shiannnnnn · 6 years
This what happens when you let her borrow your phone | Snapchat
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shiannnnnn · 6 years
Bathe me like a princess and spank me like a slut
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shiannnnnn · 6 years
Eye opening heart breakin
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shiannnnnn · 6 years
I rarely criticize my wife, but when I do, it’s spoken directly to her, in private, and with love.
I don’t speak negatively about my wife to other people. Not because she’s perfect (which is an impossible and unfair standard) but because she deserves a husband she can trust. To say anything about my wife that I wouldn’t say to her face, would be a betrayal of that trust.
I never want her to spend a single moment worrying about the way I talk about her when she’s not around.
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shiannnnnn · 8 years
I have a fuckin daughter man.
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shiannnnnn · 8 years
Personal growth is vital. Water yourself instead of the many gardens you could be planted in or around. Your health is vital
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shiannnnnn · 8 years
I think I want to start making videos of myself. Like a video diary.
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shiannnnnn · 8 years
lay down with me tell me no lies
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shiannnnnn · 9 years
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shiannnnnn · 9 years
Good shit
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Dear Nayvadius DeMun Wilburn:
Fuck boy born November 20, 1983. Better known to the masses as Future. Let’s be clear about a couple of things off the bat… I don’t like you (please reference the above term of endearment). I think your music is ok- nothing spectacular there though. You are ok looking, not hard on the eyes at all but, whatever attraction could exist- cannot, due to your demeanor, attitude and persona that unfortunately represents nothing I would want to emulate.
Everyone pretty much knows your rap sheet:
·         3 Baby Mamas (*blinks*)
·         3 Children- Onesies w/ each Mom (At least no one was dumb enough to have more than one with you)
·         No Wedding bells for any of them (I am sure all 3 of them were the problem, not you *rolls eyes*)
·         You start dating Ciara at a pivotal (and convenient) time in your career
·         You Impregnate Ciara
·         You two get engaged
·         Ciara posts a pic with the 3 Baby Mamas referring to them as “Her Family” (Basically co-signing to an already fucked up sito, but she gets mad props for that)
·         Y’all engagement didn’t last (no surprise there)
·         Ciara becomes Baby Mama #4 (another onesie, making this 4 Baby Mothers, 4 Kids)
·         Ciara releases a single called “I Bet” inspired by your actions or lack thereof
·         Ciara keeps her promise and gets a better boyfriend (*inserts crying laughing emojis*)
·         Ciara makes an adult decision to have her new (and better) boyfriend around y’all son
And this is where it gets “tricky.”
There is commentary flying all over social media concerning whether or not Ciara is operating under a respectful and responsible guise by having her new boyfriend, Russell Wilson, around y’all young son, “Baby Future.” Celebrities are starting to weigh in like this is Drizzy vs. Weak Mills. Even though I think that the obsession with Pop culture can be kinda detrimental to our own personal lives, (as we only know but so much and need to concentrate on our own shit), I think that this is a good subject to discuss since you decided to speak on behalf of the Black community. Yes, Future… you suggested in one of your recent interviews that in the Black community WE don’t allow another man who isn’t the Father of OUR child(ren) to be around OUR kid(s).
Well, I have some questions for you:
The only way you can expect a woman to not have other men around your children is to marry her and become an official family unit vs. a broken unit. You have been blessed with 4 children, which in your case equals 4 mothers of your children. It didn’t work out with any of them? #IWillWaitForAnswers
While you are busy telling US the rules of engagement for new partners and children within the Black community, do you believe in giving a strong nuclear experience to YOUR children where there is a loving Mom and Dad in the same household? #IWillWaitForAnswers
Are you the custodial parent of ANY of the 4 children that you have helped to create? #IWillWaitForAnswers
Do you honestly believe that once a woman and you have broken up, you get to make up FUTURE (pun intended) dating rules for her when she is the custodial parent of the child??? #IWillWaitForAnswers
See Future, this isn’t about Ciara being inappropriate. She is the custodial parent who chooses to spend time with her boyfriend and her son at the same damn time (you see what I did there? Lol). I believe that any custodial parent has the right to make a responsible decision about WHO they allow to meet their child. This decision should be based upon how the new partner treats you, their own kids if they have any and, tell me “what that character do?” If all those things check out, who expects the custodial parent to sit in the house while the non-custodial parent is living their life like its golden (possibly creating more broken homes/more children, such as you’ve done, Nayvadius)? Maybe that controlling bullshit worked with the other Baby Mamas because they were still interested in you or they needed your money… I really don’t know. But I do know that Ciara doesn’t need her damn permission slip signed as the custodial parent to make decisions about her day to day life with a son you don’t take care of on a day to day basis. She sure as hell ain’t interested in you any longer and she sure as hell got her own coins!
I am not suggesting that just because we do not see pictures of you with your son, that you do not spend time with him, but let me tell you what I think your “criticism” is REALLY all about!
Jealousy. Envy. Fear. Pride.
Jealous that Ciara moved on to someone equally popular or more popular with his own coinage. Jealous that y’all son is spending a consistent amount of time with another man, even though you had your chance to be with her and therefore could be with him more often.
