shamyaaaaaaa · 5 years
This is me!😘
That’s my Instagram where I do all my covers!😘
Rusty but🤷🏾‍♀️
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shamyaaaaaaa · 5 years
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shamyaaaaaaa · 5 years
REMAKING LATER!!!!trust me this is horrible compared to my real voice!😖🧡
Song:gone 2 long
(Deleting later,my voice was so bad in this vid😖)
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shamyaaaaaaa · 5 years
Since y’all never seen my face 🙃
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This is meeeee!!!😖💛🤩
I know I’m ugly😂
Just giving y’all a chance to see my face!🤷🏾‍♀️💕
(Taking down later)
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shamyaaaaaaa · 5 years
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shamyaaaaaaa · 5 years
Me realizing I’m seeing the boys in 24 days!!
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shamyaaaaaaa · 5 years
I love this so fucking much!!
Thank u!!💕(sorry I’m just now reposting this💛)
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we’re all in this together; prettymuch x r.o.c
dedicated and requested by @prettymuchgirlbeanz
you sighed as you walked through the front door of the boys home. you didn’t live there with them — you might as well should — as much as you spent nights over at their place. you started ripping out bobby pins that were holding every single stubborn curl that tried to escape your bun, must’ve been hundreds of them in your head. “guys?!” you called out through the house as you feel your head for any hiding bobby pins. you huffed once you realized they had left without you.
as if he could read your mind, zion’s name popped up on your phone as he facetime’d you, “aight, before you start going off, we left to get some food. austin didn’t feel like cooking so we ordered something to pick up. i knew i’d catch yo’ ass at the right time.” he laughed and stuck his tongue out at you as you rolled your eyes. he loved seeing you on the verge of becoming irritated or angry, claiming it’s ‘amusing’ but you didn’t see anything amusing about it, “Well, while you’re at it, pick up-..”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, we already got it.” He held up the grocery bag to show you and just when you were about to say something, you let out a yelp instead from a sharp pain in the side of your bump. You were 6 months pregnant and when you told your boyfriend — as soon as you found out — he left you from fear of 'commitment’. You already knew that though because he had cheated on you once, but you were naive enough to believe his pleas and apologizes. But the pregnancy reveal showed a lot of your exe’s true colors.
Once the boys found out though, they were ecstatic and already had made up in their minds that they — all five of them — would replace your ex as the father. when they found out a couple of years before that you and zion were close, they immediately accepted you into the prettymuch family without questioning you or anything about you. zion’s face was closer to the phone, as if bringing the phone closer to his face would make your side zoom in, “aye mama’s! you good?” you could see those thick eyebrows furrow in concern as you eyed the top of his forehead on the screen, “y-yeah zion! i’m-..” and you inhaled sharply as you felt the same pain hit you on the other side of your belly, “fuck!” you heard zion faintly say, “aw hell nah..” and mumble some things to the other four boys before he was eyeing you. you had set down your phone, the pain you were experiencing was too much that you couldn’t bother with focusing on not dropping your phone, but zion saw you leaning over as you tried inhaling and exhaling calmly.
“shit!..we’re on our way, we’ll be there in 10. hold on y/n!” and just like he said, they were there in ten minutes. they were all making a commotion over you as they gathered around you and scrambling to figure out the next move. but edwin stopped everyone, “wait…aren’t you six months along? bro, that’s way too fucking early to be having a baby right now.” edwin’s eyes widened and zion took that and ran with it, “well fuck edwin! don’t just stand there! we gotta move quicker now, time is precious!” zion started yelling and panicking, you knew he needed to stop watching greys anatomy. “zion..” you tried to call his name but it was too soft over the commotion, you didn’t know what was going on yourself, but you just knew you needed him to calm down because this wasn’t helping with the anxiety that was slowly starting to creep up on you.
brandon was the first to get everyone to calm down, “okay, okay. guys, calm down. it’s just braxton hicks, she’s not in labor, there’s no 'golden timeframe’, everyone calm. its fine.” everyone stilled and looked at each other as they started to process and realization started to click and everything made sense. then zion was the first to speak, “so there’s a braxton they named this after?..where the fuck was i? who is she?”
