shadowroxz13 · 2 months
Wow, Just wow Artemis.
(Your right, they are a doomed by the Narrative and by Blue Tea for being tragic.)
This is really good! I know you said you hate angels, but you nailed it with Eldra staring down Teresa, It really gives off the vibe that it's finally hitting Eldra of what she's done and is trying desperately to wake/keep Teresa up as she's dying in her arms while Teresa looking up at the moon and Eldra as the light goes out of her eyes.
The blood dripping from Eldra's claw reflecting the moonlight that's pouring in from the skylight in the ballroom and the remaining lit candles, ugh It hurts my heart because I can see Eldra glossing her thumb over Teresa's Cheek as she's crying by what she's done.. Leaving a smear of tears mixed with blood on Teresa's face, before wiping her own eyes with the back of her hands and cleaning the blood on her dress before she continues on with her plans for Eternal Night giving Teresa one final look as Teresa lays slumped over against the pillar of the room, Before she leaves.
This is just a fantastic piece of work, Artemis, You've manage to tell a full story in this once single image and I LOVE it! this is pure visual storytelling in it's finest.
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I am an anime artist and I hate angles so ignore that this isn't finished shhhhhh
Anyway shout out to my favourite tragic yuri who were doomed by the narrative. Don't listen to Blue Tea they don't know them like I do
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shadowroxz13 · 3 months
((I Am so Late in reblogging this thing, I'm sorry!))
Yes! we are doing a Zine for Dark Parables!
We're all in the process of coming up with ideas for the Theme of Potions and Magic! And we are more than happy to have Artists and Writers join in on this.
And even if you don't want to join for the Zine, that's fine too! we're just happy to talk about Anything DP, Cursery, other Blue tea games, and even Non-DP Related games with other people.
Hear ye, hear ye, writers and artists of the realm!
The discord server lovingly created by @artemhiss and one I'm a part of is hosting a zine dedicated to Dark Parables, with the theme Potions and Magic. Work is starting in earnest this week, but everyone who is an enthusiast of the franchise is welcome to join. If you are keen to join and meet wonderful and creative people who are passionate about the characters, the lore, and the stories of the games, feel free to click the invite link and join!
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shadowroxz13 · 4 months
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They are already selling data to midjourney, and it's very likely your work is already being used to train their models because you have to OPT OUT of this, not opt in. Very scummy of them to roll this out unannounced.
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shadowroxz13 · 4 months
((I Love you too Artemis, even though you drag me for Liking a certain catboy.))
Ya'll Should check out the Discord, We're always chatting on there about everything and anything Blue Tea Related, Some days is pure chaos due to our theories, art, and even Lore building/Recons in fixing some of the Problems created by Eipix.
Other days, we're all just vibing about different moments from our days, Chatting about other games and such that's not just Blue Tea Games Related. (Like Mystery Case Files series.) and it's a wonderful place to talk about upcoming projects that the Fan-artist and Writers are currently working on. (Such as myself, as I'm working on 3 different fics at the moment on here.)
Overall, I would highly Recommend just checking it out and see if it's a good fit for you, Everyone is extremely nice and welcoming to all newcomers within the Dark Parables's Discord. So we hope that you all Like our little corner of the fandom! ^_^
I also Hope That you all Have a Wonderful rest of your Day/Night!
Woah it's been a while since I last mentioned the server
Our corner of the internet is still running with hijinks and mischief galore (mainly thanks to Nonnie and the other cursery fans (love u)) and if you're interested in Dark Parables, Cursery, any other Blue Tea Game or just hidden object games in general please join us!! :D
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shadowroxz13 · 4 months
@artemhiss I think that you would get a real kick out of this fabulous Snow White made by the wonderful DetectiveRuth.
I personally love this sketch, @detectiveruth, You have such a wonderful artstyle I love seeing you pop onto my dashboard with a Brand new HOPA art piece. Every character that you draw, I just want to squish they're little faces it's so cute. ^_^
Hopefully one day you get the chance to draw Snow's full outfit and also the chance to check out the rest of the Dark parables series, As we would love to see you within the fandom!
I Hope That you have a wonderful rest of your Day/Night!
