shadowgurl101 24 days
Chapter I (A whole new world)
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Welcome to the first Chapter
Kings Landing, the place where the Targaryen live. Rhaenyra and her family came back to kings landing to defend the rights of her son Lucerys Velaryon, they are currently in Rhaenyra and Daemon's Chambers when suddenly a bright light blinds them and they disappear, In another part of the castle the same happened to the Greens and the king, After the light, they all look around the strange room with confusion, the queen quickly guide her husband to a nearby sofa, Daemon walked around making sure there was no danger around them when he saw a table with pictures of a young girl holding a puppy, he quickly grabs it went back to the room were his family is "Look what I found" he said as he gives the frame to his wife, Rhaenyra confuse grab the frame and look at it "What is this and who is this?" she asks, her son entered the room from another entrance "Mother you should see this" Confuse both adults follow the younger boy, Alicent curiously followed them with her children behind her. They stopped in front of a wall with different pictures" It looks like they are the owners of this place" Jacaerys explains to his mother.
Meanwhile, in the streets of Somerset, Britain a girl with pink curls is seen walking with a black and white great dane next to her, she stopped next to a sweet shop and looks down at her dog "Sit...stay good girl" Aphrodite smiles and entered the shop. Later on, Aphrodite is seen in a cafe with expensive bags surrounding her chair, and Titan sitting down people-watching. Aphrodite decided to finally go back home after seeing that it was now nighttime, waiting for her butler to pick her and Titan up, A few minutes later Aphrodite is in the car with her butler Rusell "How was your shopping Miss?" he asks, his eyes on the mirror watching as she pets Titan "It was good" her Butler Eric smiled and paid attention to the road. Back in town, the lights of all the stores flicker. The car stopped in front of a gate door waiting for the door to open. Aphrodite got out of the car with some bags in her hands Titan followed her owner with a mini bag hanging out of her mouth.
Daemon put a finger on his lips when he heard a door being opened, everyone in the room stayed quiet as they listen. Hand in the handle of his sword Daemon walked closer to his wife and children, Aemond following his uncle's steps got closer to his mother and sister. Aphrodite keeps walking towards the living room unaware of the danger standing in the room. Titan smells a lot of new scents in her home she quickly ran to the living room making her owner fall.
Hearing a thump the two Targaryen men already had their swords ready. Suddenly a big four-legged creature ran into the room and the person who was closer, which was bad luck to be Otto Hightower "Father" Queen Alicent screamed out before they made any new movement a young girl ran into the room and stopped when she saw people she didn't recognize, quickly taking her taser out she pointed it at them. Everyone in the room stares at her making her more nervous "Who the hell are you?!" Titan quickly got off the man and ran to her owner standing in front of her in an attack position.
Aphrodite looked at everyone one by one "I say who the hell are you all?!" she screamed getting more frustrated "If nobody answers in two minutes I will call the police" Princess Rhaenyra saw how the girl was shaking and step out behind her husband, her son Aegon III in her arms "My name is Princess Rhaenyra and we just appeared in this place" Aphrodite pointed her taser to the voice and relaxed a bit when she got an answer "Princess? what do you mean you're a princess? and how the hell do a bunch of people appear in a room without explanation?!"聽 Rhanerya passed her young son to his brother and moved a little bit more to the girl still aware of the beast in front of the young girl.
Eric heard the young girl scream and quickly ran to the room and paused when he saw the situation "Eric thank god you here, I enter the room and suddenly this group of white and brown chocolate-headed people is standing in front of me, and I pretty much know that Titan gave the one in the floor a concussion" Aphrodite quickly say. Eric just stared.聽
"Sir Eric, what are you doing here?" Queen Alicent asked the man who still stand still "Sir Eric what the hell do you mean sir eric and how the fuck do you know his name" Eric quickly shook his head "How are you all here" he ask and Queen Alicent just shake her head "We have no idea we just appear here" Eric nodded and look at Aphrodite " I never thought this day would happen" Aphrodite looked confused and look at the man "What are you talking about Eric, how do you know these people" Eric whistle getting Titan attention and making the big dog stand down but still cautious "I know them because they come from the same place I came from" Aphrodite looked confused and look between the group and her butler "What they came from your mother?" Eric shook his head "Miss Aphrodite they came from Kings Landing" Still confused the young girl stared at him "Is that what you called your mother Hoha?" Eric just sigh "I meant to say that they are not from this era, they along with me do not belong in the year" He explain.
"what you mean you don't belong in this year, then what year do you belong in... the 1800s" the girl joked but saw the seriousness of the man "Wait you actually saying that you belong in the 1800s?!" she ask now more nervous "Not exactly that year" "Then what year exactly you belong!" Aphrodite said with her voice higher "The year 100bc" Aphrodite shake her head and stepped back 'Youre lying...this has to be a joke...where is the camera?!" she started looking around when suddenly a pair of hands grab her shoulders and turn her towards the people who look at her strangely "There no camera miss Aphrodite just look at their clothes...hair and how they stand" the teen just look at them and turn to her butler and looked at his eyes "oh my god your not lying" the butler just shakes his head "I-I need a moment...maybe an hour...good night everyone if you all real...because I think I'm hallucinating...this has to be a dream" The girl walked out of the room.聽
Once she was out of the room they turned to Eric who sigh. Upstairs Aphrodite looked down at the people on the balcony that stare out into her living room "Oh you guys are still there" Looking up the group saw the girl who just shake her head and walked away "Please forgive her...she needs time to understand, now who knows how long you all staying so ill take you to your rooms and tomorrow morning Ill get some change of clothes for all of you" Everyone followed Eric.
