sheldontheinfamous 1 year
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The fucking job market is abysmal
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sheldontheinfamous 2 years
I'm not suprised about Justin Roiland
I am no longer suprised everytime an edgy comedy content creator gets exposed for gross conduct.
If anyone remembers the YouTube commentary era - Pyrocynical is a good example.
So I'm not suprised to find that... Through his actions (and words) he probably actually thinks it should be okay.
Rick and morty is a show, though fun, is littered with weird incest jokes or even remember that scene that morty dates a woman way older than him (who is aware of how old he is) and everyone is seemingly okay with that? Where is the actual comedy in that over than it being a very odd situation?
He built a world where it is.
It's a shame because ironic humour dies not because of us 'cancelling' those who do it for no reason. But the people who make weird shit okay, and hide behind irony.
So if all these allegations are true, it's a shame because the rest of the show does have some good content, and it's a shame for everyone working on these projects with him believing the benefit of the doubt.
It's a real shame.
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sheldontheinfamous 2 years
My favourite part was birdie saying she was a disruptor because she told the truth.
And then benoit hits with the
'It鈥檚 a dangerous thing to mistake speaking without thought for speaking the truth.'
Glass Onion did many, many things well. But a few of my favorites are:
Gave Helen the LITERAL POWER of the dumb white man's idea of a good idea to BLOW HIS SHIT UP.
Gave Whiskey a moment to deepen her character beyond "dumb men's right bimbo." Do I agree with the way she's doing things? No. Do I respect that she gets the chance to show she is aware of what she's doing? Yes.
Gave Benoit a live-in partner who straight people don't clock at all. Bitch. The butler is not calling Mister Blanc's famous friends to express worry over his bath time. That's the job of a husband (colloquial).
Benoit solving Gillian Flynn's mystery because it's CLEVER but needing help with the ACTUAL mystery because IT'S DUMB. And not because he's TOO SMART but because he's bad at DUMB PUZZLES.
Everyone only willing to throw Miles under the bus after Helen literally blew up any chance he had of saving their asses. Did they learn anything? Fuck no. It's a very clear lesson on understanding who to trust. As Helen puts it: "You'll lie for a lie, but you won't lie for the truth?" They're not lying for the truth at the end. They're lying for the lie that they're not very much like Miles.
I have seen some people noting the Mona Lisa burned like canvas, and I've seen some people noting the Mona Lisa burned like wood, and what's important to remember is that everything you need to know about Miles is that he's got the fucking audacity of the insulated fuckboy to think he's being clever having someone build an un-failesafe button so the Mona Lisa could be safe.
"It's so dumb, it's brilliant!" / "No, it's just dumb!"
"You'd lie for the lie, but you wouldn't lie for the truth?" -- Yeah, I mentioned it already, but my GOD. WHAT A POINT.
"Your name will forever be remembered in the same breath as the Mona Lisa." -- STAB HIM AGAIN.
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sheldontheinfamous 2 years
Ok google how do i make it big on tumblr
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sheldontheinfamous 2 years
Rian Johnson did not pull any punches with Glass Onion. Making Benoit Blanc gayer than EVER, using facemasks as a device to talk about the characters.
The utter insane rich bitch maximallism and stupidity of the self obsessed billionaire who everyone regards as a genius but actually just takes credit for other people's ideas... (Definitely not a familar note)
It does NOT miss. And honestly scratches a part of my brain I did not know needed scratching, I absolutely adore this franchise and I hope I get to see more of Benoit Blanc in future.
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sheldontheinfamous 2 years
I am but a humble twitter refugee, kind tumblr users have mercy. It has been an eon since I have arrived at these shores.
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