sheisawildfire · 5 years
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KINGDOM 🗝: Some of you aren’t jealous of others you just believe when God gets to you, he runs out. A Orphan/poverty mindset makes you believe there isn’t enough to go around in the Kingdom. When you understand there is NO lack, there is MORE THAN ENOUGH with God, you can begin to celebrate other people’s success without feeling like it’s a blow to your heart and identity. Understanding this truth will set your heart free!!
#KingdomThinking #Sheisawildfire #LiesYoubelieveAboutGod #Nolack #MoreThanEnough #Jealous #Hurting #LeftOut #WhatsHisIsAlreadyYours #Trust #KingdomKeys #FOMO
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sheisawildfire · 5 years
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sheisawildfire · 5 years
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Temporary relief or permanent peace?
So many times we are unwilling to face the things that cause us pain. We’d rather pretend, ignore, live with and bury it instead.
We prefer “getting out of” the difficult feeling or moment for temporary relief.
We prefer to bury it. Ignore it....anything to make it “ go away.”
We look for ways of escape. Ways to numb. Ways to cope. Food, wine, pills, shopping, games, sex, Tv, social media, sleep, anything we can run to for relief. But alas we find out relief isn’t lasting and always worse after self medicating.
I want to encourage you today YOU can break the cycle. You don’t have to just cope you can enjoy freedom.
Listen friend, you and God are the majority. Run to Him. Ask Him for help. Let him help you. He’s better than any high and is thee BEST problem solver you’ll ever meet. One of his names happens to be HELPER!!!
Turn away from temporary and find lasting peace. It’s found only with Him.
#Sheisawildfire #Peace #MorethanCope #Thrive #Freedom #SelfMedicating #Help #JesusHasTheAnswer #Ask #Hide #DefeatIt #FaceIt #Selfhelp #YourNotAlone
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sheisawildfire · 5 years
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Hey you!! Who told you, you had to be perfect?
Are you exhausted and feeling incapable of reaching that completely unattainable standard you set for yourself?
Give yourself permission to slow down. Breathe....now what are some things you need to say no to?
NO is a powerful word.
What makes YOU feel alive? Deeply alive? What do you love to do? When’s the last time you caught a sunset? Walked on a beach? Went on a nature walk. Explored some old bookstores?
Start today. Nurture your soul. Add some things you absolutely love to do to your daily routine. You’re meant to live a rich, vibrant, joy filled life!!!
#Live #Sheisawildfire #Joy #Perfection #Success #SelfCare #StressFree #SoulHealth #Identity #Rest #SayNo #No #LifeHacks #Nurture #Rest #WhatMakesYouFeelAlive #MakeTimeToDream #Visionary
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sheisawildfire · 5 years
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It isn’t what it seems.
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sheisawildfire · 5 years
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Fearlessly every preacher needs to teach on sin, what it is, boldly and undiluted. Shout it, declare it, make it known.
It is the very reason Jesus had to die a brutal death. You NEED to know what he rescued you from so you can make an informed decision.
BUT....When a preacher, pastor, prophet, apostle, evangelist, teacher, I don’t care who you are or the size of his/her platform or his/her ministry and followers, starts peddling CONDEMNATION you better run.
They are misrepresenting God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Friends we need to know the difference between conviction/grieving the heart of God and condemnation, judgment and wrath.
Jesus came with both truth and grace.
A religious spirit shuts up the Kingdom of heaven and doesn’t allow people to enter.
Matthew 23:13
Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the door of the Kingdom of Heaven in peoples faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let others enter either.
#God’sNotAngry #HeAin’tEvenMad #HeCameToRescueYouFromWrath
#HeIsGood #TheGospelIsGoodNews
#KnowTheNatureOfGod #ReligiousSpirit #TheLetterKillsButTheSpiritBringsLife
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sheisawildfire · 5 years
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What lies has he been telling you, your whole life? What’s he whispering in your ear?
It’s important we know who and what we are listening to? Ask yourself a few questions. Where is the origin of this thought coming from? Does it come from a place of:
Is the voice:
By all means Satan wants to choke the life out of you. Stop you at all costs. His only intention and purpose in this world is to kill, steal and destroy.
You RECOGNIZING theses thoughts and the feelings they produce, as lies and separate from you is of utmost importance.
You, recognizing where these thoughts are coming from is just as important.
Your enemy only has the power you give him and you only have authority to stop giving him that power through ONE. Jesus Christ said He was the TRUTH.
Truth is the only way to dismantle a lie.
“You shall know the truth and the truth, shall make you free.” John 8:32
You can choose whether to be a victim or a victor. I know because I’ve been both.
