shiloh-barks · 2 months
What to do if you suddenly find yourself homeless
Find your nearest food bank or mission, for food
grocery stores with free samples, bakeries + stores with day-old bread
different fast food outlets have cheaper food and will generally let you hang out for a while.
some dollar stores carry food like cans of beans or fruit
Sleeping at beaches during the day is a good way to avoid suspicion and harassment
sleep with your bag strapped to you, so someone can’t steal it
Some churches offer short term residence
Find your nearest homeless shelter
Look for places that are open to the public
A large dumpster near a wall can often be moved so that flipping up the lids creates an angled shelter to stay dry
A membership to the YMCA is usually only 10$, which has a shower, and sometimes laundry machines and lockers.
Public libraries have bathrooms you can use
Dollar stores carry low-end soaps and deodorant etc.
Wet wipes are all purpose and a life saver
Local beaches, go for a quick swim
Some truck stops have showers you can pay for
Staying clean is the best way to prevent disease, and potentially get a job to get back on your feet
Pack 7 pairs of socks/undies, 2 outfits, and one hooded rain jacket
first aid kit
 a travel alarm clock or watch
 mylar emergency blanket
 a backpack is a must
 downgrade your cellphone to a pay as you go with top-up cards
 sleeping bag
 travel kit of toothbrush, hair brush/comb, mirror
 swiss army knife
 can opener
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shiloh-barks · 3 months
im feeling REALLY wolflike. it almost hurts?? i watched white fang again today and i like im a wolfdog but im still not labelling anything. also... as per usual, my connection to austroraptors is waning, like any label i use
white fang is so me. i also have a small list of 'therian' movies/shows i need to watch (wolf's rain, wolfblood i think, wolfwalkers... most of them are about wolves... there are more i just cannot think and im feeling SO wolf rn.)
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shiloh-barks · 3 months
starting to think my identity just sort of fluctuates a fair bit bc today ive just been feeling wolf wolf wolf canine dog wolf dog dog wolfdog woof sort of thing.
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shiloh-barks · 3 months
questioning wolf therian AND YES
Do any other wolf therians get that thing where when you're lonely you have the urge to howl cuz you have to find where your friends are or is that just a me thing
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shiloh-barks · 3 months
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shiloh-barks · 3 months
today's daily shout out goes to therians with non canine/feline theriotypes! we love y'all! <3
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shiloh-barks · 3 months
tumblr users will see the word shrimp and black out and hit reblog without reading the rest of the post
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shiloh-barks · 3 months
omg i do all the time
g. guys. um. y'all ever slip up and call yourself we or us.
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shiloh-barks · 3 months
no wonder i get so shifty when i hear bird calls. like. thats gang. no wonder i love herons and other waterbirds. modern me. thats just the new generation.
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shiloh-barks · 3 months
my face is so short. hrhrhhtggrhr. human faces are so pug faced. no tags because this is dumb
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shiloh-barks · 3 months
wait wh. why does my page still say shiloh shep?? thought i fixed that. hrhrhrh i rlly sucj at tumblr
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shiloh-barks · 3 months
that one time my friends thought i got kidnapped?? by my own dad, too. 😭😭 i was completely unaware of this
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shiloh-barks · 3 months
so heres the CURRENT rundown. I THINK i am an austroraptor therian. thats the main bit. everything else- dragon, shiloh and whatever else ive said was wrong. im keeping my silly username, because i think its cute. also, i think wolf. wolf might be a thing. uhhh but not as much as austro. austros very real i think...
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shiloh-barks · 3 months
idk if this works to add tags. do i care? not really. i just like having all my thoughts here, for me.
okayy... im getting somewhere. ive been reading about some dinosaurs because this is really what i think i might be. i already had suspicions on some, but what i ended up on is sort of a curveball.
my original suspicions were:
dakotaraptor (definitely not my first one, but it was there)
some sort of ceratopsian
a number of hadrosaurs (namely parasaurolophus, but i certainly looked at others)
and spinosaurus???
well, it was none of those. it was similar to two of those, though! (im still not certain). in ways, the dinosaur i ended up landing on as probably being a theriotype is austroraptor (similar to spino and dakota, for those unsure).
i had my eyes on austroraptor, but i wasnt sure if it was just because i really like it or what. however, i could make PAGES of traits that have led me to this. everything that i thought about my dragon kintype (which i dont think was right at all...) was actually just... austroraptor 😭😭. long, slim snout - austro. diet of fish (vivid memory of eating a large fish) - austro. feathers and fuzz - austro. you see the pattern? theres more, but i wont.
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shiloh-barks · 3 months
forgot to tag this. lmfao
okayy... im getting somewhere. ive been reading about some dinosaurs because this is really what i think i might be. i already had suspicions on some, but what i ended up on is sort of a curveball.
my original suspicions were:
dakotaraptor (definitely not my first one, but it was there)
some sort of ceratopsian
a number of hadrosaurs (namely parasaurolophus, but i certainly looked at others)
and spinosaurus???
well, it was none of those. it was similar to two of those, though! (im still not certain). in ways, the dinosaur i ended up landing on as probably being a theriotype is austroraptor (similar to spino and dakota, for those unsure).
i had my eyes on austroraptor, but i wasnt sure if it was just because i really like it or what. however, i could make PAGES of traits that have led me to this. everything that i thought about my dragon kintype (which i dont think was right at all...) was actually just... austroraptor 😭😭. long, slim snout - austro. diet of fish (vivid memory of eating a large fish) - austro. feathers and fuzz - austro. you see the pattern? theres more, but i wont.
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shiloh-barks · 3 months
okayy... im getting somewhere. ive been reading about some dinosaurs because this is really what i think i might be. i already had suspicions on some, but what i ended up on is sort of a curveball.
my original suspicions were:
dakotaraptor (definitely not my first one, but it was there)
some sort of ceratopsian
a number of hadrosaurs (namely parasaurolophus, but i certainly looked at others)
and spinosaurus???
well, it was none of those. it was similar to two of those, though! (im still not certain). in ways, the dinosaur i ended up landing on as probably being a theriotype is austroraptor (similar to spino and dakota, for those unsure).
i had my eyes on austroraptor, but i wasnt sure if it was just because i really like it or what. however, i could make PAGES of traits that have led me to this. everything that i thought about my dragon kintype (which i dont think was right at all...) was actually just... austroraptor 😭😭. long, slim snout - austro. diet of fish (vivid memory of eating a large fish) - austro. feathers and fuzz - austro. you see the pattern? theres more, but i wont.
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shiloh-barks · 3 months
im so scared of being wrong. i just want to know what i am. the worst part is theres a chance im just human?? okay. nevermind. typing that out, like, was difficult lmao. so, if not human.. what?? like. its so annoying.
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