ahhh its short but i hope you guys like it
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shamyaaaaaaa · 5 years
Thx so much love!🙃💕
Thanksgiving Evening - The Society - Imagine
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Fandom: The Society
Pairing: Will x Pregnant!Reader
Request: Ok, so my request was gonna be like a Will x Reader, where the reader is 7 months pregnant and African American. It’s the night of the thanksgiving get together and they’re having a good time and all things go south when she eats the pie and she gets very sick. Everyone is worried about her and the life of her baby and mostly Will and Allie, but Will has a crush on the reader and she does as well. And he is very protective of her along with everyone else. Note that the baby isn’t Will’s, the father of the baby didn’t want the baby nor her.
Requested by: @prettymuchgirlbeanz
Note: Couldn’t find another gif but I guess this fits the situation? Also reader lives in the same house as Allie and Will.
Considering your current situation, being 7 month pregnant and living in some kind of different universe without your parents or any other adults, you were still looking forward to the planned thanksgiving evening.
Especially after all the stress and chaos going on during the last weeks, it was exciting to have a nice evening together. Some made their parents recipes, brought different drinks or some even brought home-made pie.
The evening was amazing and for a while it felt like everything around you wasn’t as complicated as it actually was. As soon as Elle and Campbell arrived, it was a little tense at first but it eventually went back to a normal evening. Just like a lot of others, Elle brought pumpkin pie to the get together and since it was your favourite part of thanksgiving, you decided to try it. After a long and exhausting but really nice evening, you and the others decided to go home and sleep.
During the night you struggled to sleep and woke up sweating, feeling like you’re going to throw up, which you soon did.  After a while, others started to feel sick as well, including your best friend Allie. Will made sure you both got to the hospital as soon as possible.
At the hospital, Will didn’t leave your side for a moment. Being very worried about you and the others. It got even worse when they suspected that you were poisoned by something, which made them especially worry about you.
“I’m here, don’t worry.”, Will said to reassure you. You tried to smile a bit, being really thankful for having him be there for you right now. “I know, thanks.”
People slowly started to get better and so did you. Yet you had to stay, because they were worried about the baby. And Will made you stay to get a checkup. “I just want to make sure everything’s fine Y/N, you just got poisoned, what if something happened?”, he said worried. “Will, I feel fine. I’m all better now.”, you tried to tell him but he still wanted you to stay. Which made you happy to see that he’s worried about you.
Kelly and Will made sure you’re comfortable as possible in the hospital bed for staying over the night. At the moment everything was just silent and Will was by your side holding your hand.
Suddenly you felt a movement in your belly. You took Will’s hand and placed it on it. “See, he’s all fine.”, you said calmly. “He?”, he asked with a big smile. “I have a feeling it’s going to be a little baby boy.”, you said smiling.
“No matter what, I’m going to be with you through it all.”, Will said hugging you tightly, giving you a kiss on the forehead.
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shamyaaaaaaa · 5 years
Brooooooooooooooo do u not understand how bad I’m fucking shaking right now!imma fuckin cry😭I LOVE THEM SO FUCKIN MUCH LIKE UGHHHH!🥴💕imma make sure to get a picture with each one of them🙃AHHHHHHH!
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shamyaaaaaaa · 5 years
Plzz tell me people are making imagines for it!😭💕
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shamyaaaaaaa · 6 years
The Mother:(IT)Chapter 17 (Interracial)
Some woman fear the
Some woman simply become
Stanleys p.o.v
"Where are you meadow??!"I whispered to myself.
Ive been pacing around my room for about 30 minutes straight,worried about where meadow could be at this very moment.
She didnt tell me where she was going,she didnt even tell me that she was leaving,i just woke up from my nap and she was gone.
I understood why though,i blew up on her the other night over nothing,i was just scared for her safty thats all,and now shes somewhere that i dont know.
And im afraid something bad happened to her.
I was still pacing when i heard the phone ring downstairs,startiling ne as i heard it.i carefully ran down the stairs eager to get the phone before the line cuts.