#Identity #Truth #Evil #Strongholds #Lies #Victim #ThoughtLife #ThoughtsProduceFeelings #ThoughtsProduceActions #WhoToldYouThat #Freedom #Sheisawildfire #ImAWarrior
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sheisawildfire · 5 years
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At one time or another we all find ourselves in seemingly impossible circumstances.
Is that you today? Are you in need of divine intervention?
I want to remind you today of God’s faithfulness towards you.
Hebrews 10:23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.
Remember all those times God came through for you? Take a few minutes today and make a list of God’s faithfulness in your life, the times past where he made a way where there seemed to be no way. Where HE worked out every detail.
Read it over a few times. Share your list with someone it will ignite both your faith and theirs!!!
#Confidence #Sheisawildfire #Faithfulness #DefeatingGiants #Trust #Remember #MakeAList #List #Miracles #Promises #HeWorksOutTheDetails
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sheisawildfire · 5 years
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We are waiting for you to:
Write the song, the one that when we hear it, it etches into our mind a moment that will live forever. Years will pass and your song will take us back to that exact moment in time, the feels, the smells the memory.
Paint the picture, the one that tells us a 1,000 words just by looking at it. It feeds our souls, inspires our day and reminds us of all things beautiful.
Write the book, poem, or essay the one that can transport us anywhere at anytime. Touch our hearts. Build us up, bring us hope and teach us new things. Your words will go places you may never travel to and touch people you’ll never meet 100 years from now.
Create the dance that will change a generation and take the world by storm. The dance that after a long day or a heavy depression will lift us and make us lighter as we dance it in our kitchens.
You’re meant to do it. The world needs it. We are waiting for YOU!!!
#Creatives #Writers #Authors #Artist #Dream #Leadership #Purpose #Ignite #Sheisawildfire
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sheisawildfire · 5 years
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~As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.
Proverbs 23:7
#RenewYourMind #PowerOfThinking #SelfCare #Focus #ChangeIsPossible #ICan #IWill
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sheisawildfire · 5 years
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I did this video for someone who reached out to me privately about needing to move on from someone who hurt her.
She described a situation that happened a long time ago that she has been carrying around for years. It was time for her freedom. This was her first step. It’s YOUR time too.
After doing the video for her privately she bravely gave me permission to share it and make it public. I hope it brings you freedom as it did for her. To watch the full video go to my YouTube channel. Mickela Brusseau. Be a wildfire tag a friend below who could use this message!! Link above ⬆️
#Relationships #Soulties #LettingGo #SelfHelp #SoulCare #Abuse #Hurt #Anger #Trauma #Forgiveness #Boundaries #Love #Rejection #Sheisawildfire
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sheisawildfire · 5 years
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Today...Do you need a miracle? Are you facing something that is impossible? I’ve got great news for YOU!!!
For with God nothing will be impossible.
#Needamiracle #ButGod #Fearless
#BigProblemBiggerGod #BelieveInJesus #Sheisawildfire
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sheisawildfire · 5 years
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Champion. Change. Create.
What burns in your heart?
What have you dreamed about since childhood?
What makes you mad?
What thought or idea just won’t go away?
What problem do you have the answer to?
These can be signs of something you are suppose to champion, change or create.
Here are some simple steps today to begin seeing your dream come to pass.
Write down your dreams. Get ideas and stir up the passion you have. Begin to talk about them to others.
Start to champion a cause. Find others who are doing something similar. Ask them questions. Cheer them on. Celebrate their success.
Help someone else in what they are doing to change the world around them. Serve others rather than just being self serving.
Here’s what will happen.
Writing down the vision makes it clear and easy to articulate to others.
Talking about it makes you accountable to do it. And being around others with a bigger vision than you will help you break out of the box and limited mindsets. Don’t ever be afraid of being with people smarter than you.
They’ll help stir up what’s inside you.
Listen and learn and you’ll be able to create and express what’s inside you in a unique and powerful way.
No matter how small the step begin today.
#Entrepreneur #LifeHacks #Success #Dreams #Helpothers #ChampionACause #Identity #Purpose #Leadership #Selfhelp #Sheisawildfire
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sheisawildfire · 5 years
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Every single thing you have been through in your life is useful. Every time you overcame those trials and stood through that pressure, something beautiful and courageous was formed in you.
Share your brave story. It will give someone hope today. In a world that’s hopeless and broke your victory is priceless.
#Worldnews #Sheisawildfire #Hope #Wealth #Riches #Beavoice #KindActs #Selfhelp #Dreambig #Productivity #Success #Identity #Leadtheway
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sheisawildfire · 5 years
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What if I told you there was something you could attempt and you wouldn’t fail? Would you do it?
