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WORKING LINK TO FULL PROJECT 5 ESSAY (includes all images and any missing paragraphs that weren't pasted)
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Project 5
Should AI art continue its growth into various creative industries?  by Shane Fernandez
Throughout the last few years, AI (artificial intelligence) has been a developing technology slowly being incorporated into society with a large change being the use of Siri or Alexa in many households.  More recently however, we have seen more applications of this technology such as in media and entertainment industries using it to personalise and recommend content for social media or streaming services like Netflix. Another example of this would be in the slow but increasing usage of electronic cars where they incorporate new navigation systems and self-driving systems. This is more prevalent in America as they have the leading percentage of self-driving vehicles globally. I mention these examples because they reflect a problem that this new technology is creating for many creative industries, being the use of AI art.
A brief introduction into this topic is that it involves any form of digital art produced by AI software through extracting pre-existing works including other image data.
There are many reasons to why it is considered controversial such as ethical ones regarding the time spent by creatives in a field to competing with a program. Having a program that can replace many artists can demotivate aspiring creatives, feeling there is little point in face of the ever-growing usage of AI among new companies. Another example of an unethical reason as to why AI art is regarded negatively is due to how the data is gathered. This is done through extracting works that are usually not made from scratch but rather from other established artists from sites without the user's consent. A notable example of this can be seen with DeviantArt, being one of the largest social networking sites for artists of all kinds globally. However, their controversy within this topic began once they launched their own AI feature known as DreamUp and when starting had users already opted in for any creations made to become a part of its database[1] which angered many artists on the platform.
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From a business perspective, it could be seen as more cost efficient and less time consuming to produce any art needed by them as opposed to hiring a freelance artist. For example, sites such as Stable Diffusion are free whereas the formerly free to use site Midjourney is priced at around £8 to 95 monthly and £76 to £920 annually. However, this could come at the cost of hiring specialists who can maintain the software used as like most software, cyber-attacks, viruses and glitches are inevitable. This links to the first point as rather than encouraging people to go into a creative field, it seems more rewarding to pursue careers in cyber security or a course in artificial intelligence. While this is not inherently bad, one could argue that it decreases the likelihood of fresh and new ideas to be made as most creative industries would become too dependent on using prompts. This, however, can also make the work produced lose its authenticity as this form of art is heavily reliant on databases and algorithms.
Another benefit of using AI art is that if clients or businesses are unsatisfied with any work produced keywords can be changed to suit their ideal vision whereas if an artist is involved the process is slightly longer. Depending on how the artist works, the changes of a work can be minimal or highly disruptive as wanting changes past the initial sketching phase or somewhere near the end of the final image.
In an article by Bai Liu, there is an idea which I cannot help but find interesting which is the concept that AI will not lead to the demise of art but rather lead to creating a purer and unique form of art that could not be made by humans.  One quote of this article that stuck out to me was “The so-called ‘creativity’ is again linked to ‘idea’, ‘principles’, ‘thinking’, and ‘method’.” [3] which I believe questions what we consider to be art on a fundamental level. In other words, we have explored many different ideas that have been used for inspiration to generate even more ideas we find appealing although with AI there exist ideas that go against what has already been established to be considered appealing. So far, the argument which is also mentioned in the article refers to Originality vs Imitation which is an area where most controversies surrounding this topic stem from where AI can so far take what has already been made to make something ‘new’.
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Despite AI’s benefits, it can also have some drawbacks. A small example of this could be not producing exactly what is wanted as humans can have a better understanding of what is desired in comparison to something that must be coded.
AI Art use has been seen in various scandals such as with Wacom. This is one of the largest and leading brands that develop involving pen tablets, displays and other sorts of products around digital art. The controversy that surrounded them ai art was in a promotional box for an Intuos tablet which showcased an illustration of a dragon which features that led many to question its artistic validity. Some comments involved “questionable scale designs and fur blending unnaturally into other sections of the image” [6]. Proceeding this, Wacom would promptly delete any images of these which would further arouse suspicions. While this did not prove to be a huge problem for Wacom considering their reputation, it leads many to consider the ethics of the company especially considering promoting a product with an image generated by the very tool their customers are competing with.
