sgteamone · 4 years
001 - ENTRY
To those whom it may concern,
SG-1 has recently returned from a short-notice offworld excursion to Orban. The events that preceded this excursion precipitated a not insignificant philosophical wrangle, which put a great strain on our team and very nearly jeopardised our relationship with the Orbanian people.
In the debriefing, General Hammond and Doctor Fraiser suggested that SG-1 should pilot a mental health scheme which would involve chronicling our experiences in a confidential log to help relieve any psychological stressors we may be grappling with at any given time.
This log would also serve as a central database where we could share operational information with and interact with other members of the team.
Sam has worked tirelessly through the night to bring this system online, and as the first one to check in with her this morning, I have been given the honour of entering the first log, which you are now reading.
I apologize for the first crude entry, this idea is still very in its infancy, and I am sure that the format will improve with time.
-  Daniel Jackson.
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