sf-akahana · 2 days
Ooh any J/iaoqiu hcs?
heieiwiskwkdjejen HI!!!! i love j/iaoqiu. i LOVE HIM. lets go anon
also bonus surprise um i’ll do a few for m/oze on this post too just cause i like him a lot and i like these two together
the fan he uses in his ult? he shields his face with that and ducks behind it to cover
allergic to dust
↳ i’ll contextualise this more in the m/oze section just cause it fits better there ok
regular snzs are usually in singles, but occasionally a second one will follow it up
↳ soft, and not really loud or vocal at all (though the first syllable may have some volume to it if he’s particularly irritated by something) — “hah’hKShhw!” like that
↳ this definitely makes no sense at all but his sneezes sound like they tickle a lot. i can’t explain this they just do
very easily induced by like. physical means (so not scents or pollen but rather sticking something up there. you get what i mean)
↳ this is the only way to get these little rapid fittish snzs out of him — “hahh’kisshh-kshh’chshh’hue!” like three to four in one go
Sorry for being horny it will happen again
he doesnt completely stop working when he’s sick but he will take it easy until he’s well agaib
↳ also hides it well, but i dont really think on purpose, he just doesn’t seem to outwardly show symptoms (unless he’s sneezing lmfao)
↳ however if u happen to stare at him in great detail his nose will be rimmed red when he’s got a cold or something, that’s probably his number one tell
m/oze time. he’s also allergic to dust! he says in one of his idle texts that he enjoys cleaning and i like to think his dust sensitivity is partly why
↳ also him and j/iaoqiu both being allergic to dust is all the more reason to keep their space clean if hypothetically theoretically they were boyfriends
true to his character & canon stealth, he is a master of both stifling absolutely silently and also holding back when he needs to
↳ and he stifles (silently) 90% of the time, twice in a row every time without fail
↳ the other 10% he’s probably accidentally scaring people with unstifled snzs 😞 his buildups are practically soundless so nobody expects when “huh’sSCHHhue! ‘hiHSZHHh’uh!” suddenly bursts out of him with no warning
he doesn’t share j/iaoqiu’s taste for spicy food… perhaps because he is sensitive to it
↳ he’ll be like “i… have a low spice tolerance” knowing full well half the reason his eyes are watering is because of how badly he needs to sneeze
thank you for the req anon!! i hope these were good ^^
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sf-akahana · 4 days
Ranpo miscalculates, but Poe's mostly okay with it and it all works out in the end.
In response to this ask:
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No script for this one, sorry, but here are some notes:
➀ In the beginning Ranpo asks Poe what he's doing, and Poe responds that he's writing a murder (only he uses the word "composing" because he's Poe ^_^
➁ The story Poe is referring to is The Murders in the Rue Morgue.
➂ The French Ranpo uses is a quote from Julie ou la nouvelle Héloïse by Jean-Jacques Rousseau meaning, "To deny that which is, and explain that which is not."
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sf-akahana · 4 days
2. Stuck at work
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ss redraw of ji/ng y/uan from h/s/r being miserable at his desk 🦁
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sf-akahana · 4 days
I saw you said you're open to more renders than just Cy/no and Ti/gh/na/ri, so what about Al/hai/th/am and Ka/veh? Ooo or Bai/z/hu!! I don't see enough of them, and all the dendro men have so much potential hehe...
For Al/hai/th/am, I like HUGE hc him with dust allergies, cause then burying his nose in his book backfires in those cases. For Bai/z/hu, I'd love to see something built off the things mentioned in his story quest, so (story quest spoilers)...
Imagine if he transferred allergies or a cold to himself and Changsheng helped him release any stuck sneezes— 👀
If you like these, feel free to go wild with any of em!! I would LOVE to see what you come up with!!
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He was a little hard to work with because taller male models have very subtle eyebrow facials so I had to do some INTENSE mixing~ But! I am overall satified with the way these renders came out nonetheless :3 Hope you enjoy them! :D -Tues 🐰
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sf-akahana · 4 days
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it's 2 a.m rn but I just had to get this out of my system. Cute Yo//suke and Y//u because they're my otp ❤️
Don't reblog to non-kink blogs please!
