shadowchildkaito · 1 year
Shaggy, Velma, and Daphne (@secondarycolorcharacterbrackets)
Kaitou KID (@gentlemanthiefshowdown)
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shadowchildkaito · 1 year
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shadowchildkaito · 1 year
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shadowchildkaito · 2 years
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Hey, ho, little people!
           No need to fret-
                           Melli has arrived.
not spoiler free. penned by Cherry. sideblog to @shadowchildkaito
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shadowchildkaito · 2 years
change anything as needed!
You’re so pathetic! No matter what side you’re on, you’re always the loser!
There’s a benefit to losing: You get to learn from your mistakes.
You can’t trap justice! It’s an idea, a BELIEF!
Even the most heartfelt belief can get corroded over time!
Justice is a non-corrosive metal!
Funny. I guess destiny isn’t the path chosen for us, but the path we chose for ourselves.
but for me, it’s a reminder of the day this woman ferociously ripped out my heart! And I hate reminders!
Warming up? The sun is WARMING UP?
Oh, you’re a villain, alright! Just not a SUPER one!
I am finally free to get in touch with my true power… weaving lyrical magic!
What are you… what are you saying? You don’t need me?
Sorry, sorry! He’s just not used to positive feedback.
This is the last time you make a fool out of me!
I made you a hero, you did the fool thing ALL BY YOURSELF!
Good is the path of honor, heroism, and nobility. Evil… well, it’s just cooler.
Let’s stop wasting time and call your boyfriend in tights, shall we?
Just a few alterations, and I will be done with your most terrifying cape yet!
I finally had a reason to win… You.
I’m in a heated, existential discussion with this dead-eyed, plastic desk toy.
How could you do this? The people of this city relied on you, and you deserted them! You left us in the hands of… HIM!
Oh! Oh! Oh! I’m going! I think this is it! I’m going far away…!
Don’t give me that face. He reels you in with that little face! Look at that face!
The night you dumped me. Alone. In the rain… Did you ever look back…?
Disgustingly horrifying, sir!
And I love you, random citizen!
Well that seems kinda petty, don’t you think?
She’ll never find out! That’s the point of lying!
Congratulations, another one of your genius plans has backfired on you!
I am extremely boggled!
I’m not allowed to insult guests directly.
Listen, I wouldn’t stay here for more than 2 minutes and 37 seconds. We’re having the walls and ceiling removed.
You want me to say it? I’ll say it! Here it is, from the deepest, blackest pit of my heart: I’M SORRY!
Unfathomable. It’s like, uh, without fathom
I make bad look so good!
You’d be the brain, so you’d get a little brain wearing glasses on your costume or something. And since I’m the cool one, I’d have, like, two tanks sword-fighting
Who wants churros?
Whoa, you almost died but I saved you!
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shadowchildkaito · 2 years
Kaito couldn’t stop the obnoxious laugh that bubbled up in a “ki ki ki!” as he had the back of the blade bounce against his shoulder in rhythm. This was just too much fun! And way too easy. If it was any less fun, he’d be falling asleep in the air. Of course, this was his job, so he would be more skilled at it than a newbie. But he had had his hopes up for this one. Not everyone came with an actual weapon. And even then, it was rare to see an actual sword. Live steel and everything.
“You really think there aren’t enemies out there who will steal your weapons? C’mon! Time to get creative!” He leaned forward just enough to be that little bit extra taunting, which he paired with his feet rising just that little bit further off the ground. Just because he could.
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“So, what else can you do? Don’t tell me you’re a one trick pony~”
❰ ◈;; shadowchildkaito ❱
Kaito somehow managed to grin even harder than before. How long until his face started looking like the Cheshire Cat? It took all his self control to not laugh and give himself away. That could wait. For now, though? He was going to have a little fun. Not that he hadn’t been having fun before, but this was different. This was more for fun than for teaching, as opposed to everything else he had been doing up to this point. Not that it couldn’t still be a teaching moment, but that was beside the point.
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Kaito used all his experience as both a magician and a thief to lunge forward, grab the sword by the hilt, and use his momentum to pull it away. All going well, he would swing it to rest over his shoulder (careful of his wings) and fly up into the air. See what happens then.
Like a curious cat on the prowl, Zack had taken a slow step forward all so he could investigate the source of the noise from before. Aside from the sound, the area had seemed clear so Zack hadn’t even paid attention to the limp weight of his blade he’d had held lightly at his side before – yank!
“ Wha- hey! ”
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Zack would make an swat at his sword only to pull back at hand full of empty air! A jump wouldn’t help him any either as his weapon was lifted higher and higher out of his grasp. That noise had all been a trick to distract him, hadn’t it!? And suddenly Zack was feeling more and more defenseless the farther his sword was pulled away (even if a SOLDIER like him wasn’t ever truly ‘defenseless’).
