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Black is Beautiful 👸🏾✨
Black is beautiful. That statuesque, dark skinned, kinky haired, melanin enriched woman, is beautiful. She is not beautiful despite her ‘blackness’, she is beautiful because of it. “You’re pretty for a black girl” - this ignorant, futile, abhorrent and backhanded ‘compliment’ has contaminated and spoiled her self-confidence, and her self-worth. She has grown up believing the fallacies that her black skin, is one to be ashamed of, her Achilles heel, her weakness. Her black skin is not a badge of shame. For years she has associated that white, blonde haired, skinny, blue eyed woman on the front of the magazine - as the epitome of beauty. She has purchased skin bleaching creams, hidden her beautiful, rich African hair, under the artificial cover of a weave. For years she has pursued an elusive beauty. Her beautiful and indigenous black qualities, are praised - only when on women of a different ethnicity. Her curvaceous figure, her full lips, the glow of her skin, are all seen as beauty enhancing qualities - on all women except for her. Her fellow black brothers, do not think her black is enough - when on the pursuit of love, they turn to the pale-skinned women on the magazine covers, they find beauty in every race but their own. Her beauty has had to be justified in order to be fabricated, the mere thought that she is beautiful and black - is unimaginable, inconceivable. They don’t want her to be black and beautiful, they need her to be mixed with something non-black, a dash of another ethnicity, so that they can make sense of her beauty. South Africa, her black is enough. Her blackness does not inhibit her from being beautiful. She is worthy of being on magazine covers, she is worthy of being noticed - her beauty, her blackness is worthy of praise. She is robbed of her rightful recognition. Her beauty cannot be denied, it will not be contained - and only she can define it.
She is a black woman. She is made of brown sugar, cocoa, honey, gold and the strength of ten thousand moons. Her black is undeniably, enough. She will break down society’s expectation of a beautiful woman and defy the norms that have been blindly set up.
And for all the disparagement she receives for her melanin enriched skin? 
Make it stop. - Mudiwa Runyowa
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