shiftstuck ¡ 8 years
OOG: On a happier note: introduce yourself.
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Your name is Candra Lueure.
Your interests lie in the realm of the MYSTICAL and the CELESTIAL. You pride yourself on your expertise in the use of HEALING STONES AND CRYSTALS, a noble and delicate art with the potential to soothe both BODY and MIND. You consider yourself PARTICULARLY ATTUNED to the CAPRICIOUS ENERGIES of the deep ground, but, as you maintain on your BLOG, you believe that anyone is capable of achieving with EFFORT what others may come by through GRACE.
You are also a minor THEOLOGIAN, with a particular interest in the FABLED GODS OF ALTERNIAN LORE. While only one or two of the ELDRITCH BEASTS OF THE DEEP are even spoken of in modern times, you have come across underground circles almost CULTLIKE IN THEIR MYSTERY claiming that many of these tentacled deities, perhaps as many as FORTY-EIGHT, lurk at the edges of your universe. You aren’t entirely sure what you believe, but it’s all nice to think about.
You also have a minor interest in SUPERNATURAL ROMANCE, you suppose, but really, it’s so minor that it’s hardly even worth mentioning. You are certain the right troll will come along someday. Your trolltag is quixoticDiviner and y)o(u try t)o( speak sl)o(wly and carefully t)o( make each )o(f y)o(ur w)o(rds meaningful and inspirati)o(nal! Though you do not always succeed in the latter venture.
What will you do?
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shiftstuck ¡ 8 years
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– UGH! As to be expected. He’s filched your GUIDE TO TENTACLED WONDERS OF THE BEYOND. It’s not your very favorite – you do not much care for the works of Aluminum Cawfangbeast, you have found – but you are still quite irritated to have your belongings disappear from right in front of you!
Oh, well. You suppose you won’t dwell on it.
OOG: On a happier note: introduce yourself.
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shiftstuck ¡ 8 years
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Oh dear. The boy is fiddling with his PARADOXYCHIC ABILITIES, as per usual. Ugh, nothing good comes of – 
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shiftstuck ¡ 8 years
OOG: See what he’s up to.
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shiftstuck ¡ 8 years
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You are permitted by Her Horrific Puissance to set your invisible sensor within a one mile radius. In a happy coincidence, your GRUBHOOD COMRADE-IN-ARMS lives just next door!
You wish, in retrospect, that you had used your WAND. These magical shenanigans can be rather hard to steer!
OOG: See what he’s up to.
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shiftstuck ¡ 8 years
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Your WISDOM just checks out at 13 UNITS OF APTITUDE. Hooray!
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shiftstuck ¡ 8 years
OOG: Do something elegant.
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You call upon your patron goddess Yhaag’ni (Lo, Behold The Magdelene of The North) and invoke Her Horrific Puissance.
You attempt to cast CLAIRVOYANCE (Lv. 3).
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shiftstuck ¡ 8 years
> Be the OTHER other girl.
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Oh! Well! You suppose you can be the other other girl. 
OOG: Do something elegant.
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shiftstuck ¡ 8 years
> Be the other girl.
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Absolutely not!!! You are far too exasperated to deal with any more shenanigans right now.
> Be the OTHER other girl.
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shiftstuck ¡ 8 years
Ketura: Troll Sachie.
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-- astralCerebration [AC] began trolling ostentatiousAmenity [OA] --
AC: 5açhie!! AC: I5 everything ready to go? I’m 5o exçited to get 5tarted!! OA: hey there keTuraaa!!! OA: everyThing°s readyyy, i°ve goT The cd aT The ready and everyThinggg! OA: is everyThing alrighT on your enddd? OA: doTTed The i°s, crossed The T°sss? OA: *T°555 (heheheee!) AC: Well... AC: *Weeelll...(kekeke!) AC: I think that everything’5 5et to çome together at the end of the day! AC: We’re probably forgetting about a thou5and thing5, of çourse... AC: But there’5 no need to 5weat the 5mall 5tuff anyway, right? OA: oh geezzz, don°T even say ThaT keTuraaa!!! AC: Well, it’5 better to be hone5t with our5elve5 beforehand, right? AC: And it’5 not like we haven’t prepared at all!! AC: I read the whole manual after all. Twiçe! B)~< OA: *sighhh* OA: i sTill don°T know whaT manual you°re even Talking abouTTT!!! AC: Yeah...dunno what happened with the manual5, to be hone5t! AC: He55555on never got hi5, either. AC: 5o it goe5! OA: ughhh, you°re hopelesss OA: i ThoughT you°d be a liTTle less flippanT wiTh The faTe of our race on The lineee AC: There’5 a differençe between flippançy and broadmindedne55555, though, wouldn’t you agree? OA: pfff, noT wiTh youuu ≈:P OA: welll, if we°ve done our besTTT OA: i guess we jusT have To hope iT will be enoughhh!!! AC: That’5 the 5pirit!! OA: ≈:) AC: Have you heard from Çandra yet? OA: nooo, noT recenTlyyy OA: i°ll check on her and leT you know if anyThing°s wronggg OA: sound gooddd? AC: 5ure thing!! AC: Otherwi5e...we’ll talk at 2!¡!¡! OA: greaTTT!!! Talk To you soonnn 
-- ostentatiousAmenity [OA] ceased trolling astralCerebration [AC] --
> Be the other girl.
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shiftstuck ¡ 8 years
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Nike Major.
Oh, the fables regarding this astronomic miracle are simply delightful. Fleetfooted warriors running towards victory, noble and shimmering with sandals of gold. In an entire sweep, only two days fall under the eye of this blessèd zodiac.