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this. Stay hydrated and have a good morning, afternoon, and night.聽
bye :)
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shadowgurl101 1 year
Chapter X (A conversation between an heir and a Queen)
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Princess Amalthea walked down her castle with her hands behind her back ignoring the looks of the lords and ladies. Guards open the doors to the outside of the garden, and screeching sounds fly around the garden as the Dimorphodon flies around. Sitting on the ground Amalthea played around the pond. Queen Alicent walked into the garden and stopped when she saw Amalthea, She looked around and jumped when Amalthea spoke "Hello Queen Alicent" Alicent walked closer to her and started messing with her cuticles "How did you know it was me?" she asked making Amalthea look up "your footsteps" Alicent just nodded and step back when Astra flew down and landed next to the princess.
There was a silence between them for a while "I have seen how close you become with my son" Almathea already knew who the queen was talking about and nodded at her "I also seen how you two look at each other" the heir of lune look at the queen confused and keep playing with the water. Alicent looked around and slowly sat on the green grass and looked at the princess "I have never seen my son so...happy...last time I've seen him this happy is when he earned his dragon" Amalthea smiled and nodded "You make him happy" Alicent looked at the creature that was now laying her head on her mother's lap, Alicent looked at the princess and smiled "Can I ask you something?" Amalthea just nodded.
" A-Are you currently betrothed?" she asks now looking at the water, Amalthea just looked at her and knew where this was going...everyone knew the rumors about how they trying to put Aegon on the throne so a betroth between House Solar and the greens will make their chances of winning the war go up especially if the kindong of sol follows. But that won't work, House Solar nee House Moon has been loyal to those who have shown their loyalty to them and the house of the dragon has earned their loyalty, and Princess Rhaenyra has stolen the heart of Lune ever since she was babe so everyone is loyal to her.
"I am not" Amalthea replied and she now sat up more straight "I would like to have a betrothal between You and Aemond...I believe it will do good to both kingdoms" Amalthea shook her head and stood up making Astra wake up and screech " As nice that sounds your grace but I will marry for love and if I don't find love then I will be a husbandless queen with no children to pass my throne to...excuse me" Amalthea said as she start walking inside with Astra following behind her. Aemond was walking when he saw Amalthea speed-walking with Astra on her shoulders and screeching like crazy, he was about to speak but stopped when she walked past him not even glancing at him making him confused and watch as she walked away. He looked back where she came from and saw his mother at the doorway looking nervous, Putting two and two together he guessed that his mother said something to anger the princess making him sigh and walk towards his mother and hug her.
Amalthea entered the family room with a slam making everyone in the room jump "Mi corazon what happened" the king asked as he watched his secondborn throw herself onto the sofa, Amalthea mumbled something making everyone confused "What?" Nash asked his aunt making her sit up "I was in the garden with Astra when Queen Alicent came in and asked me if I was betrothed I told her no and she thought a betrothed between me and Prince Aemond was a good idea to join our kingdom together but I told her no" Amalthea explain in one breath making Prince Daemon and Princess Rhaenyra confuse "Wait Queen Alicent asked you that?" Queen Europa asked her sister who nodded "I'm sorry Queen Alicent ask what?" Rhaenyra said looking at the family "The Queen wanted to betroth Amalthea with Prince Aemond" Queen Aquila responded making Daemon groan and shake his head "And Amalthea said no...but I thought you liked the prince?" Nash asked his aunt.
Amalthea groans and looks up to the ceiling "I do not like him...I just think he's cute and...nice" Jacaerys and Lucerys looked at each other and then at the Princess "But I told her I will marry for love not for anything else...before you say anything Nash I do not love him I barely know the guy" Nash close his mouth and kept reading "Oh sweetie,"聽 Aquila said as she hugged her daughter "Do not worry sweetie nobody will make you marry anyone I'll speak to the queen, face to face..queen to queen" Aquila said now standing up and making her way out "Well...Avia gonna put someone in their place" Nash said making his mother and father hit him over the head making him groan.
Queen Aquila walked up to the chamber where the Queen Alicent stayed and knocked. Inside the room, a guard opens the door and announces Aquila making everyone stand up "Queen Aquila we didn't expect you" Alicent said as Aquila entered the room, Aquila entered the room and went straight to the queen ignoring everyone "This is the last time I'm telling you and your family this...I'm not going to marry my daughter off just because you think is a good idea to join the kingdoms together, if she does not want to marry that's her decision but I want my children and my grandkids to marry for love not for power so next time any of you ask to marry my daughter of grandson off to someone from your family or any i won't hesitate to kick all of you out and cut ties with your part of the family...Now I have nothing against Prince Aemond he looks like a nice man and I see the way he looks at my daughter I think they make a beautiful couple but you don't think they both are ready to marry" Aquila finished with a smile and started to walk away "See you during the ball"
Aemond looked at his mother "You wanted to betroth me to the princess?" he asked, Alicent quickly looked at her father and nodded "I thought it was a good idea since you two look fond of each other" Aemond sighed and looked down "Mother I like the princess but I won't trap her into a forced marriage she doesn't want...you don't even know if the princess like me back" Aemond made his way out of the chamber and start walking.
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Well new chapter for yall I'm gonna be honest I have not been inspired to write this story until today, it was kinda rush so I'm sorry if there were mistakes and that the chapter was short. Anyway have a good day,night or afternoon and I hope you liked this chapter.
