shainachantake2 8 hours
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馃檹 what is with the weekly parsha following life so well lately
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shainachantake2 22 hours
So you think c sections are sometimes done for profit?
I assume you meant "do you think" since I don't think I've spoken about c sections since late 2022.
Probably. Less likely in some locations than others. Like, they actively discourage sections where I live and it's their policy to not allow or at least heavily discourage elective ones. But I'm sure in other locales it's not like that.
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shainachantake2 1 day
So discouraged at the moment...
When normal people conceive, it's them, their spouse, and the eibishter. When we want to get pregnant (because lol I guess we already conceived in 2022), it's us, our counsellor at bonei olam, irate secretaries at our clinic, nurses, doctors, embryologists... 馃槙
Idk just feeling discouraged after a secretary was all annoyed at me for asking questions and realising that without the 1 Jewish doctor there, things have gone downhill. I had to schedule a nurse's protocol planning appointment which I wasn't expecting, and they tried to schedule it first for erev RH, then 1st day RH, then 2nd day 馃槄 at this point I really regret trying to do it so soon after the chagim but... It's already been delayed so much, and there are no guarantees that it will work, and we're only getting older...
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shainachantake2 6 days
He is British, even though Pakistan denounces Israel every day.
Yes, I mean this is a typical rich British elite dude (I mean, chairman of Deutsche Bank is a cushy job). I have no real issues with his nationality, I'm sure there are normal Pakistani people around... But to put a Muslim in charge of the Holocaust memorial committee or whatever it is, is in terrible taste.
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shainachantake2 6 days
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What kind of clown country is this anyway? "We can't have the Jews get too uppity, better assign the Holocaust memorial chair to a MUSLIM and make sure to mention other genocides so Jews won't feel too self-important." 馃檭
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shainachantake2 7 days
How tall are you? I visited Amsterdam years ago and everyone was so tall.
I'm soooo short for Dutch concepts, always the shortest in my class (except for one exception, a guy with some sort of disorder)! 5'4"! I was so uncomfortable when I moved to the US, because I was suddenly taller than other people.
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shainachantake2 16 days
On shabbos there was a bar mitzvah with a Dutch mother so the entire Dutch kehilla came to our shul and it was so nice. Also interesting to hear that in fact Holland didn't change a single bit. Met a prominent Dutch rebbitzen and when she asked me where I was from and I started it off with "well I'm a giyeres" she replied "nou dat maakt toch niks uit" (that doesn't matter) 馃ぃ
But it is interesting that 1. My Dutch stayed pretty decent even though I moved abroad earlier in life than some of the other ladies, and I go back less often, and 2. That I notice the culture divide between these "Amsterdammers" and myself being more "Haags" with a strange sprinkling of "Brabants". I was thinking maybe it's my American upbringing but in retrospect pretty sure it's also the Noord Holland culture that's weird to me, because it always has been even when we were living there and I didn't speak a word of English.
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shainachantake2 18 days
Do you wear dresses more or skirts and long sleeves?
Skirts and long sleeves, definitely. Allows for more flexibility. Also when my baby puts her peanut butter hands on my skirt first thing in the morning I can change one article of clothing rather than my entire outfit.
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shainachantake2 26 days
Super nachas. Usually Z (7 in under a month) says shema at bedtime and S (19 months) sits on her bed and watches, on the odd occasion she'll put her hand in front of her eyes and giggles. After shema, we launch into the "torah tzivah" chant. Usually, Z lifts her arm in the air and shouts "torah!" and I pretend to have S repeat after her. Today, as Z finished shema, S suddenly raised up her arm and said "dodah!" and after we all said "Torah" she did it again with her rendition of "tzivah" and "lanu". 馃グ
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shainachantake2 27 days
I promised Z I'd make her a baby picture book similar to S's baby book, but I keep stumbling on pictures of my bff a"h who was niftar in April or my grandfather who died when Z was 4 months old and it breaks my heart every time.
Too many feels. I miss them both so much.
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shainachantake2 30 days
Not sure what kind of message hashem is trying to send but after our boiler had an issue a few weeks ago that was fixed (?) by putting in a new expansion vessel (?), it developed a new issue that the pump is broken. It literally boils the water in there and doesn't pump any out. 馃槶 Why so many expenses hashem...
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shainachantake2 1 month
Have you considered praying at Rachel's grave?
I'm not in Israel and don't have a way of getting there currently, but via proxy sure...
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shainachantake2 1 month
Scheduled our ultrasound and consultation appointments, regretfully they had to wait till September so we'll definitely have to wait till after yomim tovim due to cycle timing. Which sucks because if we are successful IYH please g-d, it completely destroys summer holidays next year, and of course if we're not chas vshalom rachamana litzlan it also destroys our finances and therefore summer holidays next year so yay. 馃檭 Even though we have 7 embryos BH BH I'm not even sure how many times I want to go through this nonsense.
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shainachantake2 1 month
We were crazy enough to go on holiday the day after Tisha b'av.... Yup. We went through literally all of our clothes and now I have to wash all of them. BH for washing machines and dryers.
We went to North Wales and it was so fun to see how many yidden come there. The first 2 days was pretty quiet but then on Friday there were 40+ men in shul! And it kept increasing, you see them everywhere you go.
Anyway, have a picture of a goat
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shainachantake2 1 month
I've been really struggling with my mental health for the past 2 ish weeks and only now has it dawned on me why. I was only nursing S once a day, but she's been relatively uninterested in it and I was basically done, so I decided to wean her. She's already 18 months yet it's hitting me so hard! 馃ゲ
Insomnia, anxiety, just a general pervasive feeling of "something is wrong"... Yuck. I even had a clog forming last week that I had to take ibuprofen for.
In other news, it looks like our FET will have to wait until after the yomim tovim, as they want to do an ultrasound and other appointments beforehand. So yeah...
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shainachantake2 2 months
How do people afford private schools? Yeshivas are crazy expensive
Oops sorry forgot to answer this.
Uh.... Yeah I honestly don't really know.
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shainachantake2 2 months
20% VAT on private school fees...... Yeeaaahh..... This is going to be brutal.
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