Um hi I saw that you've done Dark Parables fanart, and I gotta say I adore it! If ya don't mind me asking, who's your favorite Dark parables Villain?
I haven’t watched the rest of the dark parables games so it’s kinda hard for to pick which is my favorite 😅
I think my favorite (for now) is the Snow/Ice Queen in Rise of the Snow Queen. I find her design really beautiful and I really wanted to draw her one day (even though I know I need to draw her elaborate gown) and I was actually surprised to find out more of her throughout the game.
I drew a sketch of the Snow Queen. One day I’ll probably draw her whole design.
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shadowroxz13 · 6 months
Okay... Now that I'm not stunned into silence, Let's get into this after so long of putting it off. Keeping the rest under a 'Keep Reading Tab'
First off the bat: I am here for this AU I love the idea of Blaise and Parn looking over Bella and possibly teaching her how to handle her powers the more they look out for her, which could go really great or really bad. Second, I don't know why but I love the idea of just Parn interacting with Bella/adopting her, It just works for him in a way and the idea of Blaise just spoiling her rotten is something that's going to live rent free in my head for a good while, especially after Rapunzel and Ross find out about where and Who Bella is with.
Now, let's talk about the Main focus here, the Art: You somehow captured the absolute sense of dread and Terror that I just picture Blaise to just have emanating from him, like a quiet cold rage. ie: you said the wrong thing and tick him off, that's going to be the last thing you do as he just glares at you, And I LOVE THAT for him. You made me scared of him just by looking at this, and that's a feat of greatness, Because I'm not normally scared of Blaise at all.
As for the baby Bella, she is so tiny... I just want to pick her up and hold her and tell her it's going to be okay, and just glare at Blaise for freaking her out. You manage to show off that she's scared as she has a death grip on her little bunny, and that she's worried about what's going to happen next also the framing between her mainly in the light as Blaise and Parn overshadow her, it's drives home how small she is compared to them in both size and power.
Finally, let me talk about my husband I mean Parn, because he is what made stunned into silence in the first place- mainly with the little lip bite he has, His claws and muscles, him just staring off to the side, the small amount of worry over Bella. Dude, You have fed me a full meal with this single piece of art for him and I'm still going red in the face for even now while I'm typing this.
Another thing to note here is both the Dialogue and 'the Glow'. The Dialogue is so well done, I can feel the pure disdain coming off of Blaise's lines when talking about Bella and the mild concern Parn has-as he's trying to keep Bella safe in his own way- while still obeying Blaise and explaining why he's been MIA, but this is honestly how I Picture writing the both of them due to their tones and I love every little piece of it, which in turn makes me want to write for Cursery more currently.
Now 'The Glow' and The colors of all of their eyes: With Blaise's eyes they just cut through the dark around him which sends a solid chill down my spine every time I make the image go full screen. For Bella's eyes she looks like she's about ready to cry, and while I hate seeing that, You capture how innocent she is. Finally Parn's blue Eye: you manage to capture a feeling of regret in just how you framed it, and just like Blaise's eyes cutting through the dark- Parn's eye does as well albeit, in a less harsher way than his Boss's. Which makes me love all three of them so much more. (especially with the Neon Red and Blue for this.)
In short, My hyperfixation on this single piece is making my writing brain go off the rails to no ends.
TLDR: I really really Love this art piece for Parn, Blaise and Bella, you manage to capture certain feelings,emotions, and tone through a single piece which in turn makes me want to write something more in regards to just Cursery related, but I really look forward to This AU Idea ya got friend.
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I've been reading a lot of childcare manwha so here's Childcare AU with Cursery duo and Belladonna. It's revisiting the old crossover art I did with Parn and Bella, but with a more wholesome twist.
Alternate titles: Messed-up people with god-like powers become each other's emotional support. Serial killer gets too busy spoiling child with abandonment issues to do any serial killing. One of them is a tsundere and it's definitely not the catboy (or so he says).
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shadowroxz13 · 6 months
Hi, I love how you drew Rapunzel here, she is just so stinking cute! She looks like an absolute sweetheart, and just looks like she would give great hugs.
What an Absolutely wonderful way to start off a new year.