Avia - grandmother
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shadowgurl101 1 year
Chapter II {The Storm}
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Violeta Ramos's life changed when she finally left her abusive ex, she felt freer and at peace, and she thought everything will go like before when she continued her last year of college, graduated, and find work as a doctor but everything changed for her when she saw those two lines appear in the white stick she was holding, but that didn't stop her, she kept studying and even graduate while being pregnant.聽
Now 13 weeks (three months) pregnant she has been working as an intern in the nearest hospital. A big storm started to form as she made her way back home, hands wrapped tightly around the steering wheel a meow caught her attention, and quickly look next to her, her cat Loki was in his crate meowing and hissing and being reckless inside "It's ok Loki we be home soon" taking a turn she heard a blinking sound and she looks down and saw her gasoline light going off "fuck" she whispers and parked on the side of the road. As she looked for a gas station on her phone she didn't see two figures making their way to her car.
Alarm by Loki's hissing she looks up and saw the figure in her mirrors and quickly locks the doors and grabs her purse taking out her pepper spray. A light from a flashlight shone on her face making her blink to adjust, her breath became shaky when she saw the face of the person. it was her ex "Hi baby miss me?" the man said with a smirk forming on his face "How about we do this the easy way yea? you open the door and come out and we won't hurt you or the cat" Violeta just shake her head "In your dreams Cabron" The smirk of the man faded and used the flashlight to break the window.
Violeta quickly cover her face and try to drive away but her door opened and she got thrown out. the second figure broke the other window and grab Loki's crate and took him out, the kitty hissed and claw the guy in the face making him throw the cat on the floor "Fuck he scratch me!" Violeta took this chance to try and run knowing Loki will follow her. Her ex grab her hair and pulled her back making her groan, turning her around he hit her making her fall "You fucking bitch, why you never listen" Violeta run her tongue on her lips and tasted the blood in the corner and smiled up at him "I never follow the rules you should know this pendejo" her ex shooke with anger and took the gun out of his back pocket "Wait, Zach, what are you doing I thought you say we were just gonna scare her" taking this as her second opportunity to save herself she punch him on his privates making him fall on his knees and dropping the gun.
Violeta quickly got up and kick the gun away "Pinche pendejo" she said as she punch him in the face, looking up she saw the other guy standing there "If you don't wanna get hurt I recommend leaving" The guy quickly run away and made his way to the car but before he can get close a gunshot rang through the air at the same time a thunder strike. The guy fell and grabbed his shoulder as blood run out of the wound "Bitch!" he yelled as he fall. Violeta ignores him and looks down at her ex who is now recovering pointing the gun at his leg she fires the gun making the man scream, trying to shoot again but was surprised when Zach her ex grabs her and threw her to the ground and got on top of her and start strangling her "You fucking bitch you will pay for this!" loosing conscious she quickly aim the gun on his side and pulled the trigger.
Zach looked at her and fell next to her, Violeta quickly fire the gun this time hitting him on his stomach she also threw the gun as far as she can. Zach took his last breath looking at his ex-girlfriend who he abuse mentally and physically. Violeta heard a meow and felt a small weight on her stomach making her put both of her hands on her bump and on the cat, looking up she closed her eyes from exhaustion. This gave the gods the chance to take her to her new destination.
It was a rainy and stormy day in King's Landing, they have never seen something like this, Many thought that the gods were angry at them and trying to punish them. Thunder roaring and wind so strong that can take a whole person flying. servants and guards running around trying to close all the windows and doors of the castle. Loud roars were heard coming from the dragon pit.
Princess Rhaenyra sat in her bed looking forward flinching a little when a big thunder shook the ground, book in hand she got up from her bed and open her curtains and watch as the rain hit her window. The princess had never seen the weather this strong before when suddenly she saw something in the distance, getting a little closer to the window she saw a figure, being curios the princess put a robe on and went toward the hidden door and made her way down the stairs quickly but safely. Looking around she quickly made her way to the figure, she knew this was dangerous but something told her to keep going. As she got closer she start to see the figure better and quickly stopped when she saw that it was a woman.
Worried Rhaenyra start running toward the woman and quickly kneel down, a hiss made her stop her movement and look down at the woman's chest where a cat lays looking at Rhaenyra, she also noticed a small bulge poking the dress the woman was wearing. The cat calm down when he moved and sniff Rhaenyra "It's ok I won't hurt you or her" The cat made his way to Rhaenyra, Taking this as a chance she quickly and gently grab the woman's face and move her head closer to her hearing her breathing. Quickly getting up she look around and saw two guards walking around she made her way toward them "Princess?!" the guards said as they quickly greet her "What are you doing here?" one ask but she ignore them "I need help please just follow me" she quickly went back to the women with both guards following her.
The rain started to calm down.聽 the cat hissed when he saw two unknown figures, Rhaenyra grab the kitten and hold him in her palm as the guards check on the woman "She still breathing, go look for the maester" a guard told the other guard who nodded and start running. The guard gently grab the woman and start taking her inside with Rhaenyra following her "Please take her to the room near mine please" The guard nodded and follow the princess who start petting the cat to calm him and her down.
Once the maester enters the room he starts checking the woman for any injuries, a guard brought a bag and put it on a table but before he starts looking through it Rhaenyra stopped him. The doors open and the king enters looking around "What's going on?" he asks as he got closer to his daughter "Father I found this lady outside with this animal laying on her" The king got closer to the bed and looked at the young lady that lay there "how is she?" the princess asks next to her father "She is alright no injuries but there is a bruise forming around her neck, looked like she was strangled she also looks like she with child" the king just stare "What should we do with her, my king?" a guard asked making Rhaenyra shake her head "let her stay here until she awakes then we can start asking her questions" everyone nodded and start walking out of the room.