“ Rrgh, c’mon! This was supposed to be fight, remember? Not some kind of…prank fest! So give me that back already so we can finish this! ”
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shadowchildkaito · 2 years
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Release the crabs!
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shadowchildkaito · 2 years
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Hey, ho, little people!
           No need to fret-
                           Melli has arrived.
not spoiler free. penned by Cherry. sideblog to @shadowchildkaito
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shadowchildkaito · 2 years
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shadowchildkaito · 2 years
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Hey, ho, little people!
           No need to fret-
                           Melli has arrived.
not spoiler free. penned by Cherry. sideblog to @shadowchildkaito
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shadowchildkaito · 2 years
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            « Next stop is “match one”— “match one”. »                                                                                              « Match start !  »
                                      ��             @zeconductor — @reconductor
                                           Battle Subway Bosses — by Morty & Fae
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shadowchildkaito · 2 years
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The great Melli has arrived to grace you with his presence!
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indie sideblog. please like and/or reblog and i’ll check you out
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shadowchildkaito · 2 years
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            « Next stop is “match one”— “match one”. »                                                                                              « Match start !  »
                                                    @zeconductor — @reconductor
                                           Battle Subway Bosses — by Morty & Fae
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shadowchildkaito · 2 years
Kaito somehow managed to grin even harder than before. How long until his face started looking like the Cheshire Cat? It took all his self control to not laugh and give himself away. That could wait. For now, though? He was going to have a little fun. Not that he hadn’t been having fun before, but this was different. This was more for fun than for teaching, as opposed to everything else he had been doing up to this point. Not that it couldn’t still be a teaching moment, but that was beside the point.
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Kaito used all his experience as both a magician and a thief to lunge forward, grab the sword by the hilt, and use his momentum to pull it away. All going well, he would swing it to rest over his shoulder (careful of his wings) and fly up into the air. See what happens then.
❰ ◈;; shadowchildkaito ❱
Kaito kept quiet. He may be loud and showy, but he knew how to sneak. Knowing how to keep attention off what you were doing was just as important to a magician as keeping attention on what you were doing. The beautiful art of misdirection. Who he had learned it from didn’t matter, the point is that he knew it well.
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When the first round of boxes went down, Kaito grinned. So if his pursuer was there, that meant he had-
Kaito did some mental calculations in his head. Which would be easier if he weren’t so tired, but he was used to working with adrenaline.
Kaito carefully picked up a stray can (he would have to clean up again soon. it wasn’t good if it got too messy, and Kaito didn’t like the litter besides) and let it skid along the ground behind him, as if he had kicked it. Three. Two. One.
And he teleported to a spot that was between where he had been hiding, and where he had heard the boxes go down. If things went to plan, then Kaito should be right behind the other again.
“ Ha! ” Another swing, another set of boxes scattered all around the rooftop! Zack wasn’t looking to actually hit a hiding Kaito with his blade, but if he could decrease the amount of hiding spots available to his target, then he’d be able to flush him out in no time!
Or so…that’s what Zack had assumed. He was falling back on his training – on a tactic that Angeal had practically pounded into his head plenty of times over during their VR combat sessions. ‘ If you can’t beat the enemy with force, then beat them at their own game. You have to be smarter than your opponent, Zack. ’ 
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“ Hm? ”
But the sound of a can clanking its way across concrete several steps to his left would break Zack’s concentration on his mentor’s teachings, enough for him to turn to look. He’d been trying to clear out the wrong side the rooftop this entire time, hadn’t he!? But Kaito has messed up in Zack’s opinion now!
He’d turn to take a step toward the noise, searching the roof for any sign of movement near where he’d heard the noise. All he’d needed was a movement in the shadows for Zack to jump toward – even if it’d never crossed his mind that the sound of the can could’ve been a distraction.
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shadowchildkaito · 2 years
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((i have. in fact. been sucked into new game times XD like “missed most of a stream i watch weekly” sucked into game distracted XDDDD i knew it XD))
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shadowchildkaito · 2 years
plotting call!
((i’m probably gonna regret it as soon as that game stops being in “being cataloged” limbo and i get my hands on it, but i’ve run out of threads that aren’t literally years old so
like this for me to come into your DMs and start plotting. mutuals only
Aoyama, Nana, Omakako, Ava, Gail))
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shadowchildkaito · 2 years
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((haha those threads had been in my drafts for such a long time. i have. some other similarly old ones in drafts elsewhere. and also some other threads that i had listed as archived on my thread tracker
imagine if i actually responded to all those old things. there’s two archived threads for Kaito that i could potentially put back in his drafts. not tonight though. imma head off and get some sleep))
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