shewritesbl · 11 months
Title: Just a Kiss
A continuation. (Part 2)
Ton was embarrassed to admit he had to take care of his hard rod in the school’s bathroom because his student council president, a guy, had given him the best kiss of his life. He unbuckled his pants and grabbed hold of him self and pumped up and down. He closed his eyes and could still feel Benz's lips on his. His tongue was so sweet. The sensation of his lips and soft kisses on his neck. What if he hadn't stopped him? Ton stifled a moan by curling his toes hard; that moment he expelled his load into his hand.
"Shit." Ton opened his eyes and everything twinkled.
Ton used a tissue to collect his semen and flushed it down the toilet. He washed his face and hurried to his dorm room.
******* ********
Benz’s kiss haunted Ton for weeks. Once he didn’t keep himself busy he would remember the softness of Benz’s lips, the way his tongue danced across his, the way he smelled, and the passion of the moment was on that was on his mind. He worked hard and poured himself into his school work and club work. He did not go to the student council office himself in the following days but asked his club assistant secretary to pick up all the necessary documents they need. His one mission going forward was to avoid Benz at all causes.
"Ton did you see your grades?"
"Yes, " he smiled at Pam, "did you do well?"
"well" she wrinkled her nose, "I passed everything but I wanted to do a little better in XX."
"Oh, but you passed so that's not too bad."
They chatted about test grades and course work until they made it to the school cafeteria. They joined their friends at a large table near one of the exits. The cafeteria was buzzing with activity as it was just past midday.
Ton was active in his group's conversation when he felt a tingle down his spine. He looked up and saw Benz playing around with his friends. He had one guy in a playful choke hold and another friend counting him out like a wrestling match. His muscles were strained against his shirt and his smile was bright. He watched them play around, laughing and having a good time.
"Ton..hey Ton!"
His neck snapped back to his friends at the table.
"what's got you so distracted?" Bank asked looking in the direction Ton had been staring
"Ah nothing, just trying to remember if I submitted some work for Mr. XX."
"Ahhh, that teacher is such a pain!" Bank said and everyone chorused in. Ton stole a few more glances at Benz before going back to focus on his group. Why was he looking at him anyway? Ton thought to himself.
****** ****
Later that night.
"How's the club activity?"
Ton looked up from his tea to be face-to-face with Benz. This was equally the face he wanted to see the most and did not want to see as well. He immediately tensed up. Ton became aware of every muscle in his body.
Ton cupped the tea mug and looked at Benz.
"It is going well, thanks for asking."
Before Benz could reply, a cafe staff placed a cup in front of him with a smile.
"Isn't it too late to be drinking coffee?"
"It's cocoa" Benz smiled, "old habits from being a little kid. Hot cocoa before bed." He stretched and cracked his knuckles.
"Does the club need anything else?"
Ton raised an eyebrow at him, " Not at your price."
Benz laughed and choked on his cocoa.
"No, I didn't mean anything like that. I was just truly asking."
" Oh well we are doing okay. We should meet our deadline."
"Good, Good"
They sat in silence for a few minutes, alternately sipping their hot beverages.
"Awkward Silence," Benz whispered.
"Do you typically ask everyone for .."
"No, just you and I told you why. Still thinking about it? Don't blame you. I can't get it off my mind too. "
Ton started to turn red. He looked away quickly, realising he was staring at his lips and played with his cup.
"Do you know I couldn't sleep the night after we kissed." There was a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. He did not hide that he was staring at Ton's lips.
Ton didn't answer.
"I'm really attracted to you Ton. I have been for a while now. I saw you before at this cafe and haven't been able to stop thinking about you. It's cute that you only have a dimple on one cheek ."
Ton scowled and leaned forward after a second to make sure noone in the empty cafe could hear him.
"I'm not gay."
" I remember you telling me this. I'm more bisexual myself. "
"Well I only let you kiss me because I wanted my club to...."
"I know. Doesn't mean you didn't enjoy it."
Benz stared at him and Ton shifted in his seat. He would be lying if he said that he didn't like it. He had never had a kiss like that before. He had only had two girlfriends during high school. He wasn't a virgin but he wasn't that experienced either.
"Do you want to do it again?" Benz smiled at him
Ton rolled his eyes and got up.
"wait," Benz said as he grabbed Ton's hand to prevent him from walking away, "please sit."
He used his chin to indicate to his seat.
"Is it so wrong that I want you."
He stared at Ton, making him burn under his gaze. He blinked and looked away.
Ton attempted to walk away again but Benz held onto his hand
"Wait, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."
Ton sat back down.
Benz leaned forward and held onto Ton's hands. Ton shuddered a little. Why was he reacting to him like this.
Benz didn't want to scare Ton or make him feel uncomfortable. Sighs. What should he do?
"I think I should apologize for what I did. I'm sorry I asked you to kiss me before. I like you but I shouldn't have crossed the line."
Ton was a little surprised. He remained quiet for a while.
"Uhmm thank you for apologizing."
Benz withdrew his hands from Ton. He missed the contact the moment it left.
Benz got up, "I'll see you around okay?"
And with that he walked out of the cafe.
Ton released a breath he didn't know he was holding in.
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shewritesbl · 1 year
Some of my favorite BL series to watch are Thai Bl dramas.
Enjoy a one-shot bl scene set in your average Thai university inspired by Thai dramas.
Title: Just a kiss
" Com'on Ton, you can't stay in your dorm forever, let's go."