Rhaenyra made her way to the door and turn around and look at her father who hasn't moved "Father what's wrong?" she asked as she got closer to him, they both watch as the cat snuggled closer to the woman "It's her" Rhaenyra looked confused "What do you mean?" Viserys look at her daughter "She was the woman that has been in my dreams lately" Rhaenyra of course knew about his dreams but still look confused "The gods brought her to me, to us" Not knowing what to say Rhaenyra just nodded and start to walk away.
Hello!!! hope you guys liked this chapter, this may be the biggest chapter I ever wrote, I hope you聽guys like it and have a good聽day, night, or afternoon.
Cabron- bastard聽
pendejo- asshole聽
pinche pendejo- fucking asshole
Bye :)
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shadowgurl101 1 year
Chapter I {The Wishes}
Welcome to the first chapter I hope you guys enjoy it :)
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The death of Queen Aemma and Prince Baelon put kings landing quietly, a good queen and a future heir gone on the same day. It was dark the moon shine along the stars, Princess Rhaenyra the daughter and sister of the late queen and prince stares ahead, head empty. She felt numb, her father gave her the news of him finding a new wife, a year after her mother's death. she looked at the sky and watch as a star quickly passed by. sighing the princess put her hands together and look up and start praying to the old and new gods, praying that whoever becomes the next queen does not use the Targaryen for her own house benefit.
Meanwhile, her father, King Viserys stared outside his window wishing for the new and old gods to help him, to give him a wife that would be perfect for his kingdom, someone that will be there for him and his daughter along with the kingdom.
The gods felt pity for them, they have seen the future they knew the destiny of the Targaryens. The gods decided to help them this once, they decided to send them someone that will save them. And they chose聽Violeta Calla Santiago-Ramos a young adult that also needed a second chance. They have seen her future and past and also took pity on her but they also saw how good of a leader, she was a perfect fit to be a queen especially when they watch her kick ass while pregnant.聽
Choosing her also made her wish come true, Violeta Ramos wished that she finds a man that will love her and be sweet and kind to not only her but to the little bundle that is growing inside of her. Sighing Violeta knew that her wish was a difficult one.
The gods decided to do something, and that something was to give the king a dream, a dream where he sees Violeta standing next to him talking to Rhaenyra rubbing her back and holding one of her hands. Since that dream, more were coming to him, one where she was carrying a babe, a babe that had her brown hair and eyes and a bump being shown by her dress. In another dream where She and Rhaenyra along with an older brown hair babe running around he could see that she was carrying a white hair babe with violet eyes similar to his but the babe look more like her than anything. Ever since those dreams he knew she was going to be his second wife, the gods where giving him dreams.
Hii thank u for reading the first chapter, I know is short and also a small recap of the prologue but I promise the next chapter will be longer.
Have a good night, day, and afternoon.聽
see you next chapter bye :)
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shadowgurl101 1 year
Welcome to the Prologue of my new story, this is the third story from my House of the Dragon series, hope you enjoy it.
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After the death of his wife King Viserys, is getting pressured to find a new wife by his council members not knowing what to do the king makes a wish one night, that wish was for the gods to please send him a queen that will do her duty but also love him and his daughter.
After her mother's death, Princess Rhaenyra did not know what to do, she felt lost without her in her life, after finding out that her father is now looking for a new wife she always wished and prayed that her stepmother is someone that will care for her father and not use the Targaryen name just for power.
Violeta Ramos is a young woman in her middle 20s, if you ask the people that have met the girl they would tell you she is a nice sweet but sassy, and sarcastic girl but her taste in men was a bad one, always abusive and toxic. Many pity the girl especially in her condition now, pregnant and alone, with no family willing to help her. So one night she wished for someone that will care and love her for who she is, someone sweet and kind.
The official cast of The Time Traveling Queen
Danna Paola as Violeta "Leta" Ramos 'Chosen by the Gods'
random orange cat as Loki聽 'The menace to society and the first time traveling cat'
The rest of the HOTD cast as their characters.
Chapters coming soon.
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shadowgurl101 1 year
The Time Traveling Queen masterlist (coming soon)
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Welcome to the masterlist of my new story down below would be the chapters in order.
Summary- Where a pregnant young woman from 2023 travels back in time because of certain people's wishes that were made during hard times.
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
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shadowgurl101 1 year
Chapter I {A whole new world}
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Kings Landing, the place where the Targaryen live. Rhaenyra and her family came back to kings landing to defend the rights of her son Lucerys Velaryon, they are currently in Rhaenyra and Daemon's Chambers when suddenly a bright light blinds them and they disappear, In another part of the castle the same happened to the Greens and the king, After the light, they all look around the strange room with confusion, the queen quickly guide her husband to a nearby sofa, Daemon walked around making sure there was no danger around them when he saw a table with pictures of a young girl holding a puppy, he quickly grabs it went back to the room were his family is "Look what I found" he said as he gives the frame to his wife, Rhaenyra confuse grab the frame and look at it "What is this and who is this?" she asks, her son entered the room from another entrance "Mother you should see this" Confuse both adults follow the younger boy, Alicent curiously followed them with her children behind her. They stopped in front of a wall with different pictures" It looks like they are the owners of this place" Jacaerys explains to his mother.
