(This blog is now an archive. Follow the other three blogs please)
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Kurayami got flinged almost out of the window. Key word? Almost. She slammed into the wall hard. Normally, she did take a good amount of damage in her state, but she used the wood part to her advantage, as well as the costume she never took off. At this point, the side with the wooden part when it came to her costume was ruined and some blood was leaking. Not as much as expected though. That honestly hurt a little.
Ripple saw something just then… SOMETHING had changed in Kura’s demeanor… something that scared her. She had seen it far too many times, often in the faces of those she least liked to see this change in…
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(reblogging because I just posted the links a little bit earlier btw)
(Now, I am back from a long hiatus, but this blog…
Me and Star decided on something. This blog will split 3 different sideblogs, one for each muse. The way the muses are will still be the same, but we need to do this for our convenience tbh. So see ya around. This blog will be made an archive a week from the moment I post the three blog links)
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She was completely silent, but it was obvious that Kurayami was plotting something.
I’ll kill his whole pathetic private army one by one then go over and stab him in the chest, twist the arrow sideways and watch him fucking bleed out, then cut off his head and fucking throw it out of the the window. I do not fucking give a shit anymore. I want him dead.
“Be that as it may, how long until he does? This is an obsession. It will only get worse. The longer it takes to get you, the more immoral methods he will be willing to try. Trust me, I have seen many examples…”
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(STILL WIP like the two other blogs when this was posted. Just saying.)
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(STILL WIP like the two other blogs when this was posted. Just saying.)
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(STILL WIP like the two other blogs when this was posted. Just saying.)
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I’m at Fry’s and I connected to as many Bluetooth sound systems as possible from my phone.
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please tell me who made this
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(Now, I am back from a long hiatus, but this blog...
Me and Star decided on something. This blog will split 3 different sideblogs, one for each muse. The way the muses are will still be the same, but we need to do this for our convenience tbh. So see ya around. This blog will be made an archive a week from the moment I post the three blog links)
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When friend adds .. onto end of message
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When the videogame plays the instrumental version of the main theme during an important scene
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358K notes · View notes
please protect muslim girls who are harassed for:
Wearing the hijab
Not Wearing the hijab
Wearing makeup + Skinny jeans with their hijab
Wearing the hijab but not being religious
being religious but not wearing the hijab
not fitting the quiet stereotype
fitting the quiet stereotype
Just Please protect Muslim Girls.
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Reblog this if you were never taught in school about any sexualities or identities aside from straight, male or female.
I’m doing a bit of an experiment.
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((First I was selfish as hell when it comes to suicidal thoughts but now I’d rather die knowing I benefited others overall.) )
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Thank you for following me. I really mean that. Each and every one of you deserves a big hug and some candy.
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~Darkvine~ ((No more hiding underneath the ‘April Fools’ Barrier. I really want to know a blood ritual that works with the caster’s blood. I need to do one now. Only way. Even if I lose all my blood...))
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