sharktalez · 2 years
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it’s shrimple… we krill the Batman
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sharktalez · 2 years
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Loving the flagtail portholes atm 🏁🐠
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sharktalez · 2 years
Daily fish fact #300
300 fish facts reached!
Let's keep it going, shall we? :)
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Also called yellow walleye, yellow pike or pickerel! They're named for their very opaque-looking eyes, caused by the reflective tapetum lucidum; a layer of tissue found in the eyes of many nocturnal animals that enhances night vision, the shine in a cat's eye is due to the tapetum lucidum, for example. Thanks to this enhanced night vision they can thrive in waters with low visibility, giving them an edge over other fish that hunt with sight!
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sharktalez · 2 years
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Aqueon manufactures these 0.5 to 0.7 gallon betta fish aquariums and advertises them as ideal long-term environments for fish.
Do you think Aqueon should stop misleading consumers by making these under 1 gallon betta bowl kits?
Betta fish need at least 5 gallons, a filter, heater, and lots of places to hide and explore.
These kits force betta fish to endure low-quality, non-stimulating conditions their entire lives while making consumers believe that they are providing their betta with an ideal home.
Please fill out the "contact us" form on the Aqueon website and ask that they stop manufacturing these under 1 gallon Betta bowls.
Or send them a direct message on Instagram (@aqueonproducts)
Aqueon's tagline is "it's all about the fish" 🤔
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sharktalez · 2 years
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he's like a haughty princess in a ball gown
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sharktalez · 2 years
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He’s just a little guy
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sharktalez · 2 years
lestat has suddenly become quite scared or/and angry at one of my ramshorn snails in particular. the only one who has a name. his name... edward cullen.
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sharktalez · 2 years
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Issued this week to Shenzhen Hello World Technology Co., Ltd—D970,161, for a design for a “Slipper.”
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sharktalez · 2 years
The megalodon as a super predator only exists as an ansector to modern day sharks, the species itself would never be able to survive today due to its sheer size and needing to constantly eat due to how small marine life is compared to prehistoric marine life. If it did SOMEHOW survive today it would be pretty well spotted as it would have to constantly be on the move to keep a reliable source of food and due to its sheer size would be seen eventually.
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sharktalez · 2 years
(source: usa today | 26 nov 2022)
Conservation organizations hailed the protections for dozens of species of requiem sharks and rays, hammerheads and guitarfishes as “historic” and critical to protecting endangered and threatened species from the shark-finning trade. Requiem sharks include bull, sandbar and several species of reef sharks.
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora CITES also placed new restrictions on trade in glass frog species — which research says has gained popularity as a pet, possibly because of an appearance similar to Muppet “Kermit the frog.”
The organization also rejected a proposal to relax a trade ban on elephant ivory and rhinoceros horns.
In the case of both sharks and glass frogs, the measures protect not only declining and endangered species, but also their lookalikes. Shiffman said that’s important in cases where they’re difficult to tell apart.
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sharktalez · 2 years
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Boyshark! When your gender is connected to sharks in a masculine way!
Flag meanings under the cut!
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sharktalez · 2 years
I'm sorry I'm not over this yet
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Imagine being a marine biologist and a marine biology comes to visit you but you're not home 😭😭
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sharktalez · 2 years
I feel lied to. This is where the bugs bunny NO meme cokes from
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sharktalez · 2 years
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Pasadena Evening Post, California, July 23, 1927
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sharktalez · 2 years
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My brothers are on spring break and sending me pics
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sharktalez · 2 years
Endos aren't real
Endos aren't real
Endos aren't real
Endos aren't real
Endos aren't real
Endos aren't real
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sharktalez · 2 years
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A hobby of mine is that whenever I’m frustrated with my college I like to photoshop it into being under attack by the daedra
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