shingeki-no-virus · 11 years
Can I reserve for Eren Jaeger please?
Yes you certainly can~
-Mod Angela
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shingeki-no-virus · 11 years
May I reserve Jean? :)
Yes, of coarse! :>
-Mod Angela
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shingeki-no-virus · 11 years
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Our RP is based on post-apocalyptic times where a virus has been leaked for the second time, but has spread a lot faster.
This RP has just opened a few days ago, with several characters up for grabs! If you want to know more about the storyline, please visit our blog.
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shingeki-no-virus · 11 years
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Our RP is based on post-apocalyptic times where a virus has been leaked for the second time, but has spread a lot faster.
This RP has just opened a few days ago, with several characters up for grabs! If you want to know more about the storyline, please visit our blog.
[The characters with red X's are the taken ones!] 
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shingeki-no-virus · 11 years
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Name; Eleanor Age; 14 Tumblr URL; the-amazing-eren-jaeger Character; Armin Arlert History;
The virus had changed Armin’s life. He grew up at home with his parents and his grandfather, and they lived a happy, peaceful life, but everything changed when the virus seeped into the crevices of his parent’s skin and turned them into monsters. Armin was very small when it had happened, and he didn’t remember much. But on some late nights when Armin couldn’t sleep and his grandfather was in the mood, he told him the skin crawling story of how the virus had taken control of his parents and mutilated their bodies.
"Your dad caught it first." his grandfather began, taking a puff on a cigar. He blew wispy smoke out of his mouth and continued on, his voice growing rough with emotion. "At first it seemed like it was nothing, just a small case of the common cold. They had a regular congested nose and a sore throat. Then, in the next stage, they changed. They started to forget who they were or where they were at times, and their normally brilliant minds gave waste to the powerful disease. Their eyes were now permanently red and bloodshot, and they seemed to have lost control of their own bodies." Armin’s grandfather paused to take a big breath of cigar smoke and Armin, now horrible intrigued by the story, pleaded,"Go on, grandpa!"
"Ah yes, now where was I? They lost control of their own bodies. They constantly pulled out their hair and ripped at their own flesh, and they moaned about their hunger for flesh. At this stage, I did a foolish thing and called a doctor. He told us to move out, that it would be for the best, and turns out he was right. They only ever found his bloodstained clothes torn and draped throughout the house. After they murdered the doctor, they deserted the house completely, running out into the night and leaving the doors flapping in the breeze."
"I never saw them again, but I heard from the ones they managed to quarantine, they were monsters born from Hell. They knew nothing of human emotion, just kill and eat. Many began eating themselves. I never saw your parents again, for I have never seen one of the creatures in complete transformation myself. Whenever you remember your parents, do not remember them as horrible creatures destroyed by a virus, but remember them as the kind loving people who took care of you right until the very end. Well." Armin’s grandfather sat up quickly, his eyes shining with emotion. "That’s enough for one night." He grasped Armin’s hand and led him up the hall to his bedroom. Armin was trembling, whether from emotion or fright, he didn’t know. He was placed softly in his bed by his grandfather, kissed on the forehead, and the door was closed with nothiing more than a simple,"goodnight."
His grandfather caught the disease the next day.
Armin lay awake on a dirty sheet on the floor of an abandoned building in a deserted town. Now that he had no home to go to, now that all of his living relations were dead, he could do nothing but flee for his life and evade the virus until finally caught up with him and destroyed his body like it had to so many others. He tossed and turned on his sheet, until he was no longer able to lay on the sheet staring up at the blood spattered roof and into the darkness. He stood and brushed off his back, feeling grime running beneath his fingers from clothes that hadn’t been washed in weeks. 
He walked to the window and leaned his elbows against the frame, looking out into the deserted village. He knew he shouldn’t be standing in plain sight, because if one of the creatures were to see him and come after him, he’d be trapped. But the more he thought about it, the more he realized that he didn’t care. If he wasn’t able to enjoy the view from a window anymore, then what was there to live for? As he thought of all this, his grandfather’s words from the last night he’d been healthy drifted into his mind, and the voice of his grandfather echoed in his mind as though he was standing right next to him. 
 Whenever you remember your parents, do not remember them as horrible creatures destroyed by a virus, but remember them as the kind loving people who took care of you right until the very end.
How could he remember his parents as kind, loving people after he had heard that story? He curled his hands into a fist, and in the shards of glass in the window, he could see his reflection staring out at him. Surely those gaunt, terrified eyes weren’t his? Or that pale, frightened face? He let out a breath he hadn’t even realized he had been holding and stared back at his own eyes. The more he stared at them, the more he came to terms with himself and knew that those were his eyes. He was just a scared, frightened 15 year old boy with no allies. The world was his enemy.
He blinked back tears and wondered where his only other childhood friends, Eren and Mikasa, were. Maybe they had succumbed to the virus. He squeezed his eyes shut and tears leaked out. No. That couldn’t have happened. “No.” he said, his voice raspy from lack of use. Suddenly he heard creaking on the stairs. He cursed himself. He hadn’t been watching and  one of them had snuck up on him. He picked up a wooden baseball bat, which wasn’t much compared to their teeth. His knees trembled as it dawned on him that he was about to fight one of the creatures. He had never fought one before; now he would find out if he was any good or not.
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shingeki-no-virus · 11 years
Armin Arlert - R o l e C l o s e d
Our Armin has sent in a wonderful application, and we're looking forward to the addition of another role player. Don't hesitate to reserve a character! We'll add the link for our Armin's blog up as soon as we can.  -Mod Rowan
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shingeki-no-virus · 11 years
how far apart are the first epidemic and the second one?
