shewhomustnobenamed 9 months
In days of yore, midst lace and courtly grace,
Two souls did meet, hearts in secret space.
A gentleman of wisdom, grace, and comely face,
And a lady bold, courage her saving grace.
He, a sage in thought, a visage fair to see,
She, a lady fierce, with courage's decree,
In a realm where love held no decree,
Their passion burned, a forbidden, starry plea.
She wore a mask of manly strength, 'tis true,
A fearless spirit, deeds of valor she'd pursue,
He, in her eyes, glimpsed depths he never knew,
Adoring her courage, his love for her then grew.
Their love, concealed, in shadows cast,
A clandestine affair, a love held fast,
Two worlds apart, their love steadfast,
Against all odds, their hearts amassed.
In this age of yore, their love did soar,
Two souls entwined, their love they bore,
A tale of courage, rich and pure,
A love that defied a world unsure.
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shewhomustnobenamed 10 months
Amidst moon's shadowed luminescent gleam,
A woman's heart conceals love's fervent theme,
Her words unspoken, neath societal decree,
Impatiently she waits for destiny.
In silence, love's emotion tightly coiled,
Her heart's sweet agony, in hope, embroiled,
Yearning for the day he'll come to see,
Love's timeless bond, setting her spirit free.
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shewhomustnobenamed 10 months
Within love's tender grasp, my heart did soar,
Aglow with hope, as dawn's sweet hues explore,
Yet shadows draped, a verity to reveal,
Forsooth, his heart, with another did appeal.
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shewhomustnobenamed 11 months
Though unrequited, my love for thee shines brighter than the sun, casting a radiant glow upon the chambers of my lonely heart馃寽
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shewhomustnobenamed 11 months
By mine own troth, thy charm doth rival the fierce and untamed ocean waves, yet my love for thee remains unreturned.
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shewhomustnobenamed 1 year
I want you in my arms..
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shewhomustnobenamed 1 year
You're both my Purple and White馃挏馃
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shewhomustnobenamed 1 year
What is Pain馃挃
Knowing that everyone you love will choose somebody else over you someday.. Be it anyone..
But still you will choose them over anybody else or anything else every time...
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shewhomustnobenamed 1 year
It hurts when you look at her when I'm looking at you.. I know I may not meet your expectations when it comes to women.. But you're everything that I would ever hope for...
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shewhomustnobenamed 1 year
"The only man that I want is busy f**king some other woman that only wants him for his money"馃槀馃槀馃槀 Favorite book quote from Reasonable Doubt..
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shewhomustnobenamed 2 years
Thank you for giving me butterflies... Thank you for making me feel special and beautiful... Thank you for giving me a feeling that no one else ever give me... Thank you for showing me how does it feel like to be in love... And finally thank you for making me understand how beautiful love can be...
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