bonnabelle · 7 years
If you’ve found this blog.
Dear stranger,
Hello. My name is Bonnie and this is my “blog of whimsical wonders”. By whimsical wonders, I mean myself from age 13-16, perfectly presented here.
I could easily delete this blog just as I deleted all the other social media profiles I had at the time due to “embarrassment” that other people would find it and use it for judgemental purposes. However, this time it’s different- the person I was here was happier and was experimenting to figure out what kind of person they would turn out to be. The timeline of that happening fascinates me, as well as preserves the highs and lows of snapshots of my life, growing up. It holds the stories and memories that would waste too much paper to print out and keep in the real world.
Perhaps someday I will mow through the weeds and grass here and retrieve only the highlights. But for now, I think it’ll be ok to keep the past in the stasis form of this blog, raw and unedited.
Who I was here is what made me who I am today. That’s what this blog is- a reminder of my past self.
If you still wish to continue, keep that in mind while scrolling through these posts.
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bonnabelle · 7 years
Closure for BDB
I miss dancing with other people so much.
I had to leave dancing at age 16 due to some of the worst times of my life, and I haven’t had time to set foot in a real studio since.
I did, however, translate my pain into dancing at home. I bought a barre for myself and actually was able to teach kids ballet for a time, before that was sucked away by life too.
I still remember everything I learned and practice, looking forward to the day where I can go back to a studio and fufill my promise to complete my formal dance training. I have full confidence this will happen, I’m just not sure when. For now, I will continue on my own.
My passion for dance in all forms fueled a fire that drove me to being a better dancer than those studio girls I knew a long time ago. I can do so many more forms as well.
Heck, someone even tried to copy who I was as a dancer. It was awful, but it made that impression on someone- and for that I think I accomplished what I originally set out to do; learn to dance and dance well.
I’ll archive the original BDB posts and then one day when I start again, maybe I’ll pick it back up. For now, those posts will become part of the stories that I won’t forget.
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bonnabelle · 7 years
About life
This blog hasn’t seen a post in actual years- it’s sat and collected dust. It’s my own fault, and I knew what I was doing years ago when I left. But even reading through old posts and looking at old art, I am saddened at how much more optimistic I was 3 years ago compared to now. I had no idea what was going to happen in life, but I was taking on challenges with courage.
I still have that courage, but that optimism is gone.
Life is strange.
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bonnabelle · 8 years
So I'm moving all my art and whatnot over to my Instagram @publicbelle . The blog is pretty high maintenance and until I make my own website, I really just need one main social media account for art. So go follow that one, this blog is just going to be really quiet from now on. Thanks to everyone who has support me here, but if you want to see my newest pieces, head over to @publicbelle on Instagram. ❤️
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bonnabelle · 8 years
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bonnabelle · 8 years
people are posting their favourite vines because of the upcoming shutdown and this is defiantly my fave
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bonnabelle · 8 years
everyone else is posting vines so ill contribute with one of my favorites
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bonnabelle · 8 years
In memory of Vine, here’s my very favorite one.
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bonnabelle · 8 years
i’ll fight anyone who thinks this isn’t the single best vine to ever exist
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bonnabelle · 8 years
R.I.P. Vine
At least we have fr e sh a voca do. 
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bonnabelle · 8 years
me: 2016 can’t get any worse
twitter: we’re deleting vine
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bonnabelle · 8 years
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bonnabelle · 8 years
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bonnabelle · 8 years
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Hope you’re enjoying the last couple days of summer! Fall is my favorite time of year for adventures 🌿🍂
This original is available via Gallery Nucleus: http://www.gallerynucleus.com/gallery/550/pieces
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bonnabelle · 8 years
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bonnabelle · 8 years
If you're not already following my Instagram for art, you should ;) That's where I post everything (with art) first.
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bonnabelle · 8 years
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I really do love flat style. I'm going to try and get into it and improve it more.
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