shimonprimo-blog · 9 years
"You don't?" he can name like, five, right off the top of his head- You may or may not be one of them. "Most of the time you can't just see them though- Except for... Xanxus was his name? He's clearly dangerous"
There is no two ways about it.
"Mm... Who are you, anyway?"
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“There’s certainly an influx of dangerous people lately…”
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“Hm~? I can’t see any dangerous people~!~♪”
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shimonprimo-blog · 9 years
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“There’s certainly an influx of dangerous people lately...”
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shimonprimo-blog · 9 years
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“I knew I saw a familiar name on the board” Cozart would play dumb right now, he knew Spade had no idea that he had already figured out his plan from before they got here- and even then he could be pulled from a completely different time line...
Getting a look at him told him a lot though, the complete and utter rage was like an aura that surrounded him, even if he tried to hide it. “Haven’t seen you in a while, how are things going?” still Cozart was going to act casual, walking up with a friendly wave.
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shimonprimo-blog · 9 years
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Oh- well, he had no issues with addressing someone, but he currently had a straw in his mouth and a very delicious orange juice flowing through it. Saguru held up a hand for a moment, finishing his suck before he lowered it and gave a hum of thought.
“Naoto-kun is in charge of recruitment, however I can take your details and refer you to her?” Usually he left that matter to her, but she had been growing a little desperate lately… she would be delighted to know someone showed interested.
Cozart had no problem waiting a few moments, simply smiling as he waited for him to reply- kun was a suffix used by the Japanese right? Unfortunately he knew way to little about the culture to figure out how to reply so he’d stick to the mannerisms he knew well.
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“Is that so? Well my name is Cozart Shimon, I live in apartment 305″ he almost wanted to mention Shiori and warn him, but it’s not like they’d actually show up there, right? “I used to run a vigilante group in Italy against criminals, so I figured I’d have more than enough experience for this”
A small pause, glancing at his drink “... Amazing, things have changed so much you can just get drinks in little packages now- Ah, what’s your name, by the way?”
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shimonprimo-blog · 9 years
“Hey there!” Seems he had perfect timing. He had meant to come check out the SPF after hearing it was the island current police force, and it seems he had arrived just in time to catch someone as they were leaving
“If possible, could I have a moment of your time, sir? I’d like to ask about joining or possibly just helping.”
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shimonprimo-blog · 9 years
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Seth here, bringing you another round of memes fresh from the meme farm! This list’s theme is fluffy family feelings, with a gratuitous amount of magic anons and death! Wait, what do you mean these are expired and from the meme tag? Ha. I have no idea what you’re talking about. Don’t be ridiculous.
send me a 🚼 and a ship and I’ll describe what I think the child would be like!
Your muse is babysitting a younger version of my muse. Send Ƹ̵̡Ӝ ̵̨̄Ʒ for a starter
dying sentence starters because Cindy hates us all it’s an oldie but goodie
Send me a ” ⍢ ” and my character will explain why they ordered a pizza to be delivered to yours.
Anonymously or not, send “How To Care For” instructions for my muse
domestic/family starter prompts (for your OTP and/or new demons precious children!)
FMK with a twist because what do you mean I’m obsessed with it
Accidental Affection Symbols
send a ✧ for my muses reaction from your muse sneaking into bed with them for warm cuddles and snuggles.
ALTERNATELY, send  ✧ ✧ for my muse’s child (or both!) to snuggle with them instead!
Send me a 💕 and my muse will fill out a love letter form to yours.
Send me ‘OTP’ and I shall random an OTP prompt and write a short thing of it!
Send a ♡ to hear how my character would tell your character that they loved them without actually using the word “love.”
Aaaaand this is getting too long so I’m going to cut it off here. Hey, lucky you guys, there was only one death meme this time.
y o u  w o n ‘ t  b e  s o  l u c k y  n e x t  t i m e
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shimonprimo-blog · 9 years
Interesting. Usually he used to feed the cats whatever fish was left over from the market the day before that they were willing to give him, but it seems ‘kibbles’ were what the pet store suggested, showing him a small box of food he could take out and give the cats for a treat.
And so, he set out to find some cats, he had a liking for all sorts of animals, but when it come down to it, cats were probably one his his favorites... Rabbits were a close second.
Takin a turn down an alley way he spotted a couple of cats, they already seemed to be friendly, for as soon as they spotted Cozart they were walking right over meowing at him-
Not even two seconds later though he felt a bump against his back, pushing the man forward bit and turning around to spot another redhead “Oh, sorry about that, I was just-”
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“.... Bhahaha!” he started to laugh, smiling as he glanced the shorter male over “I feel like I’m looking in a mirror-” wait “Huh...” sorry, he’s just going to wave his hand in Enma’s general direction, hitting his shoulder with the side of his hand before squinting a bit, he doubted this was an illusion, the clothes were all wrong for a prank anyway.
Okay, he’s speechless, what is this.