As i picked up the phone i could hear heavy breathing on the other side of the phone,but i didnt know who it was.
"Stanley g-g-get over to my h-h-house now!!!!"
"Bill??why what's wrong?!?!
whats going on!?!"
"I-i-its meadow stanley.."
"Meadow?!?!what about here, is she ok?!?!"
"It stanley!!!"
"What are you talking about.."
"It stanley, it got meadow!!"
I felt My heart stop beating as i heard one of my fears comeing true.
Meadow going missing...
''But how..how did this-
"T-t-there's no time to talk,w-w-we need to get her b-b-back before its t-t-to late"
"Right,im on my way!!"
I hung up the phone as ran to the front door of the house,slamming it shut as i exited the building.
I ran over to my bike that was parked in the garage and hoped on,zoming over to bills house, trying not to think the worse of what could happen to her and her baby.
My baby..
5 minutes later...
Ben,beverly,bill,eddie,Mike,richie, and i were on the way to the the black spot,or other words the big back creepy as house,to destroy the clown once and for all and to get meadow and georgie back.
We pulled up to the house and everyone jumped of there bikes running towards the house,ready to take down the beast that takes away innocent lives..
Exept for me..
Yes i did want to save them but im still scared and there's fear lingering inside me still..
And he feeds off fear.
"Hey you ok??"eddie asked concerned,i didnt answer.
"L-look Stanley i know your scared,we all are but we cant just let this keep h-h-happening,we cant just leave them here to die and the clown to kill innocent kids.and i think everyone knows if you where t-traped in there meadow would of forced us in this house in seconds,we have to stick together and not spit up like last time or things will be worser than before, so are you coming in or not??"bill speached.
I knew he was passionate because he only studdered like three or two times,and i cant just leave meadow in there with a baby inside her
And her in pain.I looked at everyones faces that pleaded for me to enter and to help them in this crises
To help there bestfriend..
My bestfriend.
I thought about all the pain IT put her thought, all the pain the baby went through,her staying up in the middle of the might crying into my shoulder because of hem...
Her seizing because of
i took one good breath into my nose and out my mouth...
"Lets kill this fucking
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shamyaaaaaaa · 6 years
The Mother:(IT)Chapter 16(Interacial)
The best fighter
Is never angry..
Meadows p.o.v
"Thank you for comeing over again,i really do miss having you around this empty place."he said chuckling.
"No problem mr.bowers,I just really miss seeing you,and i wanted to thank you for all youve done for me."
"No problem ladybug,its my job to help you,its my job to protect you and that baby of yours."he reassured.
Yea i know im at the enemys house but i dont understand it,how is that henry is related to a nice man like hem.
Since the club departed im still living with stanley,but were not on speaking terms because hes mad at me for still wanting to fight the clown even though it almost killed me and im mad because he doesnt want to help,thats why im at the bowers household,to get out of the house.
I stayed here last night and it was horrible,all i could hear was henry and his goons talking about me and the baby,and nothing good came out of there mouths.
My thoughts were interrupted by the kicking of my babygirl trying to tell me something, causing me pause and close my eyes as it also came with sickness.
"Are you ok ladybug???"mr.bowers said with the face of pure conceren plastered onto his face,steping closer to make sure i dont fall onto the floor.
"Y-yea,im ok just contractions,there starting to get a little stronger at the moment."i replied breathless.
"Contractions??are you sure your ok??"he asked again.
"Im sure I'm ok,i promise"i replied giggling at his worry.
"Oh ok thats good....Thank you for telling me that that child is henrys,im gonna make hem take care of it,but first im gonna kill hem"mr.bowers said with a angry face.
"Thank you but you dont have to kill hem,i want to do that."
"Hahaha,well ill leave it to you then,i forgot how feisty you can be."
We both laughed at thw comment, but my laughing soon stop when i heard the beeping of my watch,causing me to look down at my black and pick watch,seeing it was time for me to go back to the uris household.
"Well i have to go,it was good seeing you again mr.bowers. "i smiled genuinely.
