shalynn-de · 3 years
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I woke to the sound of birds chirping and my alarm buzzing, turning on my side I slam my hand on the off button and yawn. Slowly sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I slide off the bed and head downstairs only To see my cat thumper waiting patiently for food "mourning handsome, you have a good sleep" thumper meows and comes over and rubs me purring loudly you want food now" thumper meows and runs back to his cat food dish and sits. Turning to the right I head to the pantry and grab a can of cat food and bring it over to thumpers dish pouring it in I throw the can away and head to the couch to watch the news as always they describe the terrible disasters that these alien robots have been doing to the States and what they were doing to stop it. I soon fell asleep listening to the people talk about the aliens.
When I awoke again it was 1:30 pm, the TV was still on and thumper was curled beside me sleeping. I gave him a pet on his head, he opened his eyes and looked at me for a second before falling back asleep. After a while, I turned off the TV and headed to the kitchen only to notice a note had been placed on the counter
be out for a while, see you later Princess.
Love dad
I smiled dad always knows how to put a smile on my face "meow" turning to the noise, thumper was sitting on the floor in front of his dish. "You want more food baby" he meows again, taking it as a yes I go back to the pantry and grab a can of salmon flavoured whiskerinas and pour it into his dish. Throwing the can into the trash I hear a knock at the door, glancing at the clock on the wall it was only 1:37 pm, dad wouldn't be home until 6:00 pm. wearily I walk over to the door and look out the spy hole but no one is there. Opening the door I call "hello anyone there" hearing no answer I grab the door handle to pull it close, but someone stops me "miss" a voice asks I jump turning I see a man who seems to be in his forties who appears to be a cop annoyed I ask what he wants "what do you need officer" the officer grins smile wide  "you" my eyes go wide, and I start backing up hitting the wall I close my eyes and ask "what do you mean?" but all I feel is a pain in my head and I feel myself falling to the floor and someone yelling "get the cat" before I'm out like a light.
I groan in pain, opening my eyes I see men talking in a corner and a bunch of vehicles sitting in a row along with some planes. "Starscream!" someone yells, turning my head to the noise I see thumper and some tall skinny man poking thumper, as thumper claws his hand and hisses. "Leave him alone!" I yell only for all heads to turn to me "I see the princess is awake" a short man with red hair coos "knockout stop that" the man called knockout steps back as a tall older man with a menacing look steps forward "hello Elizabeth, how are you liking your stay?" I'm about to spit in his face when thumper jumps in front of me and growls "oh is your little slave going to protect you" the rest of the men behind the tall man laugh "hey! My cat is not a slave" I snap which was a wrong move because they all look at me again the red-haired one speaks "hmm Megatron this one has a mouth should I do some surgery" Megatron shakes his head "no, not until we get our information" coming closer Megatron grabs my arm moving my sleeve up showing my birthmark of a robot face and the sun and moon "see the mark Decepticons she is the one" all the men in the back stare with a look of glee "I'm only going to ask you this once fleshy where is Optimus prime" I growl trying to pull my arm away only for Megatron to hold it tighter "I don't know who you're talking about and if I did, I wouldn't tell you" spitting in his face his eyes light up red before he disappears quickly in silver sparkles only for one of the trucks in the back to start up and drive forward before transforming into what I will probably have nightmares about for years. There on the ground once sat a vehicle now stands a robot about as tall as a building, probably even taller. Suddenly all the other people in the room disappear into sparks and all the vehicles turn into robots. "Fleshy!" the tallest one with a silver body and red eyes yells. I scream as I'm picked up and face a shorter silver one with wing looking things on their back "Megatron what should we do with it now" the tallest one called Megatron grabs me out of the shorter ones hand not very gently and brings me up close to his face allowing me to see his ugly face and asks me "where is Optimus prime"
Rolling my eyes, I yell "I don't know who that is!" I then scream as he opens his hand and I start falling I'm about to hit the ground but the red robot grabs me "Megatron we can't let it die, yet I still haven't gone to play with it" he whines Megatron rolls his eyes and growls "throw it in the cell with the Autobot maybe then he will teach it a lesson" The red one gives a bow almost dropping me in the process and turns walking down a hall before turning right again and shoving me into a cell with a very scary looking yellow robot who seemed to be sleeping "wake up sleeping beauty!" the red one yells at the yellow robot before closing the door and locking it and walking away. Once he is gone the eyes of the yellow one snap open and turn to me only they are a cold blue colour like ice and not red like the others "why did you bring me a fleshy!" he roars "you know I will kill it" hearing that I run to the corner and grab a rock ready to defend myself but mentally slap my face what is a rock going to do against a giant robot. The robot stands up a little only to sink back to the ground with a groan of pain, I then notice the chains wrapped around his legs and arms and the blue stuff coming out of his side. I sigh in relief, he is injured and tied up he can't reach me. Suddenly the lights go out only the eyes of the yellow robot are left as light then knockouts voice sounds on a speaker "time for bed little fleshy you better be ready to give me the answer for Megatron tomorrow and you Autobot be ready for experiments and questioning tomorrow" the voice then stops, and the lights go out completely as the eyes of the yellow robot shut gasping I feel around myself hoping to find a better spot to sleep only to bump into something metal hoping it's a wall I sit against it and curl into myself shivering slightly wishing it was all a dream as I fall asleep.
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shalynn-de · 3 years
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shalynn-de · 3 years
Y'know what, fuck this bullshit. I need to know y'all are actually against it.
Reblog this if you will NOT use or support Post+.
I hope to make @staff see how that is total bullshit. Tumblr will die without writers/creators.
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