shabo00 · 6 days
So as promised Gigi Andalucia
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The third main character of Gundam Hathaway, and she gets significantly more screen time then Kenneth.
She's very very perceptive, noticing both that the terrorists on the Haunzen are impostors and that Hathaway is Mafty, she's also really direct and honest and yet she never directly tells anyone about Maftys identity. She's painfully direct and honest which feats into her being a sugar baby, she's very aware of how her looks affect people like Kenneth and she enjoys the attention why else would she be the only person to double book, she expected people to approach her, but as much as she likes that attention, she wants to figure out Hathaway's deal cuz he's the only one to not actively want her, he's the enigma she wants to solve, and if even figuring out his identity didn't get him interested than what will?
Kenneth is boring because he's predictable
Hathaway is interesting because he's not
But even Kenneth managed to surprise her when he still offered her the apartment even after learning of her being the mistress to Bounden Wooden
There are also connections to be draw between her and Quess but I'd like to get to that when I talk about Quess in a few days
I really really like Gigi and although I haven't read the novels (yet) so I don't know but I hope she keeps being a major character in the following movies, I really like her
Tomorrow it's the song Tracer and the day after Quess
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shabo00 · 6 days
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The way Garma is drawn and characterized in The Battle Tales of Flanagan Boone.
Look at him.
He's just too precious for the family he was born into.
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shabo00 · 7 days
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🔗 new stories/pics/fanart
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shabo00 · 9 days
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Houseki no kuni X Signalis
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shabo00 · 9 days
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Doomed wife things 😔
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shabo00 · 1 month
Some doodles from the past few days
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shabo00 · 1 month
Doodle to fight artblock
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shabo00 · 1 month
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i love this early chapter illustration. living armor was a turning point when i read the manga for how it shows laios and his solo analytical process but the contrast here…. this is the very first time he’s drawn without armor in the manga (this doesn’t fully happen in-story until chapter 28 when falin goes to check on him after she’s been resurrected, the heartbreaking hug scene)
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before living armor he’s demonstrated wild feats of strength and bravery, his enthusiasm is deeply alienating, and then there’s this sparse illustration with him looking quite small and thoughtful.
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he looks extremely Human. i feel like the contrast is a really forward thinking narratively.
something i find really interesting about laios’s characterization is how the dungeon is such a small window into his personality, and the few moments where he’s more aloof and cold, sometimes resentful are probably what he’s like most of the time (there have been posts showcasing those but i can’t find them rn.)
his default state is not trying to take up too much space, a little bit in his head. i think this chapter pic does a really good job bringing in that idea in really early, while also saying that he’s a lot more than an enthusiastic, leadership driven tank character. he’s vulnerable and analytical.
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shabo00 · 1 month
made a 21 year old oc when i was 17 but also they're immature for their age so i was comfortable writing them. now im 23 and the character remains the same so now i just look at them with disdain. pathetic burnout boy, you will be obliterated in every story for your crimes of being a pitifully immature grown man.
getting older and looking at ur own ocs like okay i know i said you were like 16-19 when i made you at 13 but no fucking way. youre 25 now
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shabo00 · 1 month
No need to answer but I saw Low Kill Shelter and Serious Weakness in your(?) library :) nice nice. Just wanted to reach out for those two
serious weakness hurts a lot. i prefer low kill shelter because SW was honestly too much for me, but it was still extremely well written and is actually what inspired me to start writing hopeless organic. SW has almost nothing in common with HO (i would NOT put melial through anything that horrible), but porpentine just has this...vibe. this "i'm not supposed to be strong enough to accomplish anything, but fuck you, eat my avant garde twink literature that i managed to scrape together out of discarded pencil shavings and force of will" vibe.
porpentine once said something in response to an ask, i can't remember the exact phrasing but i'm stealing the message and phrasing it in my own way:
if you can't run, walk. if you can't walk, crawl. if you can't crawl, wriggle.
my mental illness has incapacitated me to the point that i feel like a walking corpse around 50% of the time. i don't have anywhere near the work output of normal people, and i probably never will. so seeing someone who had to adapt that "just do what you can, even if what you can do is barely anything" mindset, seeing that they managed to put together something as well-written and gut-punchingly effective as serious weakness...
i started to wriggle.
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shabo00 · 1 month
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shabo00 · 1 month
I should write a little essay about my favorite theme in Serious Weakness, the destruction of art as itself a form of art, the aesthetics of vandalism, the idea of being a "vandalized person" latent in the text
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shabo00 · 1 month
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Serious Weakness Trianon
(for @xrafstar)
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shabo00 · 1 month
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tria from serious weakness but with girls
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shabo00 · 2 months
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Malenia 🗡️ commission for @/contraryscale on Twitter
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shabo00 · 2 months
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shabo00 · 2 months
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