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I’m just gonna leave this here
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Oh Spencer is safe, no worries love😏😈❤
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Summary: Spencer meets Michael’s kindergarten teacher and finds he still has so much left to learn.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Category: fluff (angst in later chapters)
Part I  
Part II
Part III
Part IV 
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part X
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tagged by @lizziechase 🥺🥺 (I scrolled through all of yours, this was so fun!)
first creation and most recent creation of 2020: gifing my favorite episodes: mosley lane also my first ever creation for the fandom! and then the most recent thing I’ve posted icarus + jemily (not one I’m particularly enamored with, but I had been dying to use that quote)
one of your favourite creations from 2020: Derek Morgan: the boy I loved left me for a revolution I am so ridiculously proud of this edit. The font goes well, the quote fits perfectly, and I got to use gifs that I don’t normally have a use for!!
a creation you’re really proud of: I adore this edit so much. bau crying, it’s definitely angsty but the quote is one I love!
a new style you tried this year and a gifset that uses it: text placement! I’ve really been working on making more of an impact with my formatting and this was the first time I even did something not just down the middle.
your favourite colouring: my first (and basically only) good attempt at coloring a gif. (I’m still trying to figure this aspect of editing out)
a creation that took forever: making the gifs for this took a surprisingly long time! It turned out beautiful but I had a different idea when I strayed that I had to give up on.
your creation from 2020 that received the most notes: okay so both series where I gif criminal minds episodes don’t do good, generally they’re more for my own enjoyment than anyone else so imagine my surprise when gifing my favorite episodes: 9x18 rabid got so many notes (there’s other things I’ve ‘made’ with more notes but I don’t necessarily consider them ‘creations’) although only 13% of the notes on it are reblogs🥲
a creation you think deserved more notes: by far coldplay + jemily, like it turned out so pretty and the quote was nice🥺
a creation with a favourite scene/quote: Elle as Aphrodite. This turned out so beautiful and the quote is one of my favorites by far!
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: technically I just joined this fandom, but this was my first true criminal minds edit: JJ’s exit monologue
a creation you made that breaks your heart: hostages + jemily I have a lot of sad edits but this one breaks my heart
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love: this edit about Emily’s ‘death’, always makes me scream. like sometimes it makes me laugh and other times it make me cry
a creation that was inspired by another one: I actually don’t think I have any? other than like requests of course
a favourite creation created by someone else: either this fic by @spencers-renaissance (or literally any fic by maja because omg😭) this edit by @jojo-ba-nana or this fic by @whump-town
some of your favourite content creators from the year: @purelyprentiss if you’re not following her, are you really a criminal minds fan? truly her edits have me screaming constantly. @whump-town writes the absolute best shit, the seratonin her writing gives me literally keeps me coasting for weeks. this wouldn’t be a true favorite creator list without @spencers-renaissance who I literally worship. I would pay to read the stuff she writes and my year has been 1000% better because of maja.
and for good measure, another couple more creations of yours that you love: let love kill you + jemily, Hotch + strength, moreid + commitment, and moreid + new love!
tagging: sorry I know it’s a cop out but, anyone who wants to do it! if you see this tag me in yours so I can see your beautiful creations from this year!
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maybe we can share tito? 👉🏻👈🏻
yes. yes, we can. 
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he lives in my head rent-free
seriously, tito is both a blessing and a curse
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hey do me a favor and reblog this if you’re still in the criminal minds fandom. i want to see how many are still here in 2020. so far it seems like a good amount but i’m curious
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Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
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Hannah’s Masterlist
Hi, friends! This is where you will find my work. I have sooo many ideas, but I really cant write them out good. I try my best! Check it out!
Criminal Minds
The Profile (Spencer Reid Gn!Reader) 
Goodbye, Spencer. (Spencer Reid x Gn!Reader)
Last Words to My Love (Spencer Reid x Gn!Reader)
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Last Words to My Love [Gn!Reader x Spencer Reid]
A/N: This is inspired by a tiktok chain I saw so please bare with me. Also I'm really not good at heartbreak writing so..... this is this and yeah. WOAH wrote this in an hour
Summary: Reader is on borrowed time after being fatally wounded. They say their goodbye’s with Spencer. 
Pairing: Reid x Gn!Reader
Rating: sad but sweet.
My [short] masterlist can be found here.
Warning:  Idk , Death, angst, murder, cursing, sad ending. 
Word Count: 1.3k
Today was the day Spencer lost himself. The day it was all too much. The day the weight on his shoulders finally broke him. It was the day Spencer lost you.
The day had gone by fairly quickly, the unsub was [thankfully] very predictable. You had caught up to him really fast, thanks to Spencer’s amazing geographic profile, and your ability to decode the messages the killer left behind. As you approached the apartment of Sheila Jacobs, the latest victim, you took caution. Something didn’t feel right. Then again, you’re approaching a serial killer with a hostage; how was it supposed to feel? Hotch signals the team to begin their silent entrance, and guns aimed, you entered the apartment.
