shaunanagins · 6 years
A freelancer's take on the post-job security world.
A freelancer’s take on the post-job security world.
“See, the thing is, I don’t believe job security exists. And when you don’t believe in job security, that changes everything.” This was my explanation for why I quit my job. The reason I became a full-time freelancer – or at least, the reason that seemed less wishy-washy than “I just want flexibility, man.” While everyone at least pretended to see the validity of my statement, there was a pattern…
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shaunanagins · 7 years
Needing a birth control prescription screwed me over (and if you pay taxes, it probably screwed you over, too).
Needing a birth control prescription screwed me over (and if you pay taxes, it probably screwed you over, too).
When I saw that Colorado recently made it possible to get birth control without a doctor’s visit, I cheered. Then I read the comments. To be honest, they were well-intentioned. People were worried that this would allow women to take birth control (and therefore take on its associated risks) without a medical pass. Who would tell them which kind to take? Who would tell them if it was okay for…
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shaunanagins · 7 years
Dear Women On My Facebook Feed
Dear Women On My Facebook Feed
For International Women’s Day, I wanted to take a moment to let you know that I see you. We all know how social media works. An exciting trip will always, always get a thumbs up. An engagement ring? Oh man, that will break records. And so we share those things, because that’s what people want to see. But that’s not all you are. And when you share more of what you are, I don’t always say…
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shaunanagins · 7 years
On Doing the Kentucky Bourbon Trail (When You Don't Actually Like Bourbon)
On Doing the Kentucky Bourbon Trail (When You Don’t Actually Like Bourbon)
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Acquired tastes, I’ve learned, are the real deal. My personal evolution includes deciding to clean my bedroom, learning how to handle hot sauce, and being able to sip sparkling water (though its existence continues to puzzle me). Still, when it comes to harsh liquors – scotch, bourbon, tequila, and so on – my ability to appreciate is stunted. Give me a pinot grigio any day of the week, but…
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shaunanagins · 7 years
Our Big (Scary) Announcement
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It’s a ring! It’s a house! It’s a baby! No, it’s…two unemployed twenty-somethings living out of a used Pontiac. Our last night with a fixed address…for now, anyways! Our announcement seems a bit different than other “settling down”-themed news from couples at this age and stage, but I think a lot of it comes from a very similar place. Like many people, my boyfriend and I met, dug each other, and…
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shaunanagins · 7 years
The World Has Changed: Here are 15 Things We Wish Educators Knew
The World Has Changed: Here are 15 Things We Wish Educators Knew
When I left school and entered the “real world,” I had no idea what I was doing. I mean, no one really did. Maybe no one ever has. Still, I can’t help but feel that despite the best intentions of our educators, my peers and I felt lost in a lot of avoidable ways. Our concept of career focused on a dwindling supply of Occupations, as opposed to centering on Skills. Skills which, frankly, a lot of…
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shaunanagins · 8 years
A Letter to American Voters From a Concerned Canadian: Why Donald Trump Scares Us
A Letter to American Voters From a Concerned Canadian: Why Donald Trump Scares Us
Dear American Friends, A recent poll shows that, thanks to political rhetoric and false sentiments, 49% of Americans don’t think the United States has the largest military in the world. This is shocking to those of us who are only too aware of the Unites States’ military might. It is also telling. It suggests that many Americans feel vulnerable. Maybe they feel  like they’re losing control. Based…
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shaunanagins · 8 years
I'm a University Success Story, and I Think Undergraduate Education is Completely Broken
I’m a University Success Story, and I Think Undergraduate Education is Completely Broken
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I’m an unlikely person to be writing this article. In many ways, I could be used as a university success story: I used co-op to break into the job market, became bilingual, made great contacts, and earned a degree that (combined with experience) has seen me steadily employed since graduation. What’s not to love, right? Results as advertised. But the system that helped me achieve these things is…
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shaunanagins · 9 years
Why We Should Care About Paris. Yes, Especially With Everything Else Going On In the World.
Why We Should Care About Paris. Yes, Especially With Everything Else Going On In the World.
I want to write about Paris. I want to write in particular about the discomfort some feel with the attention this tragedy is getting, at least compared to other larger-scale violence in the world. Aren’t people dying violently every day? Isn’t there a refugee crisis on our hands? Where’s the outrage there? I hear you. And while I don’t agree with all the discourse, here is what I hope we can all…
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shaunanagins · 9 years
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On Being Uncertain. So, this is where a few years of obsessive blogging brings you. Thanks to some Marketing internships and contracts during University, my nine-to-five is now consumed by high-fiving puns and dropkicking typos--emails, blog posts, tweets, ads, and back again.
