sexymanifestor · 26 days
I am the prime example of getting what I want 💋🎀
divine reminders pt. 6 the final part
I can't express how much I appreciate the love from doing this cute series!! It was so fun creating these self concepts for each affirmation. I hope this will help you into your life 🩷
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I always get what I want in life. It is so easy for me to receive everything I desire. In fact I don't have to lift a finger. Everything that I want just comes effortlessly for me. I never have to settle for the bare minimum when I want when I can only expect the highest standards. I deserve to get everything that I want because my life is mean to be spent that way. What I want is exactly what I get and then some.
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sexymanifestor · 4 months
learn indifference ⋆˙✧⋆
indifference = “lack of interest, lack of concern”
since we already know the 3d is always neutral and has no original meaning, we know that as the operant power we are the ones that assign ‘circumstances’ and ‘negative’ thoughts meaning.
we should continue being indifferent to the 3d meaning we dont care how it looks because it never means anything. being indifferent means no giving the 3d power, energy, no entertaining thoughts that dont serve us, no holding our desires above the pedestal, no accepting and creating stories based on our current 3d and dwelling in them.
remember that we are not our thoughts, we are not our circumstances, we are not our emotions, doubts, or anxiety. our past experiences have no power over us until we decide it does.
how to be indifferent:
be internally fulfilled (satisfy your inner self w the desire which is now reality) so that you feel the knowing of already having your desire which means it will be easier to not give a fuck about the 3d
accept the end and only the end: know that the 3d could be changing in your favor for example, a lady was manifesting a better high paying job and she got fired from her current job for whatever reason. because she got fired, someone recommended her to a new job which was higher paying and she got that job (which was what she wanted). imagine if she accepted the 3d when she lost her job instead of only accepting the end goal. this is why nothing in the 3d matters and why the 3d cant be trusted. whatever you see, dont identify with “this isnt working” blah blah blah because you should be practicing indifference like that lady. she didnt gaf about the 3d and continued accepting she was already her desired self
trust the law: the law is always working and failure does not exist. you identify as a desired version of you and fulfill? ok now its done. theres nothing else to do but continue being that person. dont let anything in the 3d crash you down. dont even entertain the option of “failure”
know the 3d is a reflection of imagination: it has no mind of its own. the only thing it knows how to do is reflect self/imagination so know that at every moment, you always call the shots. this is all you so why care or validate the 3d when its only a reflection of you?
hold yourself higher on the pedestal: when you put yourself (inner self/imagination) first, you become attached to anything else. finding validation in yourself only instead of the 3d. when you want something, immediately fulfill yourself with in imagination instead of searching for fulfillment in the 3d
stop giving the 3d attention: have you ever heard of “whatever you focus on grows”? when you find yourself being aware of the 3d, just shift you attention elsewhere
“As the end is accepted, you become totally indifferent as to possible failure, for acceptance of the end wills the means to that end. When you emerge from the moment of prayer, it is as though you were shown the happy and successful end of a play although you were not shown how that end was achieved.” - ng
“The best denial is total indifference. Things wither and die through indifference. They are kept alive through attention. You do not deny a thing by saying it does not exist. Rather you put feeling into it by recognizing it, and what you recognize as true, is true to you, be it good, bad or indifferent.” - nd
before indifference: *allowing negative thoughts to consume you, accepting the 3d ‘negative circumstances’ as true, when you imagine something and look at the 3d you feel easily discouraged and start to be a victim to it, feeling like you have to ignore the 3d because youre scared of it, you feel the need to search for answers in the 3d all day because you see it as more important than it actually is, you are attached to the 3d and your mood changes when a single little thing looks “bad”*
after indifference: *nothing in the 3d shakes who you are being in imagination because you know who you are internally being is the only truth, you dont care about experiencing things in the 3d that are the opposite of your desire because you know you always call the shots, if you get discouraged you get your ass back up and know yourself to be the operant power, you arent attached to the 3d and searching for its validation*
so when you are indifferent to the 3d, you dont care about it, you arent afraid of it, you know it holds no importance or original meaning therefore you dont let it influence who you are being in imagination. think about when people pass by a homeless person on the street: they might think about it in the moment but most of them would go thro the rest of their day forgetting about it because they just didnt care. think about that one person who always knows they look good and their jealous friend tells them they look bad: that person would not care about outside voices because they know that they look good and they only accept internal validation
your only job is accepting the desire that the inner self experiences, as true while being indifferent to the experiences of the human self
kisses, jani ☆
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sexymanifestor · 5 months
could you tell us a few important points you learned about after speaking to neville? :) they don't have to be detailed, just summarized bullet points maybe? you don't have to answer this ask if someone asked this before! (sorry there's a lot and i can't really browse all of your blog to make sure) thanks for your time!
you need faith. faith is essential.
always go to bed feeling fulfilled. always.
your imagination is always going to be better than your outer world. embody that.
when something unwanted happens in your outer reality, laugh at it.
to manifest for others, assume they are in the state you want, or will be.
