jyotikathapa · 4 months
it is really hard to decide what to do should i have lunch or the brunch what shall i eat for the lunch should i eat out or cook in what shall i bring in tough decision to make with the option will it be a mistake! do it now or never it will be like this forever choosing between the two how shall i accept the truth little bit of math for help is it one food or the two heart and the…
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jyotikathapa · 2 years
back in the blog with old post rewriting if you have nothing much to do give it a read cheers XOXO J
Queensland offers you immense spots to camp with the view or without but certainly with the experience of rain forests and beaches. Wildlife is rare nevertheless in between the places, depending on the season it will always present you with a number of species of birds and insects. The experience of camping anywhere is invincible and hard to define until you do it yourself but I am here trying my…
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jyotikathapa · 3 years
Happy with the name, coffee and meal : The Long Apron, Montville
Happy with the name, coffee and meal : The Long Apron, Montville
It’s been sometime I have written anything, occupied with things doing nothing, busy with everything that I cannot particularly explain but been away with something so inessential. Life just happens to everyone I guess. Last night I was just googling map to where I shall visit before I leave the Sunny Coast and realised something named THE Long Apron. The name itself catched my glance as I…
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jyotikathapa · 3 years
Gray hair
Should i say i am getting wiseOr should i understand i am deficient in vitaminsShould i say i am getting oldOr this is the sign of maturity Along the black hair it stands Different from the other, person gray it brandsSlowly other tend to grow alongFaster than other it grows I reflect back to me It time I should beSomeone, i once wantedSomeone, I neededSomeone I have to be Time has passed and the…
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jyotikathapa · 3 years
Montville! Lake Barun
How has your day been! Any thing interesting ! after all this is 2020 what can you expect but always wish for Covid to vanish and we all live as before but I suppose living with the changes and challenge is for all challenger after all. Hope you are keeping safe, secure and healthy. BTW after so long I happen to go for a drive around after living in Kenilworth to Lake Barun in QLD, Sunshine Coast…
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jyotikathapa · 4 years
Warm waffle 🧇 with wishcream / ice-cream breakfast @ Kenilworth
Away from the coast near to the nature, Kenilworth in Queensland is quite a sight for the holiday camping specifically. Kenilworth pretty small town with few facilities for the campers around. Farm lands are all around with cows and horses. More near by are small and big creeks for day hike and swim in the pool.
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Kenilworth the town has supermarkets for you camp with all essentials for camping…
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jyotikathapa · 4 years
Ultimate Sydney suburb hide out; Cronulla
Ultimate Sydney suburb hide out; Cronulla
Sydney is interesting and appealing as always and it has kangaroo and beach and bush park what else do you need to see everything is here in short distance. After being here in Sydney for few year and traveling for a day has made me explore New South Wales. Australia is more than just the famous Bondi beach, Darling Harbour, The rocks, Opera house and Manly beach ( highlight of Sydney). In every…
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jyotikathapa · 4 years
How are you doing in this isolation staying home! Hope you are doing well and active in a sense the brain is functioning with unrequited engagement ; well in positive perspective you are realising your stress from busy unstoppable life you used to have. I understand how you feel you wanna go back to normal life as soon as possible but until further notice life is at home. Now, it makes whole sense to buy good house or rent great apartment but still need freedom to be free, yes we can feel the isolation of the animals in the zoo but we are smarter than them but never enough. Being office puppet was at least not that bad cause we could complain and gossip and let out the stress in communal way but not in quarantine.
whatever, fortunately with the blessing of universe we are one of those lucky once to live a normal life and very thankful to what I have now. Meanwhile, I have lost count of isolation days and we were able to go for short hike in the national park and the name of the destination was The Wedding Cake. Sounds interesting !!! yeah you should go there.
All the trail start from where ever you are but to make the trip short you must start from the Bundeena. It is about 55km from Sydney Central, depends where you start your journey from. Public transport so far is unknown from City so driving would be best option. Once you reach Bundeena you can enjoy the beach but if you walk about 1 hour south you will reach The Wedding Cake Rock. Trail is very easy with lots of scenic view, total short shrubs and coast walk, very easy walk. There is no chance you will ever go missing if you follow the trail.
Our hike started from the parking with a short visit to the lavatory FYI no toilet or drinking water across the trail. Then short walk through the gravelled road, you will meet the trail path made of steel grating very easy walk. Then comes the view of divine sea and walk around those rocky coast above high sea level, thrilling and frightening it is if you reach the edge. Scenic the view without a doubt it is quite a view. After some time of minimum 1 hour you will reach the ROCK.
Once you see the bars around the rock that the very Wedding cake like any other ready to fall apart. Safety is necessity as per the sign but no body reaches a spot just to see & in this Morden world, our sense need to recognise it to make us believe it is for real.
With that view we took some picture too and that was quick.
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Stay safe, stay healthy, stay sanitised, stay stress free, take care.
  Photo credit : iPhone, Samsung A50 and effort of the trail attendants @Parvatikshetri , @lalit_chhetri , @sanzogh  
Little stretch to legs : Wedding cake Rock, The Royal National Park How are you doing in this isolation staying home! Hope you are doing well and active in a sense the brain is functioning with unrequited engagement ; well in positive perspective you are realising your stress from busy unstoppable life you used to have.
