sgsocial-blog1 · 7 years
Influencer Marketing by Mercedes Benz
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Mercedes Benz in 2013 start use influencer marketing, to extend reach of target audience. Mercedes brand is one of historic and prestigious cars marker in the planet, it associated with highly reputable german precision and premium craftsmanship. Mercedes Benz using  influencer marketing strategy,  and using new of marketing strategy  for launching the Mercedes  CLV bring over 2 millions of social engagement to this reputable brand.  
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The challenge
The car market has becoming very crowed with different kind of car manufactures, like BMW and Jaguar are both design for comfort and performance and is top in line car manufactures. In order to distinguish in marketing and low the cost of advertising. Mercedes Benz using Instagram to do marketing campaigns, to target younger audience. Mercedes selective top five Instagram photographic to take the wheel of new Mercedes CLA. So for whoever photographer has most likes in the image they taken will able drive away the car, it really work out well.   https://youtu.be/BYQL6-3Q8LI   Result 87 million organic Instagram impressions 2 million likes in Instagram 150 new marketing assets (Amazing product image)   Concept Mercedes Benz is using influencer marketing strategy, why is it worth more that a car? Influencer marketing allows your capture a wider audience and building a customer base. Written in Adweek 92% of consumer are trust recommendation from family and friends over branded advertising. Which mean influencer advertising are way more 92% effective for building the trust factory. There not all, in current market place a lot competitor are shouting for the attention and make it hard cut through the noise. Everyone want attention for they brand, so the influencer helps cuts though the noise marketplace. Influencer seem higher convincing way to reach out audience in market place, but is more sophisticated than other digital market and hard to drive conversion if not using correctly. To begin using influencer you have research influencer follower list, what is engagement ratio per post and the follower segmentation. like age, gender, demographic and income. Bottom line is you want target to they influencer follower has possible conversion to made purchase of the car and not bots. How To You can create competitor champaign for people try out your product first? Who are your target audience gender, age, income level and marital status, where to find them and what social platform will be on? Lastly you can recruit bigger/ influencer through they social media network to reach your target audience and blog about your product or service. Lastly set a simple rule, who gets higher engagement wins the prize. Click to Post
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sgsocial-blog1 · 7 years
55% visitors reads article 15 seconds or less: Content Strategy for Sharing
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Tons of blog content are being published every day, but that is only a few of article are getting traction. what is wrong with they content strategy?     The internet is the consistent battle for attention, Everywhere you go, fancy graphic, a catchy tagline, and last view shopping item. It follows you whenever you go, the reason just makes you click. Most time audiences find the article online, feel it the article does no provide insightful information. Most of the visitor less than few second we exited the site some of the review sites are providing expanded product description. Most people may too busy of a schedule, and content creation rather time-consuming task.     How do you measure the value of content?
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1. Check Average people spend in Website The Google Analytics is a good tool to find out your website, understand your audience what is average time spend on your site. 2. Pay attention to the comment. The rise of social network Facebook and Twitter, check your share count of the social network. At the end of your content, you can see a number time the post comments by people. 3. Monitor mentions count This is may need to use social media analytics, to understand the performance of post and how many time being share, comment and reached.     To start to create sharable content strategy?
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1. Research Interest Use both shareable keyword planner & Google Trending Tool. Google keyword planner is to analytics keyword, to understand current keyword how many time being key in the search engine. It will help you to create creating a right topic with right number count. Is advice you choose the keyword that is more than 1000 visit monthly. Google Trending Tool is to analytics trending of the keyword, put in the same keyword you choose from the Google keyword planner. This allows you to check and see is it an uptrend or down trending. Alway good to choose something is up trending keyword, it ensure your content gets more hit when time comes by. 2. Content Strategy The keyword you have chosen, and give a primary reason why your audience should read your articles. Example: Social Media Marketing Title: social media marketing brings business ROI up by 2x times Content: Explain how is benefit business, how can bring up business sales, be a specific benefit, and step by steps explain. If possible share case study, with proof of the fact your are claiming. 3. Social Button This is one of important factor of all, most sure your content is alway shareable. Most website there is share button either left the side of the content or at top content. Make it visible to the audience. Social media connects people who value to each other,  great story that will building relationship. Thank you for taking time reading this post, be sure left feedbacks. Click to Post
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sgsocial-blog1 · 7 years
The Digital Marketer Toolbox: 5 Marketing Tools Made Life Easier
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Every digital marketer faces different challenges, even we have similar goals. Some of the teams consistently produce the top result, while others have trouble to finding the right tool, to begin with.   Whatever may be the case, in short, we all can optimize workflow by using various tools to turn your digital marketing to be more effective and productive. We list down the best free marketing tools and most popular tools used by some other marketers.   1. Trello or Microsoft planner for planning Both tools help you track your daily workflow process.  
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Trello is an amazing tool ever created for everyone, allow your to track a task, what make you asynchronous.    