Meanwhile, in the streets of Somerset, Britain a girl with pink curls is seen walking with a black and white great dane next to her, she stopped next to a sweet shop and looks down at her dog "Sit...stay good girl" Aphrodite smiles and entered the shop. Later on, Aphrodite is seen in a cafe with expensive bags surrounding her chair, and Titan sitting down people-watching. Aphrodite decided to finally go back home after seeing that it was now nighttime, waiting for her butler to pick her and Titan up, A few minutes later Aphrodite is in the car with her butler Rusell "How was your shopping Miss?" he asks, his eyes on the mirror watching as she pets Titan "It was good" her Butler Eric smiled and paid attention to the road. Back in town, the lights of all the stores flicker. The car stopped in front of a gate door waiting for the door to open. Aphrodite got out of the car with some bags in her hands Titan followed her owner with a mini bag hanging out of her mouth.
Daemon put a finger on his lips when he heard a door being opened, everyone in the room stayed quiet as they listen. Hand in the handle of his sword Daemon walked closer to his wife and children, Aemond following his uncle's steps got closer to his mother and sister. Aphrodite keeps walking towards the living room unaware of the danger standing in the room. Titan smells a lot of new scents in her home she quickly ran to the living room making her owner fall.
Hearing a thump the two Targaryen men already had their swords ready. Suddenly a big four-legged creature ran into the room and the person who was closer, which was bad luck to be Otto Hightower "Father" Queen Alicent screamed out before they made any new movement a young girl ran into the room and stopped when she saw people she didn't recognize, quickly taking her taser out she pointed it at them. Everyone in the room stares at her making her more nervous "Who the hell are you?!" Titan quickly got off the man and ran to her owner standing in front of her in an attack position.
Aphrodite looked at everyone one by one "I say who the hell are you all?!" she screamed getting more frustrated "If nobody answers in two minutes I will call the police" Princess Rhaenyra saw how the girl was shaking and step out behind her husband, her son Aegon III in her arms "My name is Princess Rhaenyra and we just appeared in this place" Aphrodite pointed her taser to the voice and relaxed a bit when she got an answer "Princess? what do you mean you're a princess? and how the hell do a bunch of people appear in a room without explanation?!"聽 Rhanerya passed her young son to his brother and moved a little bit more to the girl still aware of the beast in front of the young girl.
Eric heard the young girl scream and quickly ran to the room and paused when he saw the situation "Eric thank god you here, I enter the room and suddenly this group of white and brown chocolate-headed people is standing in front of me, and I pretty much know that Titan gave the one in the floor a concussion" Aphrodite quickly say. Eric just stared.聽
"Sir Eric, what are you doing here?" Queen Alicent asked the man who still stand still "Sir Eric what the hell do you mean sir eric and how the fuck do you know his name" Eric quickly shook his head "How are you all here" he ask and Queen Alicent just shake her head "We have no idea we just appear here" Eric nodded and look at Aphrodite " I never thought this day would happen" Aphrodite looked confused and look at the man "What are you talking about Eric, how do you know these people" Eric whistle getting Titan attention and making the big dog stand down but still cautious "I know them because they come from the same place I came from" Aphrodite looked confused and look between the group and her butler "What they came from your mother?" Eric shook his head "Miss Aphrodite they came from Kings Landing" Still confused the young girl stared at him "Is that what you called your mother Hoha?" Eric just sigh "I meant to say that they are not from this era, they along with me do not belong in the year" He explain.
"what you mean you don't belong in this year, then what year do you belong in... the 1800s" the girl joked but saw the seriousness of the man "Wait you actually saying that you belong in the 1800s?!" she ask now more nervous "Not exactly that year" "Then what year exactly you belong!" Aphrodite said with her voice higher "The year 100bc" Aphrodite shake her head and stepped back 'Youre lying...this has to be a joke...where is the camera?!" she started looking around when suddenly a pair of hands grab her shoulders and turn her towards the people who look at her strangely "There no camera miss Aphrodite just look at their clothes...hair and how they stand" the teen just look at them and turn to her butler and looked at his eyes "oh my god your not lying" the butler just shakes his head "I-I need a moment...maybe an hour...good night everyone if you all real...because I think I'm hallucinating...this has to be a dream" The girl walked out of the room.聽
Once she was out of the room they turned to Eric who sigh. Upstairs Aphrodite looked down at the people on the balcony that stare out into her living room "Oh you guys are still there" Looking up the group saw the girl who just shake her head and walked away "Please forgive her...she needs time to understand, now who knows how long you all staying so ill take you to your rooms and tomorrow morning Ill get some change of clothes for all of you" Everyone followed Eric.
Hi so this is a repost bc I didn't like the original chapter and storyline so I change some stuff, originally Aphrodite's parents were going to be time travelers but I didn't like that idea so I changed it and I actually like this storyline so much better.
Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this. Stay hydrated and have a good morning, afternoon, and night.聽
bye :)
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shadowgurl101 1 year
Visuals for Past Meets Future
Welcome to the visual of my new story
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Living room
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kitchen and dining room
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master bedroom
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Aphrodite Bedroom
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shadowgurl101 1 year
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On this page, you will find all the links to the stories I currently have published.
House Solar
Past Meets Future
The Time Traveling Queen
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shadowgurl101 1 year
Past Meet Future Prologue/cast
New story!!! I hope you guys like it, this story is in my Wattpad also and there will be a chapter on the visuals ill try to put those same visuals in another post
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Aphrodite Angelo is a girl that is very known to the world, her parents are famous business owners. Aphrodite never grew up with her parents they were always so busy with their businesses that they forget that they have a child, she grew up with her butler and her babysitter. Being an only child she was always lonely and never had anyone to play with her so at the age of ten she convince her parents to get her a dog and they did, that was the only time that she ever talked to her parents without being ignored by them. Now fourteen she changed a lot, she became more independent and took things to her own hand. Everything was normal for the girl until one day everything changed in her life.