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sexymanifestor · 5 months
Moon i wokeup with my dream life today i can't believe omg!!
All i did was go to bed feeling how i going wakeup with my dream life tomorrow and felt so natural and relaxed i also affirm that i have my dream life and i felt asleep.I'm so grateful you and other bloggers helped me alot tysm ily.
Being a nepo baby
Having my desired frnds
Loving family
Being an influencer
Being the It girl in my country
And more, i can't belive it thankyou so much love🫶🏻🥹
I cant tell you how happy I am for you. Congratulations!!!
you did all of this, we did nothing it was all you
have fun living the life of your dreams, you deserve it!!!
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sexymanifestor · 5 months
I am so grateful and happy now that I have the life that I want 🌸💕🎀🧿🪬
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sexymanifestor · 6 months
I’m sorry to ask this repetitive question but I am autistic and struggle to understand many basic concepts within the Law of Assumption it's especially harder since most people speak in riddles and I'm not good with those things. I need clarification on a few things; What is imagination and what does it mean to imagine? Must you always be aware of the state that you're entertaining and micromanage your thoughts? How do I ignore the 3D and live in the imagination? Am I supposed to ignore all of my 3D responsibilities and pretend that I'm living my dream life? For example, if I have a test on Thursday and I want to manifest that I don't, should I not study and pretend that I don't have a test? If I remind myself, "Oh, you need to study for your test on Thursday" and I continue to study even though I'm manifesting that I don't have a test, would that be a contradiction and mean that I'm admitting that I don't have my desire? Should I think and act a certain way or continue living my life? There's too much information about what to do and what not to and I'm so confused because I don't understand it and it makes me insane!
Ma vie, it's much simpler than you think it is. Allow me to break it down little by little:
What is imagination and what does it mean to imagine?
Imagination: the faculty or action of forming new ideas, or images or concepts of external objects not present to the senses.
To imagine simply means to devise an idea. Ideas owe their origin to imagination. Before it became reality, everything around you was once merely an idea: the internet, social media apps, technology, electronics, the model of your home, cars, freeways, haircut trends, the design of the clothes you are currently wearing, the very idea of even wearing clothes, art as a whole, it doesn't matter what you point at; EVERYTHING was born from imagination.
Must you always be aware of the state that you're entertaining and micromanage your thoughts?
You make acknowledging your state sound like something you have to be constantly monitoring. You don't have to be monitoring anything. As I'm sure you know, you're always in a state because you are always conscious of being something. Regarding micromanaging your thoughts: NO! Your thoughts indicate your state so if you're thinking against your desired state of consciousness then that means you are not conscious of being who you desire to be, and so you change that via I AM and you persist in it.
How do I ignore the 3D and live in the imagination? Am I supposed to ignore all of my 3D responsibilities and pretend that I'm living my dream life?
Ignoring the 3D is not about pretending it isn't there. It is about not letting it have the last word.
Pretend? NO! Pretend implies that it isn't real, when imagination IS REAL. IMAGINATION IS THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD AROUND YOU!
"Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." - Philippians 4:8
When you live in imagination, you contemplate what you would like to experience and then immerse yourself in the feeling of the wish fulfilled. Accept that invisible state (your dream life) as reality. Then go your way knowing the desire is now yours.
If I remind myself, "Oh, you need to study for your test on Thursday" and I continue to study even though I'm manifesting that I don't have a test, would that be a contradiction and mean that I'm admitting that I don't have my desire? Should I think and act a certain way or continue living my life?
Do what you have to do in your day-to-day life, just remember to bring yourself back to that which you desire to be. Walk as though you were and persist in it. As I said, ignoring the 3D is not about pretending it isn't there. Attending it for a moment will not kill your imaginal act. So you take care of what needs to be taken care of and remember to bring yourself back to your idea if you waver. Accept what you want in imagination. Remember that imagination is the cause and the 3D is the effect.
I hope this cleared up your confusion. As always, if you have further questions you're welcome to send them over <3
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sexymanifestor · 6 months
What You See Know is What You Get
Relying on the 3d (at first) is understandable. It's the projection of our world; we can feel it, hear it and/or see it. Its tangible, whereas our imagination/mind seem like things we simply conjure up through observing our physical reality. We're raised on the core belief is what we see is what we get, what we see is what is. Our belief in the 3d is automatically sustained because we gravitate towards proof of existence.