“Jared Anderson? FBI. Drop the weapon.”
“Don’t move. I swear to god I will shoot her. Stay back!”
Holstering your weapon, you begin, “Jared? It’s alright. We don’t want to hurt you. Let Sheila go and we can work this out.”
“You think that’s fair? After what she did to me? All those years in high school? Nuh-uh. I don think so.”
He had a far point. This Sheila girl was, according to Garcia, a Grade-A mean girl. She and her friends, all of which now dead, tormented Jared all throughout high school. Of course, that doesn't excuse murder, but your heart slightly ached for Jared.
“Look, Jared. I’m with you. Sheila really is a bitch.” You knew what you were doing and so did your team, which is why they allowed you to continue, hands in a position of surrender, hoisted in the air.
“See! That’s why she needs to die!”
“No, Jared. She doesn't. She needs to live. Think about it! Think about what all the news channels are going to say! You will finally get to be the victim Jared. Nobody is going to feel sorry for the bully. She practically brought this on herself. Let her go so we can show the world how fake this woman really is.”
Hoping that this worked, you study Jared’s face. Of course, you didn't mean any of this, but Jared's fantasy has blurred the lines of reality, and now all you had to do was play along.
You see Jared’s face soften as he begins to surrender. He let’s sheila go, and she runs behind you, probably into the arms of Tara or JJ. You reached for the gun Jared held, when suddenly he jerked his arm away, aiming the gun right in between your eyes.
“Wait. You lied to me. I can see it in your face.”
“Don’t do this Jared.” You heard Derek say firmly in the background.
“What? You mean this?”
Two gunshots. That’s all it took. One from the revolver Spencer carried, and one from the handgun Jared possessed.
Your side felt warm. Rubbing your fingers over the area, you felt pain. A lot of it. Your bloody fingertips only confirmed your theory; you'd been shot.
The rest was a blur. Bouncing in and out of consciousness, losing so much blood, your head pounding, your side throbbing, the screams of your team calling for an ambulance.
This might just be it, you thought, my final moments.
“Hey. Listen to me, okay? I need you to stay awake for me. The ambulance is a couple of minutes away. Stay awake for me and for them okay?”
You felt your body lift off the cold ground. Your turn your head.
“Shh. Shh, it's okay. I’ve got you. Just stay with me, okay? Stay awake sweetheart.” Tears were streaming down his face as he attempted to flash a comforting smile at you. He had never called you that before...sweetheart. You liked the sound of it. It sounded much better than ‘Agent’. You tried your hardest, you really did, to stay awake.
You know, maybe the darkness isn't so bad. It’s warm there. Let me go there.
“Hey. I said stay awake.”
The bright white of the ambulance severely contrasted that of your beautiful darkness. It took you a second to adjust but once you did, you saw Spencer. The beautiful agent stared down at you. You wish you could tell him sooner, you thought, how beautiful he was. He needed to hear that. You wish you had the energy to tell him that now. He needed to hear those words, even if they were your last.
“I love you” you managed to croak out.
“Hey, hey. I love you too. Save your words okay? Talk to me when you’re recovering.”
You could tell by the look on his face that it was hopeless. You were too far gone. Nothing could save you.
“It was always you.”
Damnit. If you weren't so weak, you'd tell him everything. You’d tell him how you had looked forward to going to work if it meant seeing him. You'd tell him that his big brain amazed you and that you blushed every time he would ramble about some irrelevant fact that only he seemed to know. You’d tell him that at times, you'd dream of kissing his soft, pink lips. You’d tell him how sometimes when you felt lonely, you’d hold your palms together, imagining they were his. You’d tell him that you loved him and that he was pretty stupid for a genius to not see it. You wish you could tell him everything, but you couldn’t. Your words, much like your time, were limited.
Somehow, someway, Spencer understood. He understood what you meant. He took your hand in his, tears incessantly leaking out of his eyes.
“The thought of loosing you makes it bard to breathe. I wish you could stay. I wish you could see how much I need you. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I wish I would've told you sooner. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“Its okay. In another life” You knew Spencer didn't believe in this, but maybe you would. These thoughts comforted you in this sad time. 
“Visit my dreams, would you? Find me again. I can't make it here without you.” He was sobbing. He lifted your hand to his face, your skin feeling the cool tears that streamed down his cheeks. You were slipping away, you could feel it.
Before you could finish your last “I love you”, the darkness consumed you for the last time.
