance while doing it because it has a good beat. 
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sexy-senator-renard · 2 years
do they have a certain aesthetic or style? / do they have tattoos or piercings? / do they have any distinctive features or marks?
do they have a certain aesthetic or style?
Leather and tight fitting clothing, generally. Or sometimes a weird but stylish mish mash of well made pieces from throughout history that he’s put together in interesting ways. He also likes necklaces and wears quite a few rings most of the time. Almost never leaves the house or goes out in public without a generous application of guyliner. It really brings out his eyes, of course. 
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do they have tattoos or piercings? 
Yes. Cal has the lobe of his right ear pierced. 
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He also has angel wing tattoos on his back. Not because he’s religious but because he thinks they’re pretty and there’s a certain irony to a vampire having them. It amuses him. 
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do they have any distinctive features or marks? 
His piercing blue eyes, of course, and his charming smile.
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sexy-senator-renard · 2 years
opinion on horror films?
They’re generally too slashery and violent for Cal. He can definitely get into some good psychological horror or suspense though as long as it’s light on the blood and gore. So I suppose he’s a bit of a snob about it and mostly thinks they’re not worth the time but if they’re clever and interesting he’ll give them a shot. 
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sexy-senator-renard · 2 years
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sexy-senator-renard · 2 years
Lucien had said immediately that he was not to embarrass him and Jamie thought flirting and or fucking another senator, even if he wanted to, was high on that list. The appeal to break the rules out of spite is tempting, but his need for survival trumps self destruction every time. He’s too close to the queen, he has power, he has influence, but on top of that he also has the audacity to assume he’s some kind of welcome to Rome present. Stepping away from the doorway to sink down into the chair on the other side of the desk, Jamie crosses his legs at the ankle and looks to the other vampire pointedly. “An’ I will remain at work until this problem is solved.” It’s cool again, it’s a reiteration that he’s going to keep it professional, which he figures is a gentle enough letdown. “It wasnae something I expected.” The body, he thought about it often, it was hard not to. He wasn’t a stranger to violence or bodies, but the feeling of absolute dread he’d felt rolling the facedown vampire over in the water…Terrible was an understatement. “I assume ye were told what killed it.”
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The other vampire seemed quite adamant when it came to keeping things professional which was a shame but Cal didn’t push too far so he sighed but accepted it. “What a shame, but all right.” He might still flirt a little, it was his personality after all, but he could also maintain seriousness when it was necessary. Jamie invited himself into the office but Cal didn’t mind, shifting to actually sit behind his desk and face the other vampire that way instead of just remain leaning against his desk.  “No, I can’t imagine it would be.” Was anyone expecting to find a body like that? The thought made Cal cringe. He leaned back in his chair and nodded. “I’ve been informed, yes. I assume you can confirm the fact of it?” He raised an eyebrow, curious to see how someone who’d actually found the body would describe the death. The idea of a leech still spooked Cal tremendously but he wasn’t about to show that or toss the word around too much. He doubted they wanted that to be common knowledge and there were plenty of keen ears in this building alone. 
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sexy-senator-renard · 2 years
who: @sexy-senator-renard​
where: just a bite 
It wasn’t until after the masquerade, (after she’d seen all sorts of different supernatural species aiding each other in their escape, hand in hand), that she’d felt comfortable enough to enter a vampire bar as a non-bloodsucker. Kit didn’t plan to offer her own veiny kool-aid up as a snack just yet, considering it was a vital source of her preferred spell-work. It was tempting. The faces of the mortals filling with ecstasy as they succumbed to the thrall showed exactly how much of a good time they were having. She’d been given propositions of course, all of which she’d turned down. Though she couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to completely surrender control like that, put your life and trust in the hands of another person, give in to chaos. Would it feel good? Kit shook herself, that wasn’t what she was here for. She was here for research. Blood magic was a complicated craft, but the simplest piece was presented right here in front of her on a platter, blood itself.