So many of us grew up under strict rules of pass or fail. You remember, from Kindergarten on we received report cards where our life and abilities were graded by someone else. Remember those tests? It was always marked on your paper how many you got wrong, not right.
Here’s something we can get right every single time no matter the response.
In a world that is in desperate need of it. We can give love. People all around you today may be completely void of it. Maybe it was never showed to them. Are they rude? Mean? Down right hateful? Maybe it’s from something much deeper, something that happened to them or didn’t happen, that you know nothing about.
But don’t we have to receive love first and then give it back? No. That actually isn’t love at all. Find some one to love today because there is a promise of success attached to it. Success?What promise? I’m glad you asked.
1 Corinthians 13:8
Love never fails.
Wait “never” fails? That’s right love never fails. Today you can begin to have more success than you ever dreamed possible.
You know when it’s REALLY effective?
When you give it to someone who you think doesn’t deserve it. Find someone to love today and don’t cheat yourself by making that someone who’s EASY to love. Have fun with this. Once you start you won’t want to stop it will be like a WILDFIRE!!!
Tag a friend and start the spark.
#Success #Sheisawildfire #Truelove #Love #Relationships #KindActs #Worldchangers #Identity #Family #LifeHacks
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sheisawildfire · 5 years
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Ok here’s one of my mushy mom moments.
Meet King Julius.
My 15 yr. old son named him. Why does King Julius ride in my car everywhere we go? To help me remember, of course!!!
First you should know I have 4 amazing children and 2 grand babes!!!
Here’s how KJ found his way into our hearts. It was a typical day I had a ton of laundry the house was a mess and I needed to grocery shop. Grabbing my cart to head into the store I saw King Julius laying on the seat. I just knew some adorable lil kid had him squeezed tight in his tiny hand and some how forgot him.
Instantly memories flooded in...I could almost smell baby lotion and see Cheerios all over my shirt and inside my purse. I felt sweet hugs and could hear adorable mispronounced words.
I remembered how my own little boys, who by the way are now taller than me, would hold tight to their Thomas the train or race car. And my girls their stuffed animal, blanket or toy purse.
I realized how fast things change and how quickly days go by. As silly as it sounds King Julius reminds me laundry is a blessing. A messy house and dirty dishes are no big deal, and to always cherish every single beautiful moment with my kids.
If you’re a mom or dad reading this don’t worry about the messy house or sleepless nights (LOL) hug your kids extra long tonight. Look them in the eyes every time you talk to them. Draw more pictures read more stories build more forts. HAVE FUN with them!!!
Enjoy every part of being their parent because time flies!!
#Parenting #Sheisawildfire #Raisingkids
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sheisawildfire · 5 years
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SINGLES: Single friends, are you waiting on God for your future husband or wife? Are you in freak out mode and panicking or at peace?
Is everyone around you getting married or having babies? Ladies are your lunch discussions with the girls all about your biological clock and how old you’re getting?
I have SO BEEN THERE!! One thing I wish I would have done is to stay in peace and trust God more in this area. I wasted so much time stressing over what I couldn’t control anyway.
Until finally I decided I’d surrender it all to God, the desire the expectations, the timing and the fear of missing out. I really had to die to what I call an over reactive soul in this area of my life. Letting it go wasn’t easy.
Part of the process may be you having to die to your own ideals and expectations of marriage and wanting to be married and how and when YOU thought it was going to happen down to the age you thought you would be.
It’s hard to let go and let those things die but they must. God knows where you are. He knows how to direct and bring you what you need. Do you believe that? Do you really believe that?
You certainly don’t want to settle for just anyone only for it to fall apart because it wasn’t right. Have you heard the statement “you want to wait for Issac and not settle for Ishmael?” You want the promise. You will have to choose to not be in control of this part of your life.
You will have to choose not to be disappointed in God for what you think it should have been or what it should be like. This whole process is an opportunity for you to grow, to grow in trust.
Do you trust ABBA Father? Do you think God doesn’t know where you are, how old you are or your biological clock or any other pesky details that try and pressure and drive you? Do you actually think you are more powerful than God and can ruin His plans for you? Do you think you need to make it easier for God to find you and bring you a mate? Do you think God needs your help?
Be free.
God doesn’t need your help nor is He ever reluctant to BLESS you. Can you TRUST that His ways are higher than your own?
Just some questions I want you to ponder and settle in your heart now. ❤️
Love you guys,
#Relationships #Trust #Gettingmarried
#Single #Happilyeverafter #Brokenrekationships
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