"It was nice seeing you too ladybug."he smiled as he pulled me into a caring,warm hug kissing my head in the process.
I broke the hug and looked at hem one good time and one finale goodbye
Not really knowing this would be the last time i would see hem..
My father figure.
I walked out the door and saw the boys shooting at some bottles, and of course it was henry.
I walked passed them to get to the road and i could feel them staring at me from the corner of my eye,
But i didnt dare look into henrys eyes,
Because if i did..
I would go full mama mode on his ass.
So i just walked away...
5 minutes later
Its been a good 4-5 minutes and i am exhausted from walking,really wishing i could of got a ride home at this moment,but theres no one in the streets or the side walk.
Really no one any where.
I look around with a confused face alot of questions crossing over my brain,giving me a big headache.
I shook my head trying to stop the headache continuing to walk with both hands crattling my stomach..
But all of a sudden..
I felt a sharp pain aimed at my abdomen causing my mouth to open in pain and my hands to clinch on my stomach for dear life as more pain shot everysingle part of my stomach.
"OH GOD!!"I moan out as i feel to my knees crying in agony.
I started to breath in and out slowly trying to calm my breathing, whispering sweet nothings to the baby developing inside of me.
But i was soon interupted by a poping sound.
But not just any poping sound..
A ballon popping..
My head then snapped from the position that it was in,seeing the tall,white clown infront of me,with a ballon in one hand and...
My brother in the other....
"Time to float sissie!!"
"Yea sunflower..
Time to float!!"
He and my brother started to walk closer to me and it was like my whole body went numb seeing them both together causing me to fall onto my back..
Sucking me into a pit of darkness..
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shamyaaaaaaa · 6 years
The Mother:(IT)Chapter 16(Interracial)
The best fighter
Is never angry..
Meadows p.o.v
"Thank you for comeing over again,i really do miss having you around this empty place."he said chuckling.
"No problem mr.bowers,I just really miss seeing you,and i wanted to thank you for all youve done for me."
"No problem ladybug,its my job to help you,its my job to protect you and that baby of yours."he reassured.
Yea i know im at the enemys house but i dont understand it,how is that henry is related to a nice man like hem.
Since the club departed im still living with stanley,but were not on speaking terms because hes mad at me for still wanting to fight the clown even though it almost killed me and im mad because he doesnt want to help,thats why im at the bowers household,to get out of the house.
I stayed here last night and it was horrible,all i could hear was henry and his goons talking about me and the baby,and nothing good came out of there mouths.
My thoughts were interrupted by the kicking of my babygirl trying to tell me something, causing me pause and close my eyes as it also came with sickness.
"Are you ok ladybug???"mr.bowers said with the face of pure conceren plastered onto his face,steping closer to make sure i dont fall onto the floor.
"Y-yea,im ok just contractions,there starting to get a little stronger at the moment."i replied breathless.
"Contractions??are you sure your ok??"he asked again.
"Im sure I'm ok,i promise"i replied giggling at his worry.
"Oh ok thats good....Thank you for telling me that that child is henrys,im gonna make hem take care of it,but first im gonna kill hem"mr.bowers said with a angry face.
"Thank you but you dont have to kill hem,i want to do that."
"Hahaha,well ill leave it to you then,i forgot how feisty you can be."
We both laughed at thw comment, but my laughing soon stop when i heard the beeping of my watch,causing me to look down at my black and pick watch,seeing it was time for me to go back to the uris household.
"Well i have to go,it was good seeing you again mr.bowers. "i smiled genuinely.
"It was nice seeing you too ladybug."he smiled as he pulled me into a caring,warm hug kissing my head in the process.
I broke the hug and looked at hem one good time and one finale goodbye
Not really knowing this would be the last time i would see hem..
My father figure.
I walked out the door and saw the boys shooting at some bottles, and of course it was henry.
I walked passed them to get to the road and i could feel them staring at me from the corner of my eye,
But i didnt dare look into henrys eyes,
Because if i did..
I would go full mama mode on his ass.
So i just walked away...
