in louisiana back in the 90's there was an election for governor. the democrat running was edwin edwards, who was absolutely wildly notoriously corrupt and extremely open about it and had been for his entire career. the republican was david duke, an actual former grand wizard of the klu klux klan.
i cannot emphasize enough how much absolutely nobody liked or trusted edwin edwards. absolutely nobody actively wanted him to be governor. he won the election anyway, because people were voting against duke, not for edwards. about five years after edwards' term ended he was convicted of racketeering and spent the next eight years in federal prison. nobody was surprised. everyone had known this was going to happen before they elected him.
my parents are republicans, and i disagree with them about nearly everything about politics and have for as long as i can remember, literally since i was old enough to have political opinions at all, and this is a big strain on our relationship. but they both voted for edwards with no hesitation, despite hating him and knowing he would be a bad governor, because they knew it was important to. i am proud and grateful that they did this. deciding to vote for a candidate you like is, or at least should be, easy. casting a vote for someone you hate, whom you know will do things you hate, because nevertheless that vote will bring about the least bad possible outcome for the world your children grow up in, that's hard. and if a lot of people had not done the hard thing my own childhood would have been much worse for it.
anyway when somebody says they think you shouldn't vote for the lesser evil, what i hear is "i would not have used my vote to make sure you didn't grow up in a state governed by the klu klux klan," and i do have a problem with that
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Concept: Depressing dystopian factory where everything is gray and samey and the workers are called by their employee numbers by an ominous deep voice.
But it's a really great place to work with high salaries, excellent benefits, and a flexible working schedule with plenty of paid leave. They just like the dystopian aesthetic.
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C’mon y’all. If you’re gonna do a blockbuster…
ive been spending too much time on twitter lately and occasionally there'll be these threads along the lines of 'what do you think is the most important movie moment of the twenty first century' and someone will add a gif of that shot of all the characters running into battle in Avengers Endgame and its like please im begging you please there are so many genres of movie in the world
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The world's oldest story? Astronomers say global myths about 'seven sisters' stars may reach back 100,000 years https://phys.org/news/2020-12-world-oldest-story-astronomers-global.html
Holy shit, this is cool!
So many cultures call the Pleiades some variation of the "seven sisters" despite only having six visible stars. There only appear to be six because two of the stars are so close together as to appear as one.
The myths also mention one sister leaving or hiding to explain why there's only six. And based off observations and measurements, those two that are so close together used to be visibly separate. One literally has moved to hide.
And based off the similarities between the more commonly known Greek myth and the Aboriginal Australian myth, plus some other stuff, this myth could possibly even date back to when humanity still all resided in Africa!
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Please reblog with pictures of your pets. Not having the best day over here.
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during the Victorian occultism movement I would have been the guy who giggled all the way through seances
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Share to save someone with nut allergies a hospital trip hoooly shit
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you are not a wasteland you just need ibuprofen and a hot bath and a shower and a nutritious meal and some water and some fresh air and to do something productive and to do something creative and to do something that takes physical exertion and to do something social
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It's crazy how some peole aren't interested in dinosaurs. The Ancient Ones were monstrous beasts that combined features of reptile and bird, ranging in size from pigeon-like to unfathomably colossal, and they lived everywhere on Earth for hundreds of millions of years until, out of nowhere, a meteor the size of a city impacted Mexico at several times faster than the speed of sound, killing the vast majority of life on the planet and causing the extinction of 75% of all species, an event which our rodent-like ancestors miraculously survived, allowing us to inherit the world. Dragons were real and we built our world on top of their bones, descending from rat-like creatures that they likely considered vermin...
...and some people just don't give a shit about that insane-ass lore. Like how.
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u gotta be hedonistic about vegetables. they're not good boy food that u eat to prove you're mature, they're the food that you can shovel into your mouth at 5 am without getting nauseous
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Homes are expensive because of landlords hoarding them for profit, not because of regulations.
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So I had never seen Princess Diaries 2 before I watched it with my girlfriend the other day (amazing movie, can’t recommend it enough) but something bothered me throughout:
Just where IS Genovia?
I’d been assuming it was somewhere in the Low Countries, Luxembourg style, but that doesn’t jive with many of the descriptions given
So I did some thinking and weighed all of the evidence.
Genovia is described as having both mountains and access to the ocean while still being a really tiny nation, so it has to be somewhere where mountains and water are in close proximity.
Though many characters have British accents, I would attribute this to local schools teaching British English, which is standard in Europe. Other accents are varied but many seemed to be German-sounding, or vaguely Eastern-European. It would make sense if Genovia was located close to the German-speaking countries then, something that’s backed up by the seemingly high relevance of one of Mia’s suitors: a “count of Austria.” Either that, or its in/near the Slavic regions.
The real puzzler is the artwork and architecture however. There’s a scene in which Mia finds a secret passage in an old chapel, the walls of which are decorated in Byzantine-style fresco/mosaic.
So Genovia has to be somewhere that was part of the Eastern Roman Empire, has both mountains and beaches, and has a bit of Germanic or Slavic language influence.
There is only one country I can think of that meets all of these criteria:
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It has both the Alps and the Mediterranean, it’s directly south of Austria but is primarily Slavic, and it was a part of the Roman Empire up until the 4th or 5th centuries AD, when it was contested between the Ostrogothic Kingdom and the Byzantine Empire.
So there ya go. Slovenia is Genovia. The answer to a question I don’t think anyone but me has asked.
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