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A mass of shadows slowly collects, and assembles into a humanoid form. When he had sensed the presences of both Heart, and Dark, he couldn’t reach them fast enough.
He manifests near them, his current height matching both of theirs.
“Now isn’t this a rarity? It’s good to see you. Both of you.”
With shadowy arms extended, he moves to wrap them around the two, in a semi-firm hug. It was as much as he could do in this current form. Now was not the time for disguises, or alternate appearances. Even if this was merely a immensely small sliver of his true form, it was what he thought they deserved.
Rare as it was for her situation, it was even rarer for both sides to be out at the same time. The Station of Awakening they were on was a simple Yin/Yang, though the beautiful Moon was in its center and reflecting the opposites like tradition.  Heart shivered; this moment was few and far between, only happening on Eclipses and red moons. Dark stood silently, already having caught sight of shadows moving. It seemed a friend found out their secret tonight. “Shade.” Dark said almost pleasantly, her smile faint but true. Heart blinked in confusion, looking around her as she’s unable to detect early the form of the Shadow’s true…shape.
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“𝔇 𝔞 𝔯 𝑘 𝔫 𝔢 𝔰 𝔰 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔏 𝔦 𝔤 𝔥 𝔱, 𝔱𝔯𝔞𝔭𝔭𝔢𝔡 𝔴𝔦𝔱𝔥𝔦𝔫 𝔬𝔫𝔢 𝓗 𝔢 𝔞 𝔯 𝔱...”
~ 𝑀𝒶𝓏𝒶𝓂𝓊𝓊𝓃 | 𝐼𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓅𝑒𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝒦𝐻 𝒪𝒞 𝐵𝓁𝑜𝑔 ~
RυƖєѕ | Aвσυт | αѕк
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"Shade, watch out!" A spell gone wrong, but the degree of it--its a second level wind spell coming his way, she stumbling from the force of it. So much for magic lessons--she has power built up, and its coming out in bad waaaays.
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The wind only temporarily blows their form away, distorting it into a cloud of darkness, which flows off with the gust of wind. It doesn’t take long for them to reform beside her, a soft laugh echoing once they do.
“Don’t worry, that didn’t hurt.”
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“That’s actually not entirely an inaccurate description, to be honest. You’re practically made of nothing but darkness. I feel almost like...a puppeteer, gazing at a well made marionette. I wonder how well I could control your strings.” A hand raised, as the being attempted to make the other do the same. 
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“I didn’t realize I had a fan.” Raising an eyebrow at the stranger. “But I’m not interested. Beat it.”
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“Aaah, yes, you. I have wanted to meet you for the longest time.”
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Send me ❤️ if you think my OC is good enough to be canon
I feel like this is the biggest compliment you can give to an oc, especially ones that have been give hours of time and energy put into them.
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The waste no time in embracing their, for lack of a more appropriate term, daughter, in a tight hug. “Hello, little one. I’ve missed you.”
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“That is honestly, one of my favorite questions. I am... Less of a who, and more of a... Let’s say, a what. I’m...Well. Darkness. But you may call me Shade.” The figure gives a slight bow. “Let me just start off by saying that I am honored to meet someone who can create such lovely sights in the night sky.”
“… You feel like Erebus, but you’re clearly not him. Who are you, creature?”
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A soft sigh echoes throughout the abyss, and the barely visible figure vanishes, reappearing just beside her. Around her, the darkness pulsated, numerous paths through the dimension of shadows appearing and disappearing.
How disappointing. They had been hoping she would be willing to work of her own accord, but unfortunately that didn’t seem to be the case. They weren’t overly surprised, of course, but still. But they weren’t willing to resort their more mean spirited means just yet.
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“Come now, Larxene. There must be something you want, that I can provide.”
As much as she didn’t want to say so, it had a point. Again did she frown and attempted to study the dark being. The how remained at the forefront of her mind regardless but it seemed the answer was unlikely to appear by merely staring or even talking to it. How frustrating.
The fact that they were so intent on keeping her within their sights was a tad unnerving. Nevertheless this would not be the first time she was watched under intense scrutiny and did as best as she could did she meet it’s gaze whenever possible. Momentarily did she begin to bite on the inside of her cheek as it continued, listening carefully.
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That was hardly a satisfactory answer yet she did not push the matter. If it wished to speak nonsense and in riddles then so be it. This Keyblade War was not known to her either, but she found herself not caring. A moment of contemplation soon came to a halt when she spoke again. “Whatever. It doesn’t matter, my answer is still no. I refuse to work for another yet again.”