Regardless of my stance, it must be mentioned that like with most industries, the implementation of ai will only continue. Despite the many controversies, there are some sites that provide an ethical approach like Adobe’s Firefly. This is an AI software that generates images through content open on the internet which does not breach copyright as well as using stock photos from within.
In conclusion, I do not believe AI Art should be allowed to be involved in creative fields as they have led to many controversies for brands and caused a rift in the art community. It’s a subject that calls for a large ethical debate on the future of how artists can support themselves.  It questions the authenticity and ownership of the works produced with improper legislation regarding copyright. However, when considering the article by Mr Liu, I can accept the possibility that AI can be used to create art previously unseen. This is only when considering the applications of it commercially and ethically though to ensure it is not merely a substitute for the already large population of talented and aspiring artists of the current era. 
[1] https://www.artnews.com/art-news/news/deviantart-artficial-intelligence-ai-images-midjourney-stabilityai-art-1234674400/
Title - DeviantArt's Decision to Label AI Images Creates a Vicious Debate Among Artists and Users
Author – Christina Sterbenz
Date Published – July 19th 2023
[2] https://twitter.com/LUvvUcy/status/1770461542447747178
[3]  Title - Arguments for the Rise of Artificial Intelligence Art: Does AI Art Have Creativity, Motivation, Self-awareness and Emotion?
Author – Bai Liu
Date Published – April 18th 2023
[4] https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2023/jan/23/its-the-opposite-of-art-why-illustrators-are-furious-about-ai 
Title - 'It's the opposite of art': why illustrators are furious about AI
Author – Sarah Shaffi
Date Published – January 23rd 2023
[5] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM58aXNq0HvzVFJ43HHBqjQ/community?lb=Ugkxh_cZsXVYz2WN-TaQC3xB-fQoASZJDpcw
[6] https://www.theverge.com/2024/1/9/24031468/wacom-wizards-of-the-coast-mtg-artists-against-generative-ai
Title - Artists are making creative companies apologize for using AI
Publisher – The Verge
Date Published – January 9th 2024
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Photography Essay – Shane Fernandez
Before I formally begin, I want to mention how my thinking changed. My first choice was to just use found images such as old family photographs and analyse them, but this did not feel right to discuss. Furthermore, it did not highlight to core topic, being photography, enough and became a tad too personal.
While photography is not something I was interested in at first, I admit my research led me to re-evaluate its importance. Photographs can be used for various purposes like expressing political and social issues through street photography or advertising products with food photography. My attention was first brought to landscape photography because it impacted me the most. This form of photography allows people to explore the world and capture many features of the world, whether they are historical monuments, beautiful natural landscapes like mountains or oceans. Furthermore, these being photographed allows them to be seen by those who are unable to visit them. Also, these images help bring people together by encouraging travelling to other destinations leading to an increase in cultural exchange.
After a session of reading sections of a piece of writing called ‘On Photography’ by Susan Sontang, a quote I find stuck in my head is “Photographs furnish evidence. Something we hear about, but doubt, seems proven when we’re shown a photograph of it”.[1] I agree heavily with this statement because, using a personal example, it is from my childhood. My parents have been divorced for years and I cannot recall a time of them loved each other let alone being comfortable in the same room. This perception changed for me when I recently found a picture of them much younger sitting beside each other with the biggest smiles I had ever seen from either one of them. This led to me to realise the exact meaning and feeling behind the quote.
While I was browsing for images, I discovered an artist named Chris Burkard. For context, he is an accomplished artist as a creative director, explorer, and photographer. They are also well known for showcasing images of wild and powerful landscapes, that some would arguably have a difficult time believe were real and just photoshopped works.
Typically, on many media platforms, the types of photos and images shown are ones that highlight the world as a hellish place which led many including myself admittedly to view the world in a pessimistic lens. This image I found depicts a terrible car crash in Wisconsin which resulted in the deaths of 9 people.