It had been almost a year now, since your departure. Your team missed you. Your sad picture hung on the wall of fallen agents, and not a day went by where they didn't look at it and miss you. You missed them too. You wish you could've said goodbye. It hit Spencer the hardest, however. But healing takes time. Spencer missed you, of course, but he knew you wouldn't want him to sulk around. You'd want him to look for you. In reality, Spencer never really believed in the reincarnation theory. For some reason, you took his “If science can't prove it, it isn't real” mantra and threw it out the window but the slightest bit of Spencer knew you would come back for him, and you did.
You came in his dreams. Whenever Spencer really needed a pick-me-up or any form of encouragement, you would tell him the exact words he needed to hear.
He knew you were there through your smell. Throughout the day, Spencer would smell vanilla, your favorite scent. The warm tones of vanilla always seemed to calm him, as he was reminded of your beautiful face.
He knew you were there by the clock. Whenever he’d get a random urge to look at the time, or whenever he just simply needed it, you'd always be there. 11:11, 2:22, 3:33, 5:55. You were there with him.
Spencer was at comfort knowing this. Hopefully one day you'd come back to him through someone else, so he could finally say the things he needed to say. So he could finally say, that he’d been in love with you for so long.
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Twisted 22 - Red Right Hand [Spencer Reid x Reader]
A.N.: Thank you so much for your wonderful support my loves! Here’s the next chapter, I hope you will like it as well, and please let me know what you think of it! ❤❤ Ily, kisses! ❤❤❤
Series Masterlist
Warnings: Murder, serial killers, violence, manipulation, mentions of sex, drinking, smoking, blood, nightmares.
Word Count: 4000
Summary: Anyone can be a suspect.
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When you woke up, the first thing you realized before even opening your eyes was that you weren’t in your bed.
Your bed was softer than this, the sheets were silk and the pillows were fluffier-
You were sleeping in Spencer’s bed, and in all honesty, both he and you were terrible at this break up thing.
You rubbed your eyes and sat up in bed, trying pull yourself together and get rid of the haze of the sleep. Judging by the state of the bed, it was very obvious that Spencer hadn’t slept there and the clattering of plates coming from the kitchen let you know that he was already awake. You yawned, stretching out and kicked off the covers before you quickly made the bed and stepped back to see if it looked good.
Well, it looked acceptable at least.
You shrugged to yourself and stepped out of the room to approach where the noises were coming from, then leaned sideways on the door frame, a smile warming your face when Spencer turned his head to look at you.
“Hi there,” you said, your voice still raspy because of sleep, “What are you making?”
Keep reading
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Goodbye, Spencer. [Gn!Reader x Reid]
A/N: Hey friends! Back again. I hope you enjoy this one! Its quite short but, oh well. I’m like halfway through writing 2 other little fics so.... hopefully I'll find motivation to finish those soon.
Summary: After a tough breakup, Spencer sees you while he’s on a much needed walk. Will you guys reconnect or separate once again?
Pairing: Reid x Gn!Reader
Rating: PG - no warning
My [short] masterlist can be found here.
Word count: 1.06k
Spencer Reid was thinking about you again. Your brave, angelic nature captivated him. He could get lost in the sight of you. Your eyes, which you believed to be ill-proportioned, were perfect in Spencers. Your hair, which you believed to be too short, looked absolutely amazing to Spencer. Your smile, which you hated, was absolutely gorgeous. He missed you, he lost you. He wanted you back.
In an attempt to hold back the tears, Spencer decided to go for a walk. He loved walks. He was always fascinated with the breathtaking scenery in DC. It’s tall, bright beautiful trees, and cold crisp air all encouraged his sadness to feel broken.
Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the amiable figure of the one he once loved. It was you.
Spencer gulped. He considered himself to be pretty self sufficient, independent and nice. He was doing fine without you, he convinced himself of this. He can do this. You no longer had an affect on him. Boy, what a lie. 
But not even an independant person was prepared for what you had in store today.
The sun shone all-pervading, making Spencer sad. He remembered the way you were so appreciative of the sunlight and perfect days like this. Reaching into his bag, Spencer grabbed the cool cup that he brought along with him; he massaged it with his fingers.
As Spencer grew near to you, he could see the relieved glint in your eye.
As you gazed upon the familiar face, you noticed the changes in Spencer.
His hair is longer. It looks better this way, you thought, his curls are more defined. His eyes are darker, was he loosing sleep? He got taller. How is that even possible? This man was already 27 feet tall. His arms are more toned. He’s been working out, maybe. That thought made you chuckle. Spencer working out. He looks good. 
Unsure of how to greet him, you begin with "Hey, long time no see."
“Yeah. What are you doing around here? You live all the way across town.”
Being honest, you really weren't sure why you were here. You were hurting too. You missed Spencer. You thought maybe just seeing his apartment, or the area surrounding it would bring you the closure you needed. Maybe show you that you made the right decision.
“You’re not leaving, are you?” Spencer’s eyes were sad. 
