shikon-miko · 7 years
Which it's the most strange, unusual place where you had sex?
“Hmmm…the kitchen.” 
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shikon-miko · 9 years
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The Inu-tachi from Page 5 of Chap 08 rough sketches.
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shikon-miko · 9 years
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transparent edit made by me feel free to use but please do not repost
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shikon-miko · 9 years
His response didn't surprise her at all. It was just a reflection of what he grew up with and had to deal with. Whatever he went through, it must have been rough to think that killing people was fun. She felt that he had no sense of what "fun" actually was; just that out of all the terrible things he had to commit before, he found one that he could see in a different light. 
She suddenly felt sorry for him and it showed. Her nervous demeanor was overcome by silence and sad eyes as she studied him. Looking away towards the fire, Kagome murmured, "I'm really sorry to hear that..." 
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Unexpected Meetings
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shikon-miko · 9 years
Kagome grumbled in anger as she picked herself up and dusted her clothes off. She put her hands on her hips and leaned forward, staring at him intently. "I know I can help myself up, but it's all about manners you know. I never mentioned I didn't like your company just because I fell."
She heaved a huge sigh and narrowed her eyes at him before she closed them and groaned, "Mou... all you guys seem to be the same and share similar traits in this era...oops..." she let it slip. He had no idea where she was from and she just went off and let him know that she didn't belong. Laughing nervously, the priestess scratched the back of her head and tried to change the subject, "Uhm...so, what do you do for fun?"
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Unexpected Meetings
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shikon-miko · 9 years
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shikon-miko · 9 years
Kagome laid there dumbfounded to the complete ungentleman type of behavior. She didn't even understand the type of look he gave her! What was that? Was he mad at her? Or was he okay? Did she hurt him? Her eyes narrowed in slight annoyance when she noticed that he wouldn't be helping her up. Mercenary or not, he should still have some sort of common sense when it came to women. 
She pursed her lips in a thin line before she exasperated a frustrated sigh. Propping herself up on her elbows, her face was shaded in a deeper red in anger. 
"Hey! Shouldn't you have more common sense in these types of situations? Are you just going to leave me down here and not help me up?!"
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Unexpected Meetings
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shikon-miko · 9 years
Kagome's legs tried to keep up with him, but Bankotsu was fast for a human. That probably had everything to do with the jewel shard embedded in him and a little bit of his normal human stamina. As her legs took long strides to keep up with him, it wasn't enough. She picked a jog behind him and reached out for his long braid, wrapping her fingers around it, "A-ah! Wait!" she stammered as she tugged down on it, pulling him closer to her before she tripped over a root on the ground. 
Her face flushed a bright pink in realization that she had fallen over with him on top of her. She pulled a little too hard with her body weight before she fell on the ground. Her eyes shut in embarrassment while she squeaked out, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!" 
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Unexpected Meetings
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shikon-miko · 9 years
She released a breath of relief, one which she didn't realize she was actually holding. It didn't seem like his band of brothers were around to cause any threat and he didn't seem like he was going to be moving from his spot any time soon. Why was that though? He knew she could see the shards, yet he wasn't doing anything about it. She raised an eyebrow in question and peered to the side to see that his belongings were near by.
"Well that's good to hear..." She responded. It was definitely an awkward situation. He was the enemy, not an ally or a friend. There was no point in getting the group involved since he wasn't threatening her. For some reason, she felt relaxed and somewhat...friendly.
Her feet moved on their own towards him. What the heck was she doing? The guy hated her and yet here she was trying to make some effort to befriend him. "Would you uhm.. Like some company for now? It's pretty late out and I'm sure being alone right now isn't the greatest feeling - especially since you're always surrounded by those guys." She smiled softly.
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shikon-miko · 9 years
Chocolate eyes met dark brown immediately as the mercenary came out of the bushes. He had a nonchalant look on his face, as if he was unpleased to see her there. That was no surprise since the two groups never got along, in fact, it lead to get getting kidnapped and caught in a temple fire thanks to his brothers. At least he was the most handsome one out of all of them, that was the most positive credit she could give him. 
Her eyebrows furrowed down in displeasure. What was he even doing here? Did this mean that his group was nearby? Were the others in danger? She pursed her lips in a thin line as she crossed her arms over her chest, "Bankotsu..." she muttered under her breath. Weary of the distance between them, the priestess took a few steps back as a cautionary measure.
"What are you doing here? Are you following us?"
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Unexpected Meetings
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shikon-miko · 9 years
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kagome higurashi
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shikon-miko · 9 years
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ear kisses in color palette 4!!! so much pastel, it had to be cotton candy sickeningly sweet! once again listening to sam behymer’s cover of Give me Love <3 
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shikon-miko · 9 years
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My Queen  (◡ ‿ ◡ ✿)
Kagome from tonight’s Doujin Page rough Sketch
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shikon-miko · 9 years
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shikon-miko · 9 years
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こんなに沁みるなんて By 峰原
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shikon-miko · 9 years
Wandering the dirt road, Kagome got lost in her own train of thought. Her shoes left a pattern on the road as she made her way to...wherever she just wanted to stop. She had no specific destination, just as long as it was far away from Inuyasha at the time being. The thought of home often plagued her, wondering how grandpa, Sota and her mother were and her school friends. There was also the topic of whether she would ever find anyone normal to be with. The thought of having a regular and steady relationship was very appealing, but as long as she was in the feudal era, it would be tough. 
"Mou...." she exasperated, "this is never going to end. I'm just going to die here like an old woman cursed to be lonely forever!!!" she screamed into the night sky with frustration. She hated being down on herself, but as a female 15 year old living in such a dangerous time, she had no idea if she would survive to see the next day. 
She heard a twig snap nearby, catching her attention. A feeling of dread grew in the pit of her stomach as she held her breath. "W..who's there?!" 
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Unexpected Meetings
They stopped for a while to rest for the night, hoping to catch up on some much needed sleep and food. Fortunately, they could rely on the giant yellow backpack stuffed with snacks and instant noodles to keep them full. If not, they would need to go out fishing at a river and roast some fish over the bonfire. Despite the many times they would sleep out under the stars, Kagome was not used to it and the surrealism. For 15 years she had been sleeping with a roof over her head and a comfortable spring mattress. Now, she was stuck with a big sleeping bag and the fire to keep her warm. Luckily, it was summer and the cool breeze was a blessing. 
Heaving a sigh, the young priestess stood up and stretched as much as she could, looking around for some peace and quiet from the group. Her and Inuyasha weren’t getting along again and this time she needed a long walk to clear her mind. She could never understand why he got mad at the smallest things, but she just didn’t have the energy to keep up with it. 
"I’m going for a walk. If anything happens, you’ll hear me scream," she teased, smiling a small smile. 
She grabbed her bow and arrows and made her way down a dirt path, making sure she wouldn’t stray too far from the group’s safety. 
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shikon-miko · 9 years
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