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My interest in landscape photography is that it can represent the natural beauty of the world and going back to the quote by Susan Sontang, many would not believe this existed unless shown direct proof, which can be shown via a photograph. This is also why I developed a huge interest in Burkard as his photography seems to revolve around this idea.
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The first image I chose was a landscape featuring a forest accompanied by large, frosted mountains that overshadow a small residence in the middle. This was taken near the Dolomites Mountain range in Italy on 19th October 2015. Unlike the first photo, the wildlife is much stronger and more visually appealing. To me this photo clashes perfectly with the current state of areas in the world that have been over-populated with pollution and large architecture. Although these are not inherently bad, these photographs distract us from appreciating the beauty that is not always within view. Additionally, it looks like he slowed down the shutter speed to capture the fog to make the photo feel more alive and almost provide a sense of motion.   
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The second photo I chose is another Burkard work that shows Alberta, a province in the West of Canada, which is a very popular tourist destination. The photo share's similar themes of the previous one with a heavy focus on nature and scenery. Something that stood out to me in this was the cleanliness of the lake, known as Lake Louise, which is rare in the UK. This is a great example of showing the type of wilderness that Burkard explores and tries to showcase. This photo builds upon the previous through use of a person at the edge of the right cliff adds a human element that further emphasizes how grand the landscape is. Moreover, this gives the viewer a way to place themselves in the setting for a greater emersion and can be highlighted among the landscape because of the person’s bright orange jacket to help them stand out.
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The third image I chose is another photo by Burkard taken in Iceland on 26th February 2016. This is a more dynamic photo that shows a cooler tone compared to the warmer tone from the other two Burkard works. I speculate that the shutter speed of this photo was also increased to capture the movement and highlight the surfer in frame. This could be a result of surfing and other water sports being a huge part of his lifestyle. [5] By changing the aperture and shutter speed of the camera, Burkard manages to make the Northernmm Lights stand out well and like the previous photo allows the viewer to immerse themselves in the experience with a human element. This is a significant photo as the Northen Lights is a unique reaction taking place when the Sun’s activity is high and can be seen in few places. [6]
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The final image I chose to look at is a huge contrast towards Burkard’s other works. Both from an aesthetic and photographic perspective. The photo was taken at Monument Valley in Utah on the 1st December in 2017. It differs drastically from the other images but showing a much wider aerial shot to encapsulate a vast scenery. The back lighting is beautiful and taken at sunrise where the sun borders on the horizon and almost targets the center. Burkard truly accomplishes something magical with his photography and shows a world hidden among us through all the chaos and despair.
[1] Title - On Photography
Date Published – 1973
Publisher - Picador
[2] Italy - Best Sellers - Chris Burkard
[3] Alberta, Canada - Best Sellers - Chris Burkard
[4] Iceland - Best Sellers - Chris Burkard
[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Burkard
Date Published - 26th December 2023
[6] What are the Northern Lights? And how can you see them? - BBC News
Date Published – 4th March 2024
[7] https://www.chrisburkard.com/Shop/Best-Sellers/i-GtCmdtH/buy
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I recently had a giant epiphany! I was initially struggling with this photography essay, like it was stressing me out so much but I finally decided to look into... (insert drumroll) landscape photography :)
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My chosen quote from the text ‘On Photography’ by Susan Sontag is “When we are afraid, we shoot. But when we are nostalgic, we take pictures”. My understanding behind this quote is that photos, in this sense, go against what our base instincts tell us and in fact embrace this feeling. The idea behind nostalgia is from a sentimental attachment towards a place, person or feeling etc. By nature, we never truly appreciate something until it is gone, this feeling differs from person to person but is still there. This can take the form of a beautiful place which has withered over time or a person who has passed away. From personal experience, I can vaguely remember a park I visited frequently as a child however having no photographs limits the experience and prevents me from keeping much of an attachment to look back on as it is currently the base of a housing area.