“I have to, Spence. It’s what's best for me. I need this time for myself”
“Please don’t go. I need you here. I can fix this. Please, just stay.”
“You know I cant do that. I’m tired of hurting Spencer. You’re hurting me. Let me go.”
You hated doing this. You hoped that it would never come to this. You loved Spencer. You probably will forever. But the problem didn't lie in your love, it lied in his. Spencer loved you, that was a fact, but work came first. It always did. 
Special dinners, meeting family, double dates, movies and really most of the things you planned were quickly disbanded after the ping of a text-message. You couldn’t take it anymore. You knew that Spencer couldn’t ignore his boss, you knew that. It wasn't fair to ask him to quit his job either, which is why you decided the best thing to do what break up and move on. You cant spend your life waiting for someone who never shows up. You held nothing against Spencer. You understood why he does what he does. That didn't make things any easier, though.  
“It’s better this was. Trust me, Spencer. I am so, so sorry. I love you too.”
“Can you kiss me? One last time? That’s all I ask. Please.”
“Spencer, you know I cant-”
You approached him, red eyes and tear stained cheeks, and pulled him into one last kiss. This kiss was different from the ones you regularly shared, however. Spencer put every ounce of passion his body could contain into this kiss. He thought maybe, just maybe, if he kissed you with all he had, you’d realize the mistake you’re making. You knew you were going to miss this. The way your lips moved perfectly. The way your heads fit perfectly into each others. You were going to miss Spencer, but you had to be selfish for once. For your own good. 
After what seemed like forever, you separate the tear-filled kiss. You could've swore you heard a small whimper escape Spencer when you broke the kiss. 
“I Love you.”
“Goodbye, Spencer.”
“Hello? You okay?”
Your eyes are met with Spencer’s hand as it waves in front of you. You must've zoned out. You felt tears line your eyes, and you remove your fingers from your lips. You didn't even realize they were there.
“Huh- Uh, yeah. Sorry. What?”
“I had asked what you were doing over here.”
“Oh. Um, I’m not sure. I missed it over here. There’s pretty trees here.”
“Theres pretty trees everywhere. We’re in DC.” Spencer looked back, even more sad and still fingering the cool cup. "I wasn't ready to say goodbye. I miss you. I know you miss me too. Why else would you be around here? Give me another chance" he replied.
You looked at each other with torn feelings. Everything he was saying was correct. You did miss Spencer, but being here only reminded you of why you left.
Spencer studied your face, looking for even the slightest micro-expression to confirm his theory. Eventually, you took a deep breath. 
"I'm sorry," you began in apologetic tones, "But I cant go back to that life Spencer. Never knowing when you'd be home, if you’d be home. I just cant. I hope you can understand that. I know that won't I will love you forever, I just think maybe we were put together on this universe at the wrong time, which is why we have to go our separate ways. you met me at a weird time in my life Spencer Reid. Not a day goes bye where I wish it was different, I promise you that. Please forgive me."
Spencer looked in love, his emotions raw and completely exposed. You could practically hear his heart shatter into a million pieces.
“I do, I understand. Goodbye”
“Goodbye, Spencer.”
And just like that, it was over. 
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Reblog if
It’s 104% okay to come to your DM and just say, “Hi, can we be friends?” And then start asking you random questions.
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Mommy (and Spencer) and Me
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summary: spencer reid is a disgustingly charming single dad who’s recently invaded your mommy and me group. from the first meeting, you’re absolutely determined to hate him. but as your kids grow closer, perhaps you two will too…
a/n: i wrote this fic for the incredible @imagining-in-the-margins’ fic swap, where i got the angel that is @httpnxtt! she’s always talked a lot about dad!spencer, so of course i had to write a fluff piece about him! it’s been a while since i wrote anything, especially a spencer fic, so i hope you all enjoy! thank you to my wife and forever beta @definitelynotkatesblog​ for fixing this fic up for me, ily! as always, i love to hear feedback and all of your thoughts, so feel free to hit up my inbox or comments!
word count: 2.8k+
content warnings: a little bit of swearing
“I don’t trust him,” I muttered, taking a sip of my coffee. 
“You’ve been in the same room as him for two minutes! How can you already have something against him?” Emily asked with an exasperated roll of her eyes.
I sighed, continuing to observe the man sitting on the living room floor, bouncing a small child on his knee. His brown hair flopped around his head in messy curls, blocking his face from my view, but the laughter bubbling from him made me imagine him with a smile. He had taken his shoes off at the door, which had revealed that he was wearing two different socks, one patterned with rainbow spots and the other sporting a cartoon fox. A fitted cardigan swathed his lean frame, the purple tie poking out from behind it irking me. Who the hell wore a tie to a Mommy and Me group? And better yet, who invited a dad to a Mommy and Me group?
Keep reading
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