shafiq2410 · 22 days
Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a School Management Website in WordPress
Creating a school management website in WordPress involves several steps, from setting up the basic structure to implementing specific functionalities that cater to the needs of a school. Here’s a step-by-step guide: 1. Set Up WordPress Domain and Hosting: Purchase a domain name and hosting plan. You can use providers like Bluehost, SiteGround, or HostGator. Install WordPress: Most hosting…
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shafiq2410 · 29 days
Why You Should Become a Front-End Developer: Earnings, Job Demand, and Future Growth Analysis
In today’s digital-driven world, front-end development stands out as a highly rewarding career path. Whether you’re considering entering the tech field or looking to switch careers, becoming a front-end developer offers numerous benefits. Here’s why this profession could be the perfect choice for you, focusing on earnings, job opportunities, demand, and future growth. 1. Attractive Earning…
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shafiq2410 · 29 days
How to Become a Front-End Developer: A Complete Roadmap for Beginners
Roadmap to Becoming a Front-End Developer In today’s digital age, front-end development is one of the most sought-after skills. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to make a career switch, becoming a front-end developer can open doors to numerous opportunities. This blog post will guide you through the essential steps to kickstart your journey as a front-end developer. 1. Understand the…
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shafiq2410 · 3 months
Finding Your Tech Fit: Data Analyst vs. Web Developer vs. Software Engineer vs. Data Engineer vs. Machine Learning Engineer
Here’s a comparison of Data Analyst, Web Developer, Software Engineer, Data Engineer, and Machine Learning Engineer: Job Focus Data Analyst: Analyzes data to extract insights and inform business decisions. They clean, organize, and interpret data using statistical methods and data visualization tools. Web Developer: Builds and maintains websites and web applications. They focus on the…
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shafiq2410 · 4 months
Always Use Commas in PHP Arrays (Yes, Even After the Last Element)
In PHP, the comma after each array value is optional for the last element, but it’s considered good practice to include it for consistency and readability. Here’s a breakdown of why: Array Definition: Arrays in PHP are ordered collections of data enclosed in square brackets []. Each element within the array has an index (starting from 0) that allows you to access it. You separate elements in…
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shafiq2410 · 7 months
Understanding Information Security: Exploring the Building Blocks of Data Protection
Information security encompasses several elements or components aimed at protecting sensitive data and ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. The main elements of information security include: Confidentiality: Confidentiality ensures that sensitive information is accessible only to authorized individuals or entities. It involves measures such as encryption,…
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shafiq2410 · 7 months
What is a CEH
CEH stands for Certified Ethical Hacker. It is a professional certification provided by the International Council of E-Commerce Consultants (EC-Council). A Certified Ethical Hacker is an individual who has obtained certification demonstrating their ability to think and act like a hacker, but with ethical intentions. This certification validates the holder’s skills in identifying and exposing…
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shafiq2410 · 7 months
Mastering CEH: Your Ultimate Guide to Free Exam Study Materials
If you’re looking for free CEH exam study material, here are some resources you can explore: GitHub Repository (CEHv12 Study Notes): You can find comprehensive study notes for the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) v12 exam on this GitHub repository. These notes cover the exam topics and include references to external sources and relevant labs1. Access the study notes here. GitHub Repository…
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shafiq2410 · 7 months
A Comprehensive Guide on How to Prepare for the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Certification
Preparing for the Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification involves several steps to ensure comprehensive understanding and mastery of the relevant concepts and skills. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to prepare for the CEH certification: 1. Understand the Exam Objectives: Familiarize yourself with the CEH exam blueprint, which outlines the domains and topics covered in the exam. This…
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shafiq2410 · 7 months
Future-Proofing Your Web Development Journey: A Guide for PHP Enthusiasts
As a seasoned web developer with expertise in PHP, MySQL, and Laravel, you’re well-positioned to adapt to the evolving tech landscape. To future-proof your skills, consider the following: JavaScript and Frontend Frameworks: JavaScript remains a must-know language. Dive deeper into modern frameworks like React, Angular, or Vue.js. Master frontend development to create dynamic, responsive user…
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shafiq2410 · 7 months
What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)Artificial Intelligence (AI)What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or robot to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence, such as reasoning, learning, and problem solving. Photo by Sanket Mishra on Pexels.com AI can be classified into different types, such as weak AI, strong AI, and artificial general intelligence (AGI). Weak AI is the most common type of AI, which can perform specific…
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shafiq2410 · 7 months
Chapter 1: Introduction to Full Stack Development
Chapter 1: Introduction to Full Stack Development Welcome to the world of full stack development! In this chapter, we’ll embark on a journey to explore what full stack development entails, why it’s essential in today’s tech landscape, and how Laravel 10 fits into the equation. Understanding Full Stack Development Full stack development refers to the practice of working on both the frontend and…
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shafiq2410 · 7 months
Mastering Full Stack Development with Laravel 10
Table of Contents Introduction to Full Stack Development Getting Started with Laravel 10 Installing Laravel Setting up your Development Environment Understanding Laravel Basics Laravel Directory Structure Routing Controllers Views Blade Templating Engine Database Management with Laravel Database Configuration Creating Migrations Working with Eloquent ORM Database Seeding Building…
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shafiq2410 · 7 months
Software developer vs. Cyber security professional: which one is good for a future career?
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shafiq2410 · 8 months
Introduction to Data Analytics
What is data? Data is a collection of numbers, pictures, videos, words, measurements, observations, and more. The Economist  publication recently called data the world’s most valuable resource.  What is Data analysis? Data analysis is the collection, transformation, and organization of data in order to draw conclusions, make predictions, and drive informed decision-making. And it doesn’t stop…
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shafiq2410 · 10 months
How to develop a portfolio website
Here’s a basic guide to help you develop a portfolio website: 1. Define Your Purpose: Clarify the goal of your portfolio. What kind of work do you want to showcase? Who is your target audience? 2. Choose a Technology Stack: Decide on the technologies you’ll use. Common choices include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and a framework like React, Vue, or even a static site generator like Jekyll or…
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shafiq2410 · 4 years
বাংলা অর্থ সহ আল্লাহর ৯৯টি নামের Android Apps
বাংলা অর্থ সহ আল্লাহর ৯৯টি নামের Android Apps
বিসমিল্লাহির রহমানির রহিম
আসসালামু আলাইকুম,
কুরআনে আল্লাহর নামকে “অতি সুন্দর নাম” হিসাবে উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে। কুরআনে পাওয়া আল্লাহর ৯৯টি নাম তেলাওয়াত করার অনেক ফজিলত রয়েছে মর্মে হাদীসে শরীফে উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে ।যেহেতু আমাদের মাতৃভাষা বাঙালি, তাই আমাদের পক্ষে সর্বদা বাংলা অর্থ সহ আল্লাহর ৯৯টি নাম স্মরণ করা সহজতর হবে এবং আল্লাহর নামের অর্থ মনে রাখা সুবিধাজনক হবে।
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দয়াময় আল্লাহর করুণা…
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