Bailey Bass as Aphrodite Angelo "The crazy rich teen"
Rosie Perez as Rosabell Angelo " Absent parent #1"
Idris Elba as Roman Angelo "Absent parent #2"
Sean Bean 聽as Rusell Jones "The father figure"
Helena Bonham Carter as Sally Sweeny "The mother figure"
HOTD cats as their characters
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shadowgurl101 1 year
Past Meet Future masterlist
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Welcome to the masterlist of Past Meet Future
Summary- Where the greens and blacks travel through time by accident and meet a sixteen-year-old girl that has a dark sense of humor.
Second House of the Dragon AU book House Solar and this book are inspired by House of the Dragons
main masterlist
Chapter I { A whole new world}
Chapter II {The Morning After}
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shadowgurl101 1 year
Does anyone know a good and safe website to find movies and TV show scripts? If u do please send me the link or post the link in the comments, please help a girl out.
Thank you :)
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shadowgurl101 1 year
Im alive....it has been five months since I have updated and the reason is bc I forgot I had stories out. Now I'm getting inspired again (Thanks to Rio and Rio 2 soundtrack who also inspired me to make House Solar), so maybe next week or this weekend I will start writing again...I got bored of playing the Sims so writing is gonna replace me playing 24/7. Also, idk if you guys know this but I also have a Wattpad account where there is another House of the Dragon story published, I'll publish that story on Tumblr also when I have a couple of more chapters published. The link below is to go to my Wattpad. Have a good night, day, or afternoon
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shadowgurl101 1 year
Chapter IX (The Eclipse Carnival)
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The Eclipse festival is an event that is always celebrated once a moon, where the townfolks make fun games and prizes for all of Lune and Sol. Princess Rhaenyra looked out the window of her chambers where she could see the whole city of Lune "What are they doing?" she asked a maid who was fixing her dress "They are preparing" Rhaenyra looked at both of their reflections in the mirror "Preparing for what?" the maid step back and start doing some finishing touches with her hair "The Eclipse festival...the townfolks make games and prizes for both Lune and Sol, it last until midnight" she continues when she saw the confused face of the princess "The royal family invited everyone who came to celebrate the name-days of princess Amalthea and Prince Nash" the maid finished with a bow and left the room. Rhaenyra looked at her husband who sat on the bed putting his shoes on.
Amalthea made her way to the garden where everyone is eating their dinner, her lavender dress being grabbed by her hands, purple jewelry shining bright when the sun hit them, and Violet's hair up in a bun with braids around the bun. Amalthea gave the other houses a small hello as she walk towards her table where her family sat. Prince Nash turns his head and saw his aunt making her way toward them "Well, well, well聽bonum mane聽matertera, woke up late huh?" Amalthea slap him on the head, ignoring his hiss she went to kiss her mother and father on the cheek "Amalthea where were you?"Epsilon asks his youngest "I was taking a nap, the gods know I need it" Amalthea grabbed a plate and start putting food on her plate.
Prince Aemond follows the Princess of Lune with his eye as she walks by his family table "One dance changes everything" Heleana whispers under her breath as she watches the princess walk by. "Fancy her brother?" Aegon ask as he refill his cup for the fourth time, Aemond said nothing as he watch the princess hit his nephew on the head. "Aemond has not taken his eye off the princess," Viserys said as he watch his son, Alicent turned towards her son and saw the way he follow the princess with his eye making her smile a little.
After dinner, everyone made their way to the middle of the city where there were small shops set up. Amalthea walked around guards following behind her as she look at the small shops "Princess is good to see you here" Amalthea smiled and look at the man "What new in the shop Antonio?" the man only smile and turn to get a box from the table behind him. Amalthea grabbed the box from him and open it, she finds a necklace with a purple and white stone around the necklace with a big purple stone in the middle two small purple stones dangling next to the big one, and a heart shape above the stone that connect all the parts of the necklace together. In the box, there were also a pair of earrings with the same stone dangling down and a ring that have the shape of a crown with a big purple stone in the middle, diamonds surrounding the band, and finally a pearl cover bracelet with a heart in the middle being held by two diamond cover strings. Amalthea looks at the jewelry and looks up at Antonio "It is for you princess, I made it just for you...a name day present" The princess smiles and closes the box "Thank you Antonio" Amalthea secretly left some money on his table where he can see it later.
Aemond was following the princess, watching how she interact with her people. Aemond saw the love she have for her kingdom and the people, he saw how the townfolks admire and respect her. Amalthea knew the one-eyed prince was following her but she didn't mind, yes it was a little weird but she doesn't mind it too much so she decided to surprise him. The prince looked around trying to find violet hair in between the crowd "What are you looking for?" a female voice said behind him making him turn around fast, hand on his sword "Where did you come out of?" he ask as she just smiles at him warming his heart, Gods, he feels like he going to die just by looking at her. They keep looking at each other until drums were heard coming from somewhere in the place, Amalthea knowing the beat Amalthea grab the prince's hand and made him follow her to the sound of the drums.