Mix was tugging his unwilling best friend out of his university dorm so he could go to a party with him. Exams were over and Ton was still hitting the books. He had to admire his dedication but not tonight! An upper class man was throwing a big birthday bash and everyone was going. So as first years, he wanted to go. Wasn't partying an important part of university life?
The taxi arrived at the club in about 40 minutes. The birthday girl rented out an upscale bar for her party and the party was already pumping. They went in and found their friends. They were chatting up girls, drinking and dancing.
Ton escaped them after a little while and went to the bar. As he sat down a drink was handed to him.
"I didn't order.."
" Someone ordered for you, they think you're cute" the bartender supplied the answer with a wink. Ton smiled, trying to find out which girl at the bar liked him. He smiled at the pretty one in a tight black top closest to him. She giggled and started whispering with her friends. Oh, was she the one?
After a little while someone sat beside him.
"Do you like the drink?"
" I asked if you liked it."
"Did you get me this?"
Ton baulked at the guy sitting beside him. He knew his face, he was popular on campus, wasn't he the student council head?
"Uhmmmm… I'm not sure why you got me this..?
"Because you're cute. Didn't the bartender tell you?"
"Yes but I'm not into boys.
"But I'm a man, not a boy."
Ton pushed the drink towards Benz,
"No thank you "
Ton got up and went back to his friends.
******* Three weeks later *******
" What? Kiss? "
" That's right, kiss me and I'll let you have whatever you need. "
Ton scoffed and looked at Benz. He had to be joking and wasn't this abuse of power.
After making Ton wait for Three hours to see him at the student council office, just to submit paperwork, he was pulling this? This guy has to be nuts.
" You know I could just report you to the faculty head? I submitted all the necessary papers, plus I have teacher recommendations, why are you doing this? Is it because I rejected you at Khun Pink's party? I told you I don't like boys."
Benz sat up straight in his chair and looked at his junior. He smiled as he examined his angry expression. He was right, he was ten times more attractive when he was mad.
" Do you think they would believe you? I'm a model student, top of my faculty, student council president, star athlete, and I'm handsome." He winked at Ton then to piss him off more, "To top it off my family is one of the oldest patriots of this school. The school wouldn't want to upset my father or grandfather."
Ton stood for a while chewing his lower lip. It made Benz excited, his little habit. He was thinking hard, he was trapped, Benz was right, this school was so old and traditional they would choose to believe Benz over him. He only got through on an academic scholarship, otherwise his poor family wouldn't have been able to send him to university. He had good grades and was well liked but nothing like Benz who was basically a god at the school. But, he always seemed so nice. Why was he doing this? Or was this his true personality?
Ton sat in the chair facing Benz who was waiting and observing him
"Why are you doing this? "
Benz wrinkled his nose a little, then leaned forward resting his head on his hands,
" I just like you, you are so cute. And you won't kiss me any other way. I'm just curious about how your lips taste. "
" If, just if I kiss you, you will approve my club's project?"
"Yes, in all honesty it's a great proposal. It's innovative and would do well for the school. Plus it will look good on your resume."
Ton sighed in relief.
"If the club needed more or whatever, will you always ask me… to… do .."
"No," Benz cut him off, " this is a one time deal. I swear."
Ton twiddled his thumbs ," kiss with tongue?"
"It isn't a kiss otherwise."
Ton held down his head for a second, sighed, and gathered his courage. He looked at the door to the office and walked over to it. Benz sighed in disappointment, he was about to tell Ton he would approve his project anyways but as he opened his mouth, he saw Ton checking the door was closed and walking back over to him. His throat was suddenly dry. Was he going to do it or was he going to hit him?
Ton walked around the desk and pulled the hassock from beside the book shelves so he could sit in front of Benz. He pulled his chair forward and pressed the lever so they were almost face to face.
"I'm only doing this once, because I want the approval and you can't tell anyone."
"I promise."
Ton stared at Benz for a while, then Benz closed the distance between their faces and met his lips. Ton closed his eyes, he didn't know what to expect but he kept telling himself not to pull away no matter what. When Benz's lips touched his, he gasped a little, why were they so soft. Benz took the opportunity of Ton's gasp to gently trace his lips with his tongue and then slip into his mouth. Ton took a deep breath in and filled his lungs with Benz's dark masculine scent. Benz led the kiss, sucking on Ton's lips and urging him to open his mouth wider. Ton's senses were stunned but he tried to still be present. He opened his mouth and let Benz in. Ton was surprised when he heard a moan escape his throat when Benz ran his hand through his hair and pulled him closer. He increased the pace of the kiss and it became more passionate. Ton felt himself responding to the passion of his lips and giving as much as he was getting. He bit Benz on the lip and he hissed, then yanked Ton's face away. They gazed at each other breathing heavily. Benz leaned forward and gently kissed him. Ton closed his eyes waiting for more. Benz used his lips to trace the curve of his neck and then went back to his lips. The boys continued kissing, Ton's mind was foggy and Benz's mind was on fire.
Sanity began to trickle it's way back to Ton's brain and he pushed Benz away roughly. He was struggling to catch his breath and so was Benz. He blinked rapidly and shot up from the hassock. Grabbing up his bag he dared not look back at Benz
"I'll collect the papers tomorrow," he mumbled and ran out of the office. He slammed the door so hard he was sure he did damage to the hinges. Once he got to the bathroom he went into a stall and sat on the toilet. He tilted his head back and tried to steady his breathing. After a while, he looked down at his pants and swore.
"Ugh…. I'm hard."
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