But the outer man/the 3d cannot sustain itself. The outer man cannot assume, and the 3d cannot persist. They only reflect that which is cultivated/done within. The 4d/inner man can be changed, though. As the inner world changes, the outer world shifts and molds itself to accommodate that change. Persisting in a certain assumption hardens it, and that's what the 3d becomes.
What you assume to be true is what you get. What you know is what you get.
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sexymanifestor · 6 months
affirm AND persist
“but abyss, why aren’t my manifestations coming to me ☹️☹️”
are you affirming and persisting? saying AND doing? breathing AND living? or are you just saying it once “oh no it didn’t work ☹️ what the heck” saying it again the next day and never doing anything, changing anything or getting advice from people?
then all you’re doing is affirming. this is the most common issue i see within people who say “my manifestations aren’t working”.
let’s think of this logically. i want to get fit, right? all im saying is “im gonna go to the gym today.” i never go to the gym, i never ask my friends who work out what to do, how to get started. i never change my diet to make sure i’m eating and drinking enough in order to be able to work out, yet im pissy because i dont see the results i want.
that’s because i’m only affirming and doing the BARE MINIMUM. sure, you can get your desires without doing a lot, but sometimes you have to work to BELIEVE and MAKE it happen.
don’t just sit on your ass, get up and put in the work. you can do it, you know it.
you can be affirming and persisting subconsciously, but try to do it consciously now. if you’re the opposite, start affirming and persisting subconsciously as well as consciously.
i hope this helps someone, seriously you guys. you deserve everything in the universe and more. i pray this helps.
take it as a sign.
love and blessings, from the abyss
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sexymanifestor · 7 months
stop asking "how".
you don't need to know exactly how your desires will come to fruition unless you decide how.
for example, if i am manifesting a degree, i am not gonna keep questioning myself how am i gonna get the degree, it's not my job to decide how (unless i want to decide how). i am simply gonna get it regardless, the how doesn't matter at all.
and most importantly i am NOT going to bring in logic, like "i must go through 2/3 years of college to get the degree". NO. you can get the degree RIGHT NOW without going through all that because you are LIMITLESS. you decide everything.
i know it's crazy because at first, it seems absolutely farfetched to even think that we can get our desires without lifting a finger, especially for people who grew up being taught they have to "work hard" or "put in the work" to get what they want.
the law of assumption, however, defies all that logic nonsense. you can literally get everything you want with YOUR MIND, the operant power. like, you don't even need to physically do anything in the 3d.
there are so many success stories of people manifesting without having to go through any process, it just came to them so naturally. they didn't worry about the how, they didn't worry about the process, they simply knew it was theirs regardless.
so take my advice, let go of the how. just focus on having.
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sexymanifestor · 7 months
Your desires are mundane- at best. Your desired assumptions are basic in every way. There's no room for failure because manifesting is as easy as a second going by. You aren't so special that YOU out of all people can't create your reality. 🙄
You are a perfected version of yourself right now. You aren't living your "dream life", you're living the life others can only dream of.
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sexymanifestor · 7 months
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“ignoring” the 3D: what is it and how to do it
a lot of people get confused over the phrase "ignoring the 3D." they think this means they have to “act as if,” lie to themselves and the people around them, and then end up feeling pretty delusional. however, i’m here to tell you that it is WAY simpler than this! first of all, we need to rephrase the term “ignoring the 3D.” when neville goddard and other teachers said to “ignore” the 3D, they didn’t mean to literally ignore it.  they mean to stop REACTING mentally to what the 3D is showing you. so the better phrase would be to “not react to the 3D.”
→˚₊· you must realize that...
the 3D has to conform to any assumptions you currently have, whether it be desirable or undesirable.
the 3D is NOT permanent. nothing whatsoever is set in stone. your circumstances can change in literally a second.
your subconscious has no eyes. what you tell it, (i.e by reacting or affirming), is what it will assume.
so what exactly does not reacting to the 3D mean? it means to not mentally reaffirm unfavorable assumptions about the 3D. for example, if you’ve been affirming for your SP to like you back and then you find out they’re already in a relationship, DON’T MENTALLY REACT TO IT! simply acknowledge the circumstance and know that you already have your desires and the 3D will conform no matter what. also keep in mind that it’s completely fine to react emotionally to the 3D. you can cry or be angry, you’re still human after all. but don’t let your thoughts slip back into the old story and old pattern of thinking.
ok this is way easier said than done, i know, but once you master this, all of your manifestations will literally come flowing in!!