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shaunanagins · 11 years
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shaunanagins · 11 years
Why did this make me laugh so hard?
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shaunanagins · 12 years
My creativity and chaos now have a home: shaunanagins.com!
Hey all!
After a few years of tumblr-ing (and having a private posterous...and blogger...and working communications jobs...and doodling in my margins during class) I did it:
I bought www.shaunanagins.com.
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The website was launched in September, and it has been so much fun...I'm just sorry I haven't invited you guys to the party yet! Here's the scoop: Every Tuesday and Friday, I post a DIY, a brainwave, a neat idea...and, of course, weird jokes and confessions galore.
Bottom line: shaunanagins.com is a good time, and I would love love love for you, my wonderful Tumblr followers, to join me on this new ride!
There are tons of ways to follow the blog! Here are a few:
Press the "Follow" button on the blog to get e-mail updates.
Join the Shaunanagins Facebook Community for updates straight to your newsfeed.
Follow Shaunanagins and (other great blogs!) on BlogLovin
Bookmark it up, and be sure to check back every Tuesday and Friday!
Wordpress users can follow the blog directly through Wordpress--I love checking out blogs from my followers!
Thank you so much for your continued support, oh glorious Tumblr community!  
And hey, this blog is still in the start up stages, so fellow bloggers: If you like what you see, spread the word! You have all been amazing with following, liking, commenting, linking, and reblogging for so many years. Can't wait to see your beautiful faces (and words!) on the dot com side!
Write on!
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shaunanagins · 12 years
No, you can’t deny women their basic rights and pretend it’s about your ‘religious freedom.’ If you don’t like birth control, don’t use it. Religious freedom doesn’t mean you can force others to live by your own beliefs.
President Barack Obama  (via booksfeedmysoul)
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shaunanagins · 12 years
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Yesterday morning, I woke up to the following text message:
"Hey in a completely non creepy way, what's your favourite colour? I'm getting my tattoo tomorrow, I'm getting a Gerbera daisy with different coloured petals for various significances and people, and I would like for you to have a place! :)"
Here's the daisy, my petal is green. Right next to it are the words "Not all those who wander are lost."
Amen, Niki.  So glad we got/get to wander this part of the life thing together!
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shaunanagins · 12 years
The high low skirt.
So I bought this skirt at Suzy Shier on a whim, and I have decided that everyone should have one.
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It's a skirt, which means techically you wear it like this. It's flattering on your calves and not bad for the waistline either.:
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However, after work you can pull it up like this:
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Or flip it right upside down and tie it around your neck like this:
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Yeah, that would be 3 outfits, plus of course more if you mix and match accessories.
And these skirts really aren't expensive, you guys! I got this one on sale for $10, and still haven't run out of ways and places to wear it. Definitely a staple.
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shaunanagins · 12 years
I was talking to my mom the other day
Started blaming her for why my life had kinda gone astray
You never taught me to be selfish, mom, or how to let go
You taught me about friendship, but I never learned of foes
I’ve known misunderstanding, but never bitter fights
And one dishonest moment, it can keep me up all night;
She said:
  “I think that means we raised you right”
  Thanks for never showing
My hands how to destroy
Never teaching me to greet the day
With anything but joy
Even if the night before
My whole heart had been burned
I guess I’ve gotta thank you
For the things I never learned
  You never taught my lips how to mutter the word “hate”
And when cruelty hits my ears, well, thanks to you, I can’t relate
Never taught me family could mean anything but love
And you never once suggested what we had was not enough
I’m not disillusioned, I know life takes work and time
But thanks to what you DID teach me, I can handle that just fine
Because I never learned to walk away, you were always by my side
Never learned how to be someone else, and I never learned to lie
  Thanks for never showing
My hands how to destroy
Never teaching me to greet the day
With anything but joy
Even if the night before
My whole world had crashed and burned
I guess I’ve gotta thank you
For the things I never learned
  When I fell down, you rolled your eyes
You said “Get back on your feet!”
I’ve had my share of failure
But I never learned defeat
  I was talking to my folks the other day
If I could be half the people they are
Think I’m gonna be okay
  Thanks for never showing
My heart how to destroy
Never teaching me to greet the day
With anything but joy
Even if the night before
My life had crashed and burned
I guess I’ve gotta thank you
For the things I never learned
  Thanks for never telling me to be okay with hate
Never once teaching me to waste even one single day
Well I’ll be just fine from here, it was never a concern
Because of all that you have taught me
And the things I never learned
Lyrics by: Shauna Vert
Music by: Nick Mayburry
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