The first and second epidemic are approximately 10 years apart.
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shingeki-no-virus · 11 years
Armin Arlert - R e s e r v e d
Anyone who wishes to apply for Armin Arlert as 24 hours to do so. Please e-mail the application as well as submitting it, just in case something goes wrong. -Mod Rowan
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shingeki-no-virus · 11 years
Can I reserve Armin?
Of course! You have 24 hours to send in an application. Don't forget to e-mail it to us as well, just in case it doesn't go through! Thank you for reserving!! -Mod Rowan
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shingeki-no-virus · 11 years
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Our RP is based on post-apocalyptic times where a virus has been leaked for the second time, but has spread a lot faster.
This RP has just opened today, with several characters up for grabs! If you want to know more about the storyline, please visit our blog.  
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shingeki-no-virus · 11 years
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Name; Rowan Age; 15 Tumblr URL; nixukinesis.tumblr.com Character; Christa Renz History; When Historia was a young girl, she lived with her family. It was happy enough, until she got into her teenage years. All her life, Hisotria felt as if she was being targeted by her family, which was one of wealth and power. When she got old enough to realize this, she got a bit worried, and decided to run away. Of course, this was no more than a few months before the Crow Virus began to… Re-take over After running away, she changed her name to that of Christa Renz, and met a few people she’d managed to grow close to, most considerably being Ymir. They’ve spent much of their time together, and Christa would do anything for her - even die. After all, she always wanted a heroic death. Sample; 
A small pink tongue poked out from similarly pink lips, eyebrows pulled together in concentration as blonde locks framed her delicate features. Here hand was moving quickly across the parchment she’d found, a piece of charcoal being her drawing utensil. The light in which she worked was rather dim, casting shadows along the walls of the make-shift home. Sure, the floorboards creaked, and yeah the walls let in drafts, the ceiling leaked sometimes, but it was home.
Setting down the black rock, she wiped her hands on her pants, which were already dirtied from previous drawing occasions. Christa stood up from her seat on the floor, picking up the paper as well, holding it up to the candle burning on her left side, illuminating the small area. Her shirt was wrinkled a little bit, a small portion of her stomach showing due to the risen fabric. She hardly took note of the footsteps behind her until the other was no more than two feet away.
Without even having to look up from her picture, she grins. “Ymir. What are you doing up so late? Shouldn’t you be sleeping?” Christa accuses, turning around to face the taller girl, a light pink color on her porcelain colored cheeks as she spoke. “I didn’t mean to wake you, if I did… How about we stay up a little bit longer together? Just a little while.” She sets down the paper near the flame before extinguishing it. Seeing as Ymir had turned on some of the lights in the hallway, she no longer needed the melting wax.
Ymir really did bring a lot of comfort into Christa’s life, and she was thankful for the other each and every day. It really was a shame that the Crow Virus had broken out when it did, or else they could have lived a normal life. Normal girls, doing normal things. Instead, they had to fight for their lives. A slight chuckle was audible as she thought about that. Such a shame.
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shingeki-no-virus · 11 years
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Name; Angela Age; 14 Tumblr URL; mikasadere.tumblr.com Character; Ymir History; When Ymir was a child, her father was a scientist who worked with a variety of dangerous chemicals. Ymir was around 10 years old when he decided to use her to test on. She was up for the idea, though a little nervous. Her father explained everything about it, and what it was supposed to do. [It was supposed to make you immune to any type of sickness related to the flu, and the flu itself]. After a long while preparing, and explaining the shot, he finally used it on her. That's when the plague broke out for the first time. Many of the scientists Ymir's father was working on this "flu" shot with, had taken some and given it to their loved ones, just as he did. It was illegal, and they were forbidden to do it, but they did anyway. The result being a terrible plague. Ymir's memory was wiped after a week from being shot with the flu needle. She was taken in by strangers she didn't know. Ymir no longer knew who her parents were, or what her life was like before the plague. She didn't even know she was the first victim, and still doesn't to this day. She could be at Stage 1 right now, but she has no idea. Especially no idea how long she's been ill with the Crow. When Ymir turned 16, she moved out of her house full of strangers she'd never really gotten used to, and met a group of people she quickly grew friendships with. One of which, she was closer with than most. [Christa]
Ymir's long legs dangled over the edge of the rooftop of the building they'd recently moved into. The group seemed to move a lot, considering staying in one place for too long was dangerous. She let out a long sigh as she thought about how disappointing the world had come. The only sight she could ever enjoy was from the rooftop. You had to ignore the screams and moans from the streets below, but once you did, it was pure beauty. The sun would seem to be shaped as a hemisphere from the line of buildings ahead. The sky above it would fade into a dark blue, with splashes of pink, and orange. Having Christa beside her made the view just that much better.
"Hey, look! A bird!" Christa smiled with enthusiasm, something no one really saw much in anyone anymore, as she pointed to a black bird that was perched on an overhead cable. Ymir's eyes followed Christa's skinny, pale fingers to the bird.
"Oh. Is that a crow?" Ymir's low voice asked, as she kept her gaze on the black bird. She squinted her eyes a little, examining it closely. "I think it is," Christa responded, her soft voice making Ymir's stomach fill with butterflies. Her cheeks soon turned that of a rose colour.
"That's odd," Ymir stated, almost laughing a little. Both Christa and Ymir knew what she meant. Christa then letting out a cute giggle, making Ymir join in. Ymir felt kind of crazy. Laughing on a day like this? Where people were eating each other below their very feet? I might as well enjoy this as it lasts, Ymir thought to herself, smiling at Christa whom was staring at the crow.
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