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Here’s the thing; sharks are magnificent creatures that we desperately need to keep from going extinct. How does that work? Well I’ll tell you how, the ocean was made for sharks and we must always keep in mind that when we enter the waters, it’s not us taking in a risk of a shark attack.
What it really is the fact that we are entering their world, and they do tolerate us as we’re in the waters. Sharks are truly affectionate creatures and want absolutely nothing to do with us a good source.
It’s not them bringing harm to us, the reality is that us humans bring harm to them with no reason. There’s absolutely no reason that makes it okay to bring harm unto them, the way I see it, anyone who hurts an innocent shark swimming doesn’t hold the value of living, a shark’s life is more important and more worthy to live then a human’s.
I know I’m gonna get slam for this post, but this is truly how I feel about this.
You have a right of agency to disagree with my thought/opinion. You don’t have to agree with what I’m putting out there.
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I love this baby!
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The tiger shark is a species of requiem shark and the only extant member of the genus Galeocerdo. It is a large macropredator, capable of attaining a length over 5 m. Populations are found in many tropical and temperate waters, especially around central Pacific islands.
Tiger sharks are just one of the most amazing, beautiful, magnificent creatures, along with the rest of the species of sharks, that roam the ocean.
I went diving into some research on facts about them and I wanted to bring them here for you to read about and get to know the tiger shark.
Mind you, you must first get to know the tiger shark, before judging them just by society’s word against them. It’s not just for the tiger sharks, but for all the sharks that live in our oceans.
Remember that sharks have just as much right to live as we human beings do, and it’s not just for the sharks, but for all the animals in the world, including those we may not be too fond of.
Animals are a precious gift for us and our planet.
1. Tiger Sharks can Weigh over 1700 Pounds!
Tiger sharks are the second largest predator shark in the world, and the fourth largest shark overall. They typically weigh between 850-1400 pounds, but the largest tiger sharks have weighed in at over 1,700 pounds.
2. Mama Tiger Sharks Give Live Birth—but Babies Develop in Eggs
Most animals who give live birth have a placenta that “feeds” their offspring the nutrients they need while inside of the uterus.
Tiger sharks don’t develop placenta. Instead, the babies each grow inside of their own egg. Once the babies hatch, mama tiger shark gives birth to the live offspring.
3. A Tiger Shark Will Eat Just About Anything!
Tiger sharks are the Labradors of the ocean world. While they have preferred foods, tiger sharks will eat anything from their variety of natural prey to their own offspring or trash that has been dumped into the ocean.
It’s important to keep our oceans clean for these “ocean puppers” who eat like teething puppies!
When animals eat materials such as plastic, it’s introduced into our food chain, which is detrimental to us all in the long run.
5. They’ll Brave a Hurricane for a Good Meal
When we say tiger sharks are food motivated, we really do mean it! They’ve been found to brave harsh storms, perhaps using them as hunting opportunities.
Scientists tracked four shark species from 2016-2017. Three of these species fled from a hurricane, but the tiger sharks remained in place.
In the weeks following Hurricane Irma, they noticed even more tiger sharks in the waters than there had been before the storm.
One of the scientists, Neil Hammerschlag, believes that the sharks’ size might have something to do with it. They were the largest shark that the researchers tracked in the study, and may have been better equipped to withstand harsh waters than the other species.
He also speculated that the sharks might have taken the opportunity to scavenge dead animal carcasses, which would be increasingly available during the storm.
6. They’re Expert Gardeners
Okay, so tiger sharks don’t necessarily tend to the ocean’s plants—but they do scare away grazers who eat sea grass!
The sea grass in Australia’s Shark Bay was in ruins after a heat wave in 2011, but it’s gradually grown back. Restoration happens more quickly when tiger sharks are around, since they’re one of the only sharks to eat sea turtles.
Their presence is enough to scare them, and potentially other animals, away from the grass so that it can grow.
7. They can Have up to 80 Babies!
What a large family! Unfortunately, you won’t see them gathering for the next family reunion anytime soon.
Baby sharks are prey for adult Tiger Sharks, but luckily they thrive in different habitats. Baby sharks stick to calmer areas, such as river mouths or bays, where they can feed on small prey.
Adults are large enough to swim in harsher waters, where the food sources are also larger and more diverse.
The tiger shark and its many offspring stand in stark contrast to sand tiger sharks, a different shark species whose offspring eat one another in the womb! Only the strongest is able to survive.
Tiger sharks and sand tigers are often confused for one another due to their very similar names.
8. They’re Among the Many Animals Who Seem to Have it out for this Man
In 2018, Dylan McWilliams was only 20 years old. He’d already been attacked by a snake, a bear, and a tiger shark!