Keep up the Amazing work Artemis! Your art is always fantastic to see for Dark Parables!
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My bias is showing againnnn
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shadowroxz13 · 6 months
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I wish you a happy new year 2024!!!
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shadowroxz13 · 6 months
Dude... This is so cute to see first thing for the day. I love the design of all three of their outfits: with Rapunzel in mom jeans trying to look hip/her best while raising Bella, Ross looking like a hipster-but the well traveled kind of hipster- which makes sense for him, and Belladonna looks like she just got out of her lessons or even perhaps the ones for managing her powers outside her general classes. This honestly reads like an actual card they would send the Detective during the holidays after they get all settled down after finding a safe place for Bella. I Love It!
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Merry Christmas from your friends in Floralia!
aka modern BoR babies i love them so much and belladonna is my favourite babygirl as always i would die for her
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shadowroxz13 · 7 months
They finally can make their reservation for Italian food today! Good for them. (It doesn't seem like it's been 15 years...)
It's almost time for Zack and Cody's reservation at the Italian restaurant
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shadowroxz13 · 9 months
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Dude, If your planning on doing Inktober Prompts for Blue Tea related things, I AM HERE FOR IT! Your art has improved so much since the last time that I've seen it. It's gorgeous on how've you captured some angles with the Cursery boys that I've only dreamed about when writing. I look forward to the Prompts! (but no pressure! This shouldn't be stressful thing to do, just have fun!)
Good Luck with the Prompt List Friend!
(And ya'll, If ya like the art they do when Inktober starts up, give them a Follow and a reblog, they are an amazing writer as well and need more love for everything they do. )
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shadowroxz13 · 11 months
Same verse as before.
It's my B-Day once again.
Yay for me.
HAPPY B-Day To Me.
It's my B-day.
Yay for me again.
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shadowroxz13 · 1 year
HI yes, can I just say how much I LOVE this?! your art style is just one of the cutest thing that I've seen for Mystery Case Files, So to see ya tackle Dark Parables, My eyes and my heart just lit up when seeing this, I would love to see ya do more Dark Parables work in the future! Possibly even Cursery as well if ya know of it from Blue tea's catalog of games lol.
Also I just wanted to say thank you, because both my friend @booplesgear and I were So confused with Ruth's Crossbow attachment and how it worked, So now seeing your sketch of it, we now have a better Idea on how it looks/functions and not to mention, how Ruth whole Corset works for under her hood. It helps us expand our own repertoire for both Writing and Art.
You made Briar and Ruth pop with the shading, colors and just everything is great to look at, especially the lighting on Briar's dress giving it a minor ombre vibe to it.
Finally after me gushing about this, I just wanted to say that you did a Marvelously Fantastic job on the both of them! Absolutely wonderful please keep up the great work!
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A post that isn’t Mystery Case Files related 😅
The characters are from a hidden object game called Dark Parables: The Red Riding Hood Sisters. The first drawing is Ruth and the second two drawings is Briar Rose.
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shadowroxz13 · 1 year
I Have Said it once before somewhere else, but I will say it again here Because my thoughts remain the same on this whole thing: 
The Idea that As soon as she got the chance, Cheryl Bolted to her friend. And the Idea that she's just... Tired and feeling a little dead inside ugh, It hurt my heart because you know it turns out bad, in the end of things. Using The background as a Narrative, Is something that I love to see when done right, which this does to a Phenomenal degree.  And Speaking of Dialogue, The Tone of the friend's artist Rant is so sharp that the little hint of snark Hits just right. 
The tone between the two of them, The Repeating phrases and The disillusion feeling going on with Cheryl, Not to mention, The idea of a normal casual get together still has a small feeling of dread sewn into this Especially in regards to Cheryl being able to see the red flags, but can't really do anything about them due to circumstances going on and her whole heart actually really loving Blaise. Ugh... This hits a nerve so good, that I can't even put into words on how well it all works in the end.
20 out of 20 on that whole Drabble, And thank you so much for Reading the prompt and Writing the Drabble for me Friend! :D 
(Again, Ya’ll should go Check out @darkparablesthorst​ if Ya’ll want more writing like this, It’s SOOOO good.) 
