shadowbairn-blog · 10 years
[ so I've been horrible and disappeared for a long time. I'm thinking of going through an overhaul and redoing this theme and background, still with little Shadow but maybe a more in depth bio and the like. I'd love to restart my old threads with people so if you're willing to give me another chance hit me up! I'm trying to get back into the indie community and would love any advice you guys are willing to share as like everything has changed -panic- ]
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shadowbairn-blog · 10 years
Happy Turkey Day to all who celebrate! Feast like the Gods and be merry!
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shadowbairn-blog · 10 years
Hey guys!
I've recently been inspired to start my own RP group. It'll be a mafia rp and I really need a coadmin (hopefully at least one with graphics ability as I have none) and am turning to you, my amazing, awesome, beautiful, clever (i could do the whole alphabet) followers for your help.
Please oh PLEASE like this or message me if you're willing to help me get this started. You don't have to join but are more than welcome to and I'll take anyone and everyone who is willing to give me a hand.
Let me know if you want more info.
Thank you and again please help as I am a potato with no real talent. Love me.
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shadowbairn-blog · 10 years
Im trying to prove to my friend that a lot of people will accept him as the gender he is just as they would the gender he was born as. He is afraid to come out especially because he is a polysexual trans.
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shadowbairn-blog · 10 years
I'm tempted to make a Nat rp...anyone feel like RPing if I did?
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shadowbairn-blog · 10 years
[ doooooo it ]
Jfc I want to write for Steve.
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shadowbairn-blog · 10 years
Morning all, does anyone want to plot with Shadow or Skadi?
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shadowbairn-blog · 10 years
[Im still on skype if you need to talk. I'm here for you qt *snuggles* no monsters i promise, I even checked under the bed, all safe. You are safe, you are loved, you are awesome.]
[so I just woke up from a horrible nightmare and now I’m scared of going back to sleep jfc]
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shadowbairn-blog · 10 years
[ *makes you tea* Wanna talk about it? I'm here for you babydoll ]
[so I just woke up from a horrible nightmare and now I’m scared of going back to sleep jfc]
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shadowbairn-blog · 10 years
Kill me? You can try.
Yasuo (via weagueofwegends)
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shadowbairn-blog · 10 years
Shadow spluttered as the snow slid down her face, the icy cold stealing the wind out of her for a minuet.
"Dick!" she shouted gathering snow in her bare hand and throwing handfuls of snow at him as she charged forward. "You're gunna pay for that!"
❂ (your character throwing a snowball at mine)
“An he winds up-“ Brock shouts, narrating the snowball fight. “He throws- He scores!” The soft powder had hit Shadow square in the face. 
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shadowbairn-blog · 10 years
Would anyone be willing to make me some Arya Stark icons for Shadow? I lost all of mine and finding gifs and icons of Arya is surprisingly hard. So I'd appreciate any gifs or icons anyone is willing to do.
I'll write you a drabble or make you a starter or something in return!
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shadowbairn-blog · 10 years
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New Muse: Norse Goddess Skadi
This is my latest muse, the myth Goddess Skadi. She's a Norse Goddess of the Hunt and of Winter. Come RP with her please? I really want to kick her off and interact with some of my AWESOME followers so come by and bug us? 
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shadowbairn-blog · 10 years
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Sometimes there’s honor in revenge
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shadowbairn-blog · 10 years
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Wolves were harder. A man might befriend a wolf, even break a wolf, but no man could truly tame a wolf. “Wolves and women wed for life,” Haggon often said. “You take one, that’s a marriage. The wolf is part of you from that day on, and you’re part of him. Both of you will change.
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shadowbairn-blog · 10 years
She smirked and dragged her knife up from his crotch to his throat, pressing the blade under his jawline and knicking the soft skin it found there. 
"Oh you know, hot bath, lasagna, bad horror movies," she cooed lifting her eyes to his. "What do you say to moving that big scary knife of yours and I'll let you leave with your jugular intact," she batted her lashes, not a hint of fear but a gleam of amusement in her blue-green eyes. 
Rini left the bar shortly after closing time, wandering down the dark streets alone. She took alleys and side streets, disappearing in the dark as she neared her apartment. She seemed engrossed in her thoughts, watching her feet, so when she turned down an alley, it came as a surprise to have her ready to catch her stalker with her blade to his groin. "Well hello to you, too, stranger." [here have a starter!]
Steve tracked his prey from the bar he saw her working in. Following her down the back alleys and side streets, he pulled his Gurka Khukri from it’s sheath on his thigh and turned, ready to snatch her as soon as she was at her most vulnerable point. What he didn’t expect was the knife that found its way straight to his crotch. 
"Oh my. Well then I believe you’ve found my weakness! Small knives!" He chuckled. "Hello there sweetheart. Have any plans for this evening?" Steve said as he wiggled his knife he had managed to get behind her neck. 
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shadowbairn-blog · 10 years
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"Ah a purist," she took the shot back and downed it with ease before looking at the woman. "Y'know, most women with looks like yours don't come to a bar to not drink. You waiting for Mr Right or the burgers? We have great burgers, best in the city," she pointing to the sign over the bar that read 'Best Burgers in New York 2013'."See?"
. Open to All .
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"No thank you. I don’t drink." She said, waving the glass away. This was not a good day for her, and drink would send it even further down the drain.
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