Envious that perhaps you think your son will end up fuckin w/ Russell way harder than he does with you. And on a much deeper level, maybe fearful that Russell may not only be a better man to Ciara, but a much better Father-figure than you are to your own son (and other children). You see, this jealousy, fear and envy is only topped by one other trait that no one seems to be talking about… Your pride.
It’s so not “manly” for another man to be handling what you should be handling, right??? Your pride is DAMAGED because the world is watching another successful Black man spend quality and seemingly loving time with YOUR son. Pride can be a mother fucker, this I know. But you made this bed over and over again and now you have to lay in this one.
Ciara isn’t doing anything wrong. The only thing wrong she did was date a man like you. She appears to be an awesome Mother who does an array of activities with her lil one. She has a demanding schedule with her fashion endorsements, tours, volunteer activities and musical aspirations (slight shade). She happens to be dating one of the most popular quarterbacks in the NFL. His schedule, too, is very demanding. I think it is beautiful for them to spend time together with y’all son. Ciara is sending a consistent message to her son that Russell cares about her, loves her and because Russell is an important part of HER life, he has no choice but to love her son like he is his own. See, Future, when you decided not to marry Ciara, that turned Ciara and Baby Future into a package. Russell is doing EXACTLY what any man in his position should be doing. Russell can’t have Ciara’s whole heart if the man she loves doesn’t love her child. They’re just practicing anyways! I believe very soon Russell will shut down all naysayers with a big ass ring. Then what will your argument be Future? Your son can’t spend time with Ciara’s husband and Baby Future’s Stepfather? Psssssshhhhhhhhh! #IBet oh and #GTFOH!
The Verdict:
Learn to control the controllables. You don’t own the child you have in the first place. You were just chosen (for whatever reason) to help give the child a healthy and happy environment to matriculate and evolve in. I understand that you are feeling prideful, but as long as your child is SAFE, you cannot control or be upset when the custodial parent decides that it is time to introduce the kids to the new partner.  If you cared that gotdamn much about your child being exposed to another partner, that ass should have married Ciara… or the other women. You’re worried about the wrong things. Worry about spending as much time as you can with those 4 kids instead of using your energy to hate on what has nothing to do with you. When Ciara marries Russell all your crying is gonna be obsolete. I pray that you get delivered from those demons of jealousy, envy, fear and pride and that you get filled with an enormous amount of love for your son and other children. Don’t be mad that another man is doing what you had the opportunity to do 4 times thus far. Embrace that you will possibly have to deal with 4 stand-ins at some point. Worry about being the best Father YOU can be… If we followed your rules of engagement for the Black Community, we’d be handing out broken families to everyone. No one should take your advice!
Get It How You Live,
P.S. You have so much to say about Russell, but are forgetting how Ciara accepted your other Baby Mamas smh… You gotta do better brotha!
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shiannnnnn · 9 years
I'm starting to figure out why I can't understand why you aren't here with me anymore.
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shiannnnnn · 9 years
I'm there. I'm like doing what I said I wasn't or couldn't do or even dream of doing if it wasn't you. But I'm here. I catch myself wanting to tell him those three words I shouldn't say at all because logically Destiny it's too early. Way too early. And plus it's forced I don't get anything from him but the obvious. I keep finding Marlins & Jeromes & Then the one I want is just bullshit. But I'm here. I can't fix what isn't broken but I'm not cool with so many errors. Errors I didn't even cause. What am I even doing?! Like he's like almost 30 and obviously commitment shouldn't be an issue but it is. He should be ready. I should be the one in fear of being rushed down the aisle. Hell down the walkway to a surprise engagement. Or even to a fuckin chilling moment of you simply saying be my girl. What the fuck am I doing?!!! I'm attached. All the way. I sleep better under him. I rest easy being around him. He's peaceful and maybe that's what I'm attached to. Differentiate. Separate. Get back to you Destiny. Understand you can not change the obvious...
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shiannnnnn · 10 years
I have infinite tenderness for you. I always will. All my life long.
blue is the warmest color (via the-littlest-lioness)
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shiannnnnn · 11 years
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shiannnnnn · 11 years
It was beating only for you...
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shiannnnnn · 11 years
I think my heart was just broken and I'm just not trying to accept it. I don't want the pain... I don't need the depression! How is it that you give so much to people and they still blatantly disrespect you?! Never should I have ever said those 3 words never should have let you in so deep! Gosh I thought we learned this before. Even a change of man and it still doesn't work... 😪. I want someone that will never ever stop just to see me smile! And I don't ask for anything of the average I don't need you to provide for me I need consistent affection! Be there for me! A shoulder that's what I need to lean upon. I had my heart SOOO protected!!! It feels so bad when you don't feel like what your working toward and something you've invested so much and what you love soooo much is just not good enough! I want someone that needs me and not what I have!!! No one ever wants just me always what I have! I am so not a materialistic person I know that it comes and goes but people just smh I guess that's all I'm good for! 👌
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shiannnnnn · 11 years
14 incredible facts about Michelle Obama on her 50th birthday
Happy Birthday First Lady! We bet you didn’t know all this about her.
See the rest.
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