shiiftgear-a · 8 years
[ I’VE MOVED ! ]
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|| Find me now at gearbcx for all your badass lombax needs hm? I figure a restart might due me some good, given this blog’s almost three years old tbh. See you all there ay? ||
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shiiftgear-a · 8 years
[ I’VE MOVED ! ]
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|| Find me now at gearbcx for all your badass lombax needs hm? I figure a restart might due me some good, given this blog’s almost three years old tbh. See you all there ay? ||
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shiiftgear-a · 8 years
[ I’VE MOVED ! ]
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|| Find me now at gearbcx for all your badass lombax needs hm? I figure a restart might due me some good, given this blog’s almost three years old tbh. See you all there ay? ||
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shiiftgear-a · 8 years
[ I’VE MOVED ! ]
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|| Find me now at gearbcx for all your badass lombax needs hm? I figure a restart might due me some good, given this blog’s almost three years old tbh. See you all there ay? ||
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shiiftgear-a · 8 years
|| okay so because if my current wifi situation I'm in right now, this blog will be on semi-hiatus for the moment.
I hate to do it but i will have no way of roleplaying efficiently til i go to a starbucks or something, so please please be patient with me. ||
A psa from Whirlybird.
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shiiftgear-a · 8 years
Here’s the deal, our internet was so upsetting that my mom got fed up and downright cancelled it, so needless to say, I might be awol for a good bit.
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I’ll be lurking on mobile and IM will be especially open, but otherwise i will be a bit sporadic on here, at least til I can get to the closest coffee shop to chill on my laptop. ||
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shiiftgear-a · 8 years
I am an impulsive roleplayer.
I let my muse take the reins and decide what threads to start or reply to in a given day. If the muse doesn’t feel it, it isn’t happening. That doesn’t mean that I hate you or that I no longer want to interact with you; I probably either lost our thread or my muse just said, ‘nah bro.’
I’m sorry I drop threads. I’m sorry I don’t reply to memes. I’m sorry I ignore my asks. I’m sorry I plot things and then don’t do them. I’m an impulsive roleplayer: my muse guides me.
Roleplaying isn’t my job: it’s my hobby. I do it for fun. My muse isn’t my coworker: my muse is my friend. We have fun together. If I started treating this as a job, it wouldn’t be enjoyable for me anymore, and the quality of my content would diminish greatly!
And while we’re on the subject, just because a thread gets dropped does not mean the relationship between our muses is dead!! Thread =/= relationship! We can start something new and continue building their bond! Relationships are important to building new aspects of our muses!
I always want to roleplay with you. Just…perhaps not with that thread. You feel?
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shiiftgear-a · 8 years
The lombax watched as the teal colored monster turned towards her, and blue eyes narrowed. No. No! She wasn’t going to leave Garnet to fight Jasper alone! She’d come too far for that!
Tobi slid her foot against the ground, almost as a warning as the corrupted gemstone gave a hoarse growl. And Tobi growled right back, a gutteral feral growl of anger and fury that was rarely heard from as her wrenches came to her hands, crackling with electricity as she glanced behind the beast. A hole in the canyon...that could help.
The beast charged, and the lombax was ever so nimble and leaped over it, a mere touch of a gloved hand to it’s back for balance as it went onwards, and a swift kick also motivated it forwards. It gave a roar as it was forced forwards, and as it turned around the lombax sent out three buzz blades, almost like ninja stars, up just above it.
There was a sickening crack as the rocks tumbled, and as they fell Tobi turned on her heel. A part of her really didn’t care the outcome of that plan. Her focus was Jasper and Jasper alone. Blue eyes glared at the quartz, taking her rightful side by Garnet as soon as they had a moment, feet wide apart and letting one wrench give a twirl in her palm.
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“Don’t think you’re just gonna shove me to the side like trash.”
Of course she wasn’t. That would have been far too easy of a situation if it was just Jasper alone. What was she up to, though? Garnet couldn’t say. Not even future vision could really give an answer for that much. What she did know, though, was that Tobi was biting off more than she could chew here. But before she could try to stop her, Tobi had rushed past her.
The Beta Kindergarten did have one thing going for it, and that was the fact that the sun blazed down on it like no other. Garnet had no choice but to rush out into the open and hope for the best. Gauntlets were at the ready, and she was immediately greeted by the sight of the large quartz turning to face them… And Tobi running forward.
“You,” Jasper sneered. She’d spotted Garnet, all right. Interesting though fighting the lombax was, her attention was on Garnet. That was the fusion that had lead her to fusing with Lapis.
She wasn’t going to let Garnet get out of this fight without something to remember her by.
“You,” Jasper growled to the corrupted Gem nearby, “take that thing I was fighting before. The fusion is mine.”
“Jasper. Leave this place!” Garnet shouted.
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“If you don’t leave quietly, I’ll make you.”
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shiiftgear-a · 8 years
|| brb watchin tv with mom and then workin on villain oc for tobi brb ||
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shiiftgear-a · 8 years
Tobi was reloading her omni-blasters, ears low as her face looked determined and confident at the same time.
“I gotta scrape the rust off’a me.” came a short answer, glancing over at the mobian for a moment, tail low and swaying smoothly. Honestly she herself was scared.
She hoped Tachyon’s voice wouldn’t trigger anything inside.
“You sure you want to do this? Even if it’s all holograms and it really can’t hurt you, the invasion of Meridian City’s a pretty intense scenario. Cragmites everywhere and the sound of that madman echoing through the streets…heck, I froze up the first time I tried that, remember? What’s the occasion?”
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shiiftgear-a · 8 years
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Beautiful eyes.
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shiiftgear-a · 8 years
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shiiftgear-a · 8 years
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Ratchet and Clank! (my way >:) )
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shiiftgear-a · 8 years
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shiiftgear-a · 8 years
I think you're p cool! More than p cool, but a legit good writer with a legit cool OC. Please let me hug you!
What is the Mun and Muse(s) reputation to others in the RP-ing community?@rationaliisms
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shiiftgear-a · 8 years
What is the Mun and Muse(s) reputation to others in the RP-ing community?
I’m genuinel curious to see what others think of me and my muse(s)
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shiiftgear-a · 8 years
Angsty Sentence Starters
"I can't do this anymore."
"I'm leaving, and I won't be coming back."
"I never want to see you again."
"How can I trust you after that?"
"I'm sorry."
"I can't believe you did this!"
"Nothing will ever be the same."
"We can't go back to the way we were."
"I'm afraid its terminal."
"I have something to tell you."
"I have bad news."
"He/she didn't make it."
"I'm not going to make it."
"You're not going to make it."
"I don't know if I can make it through this."
"I miss the way things were."
"I miss you."
"I hate you."
"I hate myself."
"I want to die."
"I don't want to be here anymore."
"I'm terminally ill."
"I've lost my eyesight."
"I've lost my hearing."
"When will you admit that you hate me/him/her?"
"I miss you/him/her and you/he/she doesn't/don't even care!"
"I'm worthless."
"You're worthless."
"I just want to be alone."
"I don't love you/him/her anymore."
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