So.. I might be requesting this Drabble wrong, And if So I'm sorry about that. I never really sent one in at all lol.
Can I request a platonic Drabble Involving Cheryl Please? If ya need a Prompt How about a cozy little picnic hangout and just having Cheryl rant about Blaise? Please and thank you and have a great day/night!
This takes place after Blaise revealed himself as the count to Cheryl. They're engaged, and he's only beginning to be a yan at this point.
Unlike Renee, I think Cheryl is too soft-hearted to try badmouthing anyone, especially Blaise. So it's basically her friend doing the complaining here AKSJDLHFAD. Got a bit bleak in the end tho huhu poor gal
Warnings: Slight descriptions of unhealthy relationships and controlling behavior.
Word count: 507
“He’s a lovely man.”
“So you’ve said.”
Cheryl made no mention whether she noticed the tinge of sarcasm in your reply. Likewise, you observed how she clamped her teeth into the strawberry jam-encrusted  biscuit with more force than necessary. 
She all but grabbed the canister of water you handed her way when she choked and fell into a coughing fit. 
“It’s just that…” she resumed after downing several gulps, “he could be…”
“Possessive? Obsessive? A pauper-posing profligate? An artist?”
“What’s wrong with being an artist?”
“Several things. Those sorts see the world in an odd way, and they often stick to their lackadaisical visions even when it becomes everyone’s burden to bear. Besides, he must have gotten a bit mad sitting in a chair all day while inhaling whatever it is in those paints. You’ve modeled for him, haven’t you? You must have noticed that god-awful stench coming from those tubes. Goodness, you must have inhaled the same fumes by sitting so close to him because who in their right mind would choose this hour to have a picnic in the open?” To emphasize your point, you picked at your collar in a vain attempt to cool off. Though the sun hid beyond the clouds, it kept the overcast sky bright and blinding. Even the shade of the tree you hid in did little to stave off the heat.
Cheryl bunched her shoulders and turned on her knees to level you with a determined stare, bunching the gingham fabric you were sitting on and causing the picnic spread to clatter into disarray. “He’s a great artist! And they don’t smell that bad. You’re being too harsh with your judgment.” Her gaze softened. “I never thought that I could become someone’s muse. I find it an honor to be his inspiration.”
You took a moment to stare at your friend. Her soft smile and tender eyes seemed aglow with infatuation, and you could see how the Count became captivated by her just as the rest of the town had been. But this close, you saw the exhaustion painted around her eyes and the fatigue sloped down her stooped shoulders. The bright sky seemed to make her face more gaunt, her eyes slightly sunken in. She looked a little less like herself, and she likely felt the same way. Otherwise, she would not have run to your house and invited you on a picnic the moment Count Morellus’s carriage disappeared down the road for a short business trip to the neighboring village.
“Whatever you say. Just don’t come crying when he decides to lock you up in his estate for good.”
She rolled her eyes and sat back on her haunches. “He’d never do that. He’s too kind and generous to ever do something so abhorrent,” she replied, leaning back on her hands as she took a deep breath in despite the absence of the breeze. “He’s a lovely man.”
“So you’ve said, again and again,” you replied, and downed the last of the water in your canister.
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shadowroxz13 · 1 year
Rebloging for all the Day People on here to see. :)
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Thought I would make a Cursery meme just for fun. And also because It’s Very true And I will not debate this plus I’m being completely honest, These Eldritch Nightmare men Live rent-free in all of our Brains like all the Time, And It will never stop. :) Especially for @darkparablesthorst With Blaise.
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shadowroxz13 · 1 year
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Thought I would make a Cursery meme just for fun. And also because It’s Very true And I will not debate this plus I’m being completely honest, These Eldritch Nightmare men Live rent-free in all of our Brains like all the Time, And It will never stop. :) Especially for @darkparablesthorst With Blaise.
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shadowroxz13 · 1 year
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Ya Know, Because of a conversation that @darkparablesthorst was having with the comments, I decided to... Amplify the Pot a little bit with a meme, Because Why Not? (and also, Because Eipix really misses the Mark with art sometimes as ya’ll can see in this thing lol.) 
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