The band of lune starts playing the song that the princess love. Townfolks made their way to the middle and start dancing. Amalthea smiles as she watches everyone dance to the beat, she turns to the prince who looks in awe. Quickly grabbing both of his hands she took him to the middle "Come on let us dance" Aemond looked panicked but Amalthea ignore him and faced him "I do not know how to dance to this music "Follow my lead" A new song starts playing as Amalthea start moving her body "Come on" Aemond start looking around and saw the men doing the same dancing so he decided to try it. Both royals start moving with the music as everyone gave them space, Keeping eye contact all the time.聽
"Is that Aemond?" Otto asks his daughter who turns and looks in that direction. Alicent gasped as she watches her son dancing with the heir of Lune "One dance changes everything" Helaena said as she also watch her brother dance with Amalthea. Viserys smiles at his son making Alicent eyes teary. Queen Aquila and King Epsilon watch the two royals and smile at each other recognizing the faces of the two, After all, how they looked when they were young.聽
The dance ends with Aemond twirling the princess around, loving the sounds of her giggles. He helped the princess balance herself as she grab his shoulders "Thank you Prince Aemond for this dance" Aemond bowed and smiles and her "No thank you Princess I never had that much fun dancing" Both of them smile at each other as they made their way to the Solar table "Queen Aquila King Epsilon" Aemond bowed making both adults smile "Prince Aemond hope you having a good time" Aemond nodded "I am, I have never seen something like this" Aquila smile and said "Well you haven't seen the best part yet, It is Amalthea favorite part" Aemond look confused but nodded and bowed again "Excuse me I see that my mother is calling for me" they watch as Aemond made his way to his family table. Aquila turns to her daughter "vis eum" Amalthea turn to her mother almost getting whiplash "Mater" she gasped as her mother just smirks and wink at her daughter "What is true" Amalthea groaned and sat down.
A splash of color hit the sky getting the attention of everyone. Fireworks went flying, brightening the sky and town. Aemond looks at the fireworks and then at Amalthea who just smiles and as she watches the sky shine with different colors, he remembers what the queen said and smiles. Amalthea feels eyes on her, she turns and makes eye contact with Aemond whose smile brightens as he notices her looking at him, Amalthea also smiles. Both never take their eyes off each other.
And just like the fireworks the hearts of the Heir of Lune and the second son of king viserys explode with feelings...for each other. Not knowing that they change the tragedy that was going to happen. After all, a dance changes everything, just like Helaena said.
Thank you for reading hope yall liked it. Sorry, it is taking longer for me to update I need ideas so if you guys have any please tell me. Anyway love using Helaena as a human spoil alert because let's be honest she is just that. Hope you guys have a good morning, night, and afternoon. Talk to u in the next chapter.
bonum mane- good morning
matertera- aunt
Sic- yes
vis eum- you want him
Mater - mother
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shadowgurl101 1 year
New Books idea
So...I have two new book ideas for another house of the dragon fanfic. One is that the characters from the show travel to time and land on the year 2023 where they meet a teen girl and start living with her until they figure out how to travel back to their time.聽 The second book is reverse, a young pregnant woman from 2023 travel to the year where Rhaenyra already lost her mother and the counsel is forcing the king to re-marry and then becomes Queen when Viserys took a liking to her. So she basically prevented the dance.聽
So yea those are my new book ideas..hopefully you guys like this ideas because Im already making them :)
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shadowgurl101 1 year
VIII(The Dinner)
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----------- King Epsilon thought it was a good idea for the three royal families to have dinner together, the king was looking around the dining room as maids cleaned around the room. King Epsilon knew it was a bad idea but he did not care. Epsilon walks towards the chambers where king Viserys is staying, knocking the king waits for the doors to open. "Your grace" Queen Alicent opened the door and saw Epsilon standing "Queen Alicent may I come in?" Alicent stepped to the side and let the king in, entering the room he saw maesters of lune walking around "My king" Maester Carlos greet the king and bowed "Maester Carlos Quomodo rex?" Maester Carlos's side eye Alicent "Sanitas regis est questus melior" Epsilon nodded and looked at Viserys who is in bed sitting up "Is he going to be able to have dinner with us?" he asked as the maester nodded "Moving will do good for his bones" Epsilon nodded and turn to the queen "Dinner will be tonight, a guard will come to look for you and your family" Alicent nodded and watch as the King of Lune left.
The doors of the dining room opened as Amalthea enter the room and went to her chair "Beautiful night isn't it?" Viserys asks as he looks out the window of the dining room making everyone look at him "Yes a beautiful night... We going to have a full moon, I remember that Amalthea was born on a full moon... All the animals were going crazy" Aquila said as everyone looked at her and smile. Prince Aemond look up from the table and made eye contact with Amalthea who smiles at him making him turn his sight back to the table, red spreading on his cheeks. Amalthea kept her eyes on the one-eyed prince as voices went all around the room. Plates now full of food both royal family start eating. "Quee Aquila I have a question?" said the queen turning her head to Alicent and nodding "When is princess Amalthea becoming queen?" Aquila smiled and took a sip of her drink and made eye contact with Amalthea "Well Amalthea will become queen when she is the age of two and one" Alicent nodded and turned to her father and took a sip of her own drink.
Prince Aegon bit a piece of his food and turn red, sweat dripping from his forehead "Aegon are you alright?" Alicent asks her son. Aegon grabs his cup and chugs his drink "Oh dear is he alright?" 聽Amalthea just smirks and continues eating. Aemond sees the smirk looks between her and his brother. Epsilon went to Aegon and check his food "He is going to be fine...he just ate a jalapeno" He looked at one of the maids "Bring some milk for the prince" Otto look at Amalthea "You think this is funny?" making his way over to her making her quickly get up and face him, gripping her wrist "Careful Hightower you may be the king's hand but you nor the kings family have any authority in this kingdom" Otto clench his hand and was pushed back by a guard "Careful Hightower you don't want to start a war" Daemon said as he was now on his feet along with his wife who looks concerned for the princess "Hightower step back from my daughter" Otto look at the princess who just stares at him waiting for a move.
