shewolfisms · 4 years
“It is my fault I should’ve been the one in there not them! Instead I chickened out and I gave up my kids .” She cries harder this time around her arms going around him in a tight hold she shook her head .”god you must hate me I made this whole thing so messed up to the point you hate me and that’s okay because I hate myself so much for this .” She sobbed out shaking her head .
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“I wasn’t dead!” She finally let out in a panic but low enough that no one else around them paid attention.” Izyk why would I lie to you? You were my everything I wouldn’t lie to you about this .” She poured out her lip and looked at him intently .” I never died I tried to save the kids and I just couldn’t I tried my damnedt to save them but… but I failed.” She looked down holding in tears.
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“But he said–” Izyk paused as the realization hit him square in the face. The other wolves, the one who blamed him had been the ones to tell him she was dead but it was a lie. He realized that now as he looked at her with wide eyes as all of this slowly sank in. If she was alive did that mean the children as well? Just wen he was about to ask her next words hit him hard and he felt the loss seep through him and stab him in the chest. There would be time to mourn later, alone as he tended to prefer, but not he had to focus on her and the tears in her eyes. With his hands shaking, he lifted them up to cup her cheeks, brushing a few stray tears that fell away. “It was not your fault. None of this was our fault.”
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shewolfisms · 4 years
“I wasn’t dead!” She finally let out in a panic but low enough that no one else around them paid attention.” Izyk why would I lie to you? You were my everything I wouldn’t lie to you about this .” She poured out her lip and looked at him intently .” I never died I tried to save the kids and I just couldn’t I tried my damnedt to save them but... but I failed.” She looked down holding in tears.
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“iyzk” she rolled her eyes following behind him “you were always stubborn but not this bad “ she crossed her arms walking in front of him and she raised a brow .” it’s me! its Carly ! “ she grabbed onto his shoulders “look its me remember?” she sighed looking at him innocently .”come on “ 
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“You were dead,” he said shaking his head but looking at her when he was forced to do so. It looked like her, smelt like her and every memory he had with her came flooding back to him all at once. Oh how Izyk wanted to believe that the woman standing in front of him was really who she said she was. “You were dead and I got blamed for it. I do not know what kind of games this is or who you are but pretending to be my dead wife is cruel.”
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shewolfisms · 4 years
“iyzk” she rolled her eyes following behind him “you were always stubborn but not this bad “ she crossed her arms walking in front of him and she raised a brow .” it’s me! its Carly ! “ she grabbed onto his shoulders “look its me remember?” she sighed looking at him innocently .”come on “ 
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Carly was mingling with the rest of the guests she was doing her normal duty of trying to make everyone feel comfortable and welcome not like she did herself but it wasn’t about that ,, she had one thing on her mind and it was making her extremely nervous . she  looked down at the punch bowl and bit her bottom lip shaking her head .”fuck i don’t know what to do either something happens to me and if not it happens  to someone i care about what the hell kind of bs is that?” she whispered to herself before she could sense someone staring at her backside . Carly turned around and she dropped the glass  of wine in her hand .”iyzk…” she whispered and felt her eyes widen .” your… your… “ 
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“No,” his voice was gruff as he spoke and he shook his head. It was all disbelief, unable to actually believe what was in front of him. The wolf was never a religious man, always believing in what he could see over what he couldn’t. Yet even with proof in front of him, he couldn’t accept it knowing full well how this city worked, the tricks that it played on its citizens. How was he to know that this wasn’t one of them? “Whatever game this is, no.” Another shake of his head he turned to heard back to his spot by the wall, his target long gone now. 
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shewolfisms · 4 years
“Of course.” She ordered the brunette a gin and handed her the glass a moment later . She glanced over at the punch mixture of whatever the hell it consisted of .” Eh fun is an overstatement I suppose.” She shrugged .”you don’t look too thrilled.”