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Microsoft planner is only for windows user, provided you have office 365 accounts and the planner has been already built in the 365 portal.     2. Grammarly for mistake-free writing
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As the digital marketer, we often write a lot - articles, social media post, promotional message. It is easy to make grammar mistakes without realizing errors. Grammarly after the free plan for both windows and mac users. It instantly checks for spelling, grammatical, punctuation mistakes, and it does the job most of the time.     3. MailChimp for email campaigns
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Mailchimp has been in the market for a while, it offers a free plan up to 2,000 subscribers. It can be highly customizable and just by drop and paste its code. Integration has to be completed.     4.SMAX for social engagement
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Reply to social message always has to be tough to manage, due to multiple social accounts like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The SMAX may not be a free tool, and cost basic plan around $10 monthly. It saves you a lot of time to just go and across to reply to comment in each individual channel.     5.Skype for video call
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We communication through video call to chat face to face, instead of meeting up at the specific location. This greatly saves time for transportation and finding a location for meeting up with your client. Let us know what is your top 5 digital marketing tools, how can it benefit you?   Free feel to share the article, if you have any question please provide us with feedback. Click to Post
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sgsocial-blog1 · 7 years
During the last few decades, advertising campaign on social media has emerged as the most cost effective and result oriented marketing strategy. This digital advertising channel is the best option for improving impressions, clicks, and conversion ratio. If you are planning your marketing strategy, you should allocate 25 – 50 percent of your budget on... The post Advertising campaign Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin ROI guide 2017 appeared first on SMAXpert.
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sgsocial-blog1 · 7 years
Advertising on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin ROI guide 2017
http://bit.ly/2lfs1Gu During the last few decades, social media marketing has emerged as the most cost effective and result oriented marketing strategy. This digital advertising channel is the best option for improving impressions, clicks, and conversion ratio. If you are planning your marketing strategy, you should allocate 25 – 50 percent of your budget on social... The post Advertising on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin ROI guide 2017 appeared first on SMAXpert.
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sgsocial-blog1 · 7 years
[How] Advertising on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin ROI guide 2017
http://bit.ly/2lfs1Gu During the last few decades, social media marketing has emerged as the most cost effective and result oriented marketing strategy. This digital advertising channel is the best option for improving impressions, clicks, and conversion ratio. If you are planning your marketing strategy, you should allocate 25 – 50 percent of your budget on social... The post [How] Advertising on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin ROI guide 2017 appeared first on SMAXpert.
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sgsocial-blog1 · 7 years
It s another new year, which means it s a great opportunity to go through your online marketing plan to roll out necessary improvements. You can use business advancement counseling to help examine and develop your procedures too. Having a group of specialists is critical if you need your promoting to succeed. This incorporates having proficient SEO... The post Digital Marketing Advertising Guide 2017 appeared first on SMAXpert.
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sgsocial-blog1 · 7 years
Motivation :)
I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party. Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please. Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company.
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sgsocial-blog1 · 7 years
For context, as of July 2015, total worldwide population is 7.3 billion The internet has 3.17 billion users There are 2.3 billion active social media users 91% of retail brands use 2 or more social media channels Internet users have an average of 5.54 social media accounts Social media users have risen by 176 million in the last year 1 million new active mobile social users are added every day. That’s 12 each second Facebook Messenger and Whatsapp handle 60 billion messages a day
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sgsocial-blog1 · 7 years
Your business needs to be on social media, but not necessarily on every platform. Here's a breakdown of today's most popular social media tools and how to use them.
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sgsocial-blog1 · 7 years
SMAX Social Media Analytics to Monitor your Engagements, Influencers, Reach & More. Finding out what your customers say about your Product & Service. #digitalmarketing #marketing #analytics #smaxpert #smax #socialmediaanalytics
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sgsocial-blog1 · 7 years
Social media is an effective paid digital channel. Here's a look at social media advertising options and best practices for Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
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sgsocial-blog1 · 7 years
Figure out how to be the most efficient, effective marketer you can be as just a one-man shop. Be productive to day. #digitalmarketing #smaxpert #socialmedia
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sgsocial-blog1 · 7 years
SMAX is keeping track of your favourite Miss Universe candidates! Visit they page for updates and news in social media! #MissUniverse #MissUniverse2016 #65thMissUniverse #smaxpert
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sgsocial-blog1 · 7 years
How do you compete against the big companies in the marketing game? Try using these 5 awesome small business marketing tips.
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sgsocial-blog1 · 7 years
Chinese New Year-themed dishes are prepared by New York-based Hakkasan executive chef Chen Zhineng. Executive chief assistant Rachel Zhou and WSJ's Tanya Rivero discuss each dish and how they bring
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sgsocial-blog1 · 7 years
GoPro Inc. cheered Wall Street by pledging to slash its workforce by 15 percent, shut down the entertainment division and refocus on action cameras and drones. But the moves are no panacea. #camera #gopro
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