shcmbles · 4 years
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what’s that scent? the smell of FIZZLING PEACH KOMBUCHA & SUNSCREEN, which would explain the appearance of ZIGMUND KARAVADRA. continental records indicate they are known as ALBATROSS, a TWENTY-EIGHT year old ASSOCIATE. they have the unique ability of CONSCIOUSNESS MANIPULATION. they were specifically selected for enrollment for the “THE ENLIGHTENMENT”, where they TORTURED SEVERAL OFFICERS WITH THEIR POWERS TO EXTRACT SENSITIVE INFORMATION. they can be CRUEL and SELF-RIGHTEOUS, but also OBSERVANT and RESOURCEFUL. we wish them well in their business to come.
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         about page  /   powers page
cw: police, injury, racism, torture
zigmund  — sorry, Zig — grew up in a low-income neighborhood to a family of Gujarti immigrants. seeking opportunities that they never thought were possible, the karavadras endured great financial hardships. and yet through all their trials and tribulations of having their very own mom-and-pops grocery store, the two parents of the family were hopeful that their two children would one day be able to make a new for themselves. as the younger child, Zig was the definition of a rebel. he loathed following in his sister’s footsteps, and despised the motions of school and working at their store. instead, he sought to forge his own path. whatever that would be... well, one day, he’d find it out. anything to avoid being home.
you see, for Zig, being at home could be described as stressful. sure, father always had fresh eggs and dhokla on the table every breakfast, mother always obsessively cleaning over their apartment. surely, a home so lively couldn’t have problems. but there was one thing Zig could do that nobody else knew about. for some unexplainable reason, he could sense a great deal of emotional pain from his parents. as he’d later learn, their financial situation was dire. barely making it day-to-day, week-to-week. and there was nothing he could do but feel a great deal of psychic pain at night, emanating intensely from his parent’s bedroom.
and, well, of course, they always denied it. said everything was fine. maybe once in a blue moon said that they needed to save money. but they always reassured Zig that everything was going to be okay. deep down, Zig knew that wasn’t the truth. for awhile, it’s just a feeling that eats away at him, but they are just thoughts floating around in his head. and nothing more. Zig can’t possibly justify why he senses that, or knows that the family is in great financial pain.
and then, one day, his father gets injured. there is no explanation as to what it is, only he is covered in blood and bruises, and hospitalized. and that — well, it overwhelms Zig. he knows he needs his space away from the family, but even his sister resigns her studies to make ends meet for her father and take care of him. Zig bites the bullet and does the same. he becomes his father’s caretaker, vowing to make sure that he will never be hurt. and yet, for the family, the psychic trauma would never go away. every day his first look at his father pains him in a way he can’t explain. the house is in disarray, the counters peppered with newspapers and medical bills.
deep down, Zig begins harboring a resentment towards whoever hurt his father. he doesn’t know who they are, or what happened. and grudgingly, his father refuses to tell him. the old man tells him that it’s better he not know, that he have faith in their new country. but to Zig... well, that’s a bunch of bullshit. and so he concentrates, one night, and manages to probe what he discovers later is his father’s consciousness. what he finds... angers him. a bunch of assholes, attacking his father, spewing hateful words. and officers just stand there, grinning, doing nothing. and Zig is pissed.
to know that even the law would not protect his father, that such hate could exist. it makes his blood boil. and so he takes matter into his own hands. nervous as he is, anxious as it plagues his mind, Zig does what he can to track these fuckers down. and, well, he’s put in the same situation as his father. the same assholes, in corroboration with law enforcement, corner him. and just when Zig thinks it is over for him to, his powers snap. before him, everyone around him drops down like cold, limp bodies. only he knows they are alive. Zig can see their consciousnesses, floating in midair, like ghosts. but he has won. and so he leaves
though the perpetrators had been taken down, his blood still boils at night. to see his father, a kind and gentle man, in so much pain. fuck. it angers and unsettles him. and so he concentrates on developing his newfound powers. and when he’s content with where he’s at, he seeks those same assholes out. and this time, with a wide smirk on his face and veins prominent in his neck, he steals their consciousnesses. and imprisons them in his article of clothing at the time. a feathered coat.
and there starts the infamy of the terror known as albatross. a feather coated individual who fears nobody. at first, he’s a neighborhood criminal, known for his cruelty. swapping bodies of officers with each other and random objects for his amusement, stealing parts of their consciousnesses, and toying with his meat in whatever has them begging to be left alone. and yet none of that scratches the itch caused by his father’s pain. there is one thing that he doesn’t have. protection. Zig knows he’s not that strong, truthfully. tricks and games he can play, but too many close encounters have left him needing more. and so, when the day comes that his father is finally okay, he decides to leave town. to seek out the place known as the Continental, told to him by rogue connections he’s garnered.
is extremely overconfident in his abilities and will usually just walk into any situation with an evil grin. which, lmao, most of the time he overestimates just how strong his foes can be which spells a lot of trouble for him. in general he’s very reckless and proud of it.
has fractured his consciousness, and imbues fragments of it into bird things. puppets, plushes, paper cranes, and much more. these are often seen accompanying him, floating or perched upon his shoulder. additionally, his feathered coat is imbued with stolen fragments of consciousnesses that he’s amassed over the years.
can be extremely flirty and yet is afraid of getting close to anyone because a. the thought of someone opening up to him and sharing their pain scares him and b. the more he gets to know someone the more they can resist his power
anyone he considers family, though, he’ll fight to the death for and beat up your bullies. claim something of yours is stolen, and he’ll be right there to ask for a time to steal something back. though he hates showing it, he deeply cares about people and hates injustice. 
is largely uninterested in most jobs and mostly takes them for his amusement nowadays. though he’s a criminal, his favorite jobs are taking down people in power.
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shcmbles · 4 years
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