Otto step back when Nash got up and push him back "My grandmother said to step back" Otto was grabbed by his arm by the king who made him turn to look at him "You ever do that again and I will send you back to Oldtown" Alicent look at her father and shake her head. Aemond turned to the princess who was now sitting, he catch her attention and bow his head down. Amalthea understanding his action nodded and gave him a quick smile.
After dinner, Amalthea and her guard walk to her chambers when Aemond appears "Princess Im sorry for my grandsire" Amalthea just shook her head "Is not your fault prince Aemond it's not your fault" It was Aemond's turn to shake his head "I know that but he should not have grabbed you like that" Amalthea grab his hand making him step back but she quickly pulled him back to her "Its fine Prince Aemond, I can see that he thinks he has more power just because he is the king's hand, well not here. lune and sol are separated from the seven kingdoms for a reason" Letting go of his hand she smiles at him and touches his cheek making him move his face back "Good night my prince" Aemond stepped to the side letting her pass "Good night princess"
When Amalthea got to her chambers she says her goodnight to her guard and lay on her bed with a small smile.
Hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Have a good day, night, afternoon, or morning. Talk to you in the next chapter
Quomodo rex- How is the king
Sanitas regis est questus melior- The king's health is getting better
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shadowgurl101 2 years
Chapter VII (A Heiress and a second son)
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Prince Aemond Targaryen the second son of king Viserys Targaryen is seen walking around the castle ignoring the stares of the ladies watching him like a hawk, a screech is heard in the sky looking up Aemond saw two weird flying creatures flying around and crashing with each other but they quickly start flying again and they landed on top of the castle "Cute aren't they?" a soft voice said next to Aemond making him turn his head "What?" Amalthea looked at him and whistled and in a second one of the creatures landed near them, cuddling into Amalthea's leg, Aemond stepped back as he see the weird-looking creature "This Astra means star in greek, and that one up there is Aten name after the Egyptian god of the sun, he's my nephews " Aemond watched as the princess of lune bend down and scratch Astra's head "I had never seen a creature like that" Astra look at Aemond and screech " Astra and Aten are dimorphodon, I discover their species when I went to one of my adventures, they were just babes when I found them...hiding behind the dead body of their mother so I took them and gifted one to Nash" Amalthea look at Astra who decided to go fly "They look like dragons but smaller" Aemond said as he watches the two flying g siblings fly "That's because both creatures may share the same bloodline" Aemond nodded.
Prince Aemond does not know what he thinks of the heiress of lune, he never met someone like her. The next time he saw the princess where the dragons and the other creatures were staying, she fed her snake with Astra behind her. Vhagar nudges Aemond getting his attention and making him pat her, he turns to look at the princess but he instead sees black orbs looking at him. Calypso watch Aemond, Aemond took his eye off Amalthea and look at his dragon.
The third time Aemond saw Amalthea she was walking with her nephew, her violet hair flying freely with the wind, diamond earrings shining with the sun. He sees the two teens talking seriously making him curios making him get closer "Nash I can't keep making excuses for you, you have to tell Europa and Arthur" Nash looks down and sigh "How can I tell them, would they even accept" Amalthea softly smile at him and grab him by the shoulders "Nash they will love anyway, no matter what" Nash look up with teary eyes "Ill love you no matter what" Amalthea grabbed him by his shoulders and kiss his cheek. Aemond watches the two heiresses and walks away from them, Amalthea catches silver hair in the corner of her eyes making her head turned slightly, and saw prince Aemond walking away. The fourth time Aemond saw the princess was at the ball with the folk people, he watched her dance, and laugh with all of them, He and everyone else knew she'll be a great queen one day.
The fifth time he saw her was when she was talking to the sons of Rhaenyra and Daemons girls "Lune is very beautiful my princess" Lucerys told the princess as he watch the waterfall "Thank you" Aemond got closer to them and silently watch them "Dont be shy prince Aemond there space for you" Aemond staid still "How did you know it was me?" he asks making his way next to her pushing Jacaerys out the way making him stumble into Baela, Amalthea side eye them and shake her head slightly "A royal guard has to teach me how to recognize someone footsteps, Sine you and your family arrived in Lune I have been studying all of your footsteps and movements" everyone look at her with a shocked face "And why would the heir of lune need to learn that?"Aemond asks making her face him and making eye contact with his one eye " Well as an heiress and next queen of Lune I need to be aware of who is standing or walking behind me" Amalthea explains as she watches all their faces. Aemond smirked and look down "Never heard of something like that... it's smart," Jacaerys said making the princess nod "If you like one of the guards can teach you that my prince, after all, you be taking the throne after your mother and of course, your betrothed should learn this as your future queen" Jacaerys nodded and look at Baela who also smiled "We would love that princess," Baela said making Amalthea smile "Alright Ill talk with Ser Sebastian as soon I can" Aemond only watch her as she smiles, Violet hair shinning bright in the sun.
By the end of the week, Prince Aemond's heart has been captured by the princess without him knowing.
Hello...I know I haven't updated in a long time but that's because I have been lazy lately plus I was testing all last week. Something I have decided to change is that I won't be putting images of the outfits they are wearing, the reason is that I feel like I waste a lot of time doing that and there are a lot of images I have to download on my computer, the times I'll do that is when there is a ball going on, In my other books Ill still be doing this because its only one main character and not a bunch like this one. Anyway hope you guys liked this and sorry if is short, have a great night, day, morning, or afternoon.
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