shina26 · 2 months
And I sometimes,
just want to vanish
amidst those woods my eyes found peace in
in those hills where I climbed upon horses
in those scenic views of sunset in a different city
in every possible way that doesn't tell me what not to do
in those places where I've been, where I can live as per my wishes
think, act, dress, eat, sleep, work as per my own will
a place where none could reach, where I do just what makes me feel...the HAPPIEST
© Shina
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shina26 · 3 months
That urge to drown all into myself with no time to spare even to look at how I'm looking today is getting wilder with each breath I take
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shina26 · 5 months
Amidst all things dark, weary, scary and worthless, having HIM by my side is the best gift I can ever own in life. The way he will be there to be my savior each time I'm lost, to walk with me even in the rain, to be my resting space when life seems pretty down, to be the one who never fails to be that person who is ready to hold my hand no matter how the situation is. HE out of all is my umbrella in my rains, the shade in my summers, the cosy blanket in my winters, the soft wind of my parched autumns and everything one wishes to have in that one person you lost your heart to...
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shina26 · 1 year
October smells like the night jasmines blooming in the dark, and withering with the sun burning in the morning. The flowers lay parched on the cemented floors and slowly disappear into nothing.
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shina26 · 1 year
Like the soft breeze playing with your hair,
Like the sky painted with a million colours at sunset
Like the wind playing with the autumn parched leaves hanging onto the branches even if they died
Like the starlit night view that cuddles you to sleep
Like soft touches left on your skin by that person you know who gives you butterflies
Like a soft melody that pulls you to dreamland
That's the sound of music he feeds my ears and heart with
© Shina Kashyap
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shina26 · 1 year
Did I tell you, how you have helped me find myself in a chaos created all by myself, and took me to a home where you and me found each other's broken pieces...
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shina26 · 1 year
To be (dis)continued...
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shina26 · 1 year
Sometimes the weather of my heart feels too rough to withstand. It turns grey and the more the greys starts to grow I hope it will rain, but the inability to shed tears infront of others and even in the brightness of the day refrains me from doing so. It's supposed to be clear after it rains right? But it feels like sometimes tears deny to flow and that's when you feel the heaviness in your heart. It takes the form of something you cannot pin point but at some point of time it starts to grow, and before it grows and consumes you whole let it flow. I choose it to flow in my words if not in tears.
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shina26 · 2 years
Remembrance is weird. You remember the things you wish to forget, to avoid the pain that comes our way. I wish to forget that cold winter January evening. The sadness and cries that the air of that evening brings along with itself. I wish I could go back, to the days before that specific day happened and never come back again any day.
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shina26 · 2 years
I wonder if my path is right,
The world throws their judgements, telling me how my decisions won't take me anywhere
They make me believe how I'm doing a mistake by not following something the other's did
However, what should I answer when I know that's not something I seek for
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shina26 · 2 years
The urge to sweep off with the wind, away from the horrendous muses that keeps you awake late at night, the annoyance that doesn't let you stay calm even if you try your hardest, the frustrations which doesn't seem to leave you even if you know how it just adds to your stress, life is this way, complicated, messy with sealed in frustrations you can't seem to mend
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shina26 · 3 years
The lights switched off,
The music sinking into my system
The wind slowly rustling in, swaying the open pages of my journal,
Time was passing by, and I was static being in the puddle of solitude which seems the cosiest now...
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shina26 · 3 years
"And I hate to admit, each time I look at your old scar it reminds me of how I wasn't your first"
"Don't worry, because I will make this my last, YOU will be the end for me"
"Because after you came in, you have the keys as you locked it and walked right into through that only door"
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shina26 · 3 years
There is a thing about cutting people out. It doesn't happen within a single night, nor in a single moment of change. It starts with departing from them bit by bit. Some because of time, some because of situations and some because you cannot let yourself be into it anymore. That's how things happen, life changes and in just a blink of an eye the night changes with new additions and subtractions.
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shina26 · 3 years
Comfort (n): A solace where pain ends and all that remains is a state of relaxation, for me it's either the person who confesses to me each morning, and the band whose music uplifts me in the best way ever. It can be a simple talk with your favourite person, a little confession with the voice that tends to calm your nerves. The music that you can play on shuffle from the band which you know sends you positivity even if you have never met them in person. The little things in between and also the things which neither need words nor expressions. Some things just seem to fit into the definition of comfort and YOU and EXO are one of those two things.
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shina26 · 3 years
And even if the day passes by, time changes into days and months to years, and no matter how hard I convince myself how this is going to be easy it's not fine for you have taken a part of me, damaged it and even after all this time I still keep you like the cherished posession
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shina26 · 3 years
Loneliness is like that old lost friend, whom you lost thanks to a million other strangers. You hoped and may be was certain that they will stay, why not when they were creating the best chapters in your script. Its only after you are sinking into that same old darkness that loneliness seeks for you. It takes your hand and reminds you of how it will stay. If we see the other way round, isn't it the most loyal ally people try searching for all their life??
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