5 minutes later
Its been a good 4-5 minutes and i am exhausted from walking,really wishing i could of got a ride home at this moment,but theres no one in the streets or the side walk.
Really no one any where.
I look around with a confused face alot of questions crossing over my brain,giving me a big headache.
I shook my head trying to stop the headache continuing to walk with both hands crattling my stomach..
But all of a sudden..
I felt a sharp pain aimed at my abdomen causing my mouth to open in pain and my hands to clinch on my stomach for dear life as more pain shot everysingle part of my stomach.
"OH GOD!!"I moan out as i feel to my knees crying in agony.
I started to breath in and out slowly trying to calm my breathing, whispering sweet nothings to the baby developing inside of me.
But i was soon interupted by a poping sound.
But not just any poping sound..
A ballon popping..
My head then snapped from the position that it was in,seeing the tall,white clown infront of me,with a ballon in one hand and...
My brother in the other....
"Time to float sissie!!"
"Yea sunflower..
Time to float!!"
He and my brother started to walk closer to me and it was like my whole body went numb seeing them both together causing me to fall onto my back..
Sucking me into a pit of darkness..
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shamyaaaaaaa · 6 years
The Mother:(IT) Chapter 15 (Interracial)
Let it hurt,Let it bleed,
Let it heal,
And let it go
Meadows p.o.v
"You,you did this!"
I woke up to the sound of yelling comeing from infront of me.Iopened my eyes slowly to see i was in the arms of stanley crattling me.i let out a small grown causing stan to look down at me.
"I think you woke up at the wrong time meadow."he whispers down to me.
"We were attacked m-m-ms.k"bill told truthfully.i never really liked ms.k because of the way she treated eddie and his friends,especially me..i patted stanleys chest signaling for hem to put me down,which he slowly makung sure i had my balance.
"No!!!dont try to blame anyone else."she said as she dropped her keys on the ground which beverly nicely tried to pick up for her but ms.k refused to let her pick them up for her.
"No back!!oh i have heard of you miss marsh,and i dont want a dirty girl like you touching my son."she scolded into beverlys face.
"Shes not dirty and you have no right to talk to her in that way"i said as everyone's head whipped over to me crattling my stomach.
She scoffed amd chuckled walking up to me closely,to the point that she could of squished my stomach making me wince and everyone around ne worry.
"Ms.wheeler,you think your everything and you cant be touched because your pregnant with some dudes child,i heard about you too with all these boys,and it seems like you have eddie under the same spell as you did to the others,and i dont want you even looking at my my son ever again"she said as spoke my stomach causing my mouth to open in pain and the others to became angry as she had just tooken it to far.
"You all are monsters,all of you,and eddie is done with you,done"
She then walked away and stanley came to my side making sure i was ok.i nodded my head reassuringly as she drove off in the car with a eddie in it.
But out of nowhere bill starts talking.
"I saw the well,w-w-we know where it is and next time we can be better prepared."he reassured.
"No,no next time bill..your insane!!"stanley screamed.
"Why,we all know no one else is gonna so anything."Beverly questioned.
"Guys please this isn't good for the baby or me!!"i replied weakly.
"Eddie and meadow were nearly killed and shes fucking 8 months pregnant, and look at this mother fucker,hes leaking hamburger helper. "Richie protested.
"But we cant pretent like its gonna go away,Ben you said so yourself IT comes back every 27 years."beverly stated.
"Fine,ill be 40 and far away from here, i thought you said you wanted to get out of this town too??"ben said.
"Because i wanted to run toward something,not away."beverly speeched.
"In sorry who invited molly springwall into the group??"beverly shot the midfle finger to richie.
"Im just saying lets face facts real world,georgie is dead"
"Richie thats too fuck far!!"i yelled at eddie
"Im sorry dagger,but its true,stop trying to get us killed too."
"Georgies not dead!!"
"You couldnt save hem,but you can save yourself!!"
"No take it back!!!"
"Bill calm-I tried to say but was interrupted.
"Were scared and we all are but take it back!!"bill said pushing richie,richie pushed hem back,then out of no where.
