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Let’s talk about Mickey Milkovich’s shitty life:
Here’s the thing that pisses me off more than any other shit with Mickey haters: they ignore all the shit Mickey went through. So we’re going to talk about it & maybe it’ll change your mind about the beautiful gift that is Mickey.
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Okay, let’s get started. The first thing I’d like to talk about is Mickey’s mom. When we first meet Mickey in 1x03, Lip asks Mickey about Iggy getting out of jail & Mickey tells him his mom went to go get him. Then fast forward to when Monica comes back after Frank’s mom dies. Ian & Mandy are talking about his mom & Ian says “You’re so lucky your mom is dead.” That means that some time between season 1 & 2, Mickey’s mom dies. Now during this time Mickey is also in juvie, so it’s possible she died before he got to say goodbye.
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Now we also see in 1x03 that Mickey is still in school (he thanks Lip for the B on his paper), but later in season 3 when Mickey gets out & comes to find Ian he says he would still be a freshman. So this reveals a couple things about Mickey. One, Mickey is around the same age as Lip & Ian. Two, he drops out some time between season 1 & 3. Now, I want to suggest something, so go with me for a minute. We know during this time that his mom dies & that his dad is in prison during this time (he is picking his dad up when Ian comes looking for Kash’s gun). So is it possible that Mickey dropped out of school in order to take care of his family? The same thing Fiona gets so much credit for? Is it possible that his mom died & his dad was in prison & Mandy needed to eat, so Mickey dropped out to help take care of her? Is it possible that this boy everyone just assumes is a stupid thug (though we know is not the case because he’s a whiz with numbers) is just a kid trying to take care of the ones he loves?
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It always gets me that everyone says Mickey is so unloving because he clearly loved Mandy. Hell…the only reason he even gets involved with Ian is because Mandy said Ian had tried to rape her & Mickey was coming to get him. And the only reason he ends up giving Lip a beat down is because Lip basically calls Mandy a whore & Mickey gets pissed. And then we see his love for her again when she gets beat up by her boyfriend. Mickey brings her to the Gallagher house. He could’ve pretended like he didn’t see anything (Mandy was sure trying to act like it didn’t happen) but he didn’t. He took her out of the scary situation & got her to the safest place he could think of.
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Alright now let’s get into the real shit that gets me:
First, let’s talk about how everyone always talks about what a shit husband Mickey is. I am going to say this very clearly for you all to hear: MICKEY WAS MARRIED TO HIS RAPIST. OK? No he wasn’t a very good husband to her. But for fuck’s sake, why do we expect him to? He was in love with Ian (even if he hadn’t admitted it to himself yet) & he was happy with Ian. But then his dad finds out & pays this woman to rape him. Then he is FORCED to marry her. I mean Fuck! Would you be in love with that? Would you be able to sleep next to that person every night? Sit across the table from them at every meal? And on top of that, he lost the one person he did actually love because of this woman. She & Terry ripped away the only good thing he had. I might be a bitch to her too. But it’s not like she loved him either. Everyone seems to miss that point when talking about their relationship. Lana was just as awful to Mickey as he was to her. She constantly threatened him & belittled him about his feelings for Ian. She didn’t care about him anymore than he did for her. 
Now let’s chat about his son & the whole “he’s a horrible father” thing. Yes, Mickey had his faults when it came to his son. But…..this baby came from his RAPE. This baby is literally a daily reminder of one of the worst days of his life. And he was expected to love him from day one. Yes he responded in a mean way in regards to his son at first, but as we know with Mickey, this is how he responds when he feels scared & vulnerable. But he didn’t stay that way. Mickey steps up in the dad department. It takes him a while but he does it. The thing is that Mickey is a victim, probably suffering with a form of PTSD, who is forced to live with the people who made him a victim. And furthermore, is expected to love them. How is that fair? We can see from the way he loves & cares for Ian that Mickey has it in him to be a wonderful partner & caretaker. Under different circumstances I believe Mickey would be an amazing father & husband.
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Now the final point I want to talk about goes back to something I brought up earlier: Mickey is about the same age as Ian & Lip (we also can assume this because he goes to juvie both times meaning he wasn’t charged as an adult). Now while all this is going on Lip is somewhere around 18 to 19 & Ian is 17. That puts Mickey around that same age. So Mickey is somewhere in his late teens when he drops out of school, gets a “job”, is raped, forced to marry said rapist & becomes a dad. No wonder he is a little messed up. Lip can barely keep his shit together when Karen gets pregnant & that situation is no where near as fucked up as Mickey’s.
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So in conclusion, yes Mickey is a bit of a fuck up & a hot mess. But with all the shit he went through, can you really blame him?? I think the important thing to point out is this: Mickey was always trying. He knew he had faults but he was trying. He was trying to be a good brother. He was trying to be the son his father wanted. He was trying to provide for his family. He was trying to get along with Lana. He was trying to be a good father. He was always trying. And he deserves credit for that. 
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