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Mutuals like this post to have Shade appear before your muse, and comment on the amount of darkness residing in your muse.
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even monsters have something they want to protect.                     and they’d kill to keep them safe.
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“Does the how of my existence truly matter? If you asked me, it rarely matters how beings find their way into existence. Instead, purpose the important thing is merely that they do.”
They drift through void; circling her, the white dots that floated in the darkness, that seemed to serve as their eyes never once leaving the Nymph, almost as if they worried that, should they look away, the Nobody of Lightning would be swallowed up by the endless abyss of the shadows.
Perhaps that was exactly why they didn’t avert their gaze.
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“If you truly want an answer then, hopefully this shall suffice; I have always existed in this universe; In this endless galaxy of separated worlds, I have always been. I’ve merely been slumbering. Resting in an ancient state of hibernation, dormant since the Keyblade War.”
Beings of light, yes. But lightning didn’t really care for the distinction when it came down to the wire. Dark or not, everything sizzles when it strikes. She watched as they moved, a momentary slithering sensation making her skin crawl at the lack of sense in how they did so. Almost like a glide. There must be a reason for them to keep her like this, it couldn’t just be as simple as recruitment right? There had to be something more. There always was.
As they spoke again, she remained unimpressed. Part of her, point of view. This was all just nonsense, they were grasping at straws to keep her here. By the sounds of it it seemed this one suffered from delusions of grandeur. From what she had seen so far, they were nothing special. A few screws loose yes, but hardly omnipotent.
Then things changed.
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Rather then stare back at her own reflection, she found a strange swirling mass of what could only be described as energy. A form that seemed to almost perfectly camouflage itself within their surroundings. Suddenly what they were saying made sense. Despite her logic saying it was not possible, it just didn’t sit right to deny it over and over again. Even if this was another lie, this current visage was proof enough that they may not be as simple as they seemed.
“…How is that-” Safe to say she was taken aback not only by the shift but by the sheer absurdity of it all. Darkness never had form. Darkness seeped into every crack, it was a void. “-possible..? Not even the Heartless are…”
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What were they doing now? Finally revealing themselves? Well this could be interesting. The sneer is still on her lips, not even twitching as the hood is slowly dropped down. Safe to say she did not expect the sight before her.
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“What the fuck?” Immediately did she recoil slightly, surprise soon replaced once again with pure annoyance. Did they think a little trick of the light would fool her? They underestimated her clearly. “Real fucking funny. When I say me, I mean the real me. Myself. Not some fucker who wants to carry my face. Not that I blame you, it is so gorgeous after all.”
A little joke though the impact was lost due to her expression remaining poisonous. Both hands rested on her hips now and she had half the mind to strike whoever this prankster thought they were. “You’re beginning to really piss me off. Get out of the way before I make you.”
“Dear, dear Larxene, you couldn’t. Not even if you gave it your all. I mean, I know for a fact that your attacks could deal devastating damage to most creatures, and beings of light. But, I am no normal creature, nor am I a being of light. Just as I am not ‘some fucker’.” The move closer to her. They don’t walk, honestly, it’s not even clear how, or when they moved. They’re just...there. Right in front of her. As if that was where they had always been.
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“And, technically speaking, I am the real you. Well, a part of you, from that point of view. And from another point of view, we’re standing in part of what I represent. Technically speaking...we are standing inside me. Larxene. I am what so many have sought after; what others have fought against, literally, and in a figurative sense.” Slowly, the copied form melts away, as they reveal what may be the closest thing to a true form that they have.
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“Larxene, Savage Nymph. I am darkness. Darkness personified.”
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What's the difference between good and evil? The question I hummed in the end The light is obscured by the evening.
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We interrupt your usual demon cat schedule to bring you the following mun news, under the cut.
Keep reading
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A tall, mismatched creature walked into the domain of Darkness. He wasn't sure where this was exactly, but from all the doors he'd seen so far, this one was the most quiet. He needed quiet at the moment. Hopefully, being here would grant him some respite, wherever this was.
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A figure was sat on a rock not far from the creature. It only takes a moment for them to notice. They don’t even turn around, as they greet the newcomer. “Oh, hello there. Welcome. Come, have a seat over here.” The figure’s arm goes out to the side, motioning to the ground. “There’s a lovely view of the ocean.”
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