Bill punched richie...
"Billie no"i screamed.
"Your just a bunch of loosers tour gonna get yourself killed!!"eddie screamed.
"Please stop!!"i cried.
Beverly pulled me from the croud and beside her,making sure i dont get hit,being the good big sister she is,well acts.
"FUCKING STOP!!thia is what it wants..it wants to divid us,we were all together when we heard it,thats why were still alive,thats why meadow is alive and isnt in pain,because were with her and this baby is pretected,this isnt good for her or thr baby if we split up!!"she speeched.
"Im sorry but i plan to stay alive"richie said walking away bumping into bill at in the process.
And wveryone just rode away...
And no one wanted to help us...
Help me......
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shamyaaaaaaa · 6 years
The Mother:(IT) Chapter 14(Interracial)
You fuck with them
You fuck with me,
Try me bitch"
I made the quote today!!!
Meadows p.o.v
"Hey meadow,you can bring the baby too"it said as it walked towards us with his signature laugh.
As IT walked closer to us we backed away from it as fast as we could,concitering that eddies arm was broken and i was going through some hard ass contraction at this point.
We got to the point were our backs were touching the old fire place.
As we touched it i didnt notice that there was glass falling causing me to become more frightened then before and the baby to hurt my poor vigina ten times worse causing me to scream.
But it didn't fase it.
Eddie was trying to scoot closer to me but pennywise had cought hem by suprise and leeped into his face, teaseing hem with his hand as i was a few steps from hem trying to concel my breathing.
"Tasty,tasty,beautiful fear!!"
He then showed of his powerful creepy smile that affected anyone who saw it.i clenched my hands around my baby bump and cried as the pain became unbearable causeing pennywises head to snap into my direction befor he could open hes mouth fully to eat eddie.
"LEAVE HEM ALONE!!"I yelled crying in pain.
But he still wasnt fased by my action,seeing hes presents gives me more pain then he has ever seen, causing hem to smile and crawle over to me.he got closer and closer to the point to our heads were touching causing me to yell in pain clenching my stomach tighter as u could hear eddie in the backgroumd protesting to the clown.
I looked hem dead in the eyes...
"You think your tuff babygirl,but you fear more then anyone in this house, which is wonderful.
Thank you my little sunflower."
My eyes widen at the meantion of my my nickname.
The nickname my mother game me.
But all he did was smiled as his mouth widen getting ready to takr mr whole, along with my baby.
But he was stoped by the sound of a door opening.
"HELP,HELP US!!!"eddie screamed as i couldnt do anything.but they got the call because we heared footsteps comeing from upstairs.
"EDDIE,MEADOW!!"richie worried, but came to a hult when he saw the position we were in.
"This isnt real enough for you billy??im not real enough for you??it was real enough for georgie!!"pennywise said in a crazy voice.
"You one petty as bitch"i said in pain.
IT then got away from me and leeped at the boys,but was stoped from a spear entering his head,which was done by beverly.
As the spear entered his head the rest of the boys entered the house in shock and eddie screaming for help as i couldnt.
"Go get them"mike said as eddie,billy,and beverly ran over to us.
Bevery went beside me and bent down trying to calm me because stanly was frozen in hear as he couldn't.
"Meadow stay with me ok?!?!were almost there ok?!?she cant hold anylonger,the pains to unbearable!!!"she informed the boys as i was going in and out of consciousness.
"Fuck Fuck fuck we habe to get out of here!!"richie yelled.
IT then turned around..
His face was even more messed it,it was crooked and his facial exspessions were everywhere, causeing more fear to everyone in the room, and causeing me to scream louder then before as the pain was yo the point were i couldnt feel my legs,causing beverly to pull me closer to her chest.
As it walked to us it started going crazy,and his laugh was way creepier then before.as it bucked at us it swung around quickly and hit ben out of the corner of my eye.
IT then started to back away slowly into the dark room behind it sruggling as we all just screamed and staired in shock.
"Dont let hem get away!!bill screamed as he walked to the door and everyone protested.