Her intense study of the bite wound on a young woman’s neck was interrupted by the sound of a voice that sent a thrill through her body head to toe. Kit’s gaze landed on black hair, piercing eyes, scruff lining a sculpted jawline. She remembered him of course, one didn’t spend their first night in a new city having some of the best sex of their life, and then forget about it. One night stands weren’t something she did, at least, not something she’d made a habit of doing. If you excluded the ritual orgy, Kit could count on one hand the amount of people who had seen her naked. She hadn’t exactly planned on a vampire senator being one of them. 
Her eyes widened as the word ‘senator’ crossed her thoughts. She’d completely forgotten that the vamps had placed someone new in the Senate. It was a very recent change, with news of who it was only reaching her a few weeks ago. Kit had completely forgotten about it after the chaos in the Otherworld. She’d slept with a government official, God forgive her. The realization forced her off of her bar stool and over to the man in question. Getting all up in his personal space, she jabbed an angry finger into his chest. “You didn’t tell me you were going to be a fucking senator! Maybe mention that to the next innocent supernatural you try to chat up, asshole!”
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Cal found himself at Just a Bite somewhat frequently but not for the reasons one might expect. He didn’t like drinking from the vein, though didn’t mind blood mixed in with his alcohol, which is what he generally consumed there. No, he came because this is where a lot of vampires spent their time and he both generally liked to socialize with other vampires and found it even more necessary now as a senator. How could he best serve his people if he didn’t know them? It helped that it was a club (a place he would’ve gone to anyway) so he could mix business and pleasure by getting to know the other vampires in the city in a relaxed environment and have fun on top of it. It was truly a win/win scenario and Cal was always fond of those. 
He was not exactly drunk but certainly in a good mood and in the midst of a conversation with a couple of other vampires at a booth. He was just finishing an amusing anecdote when a witch stormed over and poked him in the chest, accusing him of...not stating his ambitions before sleeping with her? That seemed a rather steep expectation for a one night stand, as he remembered her to have been after a moment. It had been several months ago, she’d been knew in the city and he’d welcomed her to Rome, so to speak. He remembered the details but not her name, for the moment. Perhaps it would come to him. In spite of her aggression, Cal was more amused than anything. 
“I wasn’t aware at the time that I was going to be a senator either, love. My predecessor was still very much alive at the time. Do you expect all hookups to announce possible political aspirations before you take them to the bedroom? I don’t remember you announcing any you might have had at the time so that strikes me as rather unreasonable.” The vampires he’d been talking to had discreetly slipped away to avoid the confrontation so Cal found himself alone with the irate witch, though he was still more amused than anything, as his tone reflected. “I hardly think is deserved after what I remember to have been a very satisfying evening for the both of us. Perhaps we can start over with a drink?” He motioned to the newly empty spot across from with his glass.
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sexy-senator-renard · 2 years
5, 17, 37
05: What is your relationship status?
“Single and constantly mingling. Interested, darling? Do drop me a line if you are...” 
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17: Ever made out in the bathroom?
“Certainly. Have people not done that? There’s the approach to the shower, being in the shower, having a bath with someone. That’s of course only private bathrooms. There are all kinds of other options in public bathrooms, all of which I’m fairly certain I’ve done.” 
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget?
“Why would I do either when I’ve been wronged? I have a good memory and am not particularly forgiving, depending on what’s been done. I suppose if I had to choose one I would say forget, though they’re both rather difficult.” 
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sexy-senator-renard · 2 years
25: Do you miss anyone from your past?
“My, aren’t we all interested in this today? I have quite a lot of past considering my age so in some senses, yes. I’ve outlived many friends simply for being immortal when they are not so I miss them at times. I try not to dwell too heavily on such things, though. As stated, I’m far too busy to really focus on it. 
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Ismay. Nathaniel. Jocelyn. Declan. Rebecca.“
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