An example of this is something that stuck to me quite recently regarding the passing of famous chef and content creator Lynja. I remember seeing this channel a few years back with so many fun recipes I got to see and an even funnier personality for someone of her age. Despite her battle with cancer throughout her career, she had many amazing memories which can be seen on many creator’s media or her own. The photograph I chose was taken and posted by her son and shows a lovely and warming side to her aside from her goofier side on her channel. It really encompasses the motherly side of her in my opinion and allows me as many other fans of her to look back on her life rather than just her accomplishments such as in Guiness World Records for the world’s largest cake pop alongside fellow creator and YouTuber Nick DiGiovanni.
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Mental health is an aspect of life which we believe is often overlooked. More specifically, the root causes of psychosis seen later within teens and adults, which in our opinion is childhood trauma. Childhood is one of the most important chapters in a person's lifetime as it's a period to enjoy life in its purest form.
However, this is also the period where our main perceptions and morals are made too. Simply put, those who face severe mental problems now, could probably trace the route back to their childhood from any harsh or negative experiences. 
We believe that it is important to understand, what childhood trauma is, the causes of it and how it can be prevented. 
Childhood Abuse:
Traumatic childhood experiences can be linked to many factors which increase the risk of negative behaviours and situations in later life, including alcohol/substance abuse, underachievement in education and mental health problems. Childhood abuse also increases the risk of committing crime in adulthood by promoting antisocial behaviours.
This suggests that childhood trauma is detrimental to wider society, encouraging behaviors which harm both the individual and those around them. Therefore, a greater focus on the raising, nurturing and supporting of children will not only improve their lives, but also benefit society. 
The different forms of childhood abuse mainly seen in recorded cases are physical, emotional and sexual abuse. An astonishing amount of 31.1% of people under the age of 18 have experienced some sort of trauma early in their lives. Half a million children suffer abuse in the UK every year, according to the NSPCC. That's an average of 62 children per day. They also estimate that 7 children in a classroom will experience abuse before they turn 18.
Consequences of Abuse:
We, as humans, are a result of our experiences through life. Our experiences, especially as children, are what form us into the people we become as adolescents. This is why when therapists and psychologists and psychiatrists try to understand us, they ask about our past and our childhood - the choices and experiences and encounters that shaped us throughout life.
We all experience negative or bad memories as children, some bad enough to be deemed "childhood trauma". But what exactly can childhood trauma lead to in adults?
A lot of us might immediately think of the extremes; mental health issues, addiction, abuse, etc. Childhood trauma is linked to a number of mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorders, etc. It's also common for these mental health issues to then lead to addiction, such as alcohol or drug abuse, or even sex or food binging. Suicidal tendencies, self harm and self destructive behaviour, these are all the extremes most of us think of when we imagine the results of childhood trauma (or trauma in general).
Consequences of abuse:
It's also important to note all the small ways it changes a person. A person who grew up with neglectful parents may grow up to become hyper independent and trust no one, or learn to crave and long for any and all types of attention. 
A person with emotionally explosive parents may learn to suppress their feelings and grow up having problems regulating emotions and setting boundaries. A person who was sexually abused as a child might grow up to believe that they're only valuable through their body and sex, or may grow up to have difficulties being intimate with future partners. 
A person who grew up in a strict household may grow up to become secretive or overly critical. These are just a few examples of ways that our bad childhood experiences can influence us later on in life.
Overall, we hope by reading this manifesto you have understood just how immensely childhood trauma can affect individuals in particular their mental health in the future. We want to remind you that if you’ve gotten this far into the manifesto, we are so proud of you for battling through your struggles especially if you resonate with childhood trauma  and hopefully this has encouraged you to get the help you finally deserve. The hardest part in getting help would probably be fear as well as being scared your problems will be disregarded but we assure you, there are people out there who will listen. We want you to know that you are not alone and that your trauma definitely doesn’t define you. By raising such awareness as well as educating you on the importance of childhood trauma, we hope that one day our government will provide sufficient funding and hopefully create a driven and supportive society that will recognize mental health and trauma as something that should be acknowledged and talked about openly rather than being avoided. Trauma is not something that no one should ever have to go through by themselves. We need to take action right now so that these people have a shot at happy and successful lives, not letting their trauma define them. We hope that our voices will make a big difference to people that endure trauma on an everyday basis. Finally, if you have been through anything traumatic or know anyone who has please do not hesitate to seek help and know that your struggles are valid.