"Bill no!!"i screamed to hem as well as everyone else.
"We have to get you both out of here!!"Stanley stayed as he came and keeled infront of me,but i could barly make out his face,i was to exusted from the pain that took over my body not to long ago,now that IT was gone it faded away,but in the presents of this house it still hurts.
Bill had came up the stairs and saw our conditions and was ready to help,but everyone knew i wasnt gonna last much longer.
"Meadow try to keep your eyes open a little longer ok?!"Stanley paniced as everyone else did for the clown, you and eddie.but it was to late and i was too exusted.
I let the darkness consume me
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shamyaaaaaaa · 6 years
The Mother:(IT) Chapter 13 (Interracial)
It's ok to be scared,
Being scared means that your about to do something
Meadows p.o.v
"Bill don't go in there this is crazy!"Beverly yelled
Right now we were at the house or the crack head house as Richie called it and as always I did not feel good, it was like the closer I got to the house the weaker I got.I don't know what is wrong with me but this thing is doing something to me and it feels like I'm slowly dieing.
"Bill is right,he has to go in that house,it's the only way we can actually understand what's happening and why these kids are disappearing,and why am I the main source of it at this point, because if me of my baby goes missing I'm blaming y'all for being scary,y'all being scarier than me and I'm the pregnant one in pain at this very moment,I'm sorry but I side with bill at this point."i lecture to them.
"But maybe some of us can say out here ,Ya know if something bad happens."Stan cowards .
"Ok well who wants to stay out"I say and almost everyone rises there hand.
"Oh geeze."I sign.
Time skip...
Edie,Richie,bill and I walked inside of the house slowly as the others watched as we into the broken abandon house.
"Why did I have to pull the smaller straw,you better be glad we're not measuring dicks."Richie snapped.
"Shut up Richie"Eddie said.
"If y'all were to ever measure dicks you would be the first person in this house." I whispered making Eddie and Bill giggle but Richie scoughed .
"It stinks in here"Eddie said
"Don't breath through your mouth"Richie said
"How come?"Eddie asked
"Because then your eating it."
I went to the side with Eddie and Richie and Bill went to the other side.as I smelled the room I couldn't help but feel lightheaded.the smell reminded me of old blood making my legs buck a little.
"That's my shirt that's my hair that's me god dam it"Richie freaked.
"Richie,baby listen to me,it's not real ok,nothing on this paper is real,and it won't happen ok."I said as I grabbed his cheeks rubbing them soothingly,what I'm most known for.
But in the middle of calming hem down,we heard a voice coming from up stairs.
A girls voice.
I looked at the boys and walked over to the stairs,them close behind me,but bill soon cuted in front of me not wanting me to lead the line.
As we were walking the room in front of us showed a girl,but not just any girl..
Betty ribson.
"Person"but out of no where she was snatched away,causing us all to jump in fear,but then I heard a voice,a voice calling Eddie,making me turn around.
"Guys do you hear that??cupcake?"
"I'm right here Eddie,its ok-ahhh"I say as my legs were about to give out on me,but Eddie caught me just in time.
"Eddie, what's happening,I can't breath??"I say as I laid on the ground ,Eddie grooming my hair.
"Cupcake hold ok!!!guys*door slams*guys???GUYS!?!???"
"Eddie what's going on!?!?!open the door!??!"bill yelled.but it wasn't enough time before I saw nothing but blackness.
Eddies p.o.v
I backed away from the door and turned around to see that see was moving,
She was unconscious.
I ran over to her kneeling down to her side seeing her condition.
"CUPCAKE!!!CUPCAKE WAKE UP!!!"instead of her waking up,the floor beneath her fell onto the first floor,making her fall with it.
"She's not gonna wake up Richie!!"I turned around to see my biggest fear again and I panicked,so I feel right next to meadow.passing out too.
Meadows p.o.v
I woke up with a pain in in my head.i touched it and removed it to see my hand was covered in blood,was my head cracked?
I looked over to my left and saw an unconscious Eddie laying besides me.i rubbed his had slowly saying his name so he wouldn't wake up screaming.