He first felt the shark brush his leg, when he began to kick at it and swim away. He says he knew he’d been bitten because he left behind blood in the water.
Dylan needed seven stitches in his leg, but luckily survived the attack.
The bear attack happened while he was sleeping on a camping trip, and the rattlesnake bite occurred in 2015 while Dylan was hiking.
We sure hope his luck has improved since these encounters!
9. Tiger Sharks Migrate for the Winter like Birds
Tiger sharks prefer warm waters. Their ideal temperatures rests around 71 degrees Fahrenheit (22 degrees Celsius).
When the water starts to cool in the winter, the sharks head toward tropical areas to keep warm. In the summer, they return to slightly cooler waters to maintain their ideal habitat.
10. They’re at the Top of the Food Chain
Tiger sharks have no natural predators aside from humans, who have been known to kill them for their skin, fins, flesh, and oil. They’re also hunted recreationally.
When it comes to ocean life, the only thing that tends to kill tiger sharks is, well, other tiger sharks! And the occasional killer whale attack.
They routinely eat smaller sharks, including their own offspring. This is one reason why they live mostly separate, with babies feasting on small prey like fish, jellyfish, or mollusks in calmer waters while adults brave harsher conditions with more abundant prey.
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Bethany Hamilton:
Bethany Meilani Hamilton is an American professional surfer and writer who survived a 2003 shark attack in which her left arm was bitten off and who ultimately returned to professional surfing.
• Born: February 8, 1990 (age 32 years), Lihue, HI
• Spouse: Adam Dirks (m. 2013) Mind you that being of teen years after the 2003 shark attack
• Children: Tobias Dirks, Micah Ward Dirks, Wesley Phillip Dirks
• Parents: Thomas R. Hamilton, Cherilyn Hamilton
• Siblings: Noah Hamilton, Timothy Hamilton
Bethany Hamilton is a successful pro athlete who began surfing at a young age. As she got older, the Lihue, Hawaii native became one of the best surfers in the world.
At the age of 13, Hamilton experienced a shark attack while she was surfing. The traumatizing accident saw her lose her arm. But the event didn’t stop her from doing what she loves to do.
In 2003, Hamilton spent a morning surfing with her best friend and her best friend’s father and brothers. While they surfed, a tiger shark attacked Hamilton and bite her left arm, severing it. After it happened, Hamilton’s best friend and her family helped paddle her back to shore. She was rushed to the hospital. When she arrived, she had lost over 60% of blood and was in hypovolemic shock.
When news broke about what happened to Hamilton, a fisherman caught and killed a tiger shark and presented it to investigators, according to The Guardian. In 2004, police confirmed it was the same shark that attacked Hamilton. Despite losing her arm, she returned back to her board one month after the incident. Hamilton had to learn to surf with one arm. She was determined to get back out to the water.
Just 26 days after her attack, Hamilton returned to the water and entered her first major competition on January 10, 2004. Throughout her career, she competed in events in the U.S. and other countries. She placed first in many events establishing herself as one of the best surfers in the world. In 2012, she became the first female surfer to surf in the Rip Curl Cup.
A lot of people followed Hamilton’s career after a shark attacked her. In 2004, she won the ESPY Award for the Best Comeback Athlete. Hamilton also received the Courage Teen Choice Award. That same year, she published her autobiography, Soul Surfer: A True Story of Faith, Family, and Fighting to Get Back on the Board. In the book, Hamilton discusses the time leading up to the shark attack, how she recovered, and how she dealt with the media. Hamilton also talked about returning to competition.
Over the years, she’s authored and co-authored several books about her amazing story, healthy lifestyle, and Christian faith. Hamilton has served as an inspiration to so many people. When her incident happened, she could’ve easily walked away from surfing. But she didn’t, and it paid off.
As recently as 2022, Hamilton competed in the World Surf League’s 2022 Billabong Pro Pipeline, placing ninth.
Outside of writing books, Hamilton has appeared on numerous TV shows. In 2011, the feature film Soul Surfer premiered. Based on Hamilton’s autobiography published in 2004, Soul Surfer starred big names like Anna Sophia Robb, Dennis Quaid, Helen Hunt, and Carrie Underwood. Hamilton enjoys giving back, and she is a part of numerous charitable efforts in Hawaii and abroad, as Us Weekly reports.
Hamilton’s foundation, Friends of Bethany, reaches out to amputees and youth. She also helps encourage them to overcome difficulties through faith. In 2022, Hamilton is leading a mother-daughter mentorship retreat in Hawaii. She’s also produced an autobiographical film, Unstoppable, which won the Audience Award: Best Documentary Feature at the San Luis Obispo Film Festival.
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