shahbd2020 · 4 years
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shahbd2020 · 4 years
Reasons Why New Features Of Android P Is Getting More Popular In The Past Decade
Notch Support
Andy Rubin’s Essential Phone and iPhone 10’s groove at the top of the screen, the groove Android operating system will now officially support. It will start with Android p Although many users do not like this nick or groove, Google is still supporting it.
New design
From Android P, there will be major changes in the world’s most popular mobile operating systems system and interface design. It is using the cooling programming language which will make it faster. Google has not confirmed the full redesign But the preview version is going to be much better. Icons in the settings panel will be colorful.
Notification panel
The color of the notification panel of Android P will be more solid and its functionality will increase. For example, you can send smart reply (auto-generated) messages to the message from the Notification panel. Also, sending images and stickers in the message will be possible
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