I started to hear groaning and it was Eddie starting to wake up,but it was also me as I was starting to have contractions.
"Eddie,wake soon please"I say crying in pain,
"Cupcake?"i heard Eddie groan as he sat up.he rubbed his eyes with his hand and looked at my condition,he's eyes widening as he sees that I look horrible.
"Meadow what's wrong!?"Eddie asked as he tries to comfort me with his one good arm.
"Contractions Eddie-ahhhh"I screamed as another one hit means in that moment Eddies hand made a swift movement to my belly feeling the commotion going on inside.
But all of a sudden we heard a door creek,and our head snapped that way."the  refrigerator door opened and revealed a clown
The clown.
It's body was all twisted and it came out to be straight,causing Eddie to hyperventilate.
"time to float"
Ok so this whole time ive only been updating on my wattpad account😂😂but im sorry ill feel yall in on the tea!!!😋
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shamyaaaaaaa · 6 years
The Mother(IT):
chapter 12(Interracial)
The most dangerous
animal is a
silent smiling woman.
Meadows p.o.v
"Look,that's where Georgie disappeared."
We had now came to bills house and is now looking at a map of Derry,I was sitting next to Stan and to be real I don't feel good at this very moment and I'm scared that somethings gonna happen,I laid my head onto stans shoulder and closed my eyes,focusing on my breathing.
"You ok?"Stan whispered
"Yea,I just got dizzy that's all"I say.
"Ok well let me know when you need anything ok"he whispered grabbing my hand as I nodded my head.
"They all meet up at the-
"The well house"me and Ben said.
"That creepy as house where the junkies and hoboes sleep."Richie said as Eddie took in his inhaler.
"Breath Eddie breath."I say calming hem.
"I hate that place,it always feels like someone is watching me"Beverly said.
"Your not the only one."I add
"That's where I saw it,that's where I swathe clown." Eddie said.
"T-t-That's where IT lives."bill said
"I can't imagine anything wanting to live there."Stan said.
"Can we please stop talking about this,I can't barely breath,it's summer,were kids,I can barley breath I'm having a freaking asthma attack,I'm not doing this."
"Eddie put the map back.."
"Eddie it's ok calm d-mm..Stanley"I called as I felt a contraction role through my body.
"Meadow,what's wrong"Stanley said standing in front of you.
"Somethings not right guys."mike said.
I was about to say something but I screamed out in pain clinching my stomach as it felt like tiny Knives were stabbing me in every part of my stomach.beverly kneeled down next to me and had one hand on my back and the other on my leg.
"Guys what the fuck is happening "Beverly asked hyperventilating.i opened my eyes a little to see the projector going crazy and it want being controlled by Bill,it was like it was being possessed.i then screamed again as the pain got worser.
"What the fuck is happening to meadow!?!!!!"Richie asked
"It's here."I said breathing heavily.
"What's here meadow."Stan said as he kneeled beside me.
"IT STAN,IT IS HERE!?!"I screamed as the screen protector was knocked over.
The projector then started going off and on,and after that all you saw was this big clown popping from the projector causing me to freeze in fear and pain.
"YOU!!!"it screamed as it came crawling to me causing me to put my hand over my face thinking that it was my last time I would see the others.
But it wasn't.
I looked up from my hand ready for the impacted but there was nothing coming towards me causing me to sigh in relief,but I then saw the losers come closer to me as Eddie felt my head,feeling I was always too hot.
"You might go into early labor meadow,your body is on fire and your baby is kicking like crazy.it knows where we are and its after her it's too dangerous for her to be around."Eddie explained yelling.
"There just contraction-
"Just contractions!!!!!?you look like your fucking dieing,it's fucking summer-
"If I hear someone say it's summer one more fucking time I'm gonna lose my shit,I don't fucking care if that thing is after me,what I care about is finding Georgie and those missing kids,bill leave,don't worry I'll be fine I'll ride the bike with Stan as always,now go before that fucking clown disappears..GO."I told he,.
"But one thing"
He looked back at me.
"Be carful please."
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