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Carly was walking around the ball in one of her best dresses she even had a tiny tiara on she thought it looked nice, she found the bar and ordered a glass of wine beginning to immediatly down it . the blonde felt someone come up next to her .” oops sorry” she set the glass down onto the countertop “ hello i’m Carly “ she said turning to the person beside her .”pretty messed up event if you ask me” she shrugged “can i get you a drink?” 
Lydia wasn’t sure if she was the one spoken to at first and then quickly collected herself. “Lydia. Nice to meet you,” she returned politely. She debated if she was allowed to drink or not tonight and decided it rude if she declined. “Can I have a gin please? It looks like you’re having fun.”
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shewolfisms · 4 years
“Eh that’s part of the reason.” She smiled before turning to the bartender .”a scotch please .” She handed him the glass once it arrived .” There.” She laughed and took a sip of her wine .” I’m Carly by the way .”
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Carly was walking around the ball in one of her best dresses she even had a tiny tiara on she thought it looked nice, she found the bar and ordered a glass of wine beginning to immediatly down it . the blonde felt someone come up next to her .” oops sorry” she set the glass down onto the countertop “ hello i’m Carly “ she said turning to the person beside her .”pretty messed up event if you ask me” she shrugged “can i get you a drink?” 
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shewolfisms · 4 years
she smiled and shook her head softly looking at the other ,” i kinda just moved here a few days ago “ shr shrugged and grabbed the wine glass off the countertop taking a sip .” wasn’t my first choice but here i am” she laughed . 
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Carly smiled watching the brunette “ i see im not the only one drinking out of nervousness” she giggled and extended her hand to the girl “ my name is Carly but you can call me Carls “ she walked to the bar ordering herself another wine ,”if you ask me this is a accident waiting to happen “ she smiled
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She shook her hand after downing the rest of her drink, knowing she couldn’t argue with her on her logic. She was nervous and drinking was probably the solution to that. “Calla,” she replied with a smile, “are you new here?” she asked, following her, “I don’t think I’ve seen you before”
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shewolfisms · 4 years
Carly smiled watching the  brunette “ i see im not the only one drinking out of nervousness” she giggled and extended her hand to the girl “ my name is Carly but you can call me Carls “ she walked to the bar ordering herself another wine ,”if you ask me this is a accident waiting to happen “ she smiled
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She took a sip of her drink, eyeing the people in the crowd, the thoughts of her family coming back to mind as she thought of the letter she received. She was happy on land, she had moved on here and she felt like she was finally cared for here and now she had to protect her entire family? Sipping a drink, she felt someone near her and turned around, offering them a smile without even looking up
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shewolfisms · 4 years
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Carly was walking around the ball in one of her best dresses she even had a tiny tiara on she thought it looked nice, she found the bar and ordered a glass of wine beginning to immediatly down it . the blonde felt someone come up next to her .” oops sorry” she set the glass down onto the countertop “ hello i’m Carly “ she said turning to the person beside her .”pretty messed up event if you ask me” she shrugged “can i get you a drink?” 
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shewolfisms · 4 years
Carly was mingling with the rest of the guests she was doing her normal duty of trying to make everyone feel comfortable and welcome not like she did herself but it wasn’t about that ,, she had one thing on her mind and it was making her extremely nervous . she  looked down at the punch bowl and bit her bottom lip shaking her head .”fuck i don’t know what to do either something happens to me and if not it happens  to someone i care about what the hell kind of bs is that?” she whispered to herself before she could sense someone staring at her backside . Carly turned around and she dropped the glass  of wine in her hand .”iyzk...” she whispered and felt her eyes widen .” your... your... “ 
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Izyk never liked suits. Sure he could clean up when he needed to and would wear one when the time required of him, but that didn’t mean he liked the things. If he had his way he would wear his flannel shirts and jeans all the time. However this Winter Ball was not one of those events that he could show up in his work clothes. Already uncomfortable, he leaned against the wall and kept his eyes focused on the punch bowl across the room. All he had to do was leave a permanent mark on whoever went over to drink from it and he could be free of this curse that was set upon him. He could shift again as well as keep his hands from shaking like they were. The nerve damage from the fire was only made worse with the curse on him, where he couldn’t even keep them steady to do the woodworkings in his carpentry shop. 