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shanecontextualstudies · 10 months
Manifesto Start
Few Notes: 
My initial view on this topic is more philosophical which is pretty on brand for me. To start, the first thing that comes to mind when discussing childhood trauma is that it’s almost like an inevitable point in a family’s timeline. To elaborate, I feel as if when one has experienced any form of trauma or unpleasantries during childhood, they sometimes have a response of projecting that result onto their new family or doing anything they can to prevent their new family from sharing their experiences. In some cases, the latter can lead to a similar or worse outcome though it is not as frequent. 
I base a few of these beliefs from taking some work experience at a primary school where it was clear some of the children had unfortunate circumstances with family or crime in the area. 
I also believe that childhood trauma is one of if not the biggest causes in mental deterioration of people as bad habits left unchecked, abusive parents/guardians or even a lack thereof can all distort the mental growth of a child to not only allow them to function within society but prevent the spread of behaviour it deems unacceptable. For example, if a child develops violent tendencies as a result of anger and projects those feelings onto classmates, it could risk other classmates demonstrating similar behaviour from how impressionable young children can be.
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shanecontextualstudies · 11 months
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The second Derive was a bit more promising compared to the first and I had a better understanding of how it went originally. The technique I implemented was from Haegue Yang from her piece ‘Car Sick Drawing’ as I was going to visit my family in Stoke Newington which is quite far from where I live. This felt like a more appropriate response to this task as like Miss Yang, I am also prone to being car sick. One purpose of this derive was to map how far I could go without succumbing to car sickness and another was to map out the unsteadiness of my journey like Miss Yang.
The journey originally began quite bumpy much like the road outside my house but as I reached the highway it was much smoother and I was able to draw more consistent lines. However, on my way back is where things started to fail. Near the middle of my way back I started to feel more nauseous which led my lines to be quicker and less focused. When we got closer to home, the urge to throw up grew more and more erratic lines I made to distract myself. Overall, I still do not understand the purpose of this mapping process, however I will admit there is some element of fun in this.
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My experience on the derive was rather mixed. The approach to it was just to walk and just follow wherever my subconscious would take me. Initially I expected myself to follow a walk path similar to when I would leave for university yet this time I found myself going for a completely different route.
I ended up walking up towards the high street, which whilst may seem normal, it's really rare for me to go to areas where there's large groups of people. I'm usually the type of person to keep to more quiet areas however it was probably the music that dictated my route as often I find that my mood, actions and art is heavily influenced by whatever I am currently listening too.
The art work represents the overall feelings of walking across the high street. By nature, I am very cautious to a point where some would call it paranoia which can be represented by the eyes I fear upon me as my nerves continuously tense. A big reason as to why I do not draw outside much. The lack of any setting is to emphasise that I saw nothing and felt nothing of much value to me on the derive.
The area itself was filled with an inordinate amount of litter which caught my attention, probably because my head was down a lot but that's besides the point. Not to sound overly pessimistic but I couldn't help but feel some disgust with how dirty everything was, the greasy fast food, lack of greenery, the constant wrappers on the floor, constant droning of cars. The one thing that got me through this walk was the music throughout. Overall I found it to be a somewhat opening experience yet equally unfulfilling as even now I keep asking: what was the point?
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Theory of the Dérive
"Men can see nothing around them that is not their own image; everything speaks to them of themselves. Their very landscape is alive."
To me, this quote stood out for reminding me of something that stays with me which is so simple yet equally as fascinating. The idea of individuality is something I love to think about and how it affects the perception of people. For example everyday simply going throughout the day having so many internal thoughts and perceptions, ambitions and knowing everyone possess there own never fails to make me wonder about the nature of everyone else and how they think and see the world. It makes me think back on the phrase 'The world is your oyster' and what it actually means for individuals.
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