0 notes
shimonprimo-blog · 9 years
A strict one he was. Joshua shrugged at it “Aww, but playing by the rules is so boring” he slumped his shoulders a bit, before walking closer and petting the baby goat who was near Cozart as it was more safe to be so. “Grown-up’s are strict aren’t they, little guy?” he bent lower to the baby, while pretending to pout at the adult with him
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“But how ready he looked..” he lamented to annoy the other, the goat was clearly in better hands with the Shimon and his careful methods of warming up the goat for catching the frisbee. He laughed as he mentally grumbled seeing the two get along better. It was his way of saying ‘alright, we’re doing things your way’ because naturally he won’t admit it “But if we lose, you’re assuming direct responsibility, dear partner~”
Strict isn’t exactly how anyone would explain Cozart. He’s just a commander, he knows how things need to work and will come up with the best strategy to deal with the task at hand.
Don’t doubt for a moment he hasn’t come up with a plan for this. 
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“Call me strict if you’d like, but this should be won fairly” crouching down as the goat came back with the Frisbee he couldn’t help but laugh. It was like a little puppy, what a cute goat. “That’s fine, it’s a leader job to assume the responsibility of those who follow them and to take the repercussion of the groups actions”
Taking the Frisbee he gave it another toss, a little high this time and the goat was more than happy to go chase after it once more. “You must not do a lot of running?”
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shimonprimo-blog · 9 years
Giotto too, had kept his promise with not touching Shiori’s snacks, since they were rightfully hers and he would never think about stealing them. He made sure that his snacks were away from hers, and that he would know exactly what she had – by observing of course – in case he picked something up on accident.
When he saw the other smile, and heard the words that Cozart spoke to him, Giotto couldn’t help but smile back to him. His words were ever so kind, and they always seemed to get his heart to flutter in the right way. The red-head was always so good to him as a friend, but Giotto did all he could to be a good one to Cozart too. This was proven many of times in the past.
A small laugh escaped him when he heard the other do so. It was a contagious one coming from Cozart, that’s for sure!
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“As will I with you. There is no task too big for me to drop if it were to be with you.” He paused for a moment before speaking again. “I simply wished to spend some time with you. I feel that we haven’t done so in a good while and it would be rather nice to catch up, would it not?”
It was... Always a good feeling, knowing someone had your back. It was true for the both of them, if one was in the trouble they’d always send some kind of help, no matter what.
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“Has it been that long...?” well, before they got to the island... Cozart held up a hand and starting to count on his fingers “Ah, I suppose it has been a few months since your last letter even” heading for the door he gave a nod, leaning up against the wall to get his shoes on
“Shiori! We’re leaving, we’ll be back around 4″ The redhead called out, before smiling to Giotto. “Agreed, lets go for a walk and catch up”
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shimonprimo-blog · 9 years
Alright, this one sounded a bit easy, Throwing a Frisbee and making sure your baby goat catches it, and once again its a partnership thing
His partner either looked confused or he just had it in the bag. He seemed to know what they are doing, and it was pretty neat
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“Cozart, right?” He addressed the other “Watch how the goat ascends into the heavens” he threw the frisbee pretty lightly, but because of his ethereal power, it started off pretty low then ascended higher but slowly into the air
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“Ascends the heaven, huh?” the problem being Cozart still had said goat on a leash, so that freesbie wasn’t going to be caught any time soon. “Please don’t cheat, I’m refraining from using my powers, and so should you” thing syou throw do NOT work like that, buddy.
Grabbing another freesbie he bent down to let the little goat off it’s leash ( don’t want to lose it after all) and show it the toy “Want to play, little one?” with a little wiggle of the freesbie and a happy bleat from the goat he tossed the object lightly, letting the kid chase after it “We should also allow the kid to warm up, it’s important.”
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shimonprimo-blog · 9 years
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shimonprimo-blog · 9 years
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“I just got here and there’s already trouble...” he wasn’t really surprised though, it was like this no matter where you went
Perhaps... This was quite an extreme.
“Aren’t we supposed to be having fun on the beach...”
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shimonprimo-blog · 9 years
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shimonprimo-blog · 9 years
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shimonprimo-blog · 9 years
Currently? He was keeping true to their promise. They would not touch any of Shiori’s snack and was in fact splitting up the cupboards. Her stuff was to one side, even labeled with her name.
Setting the last box into place he turned around with a smile, dusting off his hands “Just finished, not that it would matter, either it just be getting the chance to chat or join your side in battle I’d drop whatever I was doing” Cozart admitted with a small laugh “What is it, Giotto?”
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He was rooming with the red-head already, but seeing as the other roommate was around, Giotto hardly had time to spend alone with him, so he decided to make time to do so. It was rather hard not being able to speak with someone who you thought so much of.
“Cozart, my friend. Are you busy?”
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His golden eyes fell upon the other as he spoke to the male, curious as to what was going to happen at the moment. He hoped that he answered with a ‘no’, because alone time with Cozart sounded like the best time to spend his day right now.
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shimonprimo-blog · 9 years
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shimonprimo-blog · 9 years
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grandpa does not know what the heckie is that personal space
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