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sf-akahana · 4 days
feather tease 🪶❄️
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feel free to send some characters/numbers from the prompt ! I’m just going to do them out of order since I’m already behind lmao
also thank u all for the nice tags/comments 🥹🧡
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sf-akahana · 4 days
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when you're not that allergic to your cat 'cause he's hairless and gets bathed regularly but then you're taking cute pet photos and your boyfriend suggests swapping pets and oh MY GOD are you allergic to his
modern au h/ualian xl: it would be so cute, here, hold him! hc: ...okay gege but you are gonna have to take that photo fast
(feat. r/uoye and e'm/ing as cats ^^;; )
[no reblogging to non snz/kink accounts, thanks!]
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sf-akahana · 4 days
i admit i've never really been much of one for the, like, giantess type of scenarios. but that said? the big fairies from b//ot/w? yeah.
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sf-akahana · 4 days
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diluc :)) he snz while bartending
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sf-akahana · 1 month
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Have some sketches of @collectivelyallergic being so effortlessly indulgent and me being his fruity bunny—
These are all actual exchanges we've had over call from some time ago while he was playing 🥰
If you like my drawings, and are willing and able to do so, please consider pledging to my Patreon or donating through ko-fi ☕! You're not obliged to, but every bit helps to keep me living decently and I really do appreciate it!
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sf-akahana · 1 month
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sf-akahana · 2 months
Wasn't there a gif set of Gladio doing a lot of snz????
Oh hooo, did you mean … . THESE? 
Which I absolutely do not have saved to my computer. 
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sf-akahana · 2 months
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Patreon requests from last month's stream! I'm gonna try streaming more to make up for the lack of them last month—
V/enti for syd
Sun/day for fizz
@collectivelyallergic's OC
If you like my drawings, and are willing and able to do so, please consider commissioning me, pledging to my Patreon, or donating through ko-fi ☕! You're not obliged to, but every bit helps to keep me living decently and I really do appreciate it!
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sf-akahana · 3 months
Hey, don't know if any of us other than me are playing Z/Z/Z, but I ran into some dialogue that made me do a double take:
-An/by: Bi/lly, do you really have a cold? If you hadn't sneezed earlier and exposed our position we wouldn't have been forced to run.
-Bi/lly: Um, the machine oil I'm using now has low fluidity in the cold... so some of my gears are starting to run slow.
There's no actual snz but it means as an android he canonically can do that, AND they provided us a reason (it's because his repairs are done with cheap parts/materials because his team is bad at managing money) we don't even have to make up our own excuses lol
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He's super silly goofy, over the top, and whiny I definitely suggest checking out a character trailer
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sf-akahana · 3 months
WHERE'S AARON AND HIS HOTASS GRR I miss him, probably had a dream of cowboys and demons cuz i've been thinking about his hotass all day, with his hotass I mean how he's SO SEXY in anything he doesMMKKRH I wanted to ask what does he do with his tail when he sneezes? Does he wave it like how one waves a hand to fan out a sneeze? does it gets stiff as a rock during the whole thing? I'm really curious! -a lizard with a red hat🦎
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some headcanons here (for the monster fuckers, lite)
Aaron's an erinyes (ill let that pun settle in) so a lot of his things are based on snakes, including his tail which has a rattle on it (......r-rattle snake jake looking ass). It lashes side to side a lot, like a cat, when he's on edge or agitated, which is pretty much always, including right after he sneezes and can't decide if he's done or not.
Also snakes smell with their tongue, and yeah he has a nose whatever, but he's always like licking his lips and stuff, its just his habit. So like after he sneezes, uncovered bc he was raised in a barn fr, he's always wiping with his hand on his lip or has them open so he sniffle or lick his lips or whatever. it grosses me out so i wont elaborate but yah, he's a nasty fellow, no manners, yucky.
also side note, aaron's like (well, for one thing, he's a fury) always mad. Id send him to anger management if that existed in fantasy dnd cowboy land, so he always has the most frustrated scowl whenever he's sneezing it's really funny to me. puts his whole back into it, hands on belt, giving himself wrinkles bc he can't stop furrowing his damn brows
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sf-akahana · 3 months
I saw that you enjoy RP? Can I shyly ask if you prefer RPing characters from specific fandoms or if you have OCs? Thanks for your time! ~
Hi!! No need to be shy lol, I'm happy to answer. I'm down for either, though I haven't rp'd with ocs in a while so I might be a little rusty. With ocs I definitely prefer a fantasy setting, though that can always be negotiated if my rp partner has an interesting idea :D
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sf-akahana · 3 months
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Drew @dawsio 's character Iris!! :3 thought her design was cute, i do love angel characters uwu
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