sherlockomegle · 10 years
daily reminder to click a button so you can give free food to a shelter!!
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sherlockomegle · 11 years
http://logs.omegle.com/dd9392c Yeah so that just happened... like... right now.
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sherlockomegle · 12 years
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She a dumb foo’ anywayz.
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sherlockomegle · 12 years
I hope I can find this brilliant person again someday.
This was actually my first attempt at a Drunk Moriarty, so I hope I did okay. ^u^
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sherlockomegle · 12 years
What a magical night this was... XD Here are the highlights =P
best thing ever:
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sherlockomegle · 12 years
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sherlockomegle · 12 years
Like out of a bad fanfiction
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sherlockomegle · 12 years
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sherlockomegle · 13 years
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The plague of Sherlockians on Omegle.
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sherlockomegle · 13 years
Please help me find this person. 
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sherlockomegle · 13 years
John and Sally reminisce about the life of Sherlock Holmes...and haunting Anderson
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sherlockomegle · 13 years
so this happened
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sherlockomegle · 13 years
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sherlockomegle · 13 years
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sherlockomegle · 13 years
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sherlockomegle · 13 years
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sherlockomegle · 13 years
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Question to discuss:
All I want is to feel you! <3
Stranger: Lestrade. -SH
Stranger: I need you to answer. -SH
You: Yes? - GL
Stranger: Finally. -SH
You: I've been busy, Sherlock - GL
Stranger: I don't care. There's a problem. -SH
You: What do you need? - GL
Stranger: Get John? -SH
You: You need me to go to 221b? Or are you saying something's happened to him? - GL
Stranger: No, I mean go get him. Wait. No, I don't know. Lestrade, I'm in trouble... I'm -SH
You: Sherlock, where are you? Does he know you're alive? - GL
You: I can help, Sherlock, just tell me where you are. I'll pick up John on the way - GL
Stranger: He doesn't know, but that doesn't matter, because I may not be alive much longer... -SH
You: Stop being cryptic if you want me to help. Where are you? - GL
Stranger: In a warehouse. I was looking for Moriarty. I found one of his men. I'm bleeding... quite a bit Lestrade. -SH
You: Can you see anything out of the windows? Are you still in London? I'll pick up John, he's a doctor at least, more use than me. - GL
You: Just make sure to keep pressure on the wound and whatever you do, keep talking to me. - GL
Stranger: There's a petrol station. Lestrade, this is a serious wound. -SH
You: Can you even guess where you are? It will help us find you in time. - GL
You: Where's the wound? Can you wrap that daft scarf around it like a bandage? - GL
Stranger: I've tried. It's not doing much. I think I'm in one of the factory grounds. -SH
You: OK. I've an idea where you might be. John's in the car now, I'll let him take over the texts, I can concentrate on navigating then. - GL
You: Sherlock, where's the wound? What happened? - JW
Stranger: He stabbed me with a hook. I don't knwo how, but it happnd. Now I cant spell. -SH
You: Don't worry about spelling. Sherlock. Where is it? Your leg? - JW
You: We're coming, don't worry. You can survive a fall off a building, you can survive an encounter with Captain Hook - JW
Stranger: Ha. Captain Hook. Funny. -SH
You: Sherlock. I'm trying to help. Where did he hurt you? - JW
You: I'm a doctor. And your friend. Just tell me - JW
Stranger: Upper leg. If I remeber correctly, there's an important artery there. -SH
You: Jesus. You need to apply continuous pressure. I don't care if it hurts. It's worth it to keep you alive. - JW
You: I think we found the warehouse. Lestrade's just pulling up now. - JW
Stranger: I have been. John, I don't... want to... -SH
You: I'm here, Sherlock. - JW
You: .............Christ. - JW
Stranger: Sorry. I shouldn't have... -SH
You: You definitely should have. I would have killed you if you hadn't. - JW
You: Come on. I can carry you, just about. Let's get Lestrade's back seat dirty. He'll love that. We're not far from the Royal Free. They'll patch you up. - JW
You: You've lost so much weight, Sherlock. - JW
You: Where were you? - JW
Stranger: John. I don't think... 2 litres right?