There was someone moving closer to the punch bowl and Izyk took a step forward when a flash of blonde came out of the corner of his eye. Normally that wouldn’t phase him but something about it caused him to pause and turn his head to focus on what he saw. What he saw was a ghost. Freezing in the middle of his tracks he just stared at the woman in disbelief purely convinced that the image of his dead wife was the affects of whatever was fucking with them that night. 
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shewolfisms · 4 years
You are cordially invited to be one of my esteemed guest ofmy Winter Ball, Ms. Carly Lynn Vissar
Please, assume this is an honour – it is.
I intend for all those I have employed to throw you a night of splendour, to be enjoyed and held as a reminder as how confliction doesn’t have to be as aggressive in the State of Calamity; that peace isn’t far out of reach as most think. Please attend, I’d like to see you there.
There’s a small task to be completed at some point during your night, it shouldn’t take long – certainly won’t ruin your night. Consider it a party game if you like; an ice breaker seems relevant given the weather, right?
Attached you shall find all the details of what I expect. I’m certain you won’t find such an issue with this, afterall, we just discussed the absolute honour of being one of my guests. I hear you’re one of the best at what you do, baker?
Above all, as one of my guests to my planned extravaganza, I want you to enjoy yourself! It is the Winter holidays, my favourite season!
I can’t imagine I need to reiterate to you that this letter is private, meant for only your eyes. I’ve chosen you, Ms. Vissar specifically for your particular set of skills.
If you find doubt in my words, please don’t. I have an incentive – a motivator that might encourage you to pay attention to my detailed directives. I suppose, the more pessimistic of minds would say that it’s a safety net for if you fail to complete your task and spoil my festivities, but whatever you choose to call it Carly, you will see that regardless the consequences stand true.
Iyzk Vissar will die if you fail to follow every instruction given to you at my Winter Ball.
It’s a perfectly good night to play whilst I paint the white snow red, don’t you think?
-         The Nightkeeper.
Have a good time at my Winter Ball, enjoy the delights on offer!
Incapacitate Axel Reyes for me, he’s trouble, if you do not, Iyzk Vissar will suffer the consequences. 
If you wish to alleviate yourself from all this and enjoy your night task free, you can drink from the punchbowl.
If you admit your intentions or your tasks for the evening, your night is also forfeit.
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shewolfisms · 4 years
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( kristen bell, 38 years old , cisfemale she/her, ) It’s been a while since we’ve seen CARLY LYNN VISSAR I hear they’re a WEREWOLF and they reside on the SOUTHSIDE. They’re known to frequent THE BOARDWALK (when they’re not busy with BAKING CUSTOM CAKES FOR EVENTS) and have made a place at JESKE HOSTEL, 67 HAMLET ROAD ) Some may say they act  SNARKY & SARCASTIC, while others claim they are FRIENDLY & OUTGOING. With that being said, they’ve found the State of Calamity. (applying for the connection of  IYZK VISSAR WIFE) 
NICKNAMES: Carls , Carcar or Car
HOBBIES: drinking wine, spending time with friends and family , watching funny tv or movies
Carly grew up to a loving home with both parents having good jobs making good money she descended from a long line of werewolves but always chose to stay to herself because she couldn’t risk normal humans finding out that she was some kind of “murderer” or so she thought. When she was in her twenties she met iyzak and the two of them fell in love and got married having two children named Stephen and Annabell. Everything was going great she had what seemed the perfect life... then the fire happened . She tried her both to save both Stephen and annabell but she just couldn’t she couldn’t go back in in enough time to take ahold of them both and get them out . The pair had died in the fire but Carly escaped and she still hasn’t told iyzak about them passing which is how she ended up in calamitous .
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