→˚₊· here are some tips to help curb your reaction to the 3D…
meditation: this is an excellent way to not only get into a calmer state, but to really tune into your thoughts and become aware of what assumptions are serving you are not. (kim velez has some great meditations for self concept on youtube!)
keeping a stricter mental diet: when faced with an unfavorable circumstance, you may be tempted to let your thoughts spiral back into the old story. by keeping a strict mental diet, you can prevent this from even happening. don’t even give your mind a chance to go back to your old assumptions.
create a new assumption: by this i mean creating a whole new assumption for whenever you react to the 3D. this can be something like “negative thoughts never manifest,” “nothing, not even i, can stop my desires from manifesting” or “everything works out for me.” affirm these if you’re reacting emotionally.
subliminals: now i know subliminals aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but i personally love them! there are some really great ones for self-concept, and a bunch for literally any specific desire. (i'll make a separate post in the future on subs and how to use them)
read neville goddard’s works: tbh this is one that i need to do way more, but his books and lectures are EXCELLENT if you want to learn more about the law and how to apply it, or just to refresh your mind and motivate yourself.
but at the end of the day the most important thing to remember is to PERSIST despite what you see in the 3D!! don’t ever give up on your mental diet. your desires have NO choice but to manifest!!
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© celestialheartbeat - 2021
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sexymanifestor · 7 months
Let me tell you a secret: Almost everyone feels ugly when they look in the mirror, no matter how conventionally attractive they are. Everyone criticizes themself and is mean to themselves and wastes their life away hating themselves. Don't be like that. Love yourself, please, you are a gorgeous gorgeous fairy person that only exists once in the world. You are allowed not to feed into all the brainwashing and just love yourself. Unconditionally. It would make you so much more beautiful.
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sexymanifestor · 7 months
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sexymanifestor · 7 months
I wanted to share a few words of advice with you guys for times when you feel overwhelmed by doubt or uncertainty that you might fail or it won't turn out in your favor:
whenever I feel myself succumbing to an unfavorable pattern of thinking by giving into my worries, I like to recenter myself by remembering that I don’t live in a world of facts, I live in a world of imagination and the only one who can sabotage anything is myself by what I choose to be because I am, have been and always will be the cause, so if I can pick between being accepted or rejected and the same "effort" is required for both then why would I not pick acceptance?
a lot of us self sabotage by feeding into the unfavorable scenario because we have so many reasons to believe that it won’t work out. but you don’t need to be concerned with it “working out” or not because creation is finished. you’re not "creating" a state of consciousness because they all exist within you awaiting occupancy. the means are not up to you to determine. you're only asked to accept it by claiming yourself to be via I AM.
I'll repeat this again because it's very important that you understand this: the world is a reflection of the state you choose to be conscious of. key word: choose. if you can choose fear, you can also choose love. if you can choose failure, you can also choose success. every possibly conceivable state is ready for you to select and occupy at all times. there's no need to fear the outer world since it's only showing you your self concept (the state you have selected willingly or unwillingly). when you bring yourself back to this fact, you realize that you really are above your fear and you no longer need to feel bound by it because you can always select something other than fear. the 3D cannot show you anything you aren’t conscious of being, so it’s always up to you whether you want to be conscious of winning or losing. it follows you, the 3D isn’t randomized and subject to chance, it is a reflection of you. at this and every moment you get to decide what the reflection will look like. so will you persist in desire or will you persist in fulfillment?
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sexymanifestor · 7 months
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sexymanifestor · 7 months
Identifying with the inner man
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These are going to be the notes i prepared while reading Edward Art's series part 4 "the inner self must be exalted"
Inner man we talk about is the true you that is within, THE SELF.
Understand that it's not the outer man (the body) who is desiring but it is the inner man who is desiring. Do you think that your physical body can desire?
Now you know that inner man (the one WITHIN) is desiring, then it must be fulfilled within.
Nothing to change but self because the outer world is nothing but an expression of self.
Everything is happening within, the one who is desiring is the self, the one who is worrying is the self, the one who is scared is the self, the one who is powerful enough to give himself all that he desires is also the self.
The limitations of the outer world should not be a concern to the inner man as everything is possible to him.
You should never mold your desires so that it could fit the limitations of the 3d. Fulfill your desires as it comes to you.
Imagination is the real reality and the outer world just an reflection of it.
Identify yourself not as the outer man but the inner man who is desiring and who can fulfill all his desires.
Here's part 2
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sexymanifestor · 7 months
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Source: Pinterest
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