You will make it your side mission to help your friend see her legendary destiny through to its end. Not that you have any idea what that destiny might be! Vague, prophetic notions are your favorites, though, so you will leave it as such.
Ketura: Troll Sachie.
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shiftstuck ¡ 8 years
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Well, you suppose it is about time that you contacted your server player! Ah, a charmingly feisty one, that girl is. She hatched under a particularly intriguing red star sign, if you recall...
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shiftstuck ¡ 8 years
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Your moirail is really something else. You cannot fathom what he is thinking most of the time...which makes it very, very hard to do any sort of moirailing at all! But oh, the times you have shared. Virtually speaking, of course.
You have all sorts of things in common, as well! For example, you both dislike grubsauce. You both are not very loud. You both do not have any awesome psychic powers, unfortunately. And you both have incredibly amazing HI55555BEA5T LUSII, which are, simply put, the best guardians available to trollkind.
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shiftstuck ¡ 8 years
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AC: Now, aççording to the optimized entry loop, I’m going to be your 5erver player, and you’re going to run the 5erver for Matizo. OC: d)o i h@ve t)o AC: Ye5!! Çandra çalled fir5t dib5 on 5açhie, and Matizo di5reque5ted her. AC: I mean, I gue55555 we çould do 5açhie to you, you to me, and me to Matizo? OC: n)o th@t s)ounds even w)orse OC: it’s fine let’s just keep it h)ow it was AC: Whatever you 5ay! AC: Okay, I’m not 5ure I remember exaçtly, but I think that we all 5hould ju5t run the 5erver di5ç5 at the 5ame time, and çonneçt to eaçh other AC: Then we çan boot up the çlient 5erver5 at our lei5ure B)~< AC: Doe5 that 5ound about right? OC: sure AC: Great. We roll at 2:00:00 5harp. Don’t be late!¡!¡! OC: )ok OC: t@lk t)o y)ou then <> AC: 5ee ya!! <>
-- obscuredCaduceus [OC] ceased trolling astralCerebration [AC] --
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shiftstuck ¡ 8 years
Ketura: Answer.
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-- obscuredCaduceus [OC] began trolling astralCerebration [AC] --
AC: Hey there!! <> AC: Are you ju5t about ready to get 5tarted? OC: ketur@ OC: hell)o OC: <> OC: i @m...tent@tive AC: Oh? Well, don’t be! We’ve been looking forward to 5tarting thi5 adventure for AGE5 now, have we not? OC: yes AC: We’ve a55555e55555ed our5elve5 and en5ured our potential for suççe55555, çorreçt? OC: c)orrect AC: And we have, through inten5e debate, çome to the çonçlu5ion that proçeeding i5 the only ethiçal option available to u5, given that Çandra’5 prediçtion hold5 to be aççurate a5 per u5ual, ye5? OC: yes... OC: @t le@st, th@t’s wh@t y)ou c)onvinced us w@s the c@se... AC: Oh, 5top with the inçe55555ant guilt-tripping, already!! If you açtually have a problem with the çour5e of açtion it5elf, then 5ay 5o outright! AC: We won’t proçeed without a çon5en5u5, obviou5ly. AC: But enough with the hanky-panky bemoaning-our-fate bu5ine55555, if you haven’t an oppo5ition to make! OC: i d)on’t...it just seems like @ l)ot t)o risk... AC: Well, perhap5 it would be benefiçial to think of it thi5 way: AC: If the predicted rebellion drive5 The Çondesçe to obliterate all terre5trial life, a5 Çandra çlaim5 5he will... AC: ...then there'5 no future for u5 to ri5k at all, really! AC: And we have everything to gain. I would appreçiate the opportunity to reaçh a lifespan of 100 5weep5, per5onally. AC: Or to get pa5t 50, at the very lea5t! OC: th@t’s true AC: Yes, 5açrifiçing Alternia is çertainly a hard çhoiçe. AC: But at the 5ame time, it i5n’t really a çhoiçe at all! It i5 ab5olutely neçe55555ary. Don't you agree? OC: sure OC: @lright AC: Do you feel better about it, now? OC: ... OC: n)o AC: Dammit. OC: but i’m still willing t)o g)o thr)ough with it OC: i trust y)our judgment AC: But you 5houldn’t ju5t take my word for it!! AC: Thi5 i5 a big deçi5ion!! OC: i’m c)onfused OC: i d)on’t kn)ow wh@t y)ou w@nt me t)o d)o here AC: I ju5t – AC: I don’t want to ju5t go ahead and, you know, blow up the planet if we’re not all okay with it, you feel? OC: well... OC: c)onsider me a neutr@l p@rty then OC: i d)on’t re@lly h@ve @ b@rkbe@st in the fight t)o be h)onest OC: )or i guess i d)on’t re@lly c@re reg@rdless )of where my b@rkbe@sts lie OC: i guess it w)ould be h@rd t)o m@ke things w)orse, @s they st@nd... OC: @nd it will be nice t)o meet y)ou f@ce t)o f@ce AC: Ye5, I’m looking forward to meeting you, too B)~< AC: 5o are we in açtual agreement, then? OC: yes OC: i @m )on b)o@rd AC: Fanta5tiç!¡!¡!
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shiftstuck ¡ 8 years
Ketura: Check mail.
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Ah! It seems that your MOIRAIL is contacting you. It’s a bit early for his shenanigans, but you are always happy to hear from him!
Ketura: Answer.
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shiftstuck ¡ 8 years
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Ketura: Check mail.
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