You: Keep talking. I don't care if you babble. - JW
You: Sherlock, I'm here, you're not dying now. I wouldn't let you. - JW
You: If anyone can cheat death twice, it's you. - JW
Stranger: Ha. Right. -SH
You: Twice that I know of, I'm sure. - JW
You: See. Look, out of the window there. We'll pull into the ambulance bay, and carry you in - JW
Stranger: John, don't lie to me. This is bad... -SH
You: Of course it's bad. - JW
You: If the artery had been severed, you'd be dead. - JW
You: I think you just nicked it, but that's caused enough damage - JW
You: OK. I'm going to take your legs, Lestrade will carry your shoulders. - JW
You: Keep talking Sherlock, we're nearly safe now. - JW
Stranger: Maybe... Falling asleep is bad? Because I'm dangerously close. -JW
You: Sherlock, please. Here, come on. The doctors are here now. - JW
You: The proper doctors, who have sterile hands and can sew you up without shaking - JW
You: I'll be here, Sherlock. I missed you. - JW
Stranger: I don't want... I don't... -SH
You: Shh, Sherlock. It's just the anaesthetic. They're taking you to surgery. - JW
You: I'll be here when you wake up. You're going to be fine. - JW
You: You can borrow my cane - JW
You: Mrs Hudson will be so pleased you're alright. Molly, too. Close your eyes, Sherlock. Don't fight it. They will fix you. - JW
Stranger: But... I hate hospitals. *being difficult*
You: Sherlock Holmes. You died, I grieved. I can't grieve again so soon. Just let them do what they need to do. - JW
You: Please. For me. - JW
Stranger: John... *falls asleep*
You: *to Lestrade* Thanks, Greg. Sorry about the... blood. - JW
You: *to John* Well, like you said. We can't lose him twice, right? I'll leave you here to wait for him. I need to get back to the office. Call me if you need anything. - GL
You: *John waits, pacing the room they took Sherlock from, his limp returning slightly*
Stranger: *3 hours later*
Stranger: *Doctor comes out*
You: Doctor? How is he? - JW
You: Can I see him? - JW
Stranger: He's lucky. VERY lucky.
You: Tell me about it. What's the prognosis? - JW
Stranger: He needs to stay in bed. Or very little movement. He lost so much blood.
You: How long will he need to stay here for? When can he come home? - JW
You: I'm a doctor, not an emergency doctor of course, but I suppose battlefields present certain similar challenges... - JW
Stranger: I would say tomorrow. If he behaves...
Stranger: And I would agree.
You: Thank you, doctor. Can I see him now? - JW
Stranger: Yes. He might not be awake yet.
You: I don't care. I just need to see him. - JW
Stranger: I understand. And Dr. Watson?
You: Yes, doctor? - JW
Stranger: I'm convinced it was your swift action that saved his life. Well done.
You: Thank you. That means a lot. - JW
You: Oh, Sherlock. You are going to hate being stuck in bed. *sits next to the hospital bed* - JW
You: And you will hate the hobbling around even more. *takes Sherlock's hand without realising* But Mrs Hudson is going to LOVE waiting on you hand and foot. - JW
You: This is the quietest I've ever known you. It's... weird. - JW
You: I suppose it'll be the only time you don't silence my babbling after 10 seconds. I should make the most of it. - JW
Stranger: You should. *very weak voice*-SH
You: Just my luck, huh. How do you feel? Try not to get scientific about it, please. - JW
You: Human emotions only, today. - JW
Stranger: ...Bad. -SH
Stranger: I'm not used to feeling bad. I don'y like it. -SH
Stranger: *don't
You: I'm not surprised. You'll get better though. It's not always like this. - JW
You: Something or someone will come along and you'll forget it ever happened. - JW
Stranger: Really? Doubt it. John, that was... the first time in a long time... I was sc-scared. *exhales heavily*
You: You don't have to talk about it now, Sherlock. Unless you want to. I'm talking from experience, though. - JW
You: One day, the nightmares will stop. I'm not saying you won't have them. But they won't last forever. - JW
Stranger: Nightmares? John? Are you okay? -SH
You: Well. They came back for a bit. When. You know. - JW
You: When I thought I'd watched you die. - JW
You: But we don't need to talk about this now. - JW
Stranger: I'm sorry.
You: For your sake, not for mine. - JW
You: I know you must have had your reasons. But we can wait til you're better. - JW
Stranger: No. I am so sorry *he can't hide the guilt*
You: Sherlock... - JW
You: Please don't beat yourself up about it. - JW
You: *squeezes hand*
Stranger: Too late.
You: Well, I forgive you. I knew you'd come back. - JW
You: I knew it couldn't be the end. Even when faced with your gravestone. - JW
Stranger: Thank you -SH
You: I visited a lot. Every day at first. - JW
Stranger: I know.
You: You do? How? - JW
Stranger: I saw you. I felt so- I'm bored. Can I leave? I hate hospitals. -SH
You: There's my Sherlock. Changing the subject when it gets emotional. You're not better yet though. You should at least rest. You've just come out of surgery. They won't let you leave yet. And I can't let you leave either. - JW
You: "First, do no harm." So you need to stay in bed. Doctor's orders. - JW
Stranger: Really? I'm fine.
You: Three hour surgery, Sherlock. You nearly died. You can come home tomorrow. - JW
You: I would break you out if I could. You know that. - JW
You: I want nothing more to have you back at 221b. - JW
You: But you also need to rest. Close your eyes, Sherlock. I'm not moving, even though my arse is going numb in this crappy plastic chair. - JW
Stranger: Fine.
You: Hah. Gracious in defeat as always. - JW
Stranger: Shut up.
You: I missed you. - JW
Stranger: I... missed you too. *closing eyes*
You: Good. - JW
Stranger: *falls asleep*
You: *watches Sherlock for a bit, then falls asleep sitting up*
Stranger: *The End?*
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