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jyotikathapa · 4 years
paper heart <3
paper heart
You can crumble it in hate
Scramble words in late
Write nonsense or even isolate with just one word
Draw million of meaningless thoughts
Colour them or leave them without any result
This is a paper and its a paper heart
You can bend and dent make it an art
Burn it down to ashes
Write stories of being apart
Spell words of romance from the heart
Insult words which can’t be said
a guilty pleasure of…
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jyotikathapa · 4 years
Katoomba falls really !! Or the waterfalls!!
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Before we head and isolate ourself to fight virus one last move in to the nature was a necessity. Staying home is the safes measures you can do for now staying safe.
Unlike any other day the plan start very slow in the afternoon cause i woundnt say i am a lazy person but take time to make it perfect as if 😅. Catching the train🚞 form Strathfield to Katoomba train station, it took about2 hours.…
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jyotikathapa · 4 years
Morning tea in Nepean River
Morning tea in Nepean River
On a rainy day like this what would you like to do !!
Snuggle in the bed, drink coffee and watch movies and sleep and a perfect time where caffeine gives upon you to enjoy the weather. but the day, today was already pre-planned would not dare to not go for something that is already paid for and main thing is experience.
Morning tea is quite famous among the elderly people perhaps, and to…
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jyotikathapa · 4 years
Let me be angry
Let me be angry
  don’t ask me to smile
let me be angry for a while
my feelings are not yet calm
the emotions expressed are so mean
may be my reason are lame
just need this heart and head  to be tamed
  things don’t turn as I want
things just happens and you don’t get another chance
careful I should have been
but human I am in
mistake I had make
but there is no another take
  angry with the air I breath in
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jyotikathapa · 4 years
Small it may seem but many more to offer the “Liechtenstein”
Small it may seem but many more to offer the “Liechtenstein”
Have you ever wonder if you could own a country, have your face in the cash bill and name the street as you like and people in the city could obey your command and live in a castle !!! It can happen in Liechtenstein fun it seems fact it can become #partially perhaps.
Liechtenstein is one of the small country in Europe between beautiful Austria and Switzerland and must say it is a beautiful…
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jyotikathapa · 4 years
Island Hopping In Palawana Elnido & Coron
Island Hopping In Palawana Elnido & Coron
Every day is a cheat day if you want to but this is not cheating but just an escape from another day in the unknown place in unknown island for me and my friends. surprisingly  was mesmerising and more than expectation. A bit comparable to Bali but in starting phase perhaps because not a big island and hasnt gone commercial and fantasised as other top destination.
Like any other day and trip we…
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jyotikathapa · 5 years
Winter is winter it is cold not the less or more cold as Tasmania but warm weather welcoming us for the revitalize
First week of july 2019 need some thing to relive this slacked exc
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jyotikathapa · 5 years
one fine day I must say to start but to say goodbye to the friend with whom I relax and share drinks and yeah talk about life cycle which is not smooth but alway the hot topic to gossip about.
Unlike any other day from Canberra I need to come to Sydney and experience in bus was not so wonderful most of the time. This time I decided to take a train NSW inter-city train to Sydney with stop over of 4 hrs in Goulburn nothing so special but was the cheapest ticket and needed something new to experience and the landscape never bothered me on my way back to concrete jungle city.
Economy class
Review of the train ride
As I waiting for my train to arrive in the station there was a hot drink vending machine and surprisingly the hot chocolate from it was creamy and one of the best I have ever had.
my table with warm hotchoclate 🙂
Got in the train and the train master came to check for the tickets and the time for good meal.
Announcement: “dear passengers if you would like to purchase any hot or cold food out … is open and our train assistant* will be around with whom you can make your order. Once the food is ready please make your way to the …” something like that and me myself and I go pasta – spaghetti.
When I lured down to receive the food and paid for it walla! I saw the stall was selling beer CHILLED beer and how could I ever resist cause in second thought you are paying 2$ more for the bottle of soft drink.  Bonus!! the meal came with bread and butter YASSS!!!
back to the seat comfy as my ass was happy and views were appealing than what was normally seen from the road bus.
Some green and rocks and tiny hills and kangaroos and sheep and horses… As wecome near to the city the train started getting empty and more space for myself to a nap. ?The lavatory in the train was decent too. Happy me….
Inter city train ticket can be purchased in the following link
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epilogue: coming back to home from camping in the woods and stiff back, bus sit would not do justice to the holiday mood
Intercity train trip Canberra to Sydney one fine day I must say to start but to say goodbye to the friend with whom I relax and share drinks and yeah talk about life cycle which is not smooth but alway the hot topic to gossip about.
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jyotikathapa · 5 years
If i had plan
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If i had plans i wouldn’t be here
If i had plans you wouldn’t meet me here
These time today for me would be rare
I wouldn’t have enough time to care
Rushing in between the limits
Reaching to the dead lineS
Setting up goal mission and vision
Occupied in important occasions
Is that important that i need to have plan!
If i did I would miss everything i am doing here
Living up for today
Tomorrow i…
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